San Sebastián — Ambassade de La France au Le Mexique

Dear, most-Excmo. Ambassador, Jean-Pierre Asvazadourian:

Several elected LFI take legal action after Robert Ménard’s refusal to marry an Algerian under OQTF³

If his name is MAROUANE, then you know that The Gods Must Be Crazy, mi negro.

[p]ERHAPS, don Juan Pedro, and I (Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto) am just spitballin’ a skinned cat and two perritos that I had for barbacoa in yesterday’s Math Session*, but it sure seems like your Institution’s are starting to notice that your administrators are starting to act like Mexican fonctionnaires, and with you being smacked in the middle of la CDMX you know that it is only matter of THYME before your public servants start to ask for “su mochadas para las sodas”… ask Prof. Johanne Poisson, she cannot let me lie because she is the one who chose this ACT – below ⬇️ back in 2014… Bruno from the 7éme bureau dépôt suggested the solidarity clause after I proposed searching for a Lawyer in California for violations against my human rights and professional retribution from a GOVERNMENT.

— BREAKING in Paris, France:

https ://france3 – regions .francetvinfo .fr /occitanie /herault /beziers /plusieurs-elus-lfi-saisissent-la-justice-apres-le-refus-de-robert-menard-de-marier-un-algerien-sous-oqtf

How CON-venient.


FLORENCE Cassez bestowed with the lighting of the Olympic Torch 🔦… the Event is to coincide with García Luna’s sentencing in Babylon II at a court in Manhattan.

I don’t like Baseball,
I Love It!

Context develops out of an unmarked grave 🪦 The Haunted Mansion is for Barbies, Oppie 🤯. A perfect Trinity by any other ART.



Trinity Pictures presents, a Flyin’ Horse Appart
Oppenheimer’s Hunted Barbie Mansion

https ://www .francetvinfo .fr /faits-divers /police /violences-policieres /policier-ecroue-a-marseille-un-sociologue-du-cnrs-denonce-une-fronde-organisee-a-l-interieur-de-l-etat-alors-que-le-directeur-de-la-police-reclame-sa-liberation _5968973.html

SUBJECT: YOUR new “fourth power³ alongside the executive power, the legislative power and the judicial power.”

And in Austin, Texas… Sessecionist governor and wheelchair enthusiast just signed into law a bill that would count consider a televangelists credentials to count as military service, just like in Iran with the Coran and their so-called “morality police ».


³~. Traditionally, in real democracies, not REPÚBLICAS 🍌 BANANERAS with KANGAROO 🦘 COURTS, the fourth power was a trade (not a profession) called PERIODISMO, néanmoins, Manuel Valls (ancienne Primo Minstrel at Matignon) sent that power the Way of Tyrone and Erroll Flynn 🏹

The one after number 9, number 9, number 9,…


In this section, Alicia will show up in places where even the White Rabbit dare not go, which is to say, Rocky Point is just a shot away from Haiti.

La Rumorosa, B.C., Camp Alaska (México)_ https ://www .rfi .fr /fr /Amériques /20230324-l-immigration-et-Haïti-au-cœur-des-discussion-entre-Joe-Biden-et-Justin-Trudeau

United Miners of North America.


Say what you want, but if your name is Karl, at a media enterprise in front of La Adelita on la rue de Crozatier, just behind the APHP messhall with the pornographic orgy scene fresco at Saint-Antoine, then you might be?


Survey/Enquête says:

A. Judas
B. on the Side of Editorial Darwinism
C. A fellow from CAºBORºCA

Answer: … para la eternidad, Judas, para la eternidad.

The Ville is Real, the clown names have been exchanged for credit at some pretentious Canadian University in Ontario.

And here’s why, J.R. (el hartista que’s-que puso los “ojos” en Tecate™, eyeEye!), because if you, sir… believe los comensales de l’adelita en Saint-Antoine, then by all means don’t follow the yella’Belly road to Médecines du Monde because all that youse gonna find is a motherfucking ReVolving door ushering you to Amnesty International à Belleville, which coincidentally is just a shot away from BOTZARIS and la Fréquence Paris Plurielle, but far from being in-pitch with la fréquence 110 hZ.

Two U’s (pronounced: Tú Ewe’s)

Jump to mañana.



El Espejo de tu corcholata.

This year’s edition of Whiteness in Paris is being brought to Ewe (in Hilo, Hawaii) in Primetime, —no less— by IKEA (Punto y coma).

Sí Se Puede.


A deal between La Mairie del HdV and the Swedish “Salinas y Rocha” a.k.a. IKEA™ was reached for an unlimited amount of what the French refer to as, “sommier métallique à lattes”,


what la colección Troncoso de Xavier LópezChabelo” simply catalogues as slatted bed bases.

Sleep Number Catalán 🇪🇸, in collaboration with Juanito Guanabacoa y Cinéma France-Mexi…¿qué‽


on account of the creepy snooping that the corrugated meatball maker giant orchestrated on its French subsidiaries « subjects ».

https ://www .mediapart .fr /en /journal /france /150621 /iikea-france-fined-1m-snooping-staff

Must Show WO’ik


‘member now before November bites you in the ass that… I was the one who told you about Fast and Furious before the NYT was allowed to baptize the mission.

Bring The Mash Up, leave the Ketch Up


… 💅🏻

Naturalize my aguacates, mister Mélenchon

Pass the Bacon, Kevin…

Kevin Bacon Needs Six Degrees of Separation From Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
byu/_Frozen_Waffles_ inhotones

But first, Mediapart can lick my avocados, and here is why, because I tried to tell you so, back in Nov of 2019. But your IVORY editorial COLONNE wanted a fucking full peer-reviewed, Top-Secret declassified dossier before your reporters could verify (COTEJAR) MY WOUNDS from the night before, not to mention, a FULL CONFESSION from the police officer who assaulted me, ISSY, i asked for, HELP!… The Police de Police didn’t care either.

https ://www .mediapart .fr /journal /france /170622 /revelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perditionrevelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perdition? utm_source =global&utm _medium=social&utm _campaign =SharingApp&xtor=CS3-5

Content Warning, for those just joining the list of people who do not read this blog, please be advised that Öüï does knot, Öüï repeats, we do not select the news of the they, Öüï seulement joue les cards qui les Venn Diagrams drop on our plate … which happens to be the cue for our sponsors in El Paso, Texas, “los agradecidos del jabón del perro”… o algo así, and if you are in on the joke, this is:

La tradicional
Corrida de Juneteenth…
en Puebla.

Commission française de l’électricité, presenta:

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you’re Slim at heart 🎶

¡Si se puede! The time is now, and if you get to live to a hundred and nine, you too could have your own Mexican Revolution, heck you already have a trailer [here] and an official poster [Octubre tenía que ser].

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/02/02 /politica /reforma-de-amlo-pone-por-delante-produccion-de-cfe/

As that develops, let u.s. not forget what this section is about (punto y coma) it’s about triangulating the positioning of Perrine and Teeny Tiny Cat, in Technicolor vía el Equinox de la Porte de Versailles. Semolina Pilchard reports from La Nacional de Mitterrand.

Anyhow, Perrine, the year was 2017. The month was, lemme see, Let—Mí_ see, déjame Ver por dónde quedaron todos esos Castillos de Sand(ra) en la Catedral. And this is where MEDIAPART WAS SUPPOSED to syncopate the timbal with my Drums, but something got in the way and it took 4 years to CATCH the 705 on the CFE line… and so como dice la canción, “Here i am, Baby.”

I told you so, and in so many words, AMOR en ROMA this is how the Death of French, or any less insignificant (by VERY French standards) Culture begins to unravel, and this is the CUE to tell you that Rachel With Glasses looks like Buddy Holly.

Still to come, Police Squad à la mode de Caen… 🎶🤾🏽‍♂️🗣 ¿Qué de dónde, amigo vengo?

Georges Méliès is your template to what follows if you don’t listen to the great-great—Great French grandson of Thomas A. Edison. Do you, my little FROGGIES know where your greatest film maker ended up at? Inside the Old Gare de Montparnasse… COPYRIGHT—mis güevos.

Of course, when that happens (take place, pues) all of your Goncourts, your Césars, your Comédie française will be handled by “people who know”… the Cousin of the Compadre of the Beau-père de la mademoiselle:

So… did you really, really think that the Thrill be gone? Knot when i’m around.

 🎶🎹 “C’est la vie“, say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell…

Previously on, Dear: Tiny Tiny Cat

note to editors:
some of “the cats” names have been changed in order to protect the big elephant of The Wise Men.

https ://www .bbc .com /news /world-africa-55522236

Anyhow, Ashley Chevalier, it is for the best. Trust Mí, holiday flings are not meant to last. I knew last Friday that MGMT was going to have none of IT!, period*!

Stranger things have happened, so it’s Knot a long stretch (a random length) and tie the time that Ari Melber’s long lost illegitimate nephew, pictured ⬆️ above without dentils would cover the latest developments of the Florence Cassez enlèvement syndicate in France.

Heck, even “The Elves” at « El Patron’s » siege changed the freq’s to the CNEwS Matin beat. It appears that the illegitimate step-sister of Ron Weasley  runs things over yonder (at CNEWS Matines, not at “El Patroni’s” siege), Sin Embargo [Ashley] Eye told you that this post was KNOT about you (punto y coma) it has always been about our effort to reach the Media-Part. And in the following block… [see what Eye did there] i am going to attempt to land this bitch on Mr. Laske’s firewall, which happens to be headquartered just across “La Adelita” on Passage Brulon (75012).

But FO’ist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¡¡¡ÓRALE!!!— Öüï interrupts the programming to bring Yasmin Vassoughian’s green robe a message from “The Seven Sisters” via “Messier 45”, please stand-by for Dolly.

My fellow Tennesseans, Big Benders, and off-course, the Volunteers, I am coming to you from The Pleiades to remind you that the month of January is the Universe Be Kind to Food Servers Month, especially if these food servers are volunteers... or What‽ Did you think that the TRAY Shape (plateau en Frog-speak) of Tennessee was put on the map just to hold those fuckers in Kentucky on The Plate, eh‽

note to programmers: my fellow earthlings please do not try to adjust your settings, Dolly Parton’s voice must be modulated by Melissa Villaseñor on account that hearing Dolly’s pure unadulterated signal from across our known —and established— universe would rip your precious  timps 👂🏼 to shreds.

The outer limits… starring Claire McCaskill’s  sweater. Senator McCaskill, in case you are wondering is the long–lost misplaced granddaughter of Calamity Jane, the patron Saint of Missouri, The Ozarks and, the greater Saint Louis metro area. The sweater is an old prop of the trade and it goes to show just how many squares you can fit on Claire’s frame.

AND WITT that in mind, Stephanie Rulhe, don’t think that Öüï didn’t get to see you in green earlier before Ms. Jackson’s Dark garb, which reminds u.s. that January is also the “Midnight Rambler Awareness Month” or, as they call these fuckers in El Ey: Richard Ramírez Observance mess… look it up, because it’s Trou!!!

We now return to a Closer and Clear and Present MESSIER N° 45, —danger by any other tolls— and for D.A.T., Nicole Wallace gets to stick around, and here’s why General Powell, because “the rest of the story” gets to be enunciated in the voice of Paul Harvey, as read by former Prime Frog Minister, Mr. Dominique de Villepin. In this section you don’t even have to know how to play checkers, you just need to be certified as an ISO “Just-in-time” black belt Venn Diagram handler. And Witt that in mind, let me first introduce myself

Hello, my name is Armando Segovia and you might remember Mí from Fall SEASONS classics such as “Octubre Tenía Que Ser” and “A funny thing got swept-up on the way to The Forum”.

* Sponsored by Vania Feminine Hygiene products

Intro to teleportation in a Type One Civilization quadrant

Happening now on the other side of The Atlantic:

El Año de Hidalgo on Deadline at La Casa Blanca.

Lorem IPsum

Musical Guest: Las Amazonas de Nantes
Teloneros: Los Franchutes de La Sierra

CNES Paris

Full-disclosure, Humanity (lower-case “hache”) has yet to reach Type 1 status in the Galaxy… and Zeppelin, goes here… “oh, the Humanity”.

Les Halles (4)

Point A 🖖🏼 .:. 916A9FDE-297D-4E86-A2AD-1FF9A331FB1C 🎯 In this section The User will identify the coordinates and the Elements of this story in Steps 1 and 3 in the Assembly Sequence [from] Below.


The first thing that users of this technology needs to realize is that ‘teleportation’ in a Type zero civilization would be like picturing a hypercube in this dimension, however, there is always modeling and dry-runs, por ejemplo, in the 1990’s during the Clinton Administration, the U.S. Military went through some lean-times, after the Reagan/Bush and Bush/Quayle $900 toilette seat spending spree, William Jefferson was left with Zilch for Ammo, and so during training we actually simulated the “booms” of the main-gun on account of a shortage of rounds, this was called dry-training, hence each qualifying run during training was called a dry-run and we were modeling war.

Now, during training you can’t possibly imagine the actual trauma that follows an actual live fire engagement because of the nature of that thing that President Eisenhower warned Chuck Todd’s parents nation in the late 50’s, but the medics on that same training exercise scenario can sure as fuck picture the after-shock.


Assembly sequence:

New users should review our rendition of ‘una comedia de enredos’ and ‘a funny thing happened on the way to the Forum’ to Ketch-Up with today’s projection, specifically the part about the “TIME” Magazine honored tradition of Mexican presidential transitions.

Once that requirement is accounted for then the user may proceed with the operation and With that in Mind the user proceeds to identify the connecting Elements within a 5-minute stoner-stroll radius. In this particular transfer of matter (in a Type Zero Civilization) the elements and the physical space involved in this Tesseract are laid in the following ORDER:


— A French-owned supermarket incident in Paris, France

Common denominator is the ol’common “Vulgar Display of power” within a « news cycle » or a “New York Minute” with Fareed Zak[a]ira on TRMS*.

— A French-owned supermarket incident in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

🏎 https ://www .bangkokpost .com /business /2024555 /carrefour-shares-plunge-in-brazil-after-killing


— A red button issue on the political spectrum.

The fear factor here involves, and/or traces back to police training and its first-cousin « police brutality ». In this plane of existencial real estate (of this particular transfer of matter between two points) the Venn Diagram will check for either “escalating” strategies or, “de-escalating” techniques and corral the plots accordingly.

— An incident that triggers the red button.


— Account for rhyme, Synchronicity, Serendipity, Coincidence, Proximity and, in this particular transfer of information (since this is the 3rd Dimension, and the transfer of matter is shackled in the theoretical) a launch-pad… enter MY Current Location which happens to be across the cobble-stone covered street on rue Berger and the passage des Lingeres.

Montgallet (8)

Point B ✍🏼

— “’Estoy harto de tocar la batería‘ dijo Bonham a Plant antes de la muerte de Led Zeppelin”:

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2020 /12/02 /espectaculos /a09n1esp

Hello, Mediapart — Meat The Monkees

Hello, Mr. K.L.Mediapart.

The reverb

The reverb–eration effect.:. 4472BF79-13CF-400E-9043-39FAB31FB71B .:. Off-course, if Eye told you, Mr. K.L.Mediapart, that Eye felt the Monoprix version of the rent-a-cop assault on a paying customer here in the Parisian “Downtown” before France 24 got out of bed on Friday morning, you would probably guess my name.

Please disregard the second part of today’ headers, the title, like Daron Noir is a play-on-words. The Brits, Meet The Beatles is the equivalent of your Baron Noir.

Anyhow, Mr. K.L.M., we, [the staff of this most non-consequential blog] stopped by your office earlier in the day and were given instructions at the door, on how to reach you, additionally, pay no attention to the snapshot below, the receptionist at the aforementioned door informed us that your contact protocols are operating on France’s 3rd Republic protocols, as in, “looking more towards 1914, than onwards to 1940, a paraphrase of course, —from 1973.

https ://fr .m .wikipedia .org /wiki /Le_Monde_en_guerre

Personally, and Eye means this with the utmost respect, we found it amusing that before we could even be allowed anywhere near your media company’s reception area, your Daronne at the door (see what we did D.A.R.E.?) would ask for original documents of all of the evidence of whatever information our envoy, Armando Segovia, was there to deliver before you or any media representative would consider granting us the time of day… interesting STONEWALL, very Thomas Edison of Mediapart, considering the flip-side of that particular request when your information gathering teams (journalists) go out and request an audience from the plebs on the streets. Fair enough, we will try to comply, just give u.s. a minute before noon in Hilo, Hawaii, in order to complete our 36 hour “OPEN SKIES” shift… in case you fuckers follow NATO news.

https ://dw .com /en /us-officially-withdraws-from-open-skies-transparency-pact /a-55691315

Indeed, Mr. K.L.Mediapart, we expected “shade” but we didn’t think that you operated under Parisian restaurants, bistros, and cafés window-seating access standards*.

But of course, all of the above sounds better when spoken in French, so have-at-it, Sir: