For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge — Right Now.

 « Tu donnes, tu reçois », period

Indian 🩸 givers. Next time that I feel like donating blood I will just walk in front of a “minorities” lycée in France.

… in 20minutes, it’s another edition of “contigo a la distancia”, any hoot, if I had known how things have would turn out, I would have gone to a Macklemore concert.

In local stabbings, unbeknown to Customs 🛃 officials at the CDG V.I.P. lounge, True Crime is imported from Under a Bridge in Canada, by non other than the current French Prime minister, Grabiel At All.

No puppies were made to wear yoga pants, period!

A public service announcement moonlights as the first Made-in-France refugee. Any how, Manu Chau, you should know that starting back on April the 4th, the Paris 🩸 donation clinic will no longer be issuing attestations of presence to a Macklemore concert and/or, a Snoop Dogg and Pony Show en Versailles.

Happening —Right Now— at your local hardware store. And in France, the Youth Has Gone Wild.

In local news, Freddy Cats’ cholos re-loaded have come from la banlieue to roost.

… Teenage violence is on the rise and French justice is reaping a Mexican Judge’s decision from 2013 regarding a “tourist-criminal” who may, or may have not been collecting French unemployment from the ancienne Pôle-Emploi. Only on BFM’ER 📺 TV

Colors… via 🛫 Victoria Falls, British Columbia arriving 🛬 to Paris CDG with a time warp featuring the music of Tupac Shakur and Biggy Smalls. It’s 1997 and « The Kids Are Alright », in The Hall.

Attal’s first 100 Theys.

Branding with China en Casablanca… Cigarros a Hong Kong


FERNANDOMANIA… He’s the fellow at the MOUND who WOULD AL°WAYS, all ways, LOOKED UP TO THE SKY when he wound-up to throw the ball over the Rockies, which were LIGHT YEARS from being admitted to the National League West.


³~. https ://noticias .imer .mx /blog /l’univers-nous-regarde-t-il_?_le-james-webb-depeint-un-point-du-interrogation-flottant-dans-le-espace

— Por mi raza hablará El Piporro, mister Maverick, if that’s even your real nomenclature; now it says here that you were on your way to Australia to look for “Aneth”? Is that a Phact?³

That’s like comparing Oranges to Limasnaranja dulce, , limón partido, —no.

— Well, as a color of Phact, yes, I was on my way to Australia but I was not going there to look for a NET, I was going there to see the U.S.A. do the Dill but the Sweedish Bikini Team beat them on Penalties.

https ://www .proceso .com .mx /economia /2023/8/10 /tapestry- societe-mere-de-coach-rachete-capri-proprietaire-de-michael-kors-et-versace-pour-8_5-milliards-de-dollars 

China, Nuevo León (AP)³_ Cualquier parecido con La China de Xi Jinpooh, es pura política ficción, dijoEl Chupacabras“:
Israel Vallarta will remain in pretrial detention; judge denies change of precautionary measure even after 17 years and 5 months in pre-trial detention without any°sort of sentencing.


³~. Animal Político:
https ://animalpolitico .com /seguridad /israel-vallarta-restera-en-detention-provisoire_le-juge-nie-le-changement-de-mesure-de-précaution


Full-circle de Aztlán 🪶 al toledo 🚽 de Donald Trump 🧻🧻🧻.


— Psalm 69? Is that a Ministy song? Eye say it A-Gain, Jesus Built My Car, it’s a love affair, mainly Jesus and my hot-rod… and Cousin Joe, don’t you forget about Nikki and her “Death Becomes Her” gig.

But seriously, news from the across the galaxy relays that former U.N. Ambassador to Donald Trump³, and South Carolina’s former governess, Nikki Haley, is applying for the role of Macario in the next U.S. presidential election, where Madame l’ambassadrice is counting that her former pimp-daddy president will be in prison, and she will be standing at the foot of the My Pillow guy’s bed eating a turkey 🦃 all by herself.

https ://nypost .com /2023/08/10 /nikki-haley-signs-rnc-pledge-jokes-that-nominee-will-face-kamala-harris/




No Traigo Nada

Donnie Deutsch does the Dill, and Jackie Alemany, the Dill is not that stinky French salmon condiment called Aneth no, the Dill is this idiot from Australia and as Öüï all now  know, Australia is the Enemy.

In Hilo, Hawaii… with all due respect, it is still, Fernando Valenzuela Day, number 34 ; First Edition.

To Kill A Mockingbird
When Dill reduced Dracula to dust, and Jem said the show sounded better than the book, I asked Dill where his father was: “You ain’t said anything about him.” “I haven’t got one.”

Q: The meaning of bold phrase. Could you paraphrase? Thanks in advance!

https ://forum .wordreference .com /threads /when-dill-reduced-dracula-to-dust

Swatting not squatting — Never mind BASE-ketball here comes base-BOX

Intermission remains in effect.

Section 230, at 3 Rockefeller Plaza…

Smile, Juanito Guanavacoa stars as the shifty taxi driver in Tú-LA, Hidalgo, in Central Mexico.


https ://www .lefigaro .fr /sortirparis /2013/04/23 /how-to-be-a-Parisian snob-in-50-lessons

For context, Cousin Joe at the Morjo Show was ringing the Emerson Brothers bell. At Botzaris near la rue Hidalgo en Buttes Chaumont (home of the Pueblaennogada Pavillon) Juanito Guanavacoa was trying to polish his own knob by pulling an :

I (Juanito Guanabacoa) re-discovered Armando Lenin Salgado (El Halconazo 1971), and I (Francisco Belmont) am going to bring him to Paris, so that I (Juanito Belmont) too, may play the harmonica at the Beaubourg like Malik « the Sweed » Bendjelloul did.

Congratulations to the Swedish soccer team on their victory of the U.S. ⚽ team at the Oceania World Cup. Aussie, penalties down under in Australia are the Ene- Mí, I have said it once, and I repeat that again, ibid.

Eye is complementing the Plaint, not you Tim Miller, Ewe bean-eating motherfucker, what are you, part of Sam Stein’s tribe at Politico, or just another beaner on the M🦚TV?


30. Arguing that Rodriguez (Sixto) is superior to Robert Zimmerman (Dylan). A charge all the more pungent as the person concerned is a virtual unknown, whose first two albums released forty years ago went unnoticed… except in Australia and South Africa, where he became a “cult” without knowing it . The success of the documentary Sugar Man gives him his revenge… at 70 years old.

Note to editors:
Armando Lenin Salgado died in 2018, as usual, “[A]ll characters and events in this post—even those based on real people—are entirely fictional. All celebrity quotes are impersonated… poorly³“.

¹~. De sapientia veterum, by Francis Bacon in Arthur Weststeijn’s, “The Power of « Plaint Stuff »: Fables and Frankness in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republicanism”.

³~. South Park, the Francis Bacon episode, “the fable serves as a very appropriate expedient for instruction and persuassion, the higher goals of rhetoric beyond simple entertainment and delight.”¹

¹§~. I am paraphrasing here, but what’s his name, Arthur… delivers a double-header that would split ol’ Janus into a precautionary cousin of Twentyfirst-century WATTabbottisms on Second Base at the “Progressive Field” in former Indian 🪶 territory, now it’s nothing more than Guardians stomping grounds: Chicago 🧦 is DOWN! CHICAGO 🧦 IS DOWN! ibid 🧦… and below you’ll CY.

Previously on The Arrival : well slap Mí silly, They Live! 👓


Disclaimer: I am not French, never will be… that is to say, in the i’s and e’s of the following individuals:

° Georgina Moreno (y todo el puto ensamble de morena-francia)

° Alicia Leo’s (y ciertos mariachis huapangeros del FANdanGO de la escena europea).

° Jorge Harmodio (y los Amigos mexicanos de Pablo Gleason en Francia).

little ol’ I, i am KNOT 🪢 qualified to “Analyze This,” Fockersbut I sure [do] have the compétences.

For starters, getting back to the Six degrees of Francis Bacon, Arthur Weststeijn pulled an “opposing view points”⁸ on Sir Francis’-es take on the fable, I’m paraphrasing off–course, but just as Bacon (no relation to Kevin) defended the old fabulists like what’s his name, Aesop? Sir Francis also reserved the fear of pre-occupying himself with populists who turn fables into the Gospel of the church of The Sacred Bleeding Heart of Latter Theys Evangelical Scientology en la calle Stanton de El Paso, Texas.

So there’s that.


Back on the chain gang… Santa Cassez, ruega por ellos, ellas y …’s-es-es.

Note to Editors, and of course A.I.³

Eye bet you think this post is about you. Don’t you?

No Relation to Lo Negro del Negro Durazo 👮🏿‍♂️.

Extra! extra…

https ://vanguardia .com .mx /noticias /lamenta-israel-vallarta-no-haber-sido-valiente-como-florence-cassez

Israel Vallarta regrette de “ne pas avoir été courageux” comme Florence Cassez

¡Sobra! ¡sobra enunciarlo:
YOU MUST BE FRENCH, to get away with that, or, —Valga LA redundancia— from Netanyahu’s tribe to get away with courage. The Very French don’t like it and rich-racist-jews don’t like it.

Previously on a snapshot from the pen of Marie-Ange Schiltz follows below 👇 the belt, it’s another adaptation of, if youse out of Schlitz 🐂:
P.179 — No-labels 
Monique’s good looks, uppety bun and remnants of bourgeois cred can still make an impact from afar. She’s imposing with her satchel, her inclination for the law, her implacable logic and… her inability to submit to any reality other than her own. She perseveres, reasoning steadfastly. Her stubborn reasoning is in no way altered by the disorders of her life. Her returns visits to Eastern France, her home province, are increasingly rare. I met her one last time, very late or very early, as you prefer, on a cold night I met her one last time, very late or very early, as you prefer, on a cold night at the foot of Saint-Merri church. She’s sitting on the ground, ass-on-the-ground, royal, awesome, begging woman. A marginal vision, I only recognize her presence a few steps further on. She hasn’t noticed me, my courage fails me and I continue without saying hello. Amarga conmemoración la de Denise, la doña en la fuente de Los Inocentes, protegida por un muro de bolsas de polipropileno. How does she survive? I don’t dare approach her, she won’t recognize me and I can scare her. One day, she disappears. Is this temporary? No, she’s gone. No one to ask: dissolution of a being and its plastic bags, urban indifference be damned. Page 179, ¶ 75.

Anyhow, here’s to the Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, article 10, 1789¹⁰⁸ and, la Loi du 13 juillet, 1990¹⁰⁹ prohibiting discrimination on an ethnie, a nation, a race (we assume, human not Arabian) or a religion:

¹⁰⁸ & ¹⁰⁹~. Chapitre 4 of Strack and Frade, DISCRIMINATIONS 🤌 inventario para no seguir en silencio [or something like that]; ediciones: De la Martinière Jeunesse, 2018. Paris 14éme.


Today is Y’er Birthday 🇮🇱 🎂 you fucking babies, 75 years! San José de Las Panochas (Fat Man and Little Boy movie set) is like 20 minutes older than Ewes!


³~. Leeches on a leash leaching pipi on the street. Picture that for Mí, Roger Pérez, don’t let A.I. end art galleries as Öüï knows Em#.


Jolting ⚡ News

Monique a belle allure, chignon altier 🧅, restes de prestance bourgeoise qui peuvent encore faire effet de loin (Told y’all her farts smelt of Green Onions). Elle en impose avec son cartable, son penchant pour le droit, sa logique implacable et… son incapacité à se soumettre à toute réalité autre que sa réalité interne. Elle persévère, raisonne avec constance. Les désordres de sa vie n’altèrent en rien son obstination raisonnante. Ses retours vers la France de l’Est, sa province d’origine, sont de plus en plus rares. Je l’ai croisée, une dernière fois, très tard ou très tôt, comme vous l’entendez, par une nuit froide, au pied de l’église Saint-Merri. Elle est assise à même le sol, royale, elle fait la manche. Vision marginale, je n’identifie sa présence que quelques pas plus loin. Elle ne m’a pas remarquée, le courage m’abandonne et je continue sans la saluer.

Amère commémoration de Denise, la dame de la fontaine des Innocents, pro-tégée par un mur de sacs plastiques. Comment survit-elle ? Je n’ose l’approcher, elle ne me reconnaîtra pas et je peux lui faire peur. Un jour, elle disparaît. C’est peut-être temporaire ? Non, elle n’est plus. Personne auprès de qui s’enquérir : dissolution d’un être et de ses sacs plastiques, autant en emporte l’indifférence urbaine.

 🔂 In a lifetime …


Continue to to the final countdown.

“We regret to inform you that this will be the last year that E.S.I. Emmaüs Agora will provide you with domiciliation, the reason being is that MANAGEMENT needs to make room for other people and six years is the limit, [apparently] for People like you ».


¶ara¶hrase from Mayte at 32 rue des Bourdonnais.

Florence Cassez Strikes A-Gain 🖖 Mano Manu

Tommy Thom, Baby Small and middle-of-the-road tactial members del Club de La Mano Pachona; Pointer, Tall, and Ringo… meet our Muppets syndic Mano Manu and his wife Mais-non Mais-non.


https ://www .politico .eu /un-doigt-coupe-a-ete-envoye-au-domicile-de-macron-selon-le-procureur

And Starring As Thom Hanks, el présidente Macron.


Ladies in Gemini, with the annual mandatory vacations at France Public Radio and the on-going Hollywood Land strike, Öüï the staff have no other course of action than to look up into the dark sky and, watch the Zodíacos do their thing in the confines of, The motherfucking Twilight Zone.


But first, Eye wants to touch base with Marie-Louise’s coke, Eye has some weed, perhaps Öüï could roll a primo. It’s a pushpull kind of high, or 👇 if youse know what Eye means. Personally, They say that Frosted Flakes is where it’s At, Beck.

At the same time, but in another institute, other pendejadas were taking over the stage. I mean, how can I compete with those three little witches? They are fucking adorable you son of a bitch, —but not in a Donald Trump/Ivanka way, o.Kay?

³~. July 12, 2023, @AsvazadourianJP… say hello to Diego, nice Pussy you’ve got there J-P.

Must be the season of the Witch, pues, mister Embajador Azvazadourian.

Marie-Ange continues:
Dans le jardin des Halles, il y a une vieille dame effrontée et facétieuse, Marie-Louise, je la connais bien. Elle verse son rouge dans une bouteille de Coca, goguenarde : « les passants sont plus gentils », dit-elle. Je les croise souvent, elle et son « Coca ». Par un jour lumineux, je la sens inquiète. Après plusieurs hospitalisations suivies de mises à l’abri temporaires en maison de repos dans la région parisienne, les services sociaux lui proposent un hébergement, loin, du côté de Compiègne, le transfert est imminent. Entre inquiétude et soulagement, elle a sur elle les photos du lieu, une grande bâtisse dans un parc. C’est majestueux, il y a de l’espace, mais que deviendra sa vie sans son « Coca » et le secteur des Halles, qu’elle écume mollement pour répondre aux besoins du jour. Dernier échange, havre, liberté, perte d’autonomie, je ne sais, l’histoire s’arrête.

BREAKING KNEWS… wait for’Em#

Ladies in Gemini, as the good mechanic in the Role of a Life Time in the Asteroid City quadrant of our Milky Way Galaxy, “Évry thing is connected but nothing is working”, JUANITO GUANAVACOA is projecting his “estado fallido”, ahora hasta con MOTONETOS, and considering that it was with “motorcycles” that Juanito Belmont “alias” Guanavacoa started his career as a goon for old CHARROS in Mexico it’s not unusal that he gets a FRENCH RETIREMENT and a performers VISApaid for by that FRENCH “I.V.A.” and Euro-taxes.

MORALEJA, Excellentissime ambassadeur, and to quote McCartney’s lyrics, “no es lo mismo, no seas mamun-IA, que AI-mamón”:

The next time you see L.A. raincloudsDon’t complain it rains for you and Mí.

Dear, Senator McCaskill… Jesús, that motherfucker, was a Communist.

Los hilos de Sasha. The Devil is in the Mephistopheles de Los Zodíaco en Cuernavaca, Botzaris…

It’s Primetime in Hilo, Hawaii, where thee Da Vinci Moon 🌙 has nothing to do with Florence, even though Vinci is, as Toscanini knows, in Toscana and Florence, as the BENDITA agence france presse knows, will forever be tied to G.G. Luna en Nueva York, New York.

Great 🦈 White goes here…
Sirens who know

Afterglow… never mind them daft punks with the Helmet, they drink Mimosas for breakfast.

Know that IT!,
Is an Amazon’s favorite.

Here are the spirits that youse gonna need, Issy, wüėrã…youse gonna need a Hurricane Glass:


1 oz. (30ml) Spiced Rum 🏴‍☠️
2 oz. (60ml) Blue Curacao 🇨🇼
4 oz. (120ml) Pineapple 🍍 Juice
Splash Ginger 🫚 Beer 🍺
Garnish: Pineapple 🍍 Leaves/Cherry 🍒

‘member now, Claire, Jésus owes mi Five bucks… and that’s the thing about Scripture, it has no PRIME numbers in its para-bolas. It’s the top of The First, and Nicolle Wallace has not even screamed at the Teleprompter to, “delete” its Twitter™️™️™️ account.

¿Alfonsina?… Eye never paid-her them Five bucks that she lent, Mí. Dommage.


After Dawn makes her orbit, it’s another edition of our femina section, “Viejas Feas!”, in the meantime, here’s Claire and friends, featuring Katie Phangs and Katty Kay.


Twenty-four — Reefer Madness with Denisa Kerschovas — Part FO’

Being for the benefit of Morning Starr… Baguette bitches! Baguette 🥁. And, GO’ill de Niza, I am not being facetious nor Hyper-diaBolic when Eye Tell Ewe that i practically dwell in a “niggaloo”, but that is only because French ex-president François Hollande and his Barcelonnette crew designed the cardboards.


🤸🏻‍♀️  https ://edition .cnn .com /travel /article /travel-warnings-other-countries-us-violence /index .html

“God Bless, the U.S.A.”
Sincerely, Lucifer (a.K.a) “el diablito
…🏀 now get off my fucking YARD.

🤸🏻‍♀️ https ://www .bbc .com /news /worldus /two-texas-cheerleaders-shot-after-one-gets-into-wrong-car

🎶 Oh, Mickey you’re so fine
—Hey, Mickey. Hey, Mickey.


Ruby Thursday, because Tuesday’s gone… and how about The Rust on that set, —eh? “Pleased to meet, you. Hope youve guess my name.” Eye did warn you about “Drawing the line ».  Here is the arrow ⬆️.

Previously on, —a New Edition… today we find La Kerschovas pissing along with The Tasmanian Devil in Australia on the Trail of the 🇨🇦 Chaffey brothers who after snatching the Fountain ⛲ from the Californios in Kukamonga left to found the settlements of Mildura, and Renmark, Australia… those motherfuckers.

“So it goes… ». God bless The USA.

But first, we switch it over to Niggaloo Reef… er, where a hybrid Eclipse just served as The Great Gig in The Sky, it was really nothing more than them Venn Diagrams that I have been writing about for the past six or seven years.

Of course, MONEY is also a track on this jam, and on today’s edition of AUSTRALIA IS THE ENEMY, them Aussie’s are doubling-down on their government’s travel advice to The United States, in América.

It used to be, as early as the month of January, just two and a half months ago, that Australian travel advisories to The United States, in América, used to note to their ex-con citizenry that “NRA sponsored Gun Violence” usually left tourists alone, but now those same ex-con government officials in Perth, have updated their warnings to include car rental car-renting tourists on account of the recent spike in murders on driveways and Shopping Center PARKING LOTS.

https ://www .urbandictionary .com /define.php?term = Niggaloo

And, Eye quotes:

Yheeeeea, Bark at The Moon… Um-uh, um-uh, —yeah. Bark at The Moon. Ah-uuuuui!

The Other Side of El Mundo de Le Monde

Pineapple Express News presents: it’s the  4/20 edition 2023, the dawn of the 6th Republic in France.


Synopsis : Charly Brigante walks into the Pôle-Emploi, at the C.V. island Saso Porcel is looking for ‘chamba’ sin ganas de encontrarla, Benny Blanco is waiting in cue and Florence Cassez is wondering if her Pôle-Emploi royalties are going to transfer to the new France-Travail.


https ://www .lexpress .fr /economie /emploi/droit-travail /france-travail-qui-remplace-pole-emploi-quest-ce-qui-va-changer

Henri-Laine Wilson part tú — Duro A La Baila (1992) Mercury Records 🇲🇽

¡Gloria dioS a’llahs Alturas!!!

https ://www .radiofrance .fr /francemusique /podcasts /musique-matin /la-matinale-avec-la-mezzo-soprano-joyce-didonato -7221139

Fuck the “mezzo-Soprano” and her “Au Pied de Cochon” mafia at LA Maison de l’Amérique latine, IT!, motherfuckers, AIN’T OVER UNTIL PHAT BASTERD’ SINGS!


Casi esquina con San José de Las Panochas y Guanaceví… no such thing as a town named COYAME.

Hilo, Hawaii_ 22 de febrero… Cosmic Impacts, S19-EP 6, COSMIC IMPACTS (en San José de Las Panochas).

🪶 1746: en la provincia de SonoraSinaloa, los apaches saquean la hacienda de Tehuachi, perteneciente al gobernador 🇪🇸 Agustín de Vildósola.

URBANUS Primero, en Musique matinée was defrocked by GRABIELA³ Olivera de Guaymas.

1822: Se instala en Arizpe, Sonora, la Diputación Provincial de Sonora y Sinaloa.

The Earth is round”, says the Tortilla de Israel.

³~. GRAbiela es el nombre que más odio en una dama.

Florence Cassez smells like 💩 & 💐

All hail la Sacré Vache: O’va Lie-Oval Aï 🐂

Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Pyrénnés-Atlantiques)_ 🔪 “A Spanish lesson was in the course, L’impératrice suggests on Radio Musique de La Franche, to… and Eye quotes, “cherchez la femme », Pap N-di-Aye is at the scene, Pap N-di-Aye commands to … and Eye quotes, “round up the usual suspects ».

One thing is for certain, ³GRABIELA Olivera de Guaymas, “la barca d’Oro” se torna en una Cruz de Olvido cuando no se factura… but alas² one has to be como el “ganado” Cara Blanca de Limousine in Order to make that facture… unless you work “in the BLACK”, because if you work in the BLACK, then the comité olímpico can expedite your little pink faggety card-de-sejour. That, and one also gets un pantalón de 30 pesos.

Breaking the news: La délice du Ministère est déshabillé

In Hollywood land, it’s The Triumph of The Automatons, starring Denisa Kerschovas 🦎

But first, it’s Phat Basterd’ dans le courtage, check it out:

Write me a postcard – drop me a line …

Mr. Poisson, i don’t select the news, nor the cycles, not even the events. After the break i promise that i will never mention your ShitBag™ again, but in the next 36 hours or so, i will try to explain to you how the little mermaid got into this blog.

And then you can do what French people do.

Glass Onion meets Layers Cake…


And in Palestine, OhHi, Oh… Train Derailment Units are measured in optimism snapshots on the Morning Mika Sho’… The Hace of ♠️’s, la ache es muda.

With this in mind… Mr. Poisson 🐟, the last time you pointed your camera 🤳 at me… your excellency wanted to know what your little princess identification card was doing in my prefecture “sleep-cover” folder 📁 at the Prefecture.


It’s rather really simple, and never mind that from Day One of the French Talents and Skills Visa (Dec. 2010) a certain Nice address that you might know was used as, shall we say, ‘the anchoring’ address to secure A CERTAIN “six-year investigative project” orbiting around, The Year of Mexico in France; Mexicans in France, and/or Mexican corruption in Europe; and the monitoring of a then triple presidential process, which as you might remember in 2012, lined up France (Hollande), U.S. (Obama) and, Them (El P.R.I. in Mexico).

∴ underneath those pillars ∴, I had already cemented a foundation, which in 2017 culminated, or rather coincided with, the announcement of the start of the journalistic and publishing career of one of the main characters in my investigation, and no, Mr. Poisson, it is not Johanne of whom I am referring to, but rather, —Florence Cassez.

Any how…


_ by the time Öüï got to Jurançon (Eye forgot the year) the man and/or∨ woman in charge of Stephanie Menou’s chain-of-command at the préfecture Cité had already sealed my fate for that September day of 2014…

∧ if ∧ only if 

You remember September, love… You would not have been in this picture 🖼️ BUT FOR the fact that it was you who insisted that our correspondence (from me to you, and viceversa) be turned over for review by ‘the reviewing’ authorities at the Dépôt section of the Ministry of The Interior at Cité.


lest you forget, it was also you, love, who insisted that “we” should forget about the first (of several) 60-day notice to appeal the dépôt section’s décision, in lieu of what Bruno³ recommended as a recourse, after his superior offered you an apology in the hallway outside of the dépôt section employee’s doorway.

³~. … hacer un, ¿cómo se DiCheee, cómo se DiCheee? You know, that sort of contract concluded between two physical persons who have reached the age of majority, for the purposes of organizing their life in common.

And finally, Mr. Poisson, there was a time-period between 2012 and 2013, when yours truly, Armando Segovia / Armando Serrano-Prieto, had the means, the opportunity and, the resources, which is not the same as ‘the means’, to move-out and conduct my research outside of your precious Octopus Garden (sort of speak), but you are not going to believe who developed a case of “you can’t move-out, love! There are way to many nymphos at Jour-et-Nuit!”… and isn’t that ironic 😼, my dear Titus?

Haderslev, Denmark. AS3_ From the Vikingos who brought you “The Little Mermaid” and “Only a Fiddler would say that to Neptune », comes the story of Your Cheese ain’t Shit, —en Venezia! It’s TROU 🕳️, ask, “il Capone de la mafia”, it’s right there in them Ombres G tracks from Madrid, if Ewe should need directions ask Burt Lancaster, he knows how to get to Rome from Antony.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki ~ wiki /The_🐧_New_Clothes

🧭 “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is based on a true Folk Tale, the names of las ⚽ putas ⚽ however, have been changed in Order to protect 🇧🇷 Progreso.

∴ ; for the record:

It takes Tú to be in ❣️ Solitaire ♠️… unless youse like “Rainman”.

∧ here is “Y”.

A Moor Es Perros and a road trip song

Have a Nice weekend:

The following is a kind reminder that tomorrow is Kill A Jew observation THEY, and that today at La Rue Des Bourdonnais, it’s International Solidarity Day.

1564The Council of Trent establishes an official distinction between 🇻🇦 Roman Catholicism and 🤐 Protestantism.

2023 – A rash of fundamentalists attacks en contra de la 🇫🇷 Catholique church sparks a mass apostasy that can only be described as a suplex on the Ex-Comunicado powers vested by Chuy to Peter who then transmitted said superpower to the 🇻🇦 Pope in 🇮🇹 Rome.

Give a bum a doughnut, or deliver that fucker an Abrams crew, fuck the tank! This war needs IMPROV, not a fucking jam!

Especially one, with the monopoly of conformity… Get It While You Can!

La desfachates de Belmont follows:

Fuck Ewe RFPP dot co-opt

To celebrate the commemoration… Uncle Sam is sending 31 Abrams to E°UR°opa, but that’s only because Eye is 32º Flavas, and then some, Eye told y’all that Eye was a spearhead.

Encontramos a La Kerschovas, ahora en Gambetta, haciéndola de Charlie Chaplin en 🇧🇷 Portugués al lado de unas 🚇 Candilejas con Roberto ⚽ Carlos, quién por supuesto, María 🇲🇽 Hinojosa 🇺🇸, “usted no me lo va a creer”, pero el cacharro de Roberto 🎤 Carlos levanta más 🇨🇦 minas que sus Mercedes en el garaje de Vicky Carr.

The Tanker’s Creed… Can’t have a Ballroom Blitz without Em#, eh! 💃🏻

¡Total! If you need the reference for the Ferraris and the Jaguars at la Place des Vosges, ask Dr. Poisson, she held the door as I performed the operación.

TROU 🕳️ STORY… and it was all caught on tape 📼.

1942World War II: The first United States forces arrive in Europe, landing in Northern 🇬🇧 Ireland.

But first, Öüï now continue with a road 🛣️ trip from Nice to Perpignan and up to un Île 🦪 llamada d’Oléron 🦪 en Saint-Georges 🦪, o algo así, 🥐 Poitiers was on the way, but then so was a place named after the Spirit of Cognac 🥃… and that’s no lie.


1915The Rocky Mountain National Park is established by an act of the U.S. Congress.

… I’ll follow you down, but not that far.