San Sebastián — Ambassade de La France au Le Mexique

Dear, most-Excmo. Ambassador, Jean-Pierre Asvazadourian:

Several elected LFI take legal action after Robert Ménard’s refusal to marry an Algerian under OQTF³

If his name is MAROUANE, then you know that The Gods Must Be Crazy, mi negro.

[p]ERHAPS, don Juan Pedro, and I (Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto) am just spitballin’ a skinned cat and two perritos that I had for barbacoa in yesterday’s Math Session*, but it sure seems like your Institution’s are starting to notice that your administrators are starting to act like Mexican fonctionnaires, and with you being smacked in the middle of la CDMX you know that it is only matter of THYME before your public servants start to ask for “su mochadas para las sodas”… ask Prof. Johanne Poisson, she cannot let me lie because she is the one who chose this ACT – below ⬇️ back in 2014… Bruno from the 7éme bureau dépôt suggested the solidarity clause after I proposed searching for a Lawyer in California for violations against my human rights and professional retribution from a GOVERNMENT.

— BREAKING in Paris, France:

https ://france3 – regions .francetvinfo .fr /occitanie /herault /beziers /plusieurs-elus-lfi-saisissent-la-justice-apres-le-refus-de-robert-menard-de-marier-un-algerien-sous-oqtf

How CON-venient.


FLORENCE Cassez bestowed with the lighting of the Olympic Torch 🔦… the Event is to coincide with García Luna’s sentencing in Babylon II at a court in Manhattan.

I don’t like Baseball,
I Love It!

Context develops out of an unmarked grave 🪦 The Haunted Mansion is for Barbies, Oppie 🤯. A perfect Trinity by any other ART.



Trinity Pictures presents, a Flyin’ Horse Appart
Oppenheimer’s Hunted Barbie Mansion

https ://www .francetvinfo .fr /faits-divers /police /violences-policieres /policier-ecroue-a-marseille-un-sociologue-du-cnrs-denonce-une-fronde-organisee-a-l-interieur-de-l-etat-alors-que-le-directeur-de-la-police-reclame-sa-liberation _5968973.html

SUBJECT: YOUR new “fourth power³ alongside the executive power, the legislative power and the judicial power.”

And in Austin, Texas… Sessecionist governor and wheelchair enthusiast just signed into law a bill that would count consider a televangelists credentials to count as military service, just like in Iran with the Coran and their so-called “morality police ».


³~. Traditionally, in real democracies, not REPÚBLICAS 🍌 BANANERAS with KANGAROO 🦘 COURTS, the fourth power was a trade (not a profession) called PERIODISMO, néanmoins, Manuel Valls (ancienne Primo Minstrel at Matignon) sent that power the Way of Tyrone and Erroll Flynn 🏹