and Eye quotes: de América— Yo Soy

Fundación Televisa presenta:

https ://www .paredro .com /8-obras-magistrales-de –pedro-ramirez– vazquez- arquitecto-y-disenador-grafico/

The Televisa logo, which identified the company from 1973 to December 2000, was designed by the architect Pedro Ramírez Vázquez in 1972, since then the corporate colors have been yellow and orange. As an anecdote, many call the logo the Sun of Ibero-America, when in fact the author explained that it was an eye that saw the world through the television blind.

Pedro Ramírez shot the Sheriff and then he robbed El Museo de Antropología e Historia, a Risk Assessment officer for Seguros América, en Francia (sucursal Fr. Guyana) reported that the bandido, “an architect previous to his career as a foragido”, never turned in the blueprints to the museum which he designed. The officer however, did not see that as a red flag, but rather noted the historicity of Pedro Ramírez’ job history as a coincidence.

Previously on, “Sonora” deja ya joder con esos TACOS, porque si son de harina le pertenecen a GRENOBLE (French 🌯 TACOS) y si la tortilla es de maíz then they have been “Gastrofied™©®” by the “lazy, opportunist, tea-sipping, gentryfing Rosbifs at Top Gear³ what’s next, is your royal highness going to ‘coin’ the word « bacanora » for your Pubs?

Attention Camp  of the Canton de La Gendarmerie en la calle del Banco de Francia… the following is a decree issued by The Mexican Consulate at the 2nd Barrio del Centro de Ntra. ’Ñora de Las Víctorias:

https ://www .calendarr .com /mexico /personajes-de-la-independencia /amp/

In Paris, France, the Mexican Embassy ordered the Consular Section of that franchise (they are beginning to look like fascists) to hang the heads of the Conspirators of The State of Querétaro (named after Morelos, who did not make the Album cover of Let It Be a single swift coup) in the place of Lennon, le petit père Hidalgo y Costilla, to the left of Hidalgo is José Miguel Ramón Adaucto Fernández y Félix, más conocido como Paul McCartney but Évrybody knew him as Lupe Victoria, below the main conspirator, is Enarnación Ortiz, also known as “El Pachón”, or Mr. Starr 🤩, his valor and avocados the size of papayas kept the pelotón in step, and then there is the Dark Horse; Mariano Matamoros… Yoko Ono makes a cameo as La Virgen del 23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre.


De arranque, a classic ride, Ewe don’t need no Ticket, “Because cars reflect national characteristics don’t they?³”.

³~. https ://www .theguardian .com /media /2011 /feb/01 /top-gear-mexican-ambassador

Breaking Bat y Can : patrimonio de Caborca, ¡cabrones!

Sponsored by Fish Tacos y Rocky Point peñascos Risk Management y asociados.

Gastrofication™©®… noun:

https ://www .telemundo .com /noticias /noticias-telemundo /curiosidades /uso-de-la-palabra-taqueria– rcna47990

The process whereby the character of an ethnic food is changed by wealthier unimaginative people who open food joints  in former colonial powers such as England or, if you’d like, their soon-to-be-split little island, the U.K., period!

🎶 Yum yum bumble bee bumble bee tuna, i want bumble bee bumble bee tuna.

Over at RFPP, Celia Cruz is covering “Tu Vox”, and Eye quotes, “cristalina corriente cual una cascada”… Roco y La Sonora Santanera andan con “PanChiTo” bailando Cha-Cha CHA, y según Osler Amaro, rfpp está defendiendo las fosas de torturados en Las “tierra de Putin” según, Freddy Rojas.  Again, La Emisión Américas 106.3 fm no ofrece reproducciones de sus misas, por lo que van a tener que sintonizar ahorita mismo que la musiquita de circo acaba de tumbar la llamada a la defensa de Vladimir Putin.

En fin, “technical gremlins” en La Emisión Americas are having difficulties with the VoIP-Skype connection to Leviathan.

Sonora via The UK Subs

SONORA has undergone gastrofication”. I bet you fucking rosbifs would not dare register trademark the word ‘boulangerie’ as a Brit copyright without starting another 100-year war with the Frogs.

memo 📝 to Memo…

La Bagagerie… Rated G :

All ages admitted. Nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children.

https ://en .m .wikipedia .org /wiki /Motion_Picture_Association_film_rating_system

Patinadas putinescas para Pre—K.

And, BRUT MEDIA, please stand-by for The Triangulating of THE YEAR OF MéXICO in The United Nations Security Council (in FRANCE 2009), why? Because this blog is about México and EYE Is a Ghost in This MACHINE, courtesy of the very PEOPLE who brought you the nazis in México, El Partido Acción Nacional (look it up)… and, Memo, please recall that Eye does KNOT select the Parallel Rails of that Grand FUNK Railroad.

Lástima, Margarita.

Unlike The Ukraine, Mexico does have an active remnant of the Ford Motor Company in the 1920’s within its government structure {Yunque}