Ol’ Joséphine-Monroe-Krispy Cream

d.A.R.E. you go again, Marjolena… Squeezing a tear onto my frozen cheeks.

Jabón del Perro Agradecido de Laboratorios Camacho en la calle Stanton de El Paso, Texas, presents it’s new line of products for the, and Eye quotes, “And, So This is Christmas, », Imagine THat, Rosalynn, bad rock and roll on The Plastic Ono “master slave husband wife”, any how, never mind Xochimilco, I am going to cross you over through Venice, not California, but the one from Off-n-bach.


With a love like THat, you know you-should-be glad,
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

She Loves You

Master Slave Husband Wife meets Man Bear Pig

Deer, Lorde, as probably the first American captive³ in France, I must say, and I’ll quote, “Goddamn!!! », I have seen French bashing before, but let Mí tell Ewe, mister Rosecrans Baldwin, I have never seen it full-frontal and with a hole on the dough, it’s trou 🕳️.

Republicans revive the Monroe Doctrine in the US Congress, meanwhile in Tennessee, a fútbol anglosajón coach is working overtime to undermine the stick behind the carrot and Southern charm.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah… Yeah.


And, mister Macron, do you believe in typos, are you a grammar Nazi, do you, Sir, enjoy dangling participles and false friends in interpretation? If you do, will you be waiting in line with former New Jersey Governor, Kris Krispy under Le Canopée newspaper rack on 6 December?

³~. Art. R-776 (Comedia d’Enredos) and other assorted conflicts of interests at the Préfecture de Police.

Öüï now returns, to The Jesuit-run Saint Mary’s Military Academy in Tokyo 🗼🍩

Fuck yoU, Nancy Reagan… and your actor president Aussi³!

COTEJADO… Bootes Boötis Bisous Barber 💋.


³~. Sincerely, Rock Hudson at The American Hospital in Levallois, Île-de-Pécresse.

Say no to The Regan* legacy… I’m Sirius and happy New 🌑 Moon, fuckers.


*~. Sorry if Eye misspelt your fucking National Airport’s nomenclature.

Any how, this is The War On Peace Report… now with Mexican Fentanyl de la china poblana de BOTZARIS, FRANCIA. And what better color than the very color that represents a certain shade of Pink, and that shade of course is R 228, G 0, B 124, “hot pink” or simply, Mexican Pink. Issy, G.L.O.R.I.A. this segment is narrated by La Barbie.

Now, if you are just joining the:

Time delay between apps, recalibration follows.

מלחמת בזק

please be advised that the maker of this most non-consequential blog do(es) (k)not select the Events of the day, nor the quick snapshots by those who for better or worse made history today. Por ejemplo, Field Marshall Carlin agrees, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Blitzkrieg into Poland… wait, (k)not Poland, but a place called Gaza is making Field Marshall Rommel cringe.

With that out of the way, just a mere few hours after Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obra d’Or, condecorated General Cienfuegos (Kike’s secretary of national defense), don AMLO celebrated Nancy Reagan’s war on “niggers” and “spics” in the United States of the 1980’s by committing the Mexican Army to intensify the fight against “CRACK COCAINE”, after one of his unmistakable soapbox deliveries at the crack of dawn, no pun intended.

72 virgins eh? I told you, “yo no busco, —encuentro.”

The Thyme Warp factor, pay no attention to magnetic North in these frame, it’s only the space 🌌 that bends when real time gets synched with planet Earth, i’m Sirius but don’t take my Word for, IT!, pediod!

So, if you are wondering why Rosa Mexicano instead of Rosa Mexicana, well that would be on account of the 60th Anniversary 🕯️ of La Vie En Rose, of course, and besides it’s tonight’s homework on The Telerama, and it’s a very Chomski thing to print.

🏜️ 🦊

Beautiful Loser… 🏜️ 🦊, he was General George C. Scott’s “Pancho Villa” at the Octoberfest of 1944 in North Africa of all places, best Nazi ever, so much so that he’s become the exception to the Godwin Rules of combat. A mere 15 years later, (una quinceañera, pues) in 1959 a beloved actor who once played the role of Robin Hood, but with a Third Reich accent, died without ever facing a firing squad for spying for the Nazies and for trafficking weapons of war out of the Port of Veracruz and over to Vigo, Spain

Unlike other Robin Hoods… I can speak with a dejo republicano.


Looking back at Ronnie Wood, yes, that Ron, it takes a special “hoodlum” to pull a Donald John Trump on behalf of the Falange and use, Paris, no less, and probably with the aid of their future MINISTER of Culture, monsieur Malraux, to promote a cheesy Hollywood film.

Fo’ Fiddy Cent… Is it still Mexican Cinéma³ They today?

O.K. Compu°ta°Dora


“O como dicen los franceses³”

But first, preliminary pôles Relay that David French is really, —Dutch… ⚾ let’s play Hardball. David grew Belge, but he was really a reject from the LUX, in that unholy triad, The BeNeLux. Fucker thinks that Le Mans is in Normandy.

³~. El Alternativo con Jorge Sal°daña

Objects in mirror are closer than a VAGOS rearview mirror.


³~. Roger that, for the next 55 minutes in Panamæ time… and then it’s “Hail, hail rock and roll”, motherfuckers!

After midnite’…

Don’t fo’get Colorado ⛷️


Money for nothing and your FRENCH RSA for “la Gloire de Marianne”. It all makes sense now, Mr. Hollande, I get it. Why not bring the entire CDMX to Saint-Germain-des-Prés? Yes, it’s been done before, but I am not going back to la ñ institute.

https ://mallorcainforma .com /2023/08/16 /prision-para-seis-jovenes-detenidos-por-una-agresion-sexual-grupal-a-una-joven-en-un-hotel-de-magaluf/

In local news, The Spanish government unjustly incarcerated 6 fine-French-fellows 6 from the Charolais and Limousine cattle farms. “la manada”, as the local newspaper in Palma de Mallorca refers to the 6 fine-French-fellows 6 , was sequestered by civil guard goons after a “snitch” at a local hotel called law enforcement officials to see about a British espontánea that was blaring a Nirvana song in the middle of the streets of MAGAluf.  

Dogs and Cats living together! Mr. Mayor, it’s the end of the world, “who Ewe gonna’ call? Casper the friendly fucking ghost? Good luck with that slime.

Sources close to la rue Gabriel y Champs Elysées relay that the man at la rue Honoré en Le Elysée is already making reservations at Le Meurice in Tuileries. FLORENCE Cassez is already drafting a battery of Public Funds grants to shoot a documentary about the ordeal of the 6 fine-French-fellows 6 from the Charolais and Limousine departments from France. Juanito Belmont is busy scoring the soundtrack, along with Max Guitar, and SoFy Velasco is AI-ing the script of esa corrida in Spain. 


⚽ 💃🏿 vS 💂🏻‍♀️ ⚽

⬇️🎤… Thanks Obama.


Pago en especie:

with musical guest, Tropicalísimo Apache y su éxito del año del caldo en La Chingada, “La Burlona”, followed by Banda La Pobreza y El Conjunto La Mentira.





Eye quotes:


June, a vieja,

los miraba y se reía.

La comedia de AMLO, “let’s get some breakfast tacos” at Deaf Comedy Propaganda en El Museo del Correo National.

What I mean, Mr. Hollande, is that all that I asked Bruno and his Mexican cinéma brown-shirts (yes, it’s another edition of Godwin’s Law) was to respect the language clause, because there was a REASON for me (as a CCT holder) to not learn your stupid little faggety language. David Zonana 🎺 said it best in cinematography spic…

This work is for Mexicans, and Knot for the followers of Francisco Belmont en 👊 Paris Fréquence Plurielle.


La Gaviota, French édition.


Vacation They.

San Sebastián — Ambassade de La France au Le Mexique

Dear, most-Excmo. Ambassador, Jean-Pierre Asvazadourian:

Several elected LFI take legal action after Robert Ménard’s refusal to marry an Algerian under OQTF³

If his name is MAROUANE, then you know that The Gods Must Be Crazy, mi negro.

[p]ERHAPS, don Juan Pedro, and I (Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto) am just spitballin’ a skinned cat and two perritos that I had for barbacoa in yesterday’s Math Session*, but it sure seems like your Institution’s are starting to notice that your administrators are starting to act like Mexican fonctionnaires, and with you being smacked in the middle of la CDMX you know that it is only matter of THYME before your public servants start to ask for “su mochadas para las sodas”… ask Prof. Johanne Poisson, she cannot let me lie because she is the one who chose this ACT – below ⬇️ back in 2014… Bruno from the 7éme bureau dépôt suggested the solidarity clause after I proposed searching for a Lawyer in California for violations against my human rights and professional retribution from a GOVERNMENT.

— BREAKING in Paris, France:

https ://france3 – regions .francetvinfo .fr /occitanie /herault /beziers /plusieurs-elus-lfi-saisissent-la-justice-apres-le-refus-de-robert-menard-de-marier-un-algerien-sous-oqtf

How CON-venient.


FLORENCE Cassez bestowed with the lighting of the Olympic Torch 🔦… the Event is to coincide with García Luna’s sentencing in Babylon II at a court in Manhattan.

I don’t like Baseball,
I Love It!

Context develops out of an unmarked grave 🪦 The Haunted Mansion is for Barbies, Oppie 🤯. A perfect Trinity by any other ART.



Trinity Pictures presents, a Flyin’ Horse Appart
Oppenheimer’s Hunted Barbie Mansion

https ://www .francetvinfo .fr /faits-divers /police /violences-policieres /policier-ecroue-a-marseille-un-sociologue-du-cnrs-denonce-une-fronde-organisee-a-l-interieur-de-l-etat-alors-que-le-directeur-de-la-police-reclame-sa-liberation _5968973.html

SUBJECT: YOUR new “fourth power³ alongside the executive power, the legislative power and the judicial power.”

And in Austin, Texas… Sessecionist governor and wheelchair enthusiast just signed into law a bill that would count consider a televangelists credentials to count as military service, just like in Iran with the Coran and their so-called “morality police ».


³~. Traditionally, in real democracies, not REPÚBLICAS 🍌 BANANERAS with KANGAROO 🦘 COURTS, the fourth power was a trade (not a profession) called PERIODISMO, néanmoins, Manuel Valls (ancienne Primo Minstrel at Matignon) sent that power the Way of Tyrone and Erroll Flynn 🏹

Tangas or G-string? Which one is it, Mme. Macron?

It was bound to happen, following the sexual harassment law suit coverage of former White House resident, Donald John Trump in the Manhattan Burrough of New York City, New York, KATIE PHANGS moved to Paris, where she is now in the process of selling sketches for the mock trial tribunals de La Sorbonne. It’s like The American BAR, except that instead of Bud Light™ the esquires drink mimosas for breakfast.


You know, Jacqueline Ale-many, they* say that playing shrink to heads of state is the fastest way of getting old, Romanian dermatologistes-es advice that if listening to peoples problems is your thing, then the shrink doctorate candidate should veer into onto the comedy track, clowns and drug addicts keep them “patas de gallo³” away.

³~. Crow-es feet.
Remember Jacqueline Ale-many, always remember that Australia, Australia is in-deed the enemy!

Öüï tried to warn Jackie, but the Dough is just too sweet! BEHOLD what a ten-hour shift does to a head of state shrink, BEHOLD! JACQUELINE turned into Mic Jagger, at thi$$$ rate, Jackie is going to end up looking like The Fed’s Wife, Madame Andrea Mitchell.


For comparative purposes, just look at Jennifer Palmieri boobs on The Circus, sources close to John Heileman say that “Jenni” was the muse behind NOFX’s “New Boobs” in the sand, 36D or something like that.

Any how, Mme. Macron, how about that fucking chef, eh? Who would have thought that Putin’s chef was a fan of Burton (not that one, Summers), Anastasia pulling theet 🎻…

Cursos de civilización francesa con Jorge Saldaña
y jabón del perro de agradecido presentan:

En contexto, jump to mañana, no se vaya, El Alternativo con “las embajadoras” de Jorge Saldaña los espera en la rue de Fouarre con díagonal de las Trois Portes en La Maub.


de cualquier manera señora Macron, it’s not likely that YVELINES PRIgozhin is ever going to take over Sodexo™️ at MINER PETEs student cafeteria, bar, grill, and table-dance at The University of Texas at El Paso, but that son-of-a-bitch did take over Mali and the Places In BURKINA FASO, that only Sarah Chayes and Susan Powers dare to talk about at the gazebo on la rue GRABIEL next to 🏎️ Checo Perez human resources offices at the F.I.A., PROST, Alain, Prost MADAFAKA 🍻.

Sprechen sie Deutsch?


Hawaiianas, yes, Mme. First Lady, Hawaiianas. Why Hawaiianas, you might ask… because after six years of pointing out the ⏳ reciprocal ⌛ difference in the sand clock of Time Zones (12 hours-each)* the Paris Septième Art Board just discovered Pineapples and SASHA.

Meanwhile at El Carnal de Las Estrellas 🤩 Los de Molotov, ¡chinguen a su madre!


*~. During European Heure d’été time; however, during the Winter hours, Parisian clocks are in-synch with The Ukraine girls, (Back in the USSR).

⌛~. Go ahead, Roger Pérez, you may use that useless fact on your next vernissage.

Members close to Tele Lois pondered about how Charline will laugh herself to the Sixth Republic in the comfort of her own place.


Bal en plein AIR follows:


Of course, you have to be French to snap a picture and get it published, or you can just do the same things that PUTIN’s chef minions do to the journalists (in France) and SODEXO will give you a suit to wear with your French sponsor at the opening of your gallery, we, ES DECIR, Roger 🇵🇪 / 🇬🇧 Pérez, yo Armando Segovia 🇺🇲 /Armando Serrano 🇲🇽 Prieto lo hé visto en la Pelocula película mexicana: Nuevo Orden. 



CATCH! : Il cannolicchio del mercoledì

For the record, Julie Gayet:

French Propaganda 🍾🍹🧱💩🛫🧏

Please inform the other half of your missionary pose, and I can only assume that the lucky monk for that excercise is that nigga Hollande, that in the next segment, I am going to smack a couple of Nazi Socialist Swastikas on the façade of your Sacré Préfecture de Cité, but that is only to RE-CREATE the décor of those 🧱 walls during the Night of Ayotzinapa (Ayotzinapa para espontáneos) and the morning when agent Bruno (Stéphanie Menou’s supervisor) yanked that little pink faggety Card-de-sejour from my hands. Check the date and the décor outside of the préfecture on that September month. The fact that Talía Olvera was waiting outside of the peasants entrance to that 👮🏻‍♀️ building says a lot, a whole lot about your “communication mill” with the Mexican collaborators of THE CORRUPTION that gave mister JR. the opportunity to crack open a champagne bottle to celebrate his Very French Status 💩 around La Rumorosa and it’s breweries 🍻.

Programming note 🎶
El próximo 🇪🇦 Franco le corresponde a :
Il Duce 🇮🇹… Vo-LA_re Oh—oh.

Champagne in TKT (pronounced, TeCaTe) SOUTENU par Le Gouvernement de JR 🇨🇵, period! And, JAVIER SICILIA, señor poeta, comuníquese a sus allegados de París (Manuel ULLOA 🇲🇽 y sus conectes del Instituto Cervantes 🇪🇦) that not a god-damned thing changed at the U.S. / México border, except for the CV’s of the poets 🧏 who popped open a 🍾 of champagne at Le Gouvernement’s vernissage of Poets’ Fest 2023 à Champs-Elysées, where all i’s are on Ewe, motherfucker 👀.

Check the receipt 🧾

Boletín repetitivo: OSLER AMARO y Abel Salazar de La Cruz andan de vacaciones y por ENÉsima ocasión vuelven a tocar el libro de Perucho Punk en RFPP 106.3. And that, is why I (Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto) changed the Freq’s to Crazy Horse.

Where were Ewe while my guitar gently weeped.

🎶 RATAS, ad infinitum, Hey, Hey, My Mai!

And, just for the record, if Clive Barker is “the spiritual son of Stephen King, then Eye is the ⌨️  ghost-writer 📗 of Richard Bachmann.

Over at La Casa Azul, the Trotsky just had a shot of tequila, and Ronald Reagan brought the limes. Across The Atlantic, at the Lumière Instituti of Actes Sud, (Nº745*) Dick Lester turns the Beatles into The Three Musketeers and RAF Group Captain, Lionel Mandrake, just don’t care.

⛏️ Tus ojos siberianos★ lindos ⚒️🛠️⚒️🛠️


*~. Oh, oh oh Ozempic™… positif,
“Dossier”, pp. 88 – 111, mars 2023:
HELP! The Jenny Craigslist Weightless Club ate all of the Food Stamps from the Diabetic Shelf and out of The Morning After Öüïmen pantiespantry.

https ://www .leparisien .fr /loire-atlantique-44 /deux-religieuses-quittent-nantes-a-cause-de-linsecurite-nous-ne-sommes-pas-des-franciscaines-du-bronx

According to Abel Santa Sala de La Cruz, en la Frequence Vacances Plurielle Paris, la hermana Aghata was HO’id shredding the riff to The Beastie Boys hit, “No Sleep ‘Till Brooklyn”.

People who know, know what a grooved razor shell looks like, without even calling her name.




And nevermind, The Count, I’m the chef. If you have any questions, ask Le Fucking Figaro à la une. In the meantime, Katie Phangs just re-invented the Tie-Dye… Katie was inspired by her favorite excercise position, which of course is the Horizontal one… like Sister AGHATA (formally of Nantes) Katie Phangs is a missionary lover.


Breaking the news: La délice du Ministère est déshabillé

In Hollywood land, it’s The Triumph of The Automatons, starring Denisa Kerschovas 🦎

But first, it’s Phat Basterd’ dans le courtage, check it out:

Write me a postcard – drop me a line …

Mr. Poisson, i don’t select the news, nor the cycles, not even the events. After the break i promise that i will never mention your ShitBag™ again, but in the next 36 hours or so, i will try to explain to you how the little mermaid got into this blog.

And then you can do what French people do.

Glass Onion meets Layers Cake…


And in Palestine, OhHi, Oh… Train Derailment Units are measured in optimism snapshots on the Morning Mika Sho’… The Hace of ♠️’s, la ache es muda.

With this in mind… Mr. Poisson 🐟, the last time you pointed your camera 🤳 at me… your excellency wanted to know what your little princess identification card was doing in my prefecture “sleep-cover” folder 📁 at the Prefecture.


It’s rather really simple, and never mind that from Day One of the French Talents and Skills Visa (Dec. 2010) a certain Nice address that you might know was used as, shall we say, ‘the anchoring’ address to secure A CERTAIN “six-year investigative project” orbiting around, The Year of Mexico in France; Mexicans in France, and/or Mexican corruption in Europe; and the monitoring of a then triple presidential process, which as you might remember in 2012, lined up France (Hollande), U.S. (Obama) and, Them (El P.R.I. in Mexico).

∴ underneath those pillars ∴, I had already cemented a foundation, which in 2017 culminated, or rather coincided with, the announcement of the start of the journalistic and publishing career of one of the main characters in my investigation, and no, Mr. Poisson, it is not Johanne of whom I am referring to, but rather, —Florence Cassez.

Any how…


_ by the time Öüï got to Jurançon (Eye forgot the year) the man and/or∨ woman in charge of Stephanie Menou’s chain-of-command at the préfecture Cité had already sealed my fate for that September day of 2014…

∧ if ∧ only if 

You remember September, love… You would not have been in this picture 🖼️ BUT FOR the fact that it was you who insisted that our correspondence (from me to you, and viceversa) be turned over for review by ‘the reviewing’ authorities at the Dépôt section of the Ministry of The Interior at Cité.


lest you forget, it was also you, love, who insisted that “we” should forget about the first (of several) 60-day notice to appeal the dépôt section’s décision, in lieu of what Bruno³ recommended as a recourse, after his superior offered you an apology in the hallway outside of the dépôt section employee’s doorway.

³~. … hacer un, ¿cómo se DiCheee, cómo se DiCheee? You know, that sort of contract concluded between two physical persons who have reached the age of majority, for the purposes of organizing their life in common.

And finally, Mr. Poisson, there was a time-period between 2012 and 2013, when yours truly, Armando Segovia / Armando Serrano-Prieto, had the means, the opportunity and, the resources, which is not the same as ‘the means’, to move-out and conduct my research outside of your precious Octopus Garden (sort of speak), but you are not going to believe who developed a case of “you can’t move-out, love! There are way to many nymphos at Jour-et-Nuit!”… and isn’t that ironic 😼, my dear Titus?

Haderslev, Denmark. AS3_ From the Vikingos who brought you “The Little Mermaid” and “Only a Fiddler would say that to Neptune », comes the story of Your Cheese ain’t Shit, —en Venezia! It’s TROU 🕳️, ask, “il Capone de la mafia”, it’s right there in them Ombres G tracks from Madrid, if Ewe should need directions ask Burt Lancaster, he knows how to get to Rome from Antony.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki ~ wiki /The_🐧_New_Clothes

🧭 “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is based on a true Folk Tale, the names of las ⚽ putas ⚽ however, have been changed in Order to protect 🇧🇷 Progreso.

∴ ; for the record:

It takes Tú to be in ❣️ Solitaire ♠️… unless youse like “Rainman”.

∧ here is “Y”.

Dora en Allegretto… Kerschovas follows

Meanwhile in ChilangolandiasurBotzaris, los heroicos Pípopes des ButtesFranchutes insist that according to the Ruhle’s of Polite Society, “las quesadillas de La 4ta Transformation”, no llevan queso, puras calabazas, por ser lacias no necesariamente, —LaicAS.

En la oscuridad – The Set Up… after the break it’s Last Week To They. In the barrel, we review last weekend Barra de Programmation en El Cuzco y en “el Mexique ranch” dressing room de GUANAVACOA en Aragón de León y Castilla. And if you think las muertas de Juárez went the way of Freddy Cats, you Sir, get a little VACHE que rit en la Milka del requesón y el Suero de Villa Ahumada-sur-Dune.


Deer, Apolline de Hierbamala, please inform your graphics monkeys and Adeline François that nº 5 is called “QUESILLO” by the farmers who cure it, not OAXACA… considering that MONTEALBAN is the only place French tourists know, Eye thought you cheese makers knew better.

Nº Five

🎶🌬️ You Go To My Head 🧀 like an opened cork of 🥂champagne de Hong Kong.

Hilarity ensues when Dora The Explorer meets Wednesday Add-am-s_ese.

For context, a few weeks ago, Avi Velshi banned a book³, or that bald madafakka read it wrong, Velsho confused this thing called ‘agency’ with un balcón en El Teatro del Pueblo, mais non, ce n’est pas du Shakespeare On The Rocks.

³~. Neale, Hurston, Z. Their Eyes Were Watching God, on VELSHI “Banned B¤ok Club”, aired on 14/01/2023 on the msnbc’s and tagged on this blog, here, period!

Tampoco es una de Cervantes, ni mucho menos… ese señor se burlaba de Campeadores y estoy seguro que de campEaDoras también, because in A Brave New World, Évry intern is a Sancho or a Sancha en Moulineaux.

… and, Katty Kay, did Ewe do Something to your hair?

Glamourous portraits do Ewe Know justice. Love yer’ spectacles 👓

Another One Bites The D.U.S.T. with Juliannie Tatelbaum

🃏 Hey, I’m gonna get you Too!


Smile 🙂 Key word here is A DIET en Inglés y, DIETA en Espagnol… and this Cousin Joseph is our Pilates episode of: Adventures in Anagrams, which the staff titled “Contrology”. Episode One focuses on Fiscal Transformation… ISSY, I’D EAT D.A.T., indeed, S.I.R.E.N.E., in–deed.

In Local news, según El Mundo de Le Monde, mientras los EEUU se desgarran las prendas para retirar la SUBVENCIÓN de equipo y herramientas de GUERRA a departamentos de policía en los Estados Unidos de América, La France is looking into the SUPER RICH (portfolios) to strengthen the social fabric of Marianne.

publicidad no solicitada for
The Rachel Maddow Show:

As read on “the front page of the Internet,” a.k.a., reddit (point) com/r

In Case you missed, IT!

In Case you missed, IT! .::. 7485C04D-91D2-4C56-A061-97A34EA9604A 🗓 yy-ddd* = 20163 ⏳, and you can thank Donald John Trump for the shift in calendars, for the record, IT!, happened when POTUS 45 order the 82nd Airborne from The School of The Americas (Ft. Benning, GA) to cross the Potomac… or something like D.A.T. —_•!•_— As for the “Arts & Entertainment” chain of events that lead The Nation to have a moment of reckoning with it’s its violent past, the vast archives of Reality TV in the vaults of FOX and A&E, will now become prospective evidence on how to KNOT play “policias y ladrones” on national SYNDICATED entertainment Chains… back to you Alice.

Le journalisme est une science humaine, c’est pourquoi nous apprenons à reconnaître nos erreurs

… dédié au personnel de l’ambassade du Mexique en France, et aux bonnes personnes du groupe des 6ème et 7èmes dêpot à la préfecture de Cité (bureau).


Of course, Susana Puveda, tienes que tomar ese calendario ROMANO con un granito de SAL, or as Julius César told Vercingetorix: CAVEAT EMPTOR, « if you break it, You Buy IT! ».

9 minutes (years) of pleasure

9 minutes (years) of pleasure .::. FD142E18-F6E7-4B05-942E-0D76E1DE1FF8 🇦🇺 Moi, Aussi! “Eye Come From A Land Down Under, the Rio Grande 🇲🇽/🇺🇸.” Yee–oh soy Mantequilla! _ζ*-~-~-~-~ξ

French bashin’ iii — Jugüemos al Béis, güey

That’s Hardball if you play Cricket en Inglés, which is the sport of Grillos en Espagnol. C’est a dire Le Roi du Spotrs.


Dear, Rachel Maddow, do you know what the good thing about this B.l.og. is?

That neither you, Madam, nor Mr. Manuel Valls will ever read it.

VOX de España
Les Echos del Generalissimo Franco

… wait for it, Chrissy Haynes, wait.

These people had SEX with their parents”:324E5292-6315-4DFA-8E12-47AABFE0CD66 —|— Sex with their papás and their mamás. •|• The following is a Copy/Pasta for Jared Kushner: Los medios galos son de hecho los que más se hacen eco de la noticia y resaltan que Ciudadanos, el partido que apoya a Manuel Valls y que quiere aliarse con En Marche, forma parte de la colaciónand Jared, Your BeauPapá had sex with your W.I.F.E..

In Rachel Maddow news, there’s something about Rachel’s hair, —must be the Super Moon.

TimeStamp: 02.43 in Central NATO Times

So… about that V.I.S.A:052A50F0-DA32-4BEE-8F47-BFA49624943E •!• Why exactly is it that Brontis wants me to voluntarily WALK INTO A POLICE STATION, before France, the country —not the singer— decides what it is that it will do with my Dossier à la préfecture de Cité; room 1511. Are you guys at Dêpot turning Japanese? Or, (motherfuckers) is this part of The Métamorphose of the (motherfucking) Process?

Today in History, a few hours ago, but in 1804 Napoléon “dale por su” Buenaparte, promulgó el llamado C.I.V.I.L. CODE (motherfuckers)… oh, the waste of paper.

Did you know that it was a very French devil, who went ahead and invented “the political pacts”; cosas del C.h.a.m.u.c.o., vía La BBC, El WaPo, and the lovely Amy Goodman; what a beautiful nom, Bonhomme: