Intermedio with Admiral Stradivarius

And, Katty Kay… not that Pablo Torre has to, but squint yer’ i’s a little closer, because Mika is going to get a (wet) T-shirt at Canoga Park’s favorite “la brasserie”, Jesus himself just got a warm fuzzy picturing that… now Cry Me A River.

All the squares that fit… and if yer’ name is Dr. Johanne Poisson, picture that yello’fella eating Hamburgers in Paradise on The Rachel Maddow Show.


Any how… it takes an Eastern European Village to make France Unfriendly.

I’m just happy that (according to a former Russian president) that little Easter European village is fictional.

In local news:

https ://apnews .com /article /romania-russia-gold-sent-to-moscow-during-world-war-1-european-parliament-says

Romanian Treasure in Moscow: Medvedev says Romanians are not a nation.

Now then, as the first Made-in-France refugee, I know what a refugee looks like, and Juanito Guanabacoa is not one of Em#.

Shame on a nigga who try to run game on Free Money… and, Representative Gatel, box breath and sip some tea, because March is ODB’s international remembrance day and this year’s honorary nigga carrying the torch of, I swear That I am Knot making this up, is France’s Economy Minister, and soft-porn peddler, Bruno Le Maire.

With that in mind, let’s Ketch-up with French smut after lunch, edition Lili et Marcel à Bercy.

But first, it’s another edition of Homer and the culture of the streets… en El País de Spain, page 14 on the Saturday, March 16th “Contra los idiotas”, de Troyes, o algo así by Nuria Barrios.

“Nothing is known about Homer, there are some who think that he never existed and that his name is a mask that hides behind it all who sang the fabulous histories of of the Trojan war.”

Lennon on sale is so cheap, Joe Scarborough started the Morning Mika Show with Money³

³~. It turned Chief Danvers In Ennis, Alaska, into a raging bitch, but that’s just because Jodi Foster hates The Beatles, after the Break, it’s “Birthday” by The Fab Four x Seven is 28.

Los Amigos de México en Francia presents:

All Those Jeers, A Go… motherfuckers, period!


Meanwhile at the Yoko Ono Adult Drive-In Cinéma at Grand Central Park, Jorge Ramos is remaking Taboo. Musical score for Scorsese: Sex With Their Parents by Lou Reed and The Velvet Revolver of Rocky Raccoon.

But First!!! It’s another edition track of, Across The Universe:

Sonification of Arp 140 via The Beatles


Nothing’s gonna change my 6-year investigation, not Gleason, not Ávalos, not Moreno, and certainly not Harmodio, you all suck. Say hello to Juanito “PGR” Guanabacoa.

Sgt Pepper told the Arellano Felix to play

Let’s not talk about the fuscas, bring in the Love Bugs en un bocho.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexicans.

Meanwhile in Tijuana… it was Thirty Years-ago in MARCH, Sgt. Pepper told the Arellano Félix to play, opening act, El CISEN featuring JUANITO  Guanabacoa y las madrinas de Miguel Nazar Haro en Mesa d’Otay.

And, Sophie Fofie de Velasco en rfpp . net, this is where I catch-up to Florence Cassez at Lomas Taurinas in Tijuana, via Genaro García Luna, Jaime Bonilla, morena-francia y, por supuesto, Saltillo, Coahuila, by way of Armenia’s capital EREVAN, where a toro de lidia escaped from a fútbol stadium there.

Over at the Jen Palmieri conspiracy music facts segment, it turns out that the “bocho³” parked if front of Abby Road Studios would be 28 if… J’en had not broken a glass 🍷.

³~. It’s what the Brazilians call a FUSCA, and los gringos a “Bug”. Trou 🕳️ Fact, in the Original Script, Iris Steensma was supposed to ride with Travis Buckle in a VW BEETLE.

Later in the show, Jen Palmieri’s Starbucks paper cup tells the MSNBC ceramic mug… nice jugs you got there.

Hoy no hubo Jazz, Lo’Real Lo/La mató

Yeah, I’ve seen that picture too, Juanito Guanavacoa in the role Francisco Belmont made sure that I saw it, can’t remember the year right now, (2014/15) but he said that he was on his way to Meaux but that on that day he had to go see about a doctor, or some steakout of the such.

🎶 The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees.

… Now then, Perrine Storme at BFM’ER TV, if you can line up the current events with Yesterday’s tangents, then you might be OUTSOURCED Aussi.



… The good thing about this most non-consequential blog is that I am homeless because of the Sicario-Loving-French… and the talented refugees that “exprimé*” a la puta de Marianne.

Note to the Préfecture de Cité… today’s edition of “Aquií Somos…” is a playback from last week as JUANITO GUANAVACOA Is partaking on them French vacations, not to mention the retirement that comes with obtaining a visa in France.

La estética de Juanito Gianabacoa — engross-ame el Chile y juega con él

Juanito fue a un SpAh y se cambió el apellido ficticio de su universo en Paname.

The Set List — Culture Rapide Jam à Belleville. Hit the road, Moe…

¡Como mama, y como chupa! porque el su°fijo de Papon en rfpp . net es, por supuesto, MAMÓN.

Con todo respeto, que chingue a su madre Gabriel García Márquez y sus cinco minutos de soledad, —ya chole con tus pinches 100 años.

Y para repartir amor:

Gabo may have finished his Nobel-worthy novel in México, but his legacy lives in TEXAS, the state with the QUASI-Pinochet flag.

Why? Why did Gabo’s legacy sought refuge in Texas? I am sure that question has been answered like 1 million times, still, what if the Rockefeller of Ed Norton’s character had been around when Gabo got punched by that perrUANO en la Academia del Puente de La Mala en el 6eme.

TEQUENDAMA de Oro en ElDorado de SciencesPo.

Note to Préfecture:

Your boy, Juanito Belmont had a medical doctor and a pintora on his spiel to the Solidaire Left de Extremadura en BOTZARIS, and if this doesn’t mean squat to all Ewe motherfuckers, then maybe you should hit reply on that email sent from then doctor Poisson (today she is a professor) and ask her if the photographs that Francisco Belmont took of her place of work, and especially the entry-access doors mean a thing to her, if there is one thing that Nazi-loving French at the Préfecture love is a reformed police element skilled in psychological torture and/or harassment… especially if an Amnesty International glorified panhandler from Belleville writes a book about “How I met your mom in Japan.”

Salón Victoría.

The GALL de France, REGINALD ELTON, —the Gall!!!.

He looked so healthy… must have been them Hamburgers in COYOACÁN

Messieurs SMITHS?

If only the Paris Tourism Board had the Spotlight — like a Voodoo Chile 👆🏞️


The Lives of Others (ISSY this is dedicated to JOHANNE GRACIA POISSON³) and THE FRENCH NAZI STASIquesqui LOVERS who clap at Juanito Guanabacoa.

And, Alicia Leos y sus Arrière (AS) might or, might not agree 👍 but I Know What Y’all Did in September of 2012/2013 at Balard (M8).


³~. Con especial dedicatoría para la señora Alicia LEOS y su MARIACHI “Las Arrière (AS°), but that is only because doña Alicia, like Dr. Poisson made the campechana official by documenting their intentions with La Bendita Préfecture, en otras palabras, como dice Katie Phangs: don’t think that Eye is into Ewe. Just the facts, mesdames.

https ://www .bbc .com /news /world-middle-east / cairo-masterplan-threatens-ancient-city-of-the-dead

Y… en Egipto, una nueva megalópolis is actually and literally running an express way over The City of The Dead. I was wondering why I kept being bugged about that Hitchhikers Guide in CAIRO.

En Italia, it’s a One-Tú with Verstappen y Pérez.

[This space for rent]

Mientras tanto…

The Wayback Machine y los jaraneros tapatíos.

Que Chingue A Su Madre³
“El Mudo”

Note to RFPP y “sus” editores… Entre PEJE’s y MADRINAS.

If there is EVER, ever ever, any doubt why we THE STAFF, continue to make like the IMER NOTICIAS fellow, Mr. Nájar, that is to say —complaint or, faire LA PLAINTE  auprès du procureur de la République BANANERA de FRANCIA y sus medios en rfpp . net it~is because, y aunque no sea lo mismo ni sea igual, Eye would not allow a STASI cop to moonlight as an “ANGEL of culture” when torture was the 🔨  instrumento ⛏️ that he played THE BEST. (Clap, French motherfuckers, CLAP on RFPP).

https ://www .reforma .com /gana-pleito-de-marca-la-sonora-santanera-de-carlos-colorado /ar2488829 

³~La hermosa Marina (Malinche) madre de todos los, las y LES mexicaines (including Pepito).


Al regresar, “Los Luchadores” con el más técnico de PASADENA, the one and only, Memo Hijo de Ricardo Martínez de La Garza…

Perros Bravos follows:/

The Son of a banker who roamed with many COYOTES during his early years in Coyoacán just boarded the TRAJINERA to El inframundo en Yucatán…


Please stayed tuned for sintonías…

Swatting not squatting — Never mind BASE-ketball here comes base-BOX

Intermission remains in effect.

Section 230, at 3 Rockefeller Plaza…

Smile, Juanito Guanavacoa stars as the shifty taxi driver in Tú-LA, Hidalgo, in Central Mexico.


https ://www .lefigaro .fr /sortirparis /2013/04/23 /how-to-be-a-Parisian snob-in-50-lessons

For context, Cousin Joe at the Morjo Show was ringing the Emerson Brothers bell. At Botzaris near la rue Hidalgo en Buttes Chaumont (home of the Pueblaennogada Pavillon) Juanito Guanavacoa was trying to polish his own knob by pulling an :

I (Juanito Guanabacoa) re-discovered Armando Lenin Salgado (El Halconazo 1971), and I (Francisco Belmont) am going to bring him to Paris, so that I (Juanito Belmont) too, may play the harmonica at the Beaubourg like Malik « the Sweed » Bendjelloul did.

Congratulations to the Swedish soccer team on their victory of the U.S. ⚽ team at the Oceania World Cup. Aussie, penalties down under in Australia are the Ene- Mí, I have said it once, and I repeat that again, ibid.

Eye is complementing the Plaint, not you Tim Miller, Ewe bean-eating motherfucker, what are you, part of Sam Stein’s tribe at Politico, or just another beaner on the M🦚TV?


30. Arguing that Rodriguez (Sixto) is superior to Robert Zimmerman (Dylan). A charge all the more pungent as the person concerned is a virtual unknown, whose first two albums released forty years ago went unnoticed… except in Australia and South Africa, where he became a “cult” without knowing it . The success of the documentary Sugar Man gives him his revenge… at 70 years old.

Note to editors:
Armando Lenin Salgado died in 2018, as usual, “[A]ll characters and events in this post—even those based on real people—are entirely fictional. All celebrity quotes are impersonated… poorly³“.

¹~. De sapientia veterum, by Francis Bacon in Arthur Weststeijn’s, “The Power of « Plaint Stuff »: Fables and Frankness in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republicanism”.

³~. South Park, the Francis Bacon episode, “the fable serves as a very appropriate expedient for instruction and persuassion, the higher goals of rhetoric beyond simple entertainment and delight.”¹

¹§~. I am paraphrasing here, but what’s his name, Arthur… delivers a double-header that would split ol’ Janus into a precautionary cousin of Twentyfirst-century WATTabbottisms on Second Base at the “Progressive Field” in former Indian 🪶 territory, now it’s nothing more than Guardians stomping grounds: Chicago 🧦 is DOWN! CHICAGO 🧦 IS DOWN! ibid 🧦… and below you’ll CY.

Previously on The Arrival : well slap Mí silly, They Live! 👓


Disclaimer: I am not French, never will be… that is to say, in the i’s and e’s of the following individuals:

° Georgina Moreno (y todo el puto ensamble de morena-francia)

° Alicia Leo’s (y ciertos mariachis huapangeros del FANdanGO de la escena europea).

° Jorge Harmodio (y los Amigos mexicanos de Pablo Gleason en Francia).

little ol’ I, i am KNOT 🪢 qualified to “Analyze This,” Fockersbut I sure [do] have the compétences.

For starters, getting back to the Six degrees of Francis Bacon, Arthur Weststeijn pulled an “opposing view points”⁸ on Sir Francis’-es take on the fable, I’m paraphrasing off–course, but just as Bacon (no relation to Kevin) defended the old fabulists like what’s his name, Aesop? Sir Francis also reserved the fear of pre-occupying himself with populists who turn fables into the Gospel of the church of The Sacred Bleeding Heart of Latter Theys Evangelical Scientology en la calle Stanton de El Paso, Texas.

So there’s that.


Back on the chain gang… Santa Cassez, ruega por ellos, ellas y …’s-es-es.

… and in Paris, France, Denis Soula is exponentiating, as Öüï speaks, Chlamydia

Happy Father’s they… It’s Juanito Guanavacoa’s Refugee Day.

Casablanca — March³ of 1976… Destroyer. Side one, track Three… It’s a magick nombre even in French.

Breaking in Paris: The Sky… and Susana PuBeda, what Tati is youse talkin’Bout? In any case scenario stay away from Denis Soula, that there motherfucker’s got Chlamydia.

https ://www .radiofrance .fr /fip /podcasts /certains-l-aiment-fip /rencontre-avec-macha-makeieff-autour-des-b-o_dejacques-tati

{and} the

Trou 🕳️ to form, that motherfucker… nevermind, i forgot. Eye tells Ewe Dough, you Flamby Basterd’… Denis Soula’s got Chlamydia, that’s FO’ schu’Shugga.

Des-bo_de, is Boricua speak for des-boR-de, as in Overwhelmed.

Que no le digán...

Que no le digán… y que Susana no le cuente, there are only one {set} of Tati’s on this blog and them Tati’s belong to La Kerschovas.

https ://www .unhcr .org /events /world-refugee-day-2023 followed by Mercredi’s Own Music Party all over the HEX.

En la madre! Shugga Howlers!!! The Spaniards are going to Lu’Ziana, en ⚜️ Orleans. Mercy Black Cats are just a figment of your superstition.

Why Francisco Belmont only hangs around with South Americans with German last names from Chile and Argentina is a figment of Adolf Hitler’s emancipation. (Blank, Krantz and Ka)

And SoFy Velasco… all réfugiés are USEFUL IDIOTS, pass the Ticket-resto and leave Jako Pastrami en un rap facho en de rfpp.

Page 176 ¶’s 3 and 4… Mon Incontinence, continued:
From the petition¹, I retained “daily life, homelessness, WOFA, and me the WFA“, the observatrice² who carries around her norms, her inclinations, her aversions, her fears. No matter how many « and / or’s  » I’d insert between these three entities, I couldn’t construct the object, I didn’t know how to cope with the “vastness” of these nobodies³ that follow one another in the ordinary course of life. I spy on the snippets of my daily life that cross paths with people on the street, and all I perceive are a multitude of incoherent moments that follow one another and escape from the social field where, for a second, I thought I could pin and thread them down⁴ without even saying between two categories, but simply between the mentionable and the unspeakable.
To dodge the obstacle, I could take refuge in the production of statistics on the 150-plus people that I dealt with⁵ in the association during my eight years as secretary: gender ratio, mortality rate, average age… sadly, such was not the request!

Faltas de ortografía es un chinga a tu madre… If youse a grammar Nazi on the Juanito Guanabacoa Show.

https ://lyricstranslate .com /en /yaco-conspiranoico-lyrics .html

Hoy por SER día de los padres, China tu madre, Juanito Guanavacoa… ISSY-los-générales chinos son como los L’usos³ 🇵🇷 Valen Verga tú y los que allí están.

De la demande, j’ai retenu « quotidien, SDF, et moi l’ADF », l’observatrice qui trimbale ses normes, ses inclinaisons, ses aversions, ses effrois. J’ai beau insérer des « ou » et des « et » entre ces trois entités, je n’arrive pas à construire l’objet, je ne sais comment affronter la « vastitude » de ces riens qui se succèdent dans le cours ordinaire de la vie. J’épie les bribes de mon quotidien qui croisent des personnes à la rue, je ne perçois qu’une multitude d’instants incohérents qui se succèdent et qui s’échappent du champ social où j’ai cru pouvoir, l’espace d’une seconde, les épingler, pour se faufiler, je ne dis même pas entre deux catégories mais simplement entre le dicible et l’indicible.

Pour esquiver l’obstacle, je pourrais me réfugier dans la production de statistiques sur les plus de 150 personnes dont j’ai géré la présence dans l’association pendant mes huit années de secrétariat : rapport de genre, taux de mortalité, âge moyen… mais telle n’est, hélas, pas la commande !

Page 176 ¶’s 3 and 4

En el espacio de información, Francisco Belmont narra sus experiencias en la frontera entre México y Guatemala donde él cogía y violaba a voluntad, sus palabras de él, y no las de Mia. Y esa, señoras y señores a de ser la razón por la que Amnesty International y las naciones unidas (según él) lo adorán… a él.

Llamar a Francisco Belmont un sicario institucionalizado sería caer en una cubeta Conspiranaca de cangrejos tamaulipecos en Guatemala.


³~. Rusos if youse from the Extreme Extremos de rfpp . net… Bola de putos Manda’lin, y hoy por ser día del padre a lo mejor hasta MANDILONES los muy hijos de María Félix en el rol de JUANA POULE.

Ladies in Gemini the following is a public service announcement.

The Shameless Inn…


Chlamydia. It’s an old word Öüï knows but if youse gonna dump papi at some cheap old afternoon jazz joint please bear in mind that Chlamydia is the number one number {set} on this senior home holiday, which is why Öüï advocates for sex education courses at all senior retirement centers dives in Paris, Texas

En fin, the Paris Prefecture allowed Juanito Guanavacoa to put on his RUSSIAN  PROpaGanDa ON the French dime. (¢). The fact that the Marianne fund (we now know) … funds misinformation on rfpp is just part of the puto Bartabras “Mozart” on a horse 🐴… show (en el Facebook®️).

Don’t call IT!, a Requiem, so pena que Serge Gainsbourg sucks a Con’s dick.

And, Susana PubEda… Ewe don’t wanna see these graphics. Ewe is in it. Eye is Sirius… Denis could not handle these, what with his Chlamydia and Ow’ll.

And in the role of Doctor Didier Raoult, Francisco Belmont, en forma de rap con un cangrejo 🦀 que marchapa’tras… O algo así.

El Ocho… ACT VIII: in search of Ronald McDonald*

Sunday! Sunday! SUNDAY!!!

Remember now, Roxanne, little old i is still in the process of answering Father James-es-es question of where does the geography of truth for America 🇺🇸 in América 🌎 begins?… “Dad damn Ewe », Galileo! Dad damn Ewe, you sonovabitch, period!

André Manoukian is of course, —a fag! … EWE WANT SOURCES? EYE GOTS SOURCES! Öüï has a variety of « cholos re-loaded » straight out of Montreuil-sous-Bois arriving to MATAMOROS, vía Barcelonnette.

Jen Psaki pilates show starts on Sunday, and Eddie Gloude Jr., The Hamburgler is in trouble now as The Psaki get’s a hard-on for finding out what happened to Ronald McDonald

*~. And starring as Ronald McDonald, the man with the make-up in his two-year presidential term and a Nationalist Airport in Washington, D.C, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Station Takeover… or is Denis Soula (that motherfucker) trying to bring back the news to Them ISSY-freaqs?



https ://www .radiofrance .fr /franceinter /podcasts /le-13-14 /le-13-14-du-lundi-13-mars-2023-Pascal Wintzer, archevêque de Poitiers

FRANCEINTER just possessed the SIRÈNE’S waves… Joy Division ➗ {and} The Vatican get it on, on the track “Suicide Solution is Painless ». Don’t call The Exorcist because it’s all part of the show.

Lonnie Liston Smith, no relation to SONNY “say my name” Liston, described the FranceINTERpossesion as “some sort of middle of the road funk encounter on Mulholland Drive”, a sort of cosmic funk said a nearby indigent with French Shopping bags and who manifested herself with a Pinocchio marionette eating a Double-Double from the John 3:16 burger joint near The Crossroads with Highway 101.

Cultural Experiences Abroad… MUST SHOW WORK: La Kerschovas in El Ey. Öüï found La Kerschovas and her Tati Bags™️ strollin’ along Griffith Park Road on her way to The Hollywood Bowl.


It’s the wee hours in West Los Angeles and our GO’ill de Niza was just kicked out of an after The Oscar-es-es after party, long story short but with a lot of bass on that tail, DeNiza was caught making out with Jason after the Allegretto nomad pulled that fucker out of the technical room, where Jamie Lee Curtis had the homicidal Basterd’ working under the minimum wage en “lo negro” y por debajo de la mesa³.

Which brings us back to that Pinocho with panochas… no wait scratch that, not with panochas, but with KERSCHOVAS! Pinocho under Kerschovas: 

— Via la BBC, of course, with the collaboration of Juanito Guanabacoa en rfpp . net and his tribute to Francisco Gabilondo Soler:

Having said these last words, Pinocchio  jumped up in a rage and, seizing a wooden hammer from the counter, he threw it at Jiminy Cricket (Cricri ). Perhaps he did not count on hitting it, but unfortunately it hit him, and hit him on the head, so much so that poor Cricket barely had breath to say cricricri and get stamped against the wall.

Context on this weekend’s editon of, “Aquí somos aqui estamos”, con Juanito Guanavacoa is on the next page… porque “Cuando Canta Alejandro Loralo manda a chingar a su madre su señora“:

The little duck (Like ewe)with a basket and cotton-ball châle Like eweGot mad (Como tú)Because everything is expxensive at the market

And, Eddie Gloude Tenure, Öüï’s gonna need Perry Mason to figure this Columbina, out of C.E.A.

For context, I might not have the best C.V. in the universe, but you know what Suzy “Free Press”? It’s mine and not someone else’s. Unfortunately this blog is not adequate enough to satisfy an explanation, again. And so, It would be probably easier if I would refer you to Bruno at the Préfecture so that you perhaps, maybe, feel the needle going into the groove of one of them recently purchased L.P’s described on the Donnie Deutsch advertisement section of the Morning Mika Show because, part of that LEGACY crowd at Columbia University at SciencesPo, La Sorbonne and of course… the ESCP was part of my customer base, regardless of what Bruno and his chain of supevisors say at the préfecture of police at Cité.

Looking back, ten years in a rearview mirror, the French Préfecture de Police might have all kinds of catalogues depicting the different kinds, or sorts of fabrics from their fucking COLONIES, including México, but those cocksuckers sitting behind the desk never picked-up a cotton ball and gin that fucker up into a pretty little châle “de bolita”, like the one that ADELITA wore in SERPICO.

After he decided to make the film, Al Pacino invited Frank Serpico to stay with him at a house that Pacino had rented in Montauk, NY. When Pacino asked Serpico, “Why did you do it?” Serpico replied, “Well, Al, I don’t know. I guess I would have to say it would be because if I didn’t, who would I be when I listened to a piece of music?”

https ://www .imdb .com /title /tt0070666/ Serpico 1973

[not a Juanito Guanavacoa on an rfpp . net Sunday Show, —that is for sure].

Hoy no hubo efemérides

Previously on, “¡Se Me Chispoteó!”:

Issy, El Chavo hizo su entrada en 1971… diez días después de que mi tocayo Lenin Armando Salgado capturase aquellas épicas fotos en Blanco y Negro del “Jueves de Corpus”, el 20 de junio de 1971, « pero no sé lo vayas a decir a nadie » porque LA HISTORIA OFICIAL de Azcárraga en TELEVISA dicta que “El Chavo del 8” just turned 50 years of syndication. ISSY, “ONLY A FOOL, would say that » IMAGINE THAT, Johnny-boy.

More Time than life, and Alexis was a fag, and that’s a Phact!… After the break it’s La Épopée d’Un Américain en La France.

🎶 They’ve seen his face before…
Nobody was sure that he wasn’t
From the House of Rey Zambada,

Chaves… it’s 1936 and Brazil’s favorite wheels are about to hit them Volks, it’s as if Adolf Hitler knew that his FUSCA would fit like a lego® block with the “Brazilian Miracle” of the 1970’s thanks to the POISSON d’avril ditadura militar of Magalhães Pinto, Pereira de Barros, and of course Werneck de Lacerda, of 1965. Una batucada militar que aguantaría hasta 1985, and that’s no lie, ask The Santos ⚽ in Brazil, not that George in Washington on the frame below.

The Cult of Personality… In Living Colour… y 🕛 de pronto … 🕧 … 💥 Flash! La Chica del Bikini Azul.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2022/12/30 /⚽ /Murió el Mozart del futbol, pero su leyenda pervivirá

1936: en Alemania, Adolf Hitler implementa un nuevo vehículo, práctico y de bajo costo: el Escarabajo³, de la fábrica Volkswagen (‘vehículo del pueblo’). En México, pero por aquello del año del 2023, Andrés López invites “The Führer” to install his “VOCHO” factory in Puebla de Zaragoza.

³~. Quick programming note, according to the IMdB trivia sector, both Chiquinha  and Chaves   are BEETLE fans all the way to the break-up of esa Maldita Vecindad.

Last Week To They, reprise de Yesterday en RFPP 106.3 fm

Over at RFPP, JUANITO GUANABACOA has been cleared by the 🇨🇵 Ministère de Culture to FINALLY give his three-cents over the 📻 waves on the recently concluded trial of Genaro García Luna. The AUTO-censorship displayed by Juanito Guanavacoa during the ENTIRE month of January and part of February is 🎼 Pathetic, if not unfortunate but clearly Knot Ironic.

Öüï, the staff, can only begin to speculate as to what could have been the reasons why, “le regie” of l’émission hebdomadaire of Décalage Horaire would, pretty much, like Joe Scarborough on the Morning Mika Show, not touch the Genaro García Luna trial coverage with a 3145 km pole.

One thing is for certain, better safe than sorry. Why bring up something that might implicate any given French official in the García Luna’s Rolodex® before the judge delivered the findings from Genaro García Luna’s peers and quite possibly, Genaro García Luna’s customer base en la Ciudad de Nueva Yorky París, aussi.

Getting back to “Ordem e Progresso

1973 . Au Mexique , pour la première fois (after the ORIGINAL Pilot, which aired in 1971 on an independent station) un chapitre de CHAVES est publié en La Fundación Televisa.

1935Adolf Hitler orders the Luftwaffe to be re-formed, pasándose de esa manera a Led Zeppelin by his Rocky Mountain Oysters during The Paris International Pharm Expo, and thus violating the provisions of The Treaty of La Porte de Versailles.

Over at the ESCP*, Alma Mater⁸ of Mexican President Francisco I.Madero, The Echos of la profesora Florence Pinot-Girafales are sounding like a “patheticMozart tune, when she sentenced during an elDorado conference:


*~.« Apprendre à oser », The HEC (hautes études commerciales) is also part of the network of business schools (ESC) of the CCI Paris Île-de-France with ESSEC and ESCP Business School, forming the group of “three Parisians”. Like the ESCP Business School, the HEC Paris is a consular institution of higher education (EESC).

México is infiniment plus facile que le Brésil

Florence Pinot de Villechenon
Le Mexique, un elDorado Retrouve ?

https ://www .gemdev .org /infosgemdev /?p=6738
Jeudi, 7 novembre 2013
ESCP Europe (salle Europe)
75011 M-3 Saint-Maur
