A tale of two speeches — Macron/Obrador

Hoy tampoco hubo Jazz…

The French mono warns that “Europa is mortal,” and while the Mexican chango insists that Freddy Catscholos reloaded” are respectful of « el pueblo bueno », as the Tabasco native likes to call his heard.

This curso sucks, which is why, in this section the student will watch Mexican telenovelas in French and eat chayote curado del Valle de México con vino tinto de Montmartre.

… Issy-Jonathan-le Mire, support independent journalism del sindicato de la prensa bonita de SciencesPo y Cité. Send a Euro to Pablo Gleason and his compadres and comadres del mariachi de Paris.

Abrazos no balazos, say no to refried beans 🫘

Any how, we now return to our regular blog-post but not before sending a big shoutout to Jerry DROUOT productions, last time Öüï had waltz this dance was with the music of Les Negresses Vertes, no relation to los Chaparros Inmaduros³.

³~. Enanitos Verdes

Cantares… Alicia Leos re-visited (Enter los muertos³)

³~. Attention CAMP, to They is the last day to submit your Mexican Co-optation CERFA forms for NadieSh’da Mexican They of the Dead.

Aquí en París como en La India y La China, la corrupción es más Soph°IS°tica—duh! — y por eso: Yes, corruption… We Knew This is, is, is, is, si!

… caminante no hay camino, la corrupción en Cité made sure of that.

The Fry Attachment Rate, by François a la patate


Now in the lexico del campo glosario of the BISTRO sphere in Paris, the names of the bricks, like the ideology of the BISTRO clientele’s IDEOLOGY might change, but the physical address stays the same, —unless there’s like a major REGIME change, in which case, the streets, the avenues and of course, its boulevards change the heros and the events.

It used to be the BoBar
continuing with page 181 of Marie-Ange Schiltz’ “cajonería³“, this is the final paragraph (V) of page 181 and it adapts a little something like this:
Alexander, my dear Alexander, with his uncertain reasoning, jerky speech and thick, almost incomprehensible British accent. English, I think he’s a class act. He used to be a teacher, they say. Alexander scours Paris, I walk a lot. We’ve met several times around Montparnasse.—
End of Page, jump to page 182


³~. … not to be confused with “co°jo°nes° because La Bagagerie’s setup is basically a collection of cajones; but yes, baggage is reason for those cajones to be;

Whoooop*, there it is 🍟 FRENCH GIRLS BLOWING TRUMPets:

It’s DINAH thyme 🎺

https ://asegovia3 .com /2017/04/29 /french-girls-blowing-trumpets/

Page 182, La Jornada con y sin chinches, y se adapta así para Primero Mis Huevos y luego, y luego mis Hot Cakes:
So British, he goes the distance. Our surprise explodes joyfully and sincerely on the sidewalk. As always, our interactions end as abruptly as these began. Alexander goes his way, I go mine. We turn and greet each other. We haven’t said a word, and yet I know he’s as pleased as I about this unexpected encounter.
¶1, page 182.


https ://asegovia3 .com /2017/04/03 /glosario-y-campo-lexico-spectacles/

*~. Sorry if I dismembered your jingle… got Ketchup?

After the break, it’s The Exorcist, ISSY, your mother sucks Coq at La Maub del Cardenal Elmonje de Lemoine en El Anahuacalli… HOY POR SER, día del reparto de tierras del Tata Cárdenas, te venimos a cantar. Ejido Sies de Octobre, —presente.

It used to be Le Maubert, now it’s just another place to suck Coq. Rumor°Osa calims that the coq is not even French, Kosher or dare EYE say, Halāl! Sources close to Vilma Fuentes en las Tres Puertas de La Maub relay that el gallo is none other than the infamous “GALLITO INGLÉS”, aunque usted no lo crea.

Fuck you, Matt Dæmon! Now that youse in Marseille head over to Nantes³

Not That I Would Do It Again… but if Eye ever did do it A-Gain, Yoya no en°GRAS°hARIA los ejes de tu Carreta. Al fin que Ami, pues a Mí le gusta que suenen, —pa’que los quiero En°Graciados.

³~. You son of a bitch! The Poles are blocking and the grain 🌾 keeps a’Rollin all night long!

Top 🎩 o’The Morning, Mika. And mister Avocado Hass, never mind the Smoke in The Water, it’s all about them mines on the WaWa. Admiral Stradivarius reports.

Thanks, Obama… A-Gain!


Across The Seine, King Chuckles III visited the French Assembly Line and word from Bordello is that The King is going to be talking about Ketching-Up with global warming. Lucky for U.S., French journalist Ariane Lavrilleux, I have the right ingredient for this skillet, and that’s Kerry’s 57 Var°i.e.°Ties Ketchup.

And with that, Britannia said farewell to Marianne, it’s ∴ symbolik ∴ of course. The most relevant image from this three-THEY trip came at 15h18 when the king drank red-red wine; fucker got tipsy and then his Highness was forced, precisely at 14h46, to take the tram. Camilla Queen was not a Muse(d). I’d tell Ewe all more about the rosbif/frog affaire…

But first, it’s the exorcism of French Culture and the apostasy of François a Là Patate. Remember now, it’s the XVII Century in France and yesterday was Ground Hog Day!

Continued from page 82… “— Phil!

The comparison of nuns to traveling Italian acrobats, [or mexican mariachis³] meanwhile, alienated d’Aubignac from church officials. On the last day of his visit, a document circulated, allegedly a letter written by one of the demons. According to d’Aubignac’s own account:

³~. Emphasis on the mariachi is mine.


[T]his letter asserted that Madame the duchess of Aiguillon had with her a magician, and though it did not name him it described him well enough that it was easy for all who knew me, or had seen me in Loudun, to realize that it was me.

“— Told you, call me Bronco

https ://www .google .com /search?q=bill+murray+birthday&rlz=1C1GCEB_enFR1076&oq=bill+murray+birthday&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i19i512l3j0i19i22i30l6.7035j1j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

“— Sorry, Bronco

The magic that d’Aubignac was accused of performing was in fact a form of disenchantment: THE EXORCISM OF DEMONS THROUGH THE COMPARISON OF SACRED AND PROFANE BODIES³. When d’Aubignac exorcised the corpus of Homeric poetry from the priesthood of scholars, change the scenery to that of the street [MANIFESTATION], and the demon—the author³— vanishes.

³~. Clearly, d’Aubignac was a fan of Ricardo Garibay y su estilo lamentablemente inconfundible para enoblecer lo vulgar.
https ://data .bnf .fr /fr /11904147 /ricardo_garibay/

³~. O mismo un mariachipffft!

Warm up your lertover popcorn, Medhi… you ISIRI… are my favorite Devil, next to  Avi Velshi, off-course, but don’t quote Mí on, IT!, because like Lavrilleux, Eye does not like to disclose the sources, it’s not only unbecoming for a journalist, it’s kind of fascist for a POLICE INSTITUTION to demand these. Especialmente, y como TU, Alicia Leos, comprenderás cuando los sapos¹ de la administracion ( HOLLANDE y luego MACRON) eran los de la manifestación.

¹~. Informants if they have a SciencePo connection, snitches if they were GOY.

French police release journalist arrested for reporting on alleged France-Egypt spy operation

Amnesty International’s secretary general Agnes Callamard said: “It is deeply chilling that, almost two years after the revelations that France was allegedly complicit in the extrajudicial executions of hundreds of people in Egypt, it is the journalist who exposed these atrocities that is being targeted, rather than those [Juanito Guanavacoas*] responsible.”

Agence France Presse, vía France 24 . fr

*~. Emphasis from the staff.

If youse just joining the transmission,

Nobody seemed to know Mí, Évry’s body passed Mí by 🖕🏼


🥔 🤡 🍟🎈

Évariste Galois, literally a victim of his own success

“This pupil is sometimes obscure in expressing his ideas, but he is intelligent and shows a remarkable spirit of research.”

Hermès was just another figment of Homer’s Imagination.

Galois’ maths instructor at the prepa.

For context, or lack-there-off, please refrain from making one or many logical leaps of this draft as these might just baffle you and then Ewe (that motherfucker) will hold, IT!, against Mí… Issy Alicia Leos, I am looking at Jorge Harmodio.

One more again, I neither select the psycho-history nor the ‘psycho-news’ of the day and I continue to affirm that there is no such thing as a Mexican state called BCS or Baja California Sur, and you can take that to Texcoco, the most imaginary of all of the Aztec states. 

Pycho-history… fast-forward to October, 2014. That’s around the time when the Mexican (chose your favorite injustice) manifestation popularity shifted from Javier Sicilia’s son and “Las Muertas de Juárez” to the mother of all Mexican political manifestations in France: la bendita Noche de Iguala. And here’s the thing about that “siniestro”, I wonder where the different leaders of all of those different groups, which formed their own off-shoot of the Mexican protest scene (again, in France) are right now. I know where at least on of them is at, mister EXCMO. Asvazourian, as for the rest you might ask, mister Ambassador? —Well, let’s just say that Stephanie Menou’s supervisors (all the way up to minister Valls) wanted to make sure that I could not keep up³.

³~. Not that I would do it all over again, but if I had just been a little more “vivo”, I would have followed Pablo Gleason’s advice to join or start-up a Law of 1901 Association in France, —that’s the way you do it, let Mí tell you! Them guys ain’t dumb.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Psychohistory _(fictional)

The roots, you ask? I know a guy, wait one… but don’t tell that Abbott fellow, the Cardinals ♦️ won’t appreciate it, but that is only because The Monk keeps insisting that he can double (³√2) The Cube (1) using only a compas 🧭 and a straight edge 📏.

Yup, that there is a synthetic diamond 💎 and it’s time for the 7th-inning stretch.

Jump to los HILOS DE KATE y los mecos de SEAN PENN

https ://www .proceso .com .mx /nacional /2023/9/20 / amlo-se-rendra-a-badiraguato-apres-l-extradition-d-ovidio-guzman

To paraphrase the psychohistory of former President of the U.S.in A., Donald John Trump, but in the voice of the current Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López de la O:

Yoya Hubiera Ya Sol°Uzi°O’nado lo de los 43.

But FIRST, the president has to go and pay his respects to to “el ratón’s” grandmother in BA°Di°RA°Guato de Mota.

16 de septiembre, 2016 ∴ hoy marchan

Les frescos de la salle de garde, secret Patrimonio in plain sight, today Öüï begin to by re-visiting Saint–Louis, 1 Av. Claude Vellefaux, 75010 — CED_EX, for more reasons than the orgy which, began to take shape on a tour bus that departed from there, —no less.

Ma sorcière bien aimée, ISSY, ¡Viva México, ratones!

“They’re just the interns”

Meanwhile at Longchamp, I’ve seen that movie Aussi, Alix.

Gaviota, el son de Georgina y Alix.

Si yo fuera Lionel Messi, metería de materia un gol por la puerta de Dios.

Fuck yoU, Matt Damon… see you in Marseille

… and starring as the Church Lady:

And in Paris, France… all of the Magnum©️ shutterbugs are off~Course, fags.

Michael Schmidt, now with a tie 👔 and rolled-up sleeves.

Well isn’t that con* Clinton!

*~. With, as an ingredient.

And oh, dear God! Sean Penn is having an orgy with the daughter of A.I. on Earth Tú.

The Life of Penn


Mike Memoli returns in the role of the altar boy with the personal perspective.

It’s Saturday Night, on a Thursday afternoon in Paris. Issy, fuck your selfie.


… but seriously Volks!

https ://www .dw .com /en /germany-suspends-migrant-intake-from-italy/

I love Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, really, I’ve always respected the AMX projects and now, well now you have shit and a Mariachi ensamble for your future ARMOR defense systems (punto y coma) gulp, gulp, gulp (wine sippin’ sound goes here).

We love the all, the all of youWhere lands are green and skies are blueWhen all in all, we’re just like youWe love the all of you


Maybe in the Mean~time… does any of them fucking mariachis know that one?

Woo-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-oohWoo-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-oohWoo-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-oohWoo-ooh-ooh-ooh

https ://www .reuters .com /world /europe /italys-lampedusa-at-point-no-return-with-migrants-mayor-says-2023-09-14/

I’m an Alligator yes, but also a Distinguished Armor Technician, I could have designed the perfect THANKs for y’all, instead you are going to get the mariachis to cover your precious “patrimoine”.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Leclerc_tank

Don’t worry about her, [ I bet you think this post is about you] she’ll find a güey from the temporary visa pool to start a new orgy at her workstation or clinic. Her husband won’t mind the divorce or PACS dissolution, if he is cool, and only if he is cool and “integrates” he will get that €150,00 solidarity check and, in six months, full-RSA and a studio to live in.

Now don’t you fuckers forget to dispose them soft-skin 56’s on your TRI and forget about that XLR-Standard, put them fuckers in the “gaspillage” bin. Fucking €16 million per unit, what a waste, but keep on granting that €150,00 solidarity pay for your “incoming” artists, I honestly can’t wait to see all of the stranded Lampedusa arrivals at Florence Cassez doorsteps in Calais.

I am sure Alicia, Georgina and Sergio will be there to do the things that they do best, and which is to “INDIGNEZ~VOUS” and tear thier clothes apart in solidarity with the France INSOUMISE orgy.

https ://www .sudouest .fr /societe /religion /he-makes-fun-of-secularism–lfi–is-outraged-by-the-presence-of-emmanuel-macron-at-the-papal-mass

To quote Howard Johnson at from Rockridge:

… and in Paris, France, Marie Cuire, just obliterated another intern’s penis at the water fountain. It was her fifth this week alone.

but that is only because Marie Curie was listening to jazz à fip.

Las°Tima, Marcelino She°IN°go a tu Madre, One More Time.

Death carro (político) for the former “best runner-up mayor in the world³”, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon.

¿A’yora qué pedo con el proceso de una evolución en l’apro pues, don Villanueva?

https ://www .proceso .com .mx /opinion /2023/9/4 /que-pasa-con-proceso

Death Cub for Taxi, or… morando las piedras se encueranDeath Cab For Cutie on a Magical Satanic Tour.


¶ Seven of Strawberries 13. La redacción.
[continuamos con Los Amigos de Pablo Gleason en París].

At different times, Don Julio presented and translated in Proceso various criteria of the magazine’s editorial policy, as examples the following can be noted: a) “A good journalist must be incisive³ and question what is established”;


b) “There is no need to fear the powerful, we must investigate them” and c) “Without the denunciation of terror and the contradictions that cause it, journalism would be reduced to a dazzled hollowness.” … [yada, yada, yada follows]. 

Ernesto Villanueva, el lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2023, en Proceso Digital  [www.proceso.com]

³~. That’s what ALICIA LEOS’ mom said, but I haven’t have the haven to go fetch y’all the entry, maybe later KNOT right now… ✅

For those out of the loop, the editorial independence of this most non-consequential blog in France (2011-2014) was interrupted just like when the light 🚨 is turns red, part of the reason for that arrêté I believe, was to prevent me from establishing precisely an editorial baseline for an INVESTIGATIVE ANTHROPOLOGIE in order to benchmark the Mexican immigration Experience en  la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores en Longchamps pero sobre Iena, en la bendita explanada de Trocadéro.

https ://asegovia3 .com /2016/01/02 /t-80-beyond-the-crossroads/

Death Cub for Taxi, or… morando las piedras se encueran… Death Cab For Cutie on a Magical Satanic Tour — Les femmes s’en mêlent guest star as the Go’ils With Very French Ay’s.


Lucky for Mí, Eye was para-listening “to gospel music on the colored radio station, and the preacher said: you know you always have the Lord by your side…”

³~. http ://www .worldmayor .com /contest_2010 /comments-mexico-city (no HTTPS = shit site)


Death Can 🚕 For Cutie…The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band.

Any how, John Lennon told Mí, that MSNBC’s Mike Barnicle is, was, and will always be a terrible father, especially to the ones old enough to remember Paul McCartney’s fateful cab ride. In the words of Susan Page of the USA To They, “Barnicle makes Lennon look like them Happy Feet on The March of The Emperor Penguins next to that dead Walrus”.

But yes, Happiness is A Warm Gun, Malcom.

Still to come, out of Pennsylvania : no Gunsmoke, no Violence, it was all PARKOUR and a “Glorified Version of a prison camp”.

Imagine that… Only A Foo’ Would Say That. Or an exceptional United Stetson-wearing Statesian, because everybody in the world knows that the U.S. 2nd Amendment headaches are typical of “Cowboys” on the TV 📺, starting with California Governor Ronald Reagan. KNOT NOT ONLY the fact that “The Gipper” was a 2nd Amendment hypocrite but also responsible for the Crack Cocaine on your MTV 🧑‍🚀.

He looked so healthy… must have been them Hamburgers in COYOACÁN

Messieurs SMITHS?

If only the Paris Tourism Board had the Spotlight — like a Voodoo Chile 👆🏞️


The Lives of Others (ISSY this is dedicated to JOHANNE GRACIA POISSON³) and THE FRENCH NAZI STASIquesqui LOVERS who clap at Juanito Guanabacoa.

And, Alicia Leos y sus Arrière (AS) might or, might not agree 👍 but I Know What Y’all Did in September of 2012/2013 at Balard (M8).


³~. Con especial dedicatoría para la señora Alicia LEOS y su MARIACHI “Las Arrière (AS°), but that is only because doña Alicia, like Dr. Poisson made the campechana official by documenting their intentions with La Bendita Préfecture, en otras palabras, como dice Katie Phangs: don’t think that Eye is into Ewe. Just the facts, mesdames.

https ://www .bbc .com /news /world-middle-east / cairo-masterplan-threatens-ancient-city-of-the-dead

Y… en Egipto, una nueva megalópolis is actually and literally running an express way over The City of The Dead. I was wondering why I kept being bugged about that Hitchhikers Guide in CAIRO.

En Italia, it’s a One-Tú with Verstappen y Pérez.

[This space for rent]

Mientras tanto…

The Wayback Machine y los jaraneros tapatíos.

Que Chingue A Su Madre³
“El Mudo”

Note to RFPP y “sus” editores… Entre PEJE’s y MADRINAS.

If there is EVER, ever ever, any doubt why we THE STAFF, continue to make like the IMER NOTICIAS fellow, Mr. Nájar, that is to say —complaint or, faire LA PLAINTE  auprès du procureur de la République BANANERA de FRANCIA y sus medios en rfpp . net it~is because, y aunque no sea lo mismo ni sea igual, Eye would not allow a STASI cop to moonlight as an “ANGEL of culture” when torture was the 🔨  instrumento ⛏️ that he played THE BEST. (Clap, French motherfuckers, CLAP on RFPP).

https ://www .reforma .com /gana-pleito-de-marca-la-sonora-santanera-de-carlos-colorado /ar2488829 

³~La hermosa Marina (Malinche) madre de todos los, las y LES mexicaines (including Pepito).


Al regresar, “Los Luchadores” con el más técnico de PASADENA, the one and only, Memo Hijo de Ricardo Martínez de La Garza…

Perros Bravos follows:/

The Son of a banker who roamed with many COYOTES during his early years in Coyoacán just boarded the TRAJINERA to El inframundo en Yucatán…


Please stayed tuned for sintonías…

The Ninja Scroll is not even a trou 🕳️ translation

Previously on Desperate Housewives… Roc°Paper°Scissoring°

https ://asegovia3 .com /2017/04/18 /contribuidores-notas-y-la-postproduccion/


« Con su permiso, señor presidente (de La Madrid), “gracias por su ‘benevolence’… »
“los muertos que a gritos quereis matar, gozan de cabal salud”, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo parafraseando a “El Mentiroso” de Pierre Corneille.


Radio Televisión Pública Española… presenta:

La Pasión del Primo de Rivera mirando CARA  AL SOL

Ewe and Mí… The Ballad of Co-optations and Interpretations.

“Ya llegó Niki Lauda”

Parchís 🇪🇦 chis, chis.

https ://www .slate .fr /story /228109 /in-spain-the-far-right-is-using-the-drought-to-campaign

Ultras españoles logran que himno franquista se emita en cadena nacional… JOAN MANUEL SERRAT lo interpreta mejor que Miguel Rios, Miguel Bose y el mismísimo Manuel Valls*.

*~. Don Diablo

🌫️ nebulosa, tu chingada madre, Juanito Guanabacoa… SIX SIGMA en la máquila de procesos INTEGRADOS de conTrol de Thompson bicicletero de Amsterdam XXX.


.. we know we now return to our first Heineken® sponsored translation of Schiltz’ bum wrap. And for that we touch base with Alicia Leo’s and El Mariachi ARRIERAS (del Francés, arrière) en el parvis de NESTLÉ en BOTZARIS.


“Caminante no hay camino… ∇ Do Not Try to Adjust Your Programming, you ALL had that opportunity during the François Hollande/Enrique Peña Nieto presidencies (respectably) but you were all too busy BEEFING-UP your *hartistic curricula vitae while wearing a CHE GUEVARA costume that made you ALL look like “el payasito de la tele” CEPILLÍN, en SciencesPo, campus PARIS ».

But, first, here’s a little background for today’s sponsors of the JUANITO GUANAVACO “informática advertorial” Show, mister Juan Valdéz and Laboratorios del bebé agradecido en el Nidal-de-Guigoz en BOUÉ,  Francia… la ciudad más bonita de l’Ainse en Normandie.

Miss Informations follows…  sponsored by Nestlé “Tiger’s Milk Formula”.

De piedra de ser la cama, de piedra las cartulinas… 🎶 la mujer que a mi me quiera — registrará su merca en perpetuidad® 



Over at the Juanito Guanavacoa Show, it’s how to squeeze el presupuesto del consumidor. Reflexiones empresariales de los Amigos de México en Ámstérdäm, o algo así.  


Jardín 21 en la rue Ormesson-del-Ocho, with musical guest, La Tigresa de Los And-Es 🍤🥑 en El Orienté de los Bravos.

Sector BFMTV en TéléCaracol…

https ://www .indiatoday .in /world /story /colombian-rebel-commander-ivan-marquez-killed-in-venezuela

No bathroom breaks.

Of course knot, no cafecito, Tampico.