It’s the Timing… Two minutes, Rachel

A sitting President actually said this, “We Will Not Walk Away!”, period.


My fellow Americans, enjoy the hamburgers and that stupid 2020 Bloods hat

Archive footage courtesy of a FAILED REVOLUTION and The Televisa Foundation at W radio.


Frozen children on aisle Tú…

After the break on Seine-les-Moulineaux-sur-Issy at Disneyland is good morning Emmanuel. Last time when Hollande was in Charge, The Affordable Care Act was in charge and Biden was the second in command. Thanks, Obama!

The Ninja Scroll is not even a trou 🕳️ translation

Previously on Desperate Housewives… Roc°Paper°Scissoring°

https ://asegovia3 .com /2017/04/18 /contribuidores-notas-y-la-postproduccion/


« Con su permiso, señor presidente (de La Madrid), “gracias por su ‘benevolence’… »
“los muertos que a gritos quereis matar, gozan de cabal salud”, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo parafraseando a “El Mentiroso” de Pierre Corneille.


Radio Televisión Pública Española… presenta:

La Pasión del Primo de Rivera mirando CARA  AL SOL

Ewe and Mí… The Ballad of Co-optations and Interpretations.

“Ya llegó Niki Lauda”

Parchís 🇪🇦 chis, chis.

https ://www .slate .fr /story /228109 /in-spain-the-far-right-is-using-the-drought-to-campaign

Ultras españoles logran que himno franquista se emita en cadena nacional… JOAN MANUEL SERRAT lo interpreta mejor que Miguel Rios, Miguel Bose y el mismísimo Manuel Valls*.

*~. Don Diablo

🌫️ nebulosa, tu chingada madre, Juanito Guanabacoa… SIX SIGMA en la máquila de procesos INTEGRADOS de conTrol de Thompson bicicletero de Amsterdam XXX.


.. we know we now return to our first Heineken® sponsored translation of Schiltz’ bum wrap. And for that we touch base with Alicia Leo’s and El Mariachi ARRIERAS (del Francés, arrière) en el parvis de NESTLÉ en BOTZARIS.


“Caminante no hay camino… ∇ Do Not Try to Adjust Your Programming, you ALL had that opportunity during the François Hollande/Enrique Peña Nieto presidencies (respectably) but you were all too busy BEEFING-UP your *hartistic curricula vitae while wearing a CHE GUEVARA costume that made you ALL look like “el payasito de la tele” CEPILLÍN, en SciencesPo, campus PARIS ».

But, first, here’s a little background for today’s sponsors of the JUANITO GUANAVACO “informática advertorial” Show, mister Juan Valdéz and Laboratorios del bebé agradecido en el Nidal-de-Guigoz en BOUÉ,  Francia… la ciudad más bonita de l’Ainse en Normandie.

Miss Informations follows…  sponsored by Nestlé “Tiger’s Milk Formula”.

De piedra de ser la cama, de piedra las cartulinas… 🎶 la mujer que a mi me quiera — registrará su merca en perpetuidad® 



Over at the Juanito Guanavacoa Show, it’s how to squeeze el presupuesto del consumidor. Reflexiones empresariales de los Amigos de México en Ámstérdäm, o algo así.  


Jardín 21 en la rue Ormesson-del-Ocho, with musical guest, La Tigresa de Los And-Es 🍤🥑 en El Orienté de los Bravos.

Sector BFMTV en TéléCaracol…

https ://www .indiatoday .in /world /story /colombian-rebel-commander-ivan-marquez-killed-in-venezuela

No bathroom breaks.

Of course knot, no cafecito, Tampico.


Last Week To They — Compared to what, Salma*?

 La Jornada Artificial… after the break 💔 Öüï take a sneak-peak at Pandora’s Box 🎁, ISSY… I’ve seen them chones on Princess’s aussi. 

Los Hilos artificiales de Tam-tam 👙🪢🔬

*~. Madame FIGARO nº2022; 26~27 de mayo.

Please be forewarned that … whatever wherever you think this is going to lead to, it is not. In any case Thomas de Corbillón, chinga tu madre, you are now like the good Rev. Al Sharp’n, an honorary jalapeño!

I literally can’t pull la teibolera de pandora. That the French call it La Nuit Blanche es porque la doña está cubierta 🎶 de Pilares de {Au y Ag}.

Note to Marie-Ange Schiltz:

what kind of Mexican covering las noticias transnacionales de la Cultura de encuentros encuerados entre la filosofía del “objetivismo” y la cultura de “la pobreza” would I be if I ignore, that which Univision (34) and Telemundo (52) on the UHF DIAL call, « lo nuestro »?

~. Ayn Rand.

La Nuit Blanche… get a LOAD of this, mister French Ambassador to Xochimilco. I Am, the axolotl.

~. Oscar Lewis

For the record doña Schiltz, the correlations between what don Leoncio Orellana : . from the Latin American House in Paris Saint-Germain 217 and, la Fundación Televisa is in and of itself an entire universe where Ely Guerra y Natalia Labifurcada intersect with don Leo’s bendición:

Go ahead, I commend you, but! There is one condition, (this is Spring 2011) and that is that it is not always about the poor. 

And no, there is no Causality there.

Page 68, coverstory Salma HAYEK: 
Une seule VIE me paraît trop COURTE”. par Genone-Matray’etta.


Any how, what better way to segue onto the Schiltz’ périphériques underpass-es-es on skid row in France and merge onto Oscar Lewis’ take on the “culture of poverty”, because “como el viejo decía…”, chin 🥃.

Hoy no hubo efemérides

Previously on, “¡Se Me Chispoteó!”:

Issy, El Chavo hizo su entrada en 1971… diez días después de que mi tocayo Lenin Armando Salgado capturase aquellas épicas fotos en Blanco y Negro del “Jueves de Corpus”, el 20 de junio de 1971, « pero no sé lo vayas a decir a nadie » porque LA HISTORIA OFICIAL de Azcárraga en TELEVISA dicta que “El Chavo del 8” just turned 50 years of syndication. ISSY, “ONLY A FOOL, would say that » IMAGINE THAT, Johnny-boy.

More Time than life, and Alexis was a fag, and that’s a Phact!… After the break it’s La Épopée d’Un Américain en La France.

🎶 They’ve seen his face before…
Nobody was sure that he wasn’t
From the House of Rey Zambada,

Chaves… it’s 1936 and Brazil’s favorite wheels are about to hit them Volks, it’s as if Adolf Hitler knew that his FUSCA would fit like a lego® block with the “Brazilian Miracle” of the 1970’s thanks to the POISSON d’avril ditadura militar of Magalhães Pinto, Pereira de Barros, and of course Werneck de Lacerda, of 1965. Una batucada militar que aguantaría hasta 1985, and that’s no lie, ask The Santos ⚽ in Brazil, not that George in Washington on the frame below.

The Cult of Personality… In Living Colour… y 🕛 de pronto … 🕧 … 💥 Flash! La Chica del Bikini Azul.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2022/12/30 /⚽ /Murió el Mozart del futbol, pero su leyenda pervivirá

1936: en Alemania, Adolf Hitler implementa un nuevo vehículo, práctico y de bajo costo: el Escarabajo³, de la fábrica Volkswagen (‘vehículo del pueblo’). En México, pero por aquello del año del 2023, Andrés López invites “The Führer” to install his “VOCHO” factory in Puebla de Zaragoza.

³~. Quick programming note, according to the IMdB trivia sector, both Chiquinha  and Chaves   are BEETLE fans all the way to the break-up of esa Maldita Vecindad.

Last Week To They, reprise de Yesterday en RFPP 106.3 fm

Over at RFPP, JUANITO GUANABACOA has been cleared by the 🇨🇵 Ministère de Culture to FINALLY give his three-cents over the 📻 waves on the recently concluded trial of Genaro García Luna. The AUTO-censorship displayed by Juanito Guanavacoa during the ENTIRE month of January and part of February is 🎼 Pathetic, if not unfortunate but clearly Knot Ironic.

Öüï, the staff, can only begin to speculate as to what could have been the reasons why, “le regie” of l’émission hebdomadaire of Décalage Horaire would, pretty much, like Joe Scarborough on the Morning Mika Show, not touch the Genaro García Luna trial coverage with a 3145 km pole.

One thing is for certain, better safe than sorry. Why bring up something that might implicate any given French official in the García Luna’s Rolodex® before the judge delivered the findings from Genaro García Luna’s peers and quite possibly, Genaro García Luna’s customer base en la Ciudad de Nueva Yorky París, aussi.

Getting back to “Ordem e Progresso

1973 . Au Mexique , pour la première fois (after the ORIGINAL Pilot, which aired in 1971 on an independent station) un chapitre de CHAVES est publié en La Fundación Televisa.

1935Adolf Hitler orders the Luftwaffe to be re-formed, pasándose de esa manera a Led Zeppelin by his Rocky Mountain Oysters during The Paris International Pharm Expo, and thus violating the provisions of The Treaty of La Porte de Versailles.

Over at the ESCP*, Alma Mater⁸ of Mexican President Francisco I.Madero, The Echos of la profesora Florence Pinot-Girafales are sounding like a “patheticMozart tune, when she sentenced during an elDorado conference:


*~.« Apprendre à oser », The HEC (hautes études commerciales) is also part of the network of business schools (ESC) of the CCI Paris Île-de-France with ESSEC and ESCP Business School, forming the group of “three Parisians”. Like the ESCP Business School, the HEC Paris is a consular institution of higher education (EESC).

México is infiniment plus facile que le Brésil

Florence Pinot de Villechenon
Le Mexique, un elDorado Retrouve ?

https ://www .gemdev .org /infosgemdev /?p=6738
Jeudi, 7 novembre 2013
ESCP Europe (salle Europe)
75011 M-3 Saint-Maur


Track 1, Free Fallin’ : Synopsis de “aquí somos aquí estamos », cont’d from Sunday

In local news, in an unprecedented first, the Olympic Torch will not be lit in a ceremonial rite 🔥 to Helios 🌞 in Athens 🇬🇷  because for the first time in their long list of failures and snafus-es, the Paris Tourism Board did something right.

⁶Repetition en rfpp. net… Get It While You Can!
(Context en el siguiente cuadro para los andaluzes de Guanabacoa).

Page 65 revisited :

I was lucky (after working in radio) … I received the support from Miguel Alemán —W fm boss— to create a CORPORATE image of a HUGE TV corporation.


Alejandro G. Iñárritu
in, Wood, J. ibid

According to sources close to the Royal Spanish Charters, a tourism firm, the nat sounds that can be heard next to the reconstruction chante de la catedral de Nuestra Señora de París, is the sound of “el derrame de donaciones” that almost immediately began to pour for the reconstruction of the structure’s spire.

With variations, but certainly with repetition⁶ the conspiracists jingle is delivered to to the traveling group, “from this place, ladies and gentlemen from the jury,” says the tour guide in full stand-up comedy mode:

… the future olympic flame 🔥 for the 2024 Games will be lit by another flame, which Öüï been told, will be lit with the tizón (ember) of a cigarette end which is currently (as Ewe reads) kept lit by a Chain of smoking foo’s and who been sucking at, It! Since April 25th of 2019.

Preliminary disqualification for all occasions, indeed. It’s like backwards-planning for pessimists who think “that all work and no play make Jacques a dull boy ».


“What I wanna know is who gave this Chunky Basterd’ a Double-Double🍔”.

Sean Penn at the Golden Avocados.

A Petty classic, it’s a Nocturne — “Here’s side Tú! »


THE FABER BOOK OF MEXICAN CINEMA (REVISITED), and the « sans » SOUL commercials de El Negro² de Sean Penn.

Page 65, “I was lucky”, the making of tu Chingada Madre también.

²~. Alejandro González Iñarri-tu-mamá también.

Page 44, n⁰ 1681, Courrier International
Jan 25, 2023
360⁰ plein ecran
via: De Standard (Belgique)

https ://www .courrierinternational .com /article /serie-a-la-television-publique-flamande-l-histoire-de-la-flandre-n-est-plus-une-histoire-belge

For historical context, earlier in the Peacock programming, Mika Bee commemorated the assassination of Bob “Caligula” Guccione, founder of her Penthouse floor at the house that Ayn Rand built.


“Hello, CD listeners … », Öüï is going to give a few minutes to our non-readers in 🏄🏽 Hilo, Hawaii, to Ketch-Up with los andaluzes “Paco RG” and Salvador from this past Sunday’s “Juanito Guanabacoa Show”, but that’s only because in Hilo, Hawaii, it’s a Happy Monday Primetime night, and former F.B.I. agent Frank Figluzzi, of Aaron Schwartz demise infamy, he just received the CAPTAIN LOUIS RENAULT, “I am shocked! Shocked! To learn that there is a SPIE among U.S.! », award.

In the mean time, Katty Kay, here’s Mike Pompeo celebratory Valentine for Riyadh 🇸🇦, an orgy for The America that Pompeii loved, under Caligula’s régime.

… and Cousin Joe, you sonova—bitch. “There you go again,” thinking that the revisionist state-by-state trend of the Fifty States, is an American Original, but it is not. Why just check out how how los belgas 🇧🇪 se pasan de 🇨🇵galos 🇨🇵 en la télévision de PAL, if you even remember or knew what a CD or its visual twin, the DVD 📀 worked in the geography of TV… the HIStory of NTSC is so pedestrian, mate, it makes Mí 🪐 want to Stream on a pirate link.

All The Knews that d.a.t.* fit, on a Marjorie Taylor Green bullshit bible.

*~. dumb ass tank operator

 41 – Caligula, Roman emperor (b. 12)


Ask, Phat Basterd’ at Franche-Musique in his faggety Le Clerc, I am an Anti-Christ but most of all, I am a Distinguished ARMOR Technician.

Note to editors, today’s WO’id of the They is F.D.R., as in: The French people, all of #Em, the whole LOT, got a New Deal yesterday, on the 49.3 freq. of le Palais de l’Elysée. To celebrate, here’s the “Cute One” singing the acoustic version of Vera’s Nocturne, “When I’m Sixty Four ».

Spies compuestos: SPIE, (third-person singular simple present spies, present participle spying, simple past and past participle spied)
Obsolete form of spy.


But, FO’ist, it’s another rotation of “Adventures in Translations », with your host, Alejandro González Iñárritu as el amigo del perro agradecido de la calle Stanton, “El Perro Andaluz³

³~. Sean Penn stars as el perro de Andalucía.

Parental Advisory for Franco-phonies in Quebec

In context for ULTRA Phans and North Africans in Paname or Marseille:

I want my USB

I, Armando Segovia, had my French VISA snatched from my hands at the Cité Préfecture in Paris, France,—literally, not figuratively, period.

I contend that the reason for that bureaucratic « arrête » was for criticizing the Ties or, the accomodation of Mexican corruption in France such as this one³ in Brasil; so before you North African Phellows, do like the FRENCH Legion of Juanito Guanavacoa  🇲🇽  and Osler Amaro  🇵🇪  at rfpp (106.3) do, I ask:

³~. https ://www .rfi .fr /en /international /20221130 –french-banks-accused-of-massively-fuelling-amazon-deforestation-bnp

Selma Likum Salma


what HAVE you done, BESIDES MAKING FUN OF EGYPTIAN mummies and Sarkozy, to highlight the corrupt leaders of your fútbol team, BECAUSE is that not what Soccer ⚽ is about, —a game of Tribes?

and if this is to hard to unravel, then just keep on watching “the cup”, in the same way that Mexicans consume (and Export) telenovelas.

Fake Cinnamon Spice


You fuckers are AS guilty as Petin and The Red Cross at The Grand Ol’Palace… but then again, you would not get the reference  🇲🇦.

This is not a political commentary, this is fútbol with a USB port.


En contexto, if your brain only has room for CONFORMITY and an RSA paycheck and Pôle- Emploi à volonté, please be advised that this comment is not political at all, this is the map of the Quarter Latino de Vilma Fuentes at Polly Maggoo… and if you know what “remittences” are, and IF-and-ONLY ewe (🐑) know where the State of Jalisco is, then maybe, just maybe you might get my Vision of Muhammad Ali, and The Greatest  🇦🇷  (next to Ronaldo 🇵🇹)… before, not after the MATCH, —like the French Media does*.



and Eye quotes: de América— Yo Soy

Fundación Televisa presenta:

https ://www .paredro .com /8-obras-magistrales-de –pedro-ramirez– vazquez- arquitecto-y-disenador-grafico/

The Televisa logo, which identified the company from 1973 to December 2000, was designed by the architect Pedro Ramírez Vázquez in 1972, since then the corporate colors have been yellow and orange. As an anecdote, many call the logo the Sun of Ibero-America, when in fact the author explained that it was an eye that saw the world through the television blind.

Pedro Ramírez shot the Sheriff and then he robbed El Museo de Antropología e Historia, a Risk Assessment officer for Seguros América, en Francia (sucursal Fr. Guyana) reported that the bandido, “an architect previous to his career as a foragido”, never turned in the blueprints to the museum which he designed. The officer however, did not see that as a red flag, but rather noted the historicity of Pedro Ramírez’ job history as a coincidence.

Previously on, “Sonora” deja ya joder con esos TACOS, porque si son de harina le pertenecen a GRENOBLE (French 🌯 TACOS) y si la tortilla es de maíz then they have been “Gastrofied™©®” by the “lazy, opportunist, tea-sipping, gentryfing Rosbifs at Top Gear³ what’s next, is your royal highness going to ‘coin’ the word « bacanora » for your Pubs?

Attention Camp  of the Canton de La Gendarmerie en la calle del Banco de Francia… the following is a decree issued by The Mexican Consulate at the 2nd Barrio del Centro de Ntra. ’Ñora de Las Víctorias:

https ://www .calendarr .com /mexico /personajes-de-la-independencia /amp/

In Paris, France, the Mexican Embassy ordered the Consular Section of that franchise (they are beginning to look like fascists) to hang the heads of the Conspirators of The State of Querétaro (named after Morelos, who did not make the Album cover of Let It Be a single swift coup) in the place of Lennon, le petit père Hidalgo y Costilla, to the left of Hidalgo is José Miguel Ramón Adaucto Fernández y Félix, más conocido como Paul McCartney but Évrybody knew him as Lupe Victoria, below the main conspirator, is Enarnación Ortiz, also known as “El Pachón”, or Mr. Starr 🤩, his valor and avocados the size of papayas kept the pelotón in step, and then there is the Dark Horse; Mariano Matamoros… Yoko Ono makes a cameo as La Virgen del 23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre.


De arranque, a classic ride, Ewe don’t need no Ticket, “Because cars reflect national characteristics don’t they?³”.

³~. https ://www .theguardian .com /media /2011 /feb/01 /top-gear-mexican-ambassador

Breaking Bat y Can : patrimonio de Caborca, ¡cabrones!

Sponsored by Fish Tacos y Rocky Point peñascos Risk Management y asociados.

Gastrofication™©®… noun:

https ://www .telemundo .com /noticias /noticias-telemundo /curiosidades /uso-de-la-palabra-taqueria– rcna47990

The process whereby the character of an ethnic food is changed by wealthier unimaginative people who open food joints  in former colonial powers such as England or, if you’d like, their soon-to-be-split little island, the U.K., period!

🎶 Yum yum bumble bee bumble bee tuna, i want bumble bee bumble bee tuna.

Over at RFPP, Celia Cruz is covering “Tu Vox”, and Eye quotes, “cristalina corriente cual una cascada”… Roco y La Sonora Santanera andan con “PanChiTo” bailando Cha-Cha CHA, y según Osler Amaro, rfpp está defendiendo las fosas de torturados en Las “tierra de Putin” según, Freddy Rojas.  Again, La Emisión Américas 106.3 fm no ofrece reproducciones de sus misas, por lo que van a tener que sintonizar ahorita mismo que la musiquita de circo acaba de tumbar la llamada a la defensa de Vladimir Putin.

En fin, “technical gremlins” en La Emisión Americas are having difficulties with the VoIP-Skype connection to Leviathan.

Sonora via The UK Subs

SONORA has undergone gastrofication”. I bet you fucking rosbifs would not dare register trademark the word ‘boulangerie’ as a Brit copyright without starting another 100-year war with the Frogs.

R.I.P. ~ C.O.P.S. (1989-2020)

Season 33, Episode 1
Stolen Cars and Firearms… CANCELLED
The Televisa Foundation however, picks up the reality show in a new LATIN US TV titled:

Autos Chocolate on the Fast & Furious Track.

Dear, Adrienne ElRod

Dear, Adrienne Elrod, please inform The Lincoln’s Project, Steve Schmitt, that we [the staff] don’t mind him using our lingo to bash on Corrupt cops, have at it… nice touch on the pineapples by the sink, say D.A.R.E. Mr. Schmitty, are you a Sponge Bob fan or are you just happy to take a cue from Mí.

🎶 Bad cops bad cops
Whatcha’gonna do
whatcha’gonna do
when they come for you
Bad cops bad cops…

How About YOU, MSNBC,
will you be reconsidering your weekend LOCK-UP programming BARR? Or, will you, Phil Griffith* move your Reality Answer To C.O.P.S. on FOX, to your new Peacock on-demand… AND on DeadLINE.

* La Hache, Seth Meyers… es muda
We'll always have Tillicum, WA

We’ll always have Tillicum, WA .:. 1EA5847F-C533-4D60-B348-7BE252AC7558 👮🏻‍♂️

And for the record, Mr. L.L. McKelvey, if you follow the T.R.A.I.L. of tears, perhaps you will discover that the REPUBLICAN STRATEGY to counter the democratic side of the aisle with regards to a police reform bill following the death of Brother Floyd, is a dude by the name of Tim Scott (R–S.C.), Eye is wondering, Mr. Tha God, if that motherfucker is Black, charred or just toasted–on–top, since you seem to be the authority on this matter.

https ://www .npr .org /2020/06/09 /873356229 /led-by-tim-scott-senate-republicans-begin-drafting-their-own-police-reform-plan?t=1591784921356

Time now for The Last Word before the Oh Five Hundred hours in Central Nato Times. Happening right now, Eddie Gloude Jr., is framing a new book which explains why Cristòfor Colom‘s statues in the United States ended up charred, headless and, submerged in lakes. Según, el profe Eduardo Gloude Junior, la historia hasta este preciso punto en la tierra anglosajona que por ser excepcional decidió acaparar todo territorio hasta llegar a HAWAII, ha sido una mentira, which brings us to our staple Public Service Announcement:

https ://www .washingtonpost .com /opinions /five-myths-about-christopher-columbus /2015/10/08 /3e80f358-6d23-11e5-b31c-d80d62b53e28 _story .html

Coming up in the programming

Coming up in the programming .:. 92065F8F-8CC1-4DC9-995D-321C4D4FDCB0 🍍 Michael Moore joins the anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics, known as Furries, at the Seth Meyers attic… perverts. • Deer, Keyleigh McEnany, wanna crash an orgie? Eye know a place and you can “undergirth” all you want à volonté.

… so, Mr. Meyer, squirrels in the attic, eh‽ Is D.A.T. what you are calling your Sexual Speakeasy? Check it out Sethy Boy, Eye knows “Three Cool Cat’s”:

Well up came that first cool cat,
He said: man look at that.
Man do you see what I see?
Well I want that middle chick,
I want that little chick.
Hey man, save one chick for me.

Over, at The DeadLine after hours Saloon, The Wallace is rendering the Sheik of Araby with the aid if Incubus… and for some unexplainable reason Peter Baker from The New York Times is not amused.

Mantequilla's delirium

Mantequilla’s Delirium .::. 1C373F36-E2B6-4ADB-B3BD-90150234297E 🏄🏽‍♂️ 🌋 Dear, Steve Schmitt; don’t look now but the totem Stitch behind you just found a place on a pundit’s neck.