The Ninja Scroll is not even a trou 🕳️ translation

Previously on Desperate Housewives… Roc°Paper°Scissoring°

https ://asegovia3 .com /2017/04/18 /contribuidores-notas-y-la-postproduccion/


« Con su permiso, señor presidente (de La Madrid), “gracias por su ‘benevolence’… »
“los muertos que a gritos quereis matar, gozan de cabal salud”, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo parafraseando a “El Mentiroso” de Pierre Corneille.


Radio Televisión Pública Española… presenta:

La Pasión del Primo de Rivera mirando CARA  AL SOL

Ewe and Mí… The Ballad of Co-optations and Interpretations.

“Ya llegó Niki Lauda”

Parchís 🇪🇦 chis, chis.

https ://www .slate .fr /story /228109 /in-spain-the-far-right-is-using-the-drought-to-campaign

Ultras españoles logran que himno franquista se emita en cadena nacional… JOAN MANUEL SERRAT lo interpreta mejor que Miguel Rios, Miguel Bose y el mismísimo Manuel Valls*.

*~. Don Diablo

🌫️ nebulosa, tu chingada madre, Juanito Guanabacoa… SIX SIGMA en la máquila de procesos INTEGRADOS de conTrol de Thompson bicicletero de Amsterdam XXX.


.. we know we now return to our first Heineken® sponsored translation of Schiltz’ bum wrap. And for that we touch base with Alicia Leo’s and El Mariachi ARRIERAS (del Francés, arrière) en el parvis de NESTLÉ en BOTZARIS.


“Caminante no hay camino… ∇ Do Not Try to Adjust Your Programming, you ALL had that opportunity during the François Hollande/Enrique Peña Nieto presidencies (respectably) but you were all too busy BEEFING-UP your *hartistic curricula vitae while wearing a CHE GUEVARA costume that made you ALL look like “el payasito de la tele” CEPILLÍN, en SciencesPo, campus PARIS ».

But, first, here’s a little background for today’s sponsors of the JUANITO GUANAVACO “informática advertorial” Show, mister Juan Valdéz and Laboratorios del bebé agradecido en el Nidal-de-Guigoz en BOUÉ,  Francia… la ciudad más bonita de l’Ainse en Normandie.

Miss Informations follows…  sponsored by Nestlé “Tiger’s Milk Formula”.

De piedra de ser la cama, de piedra las cartulinas… 🎶 la mujer que a mi me quiera — registrará su merca en perpetuidad® 



Over at the Juanito Guanavacoa Show, it’s how to squeeze el presupuesto del consumidor. Reflexiones empresariales de los Amigos de México en Ámstérdäm, o algo así.  


Jardín 21 en la rue Ormesson-del-Ocho, with musical guest, La Tigresa de Los And-Es 🍤🥑 en El Orienté de los Bravos.

Sector BFMTV en TéléCaracol…

https ://www .indiatoday .in /world /story /colombian-rebel-commander-ivan-marquez-killed-in-venezuela

No bathroom breaks.

Of course knot, no cafecito, Tampico.


1, 2, 3, 4, … Political Director for Hire

That’s not a Llama, Gumby! That’s a fucking GUACAMAYA, and you can double check THIS fact with Pablo Gleason, cousin of course of Miguel, the only Mexican in France allowed to write about MEXICANS ABROAD, and brother to the greatest Torero en Saltillo, Coahuila, y en Merida Yucatán, “El Glison”.

The chapel of the Pétètes | Ecrins National Park (

My first Vernissage.

It checks out, pinches petetes son muñequitos de Piedra en una tal porte de La Chapelle… for context, to avoid getting an OTQF from the préfecture a Cité in 2014, all that I, Armando Segovia, had to do was give up the names of my sources, both here and in Mexico. 

Who knows, maybe if I had listened to Raphaël Moran, Pablo Gleason and el mono with the “PEPITO” hat below, jaraneando in a NICHO of anygiven banlieu parisina, pues a lo mejor [SoFy Belascoarán] ahorita sería también un HARTISTA en FRANCIA!!! como los integrantes de la Banda del Carro Lleno de La Embajada de México en la rue Longchamps.

El Charrito Pemex, con beca del CoNaCyT en la Comisión Federal de Electricidad y Bienes Raíces de Manuel Bartlett Díaz. Uso Justo de todos los GAMBI y los Petetes también. COPYLEFT, but not the Mexican LEFT, porque se ENOJA la Mujer de Nicolas.

Manuel Bartlett Díaz — Wikipédia (

Not to be outdone by DAVID GUETTA, French ghetto artist and Llama lover, GAMBI (Gumby) joined forces with a former JARANERO from the JUANITO GUANAVACOA ranks at the NARCO CONSULATE SECTION of the Mexican Embassy in the 2eme Arrondisement to bring you a new vision in future FANDANGOS at the MEXICO HOUSE, inside of the perimeter of Cité Universitaire de Paris at the 14eme Arrondisement en GenTilly, laced with la porte d’Orleans in la FRANCE.

de mexicanos en fandangos de FRANCIA

¡Mesa, mesa, mesa al que más aplauda! Con ustedes, el hijo a-francesado de Juanito Guanabacoa en Francia, knot the one from CANADA: ALAN GARCÍA, no relation to the Peruvian ex-president who, par hasard, is also a Llama lover.

Yup, that’s an eight!

Any how, never mind that pink-shade lizard face profile looking at rebmevoN on the B-Side of the “Dark Side of The Moon”, just in case you FORGOT who Pink was, and same as it Eva’ Was, the fak remains the same, it’s that dirty-old aging cajun mix between a Gray and a little gator, James Carville.

Now, across the Gulf of México from the Louisiana Swamps (Orleans, Fr.) in Tabasco, the Olmecas thought of the relief on the face of the moon as a ‘rabbit’ but as the pink moon close-up clearly reveals, the big’ol James Car Vile reptilian profile-looking face is there. The ears that which are, “supposedly” a wascaly wabbit doing a backflip is actually, Car Vile’s little gecko-like body.

It’s right D.A.R.E. in plain sight for all to see. Behold, motherfuckers:

It’s a pink elephant in Florida.


And, Mika can Eye have that pink elephant over Perth?


Petete Pedotes, featuring Gumbi

Who needs FOX News when it’s all Greek to Marc.


The Truth about Elon Musk… Musk is a fucking lizard Man like that Car Vile guy.

Don’t forget the Ca-Junes-ese 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎


So, yeah… Marc pinned the hammer on Piggly wiggly. Marc’s segue into the Pelosi affaire in San Francisco, California, might just be the runner-up to this year’s edition of the Alanis MorriSète Award.

… ∞