Hoy no hubo efemérides

Previously on, “¡Se Me Chispoteó!”:

Issy, El Chavo hizo su entrada en 1971… diez días después de que mi tocayo Lenin Armando Salgado capturase aquellas épicas fotos en Blanco y Negro del “Jueves de Corpus”, el 20 de junio de 1971, « pero no sé lo vayas a decir a nadie » porque LA HISTORIA OFICIAL de Azcárraga en TELEVISA dicta que “El Chavo del 8” just turned 50 years of syndication. ISSY, “ONLY A FOOL, would say that » IMAGINE THAT, Johnny-boy.

More Time than life, and Alexis was a fag, and that’s a Phact!… After the break it’s La Épopée d’Un Américain en La France.

🎶 They’ve seen his face before…
Nobody was sure that he wasn’t
From the House of Rey Zambada,

Chaves… it’s 1936 and Brazil’s favorite wheels are about to hit them Volks, it’s as if Adolf Hitler knew that his FUSCA would fit like a lego® block with the “Brazilian Miracle” of the 1970’s thanks to the POISSON d’avril ditadura militar of Magalhães Pinto, Pereira de Barros, and of course Werneck de Lacerda, of 1965. Una batucada militar que aguantaría hasta 1985, and that’s no lie, ask The Santos ⚽ in Brazil, not that George in Washington on the frame below.

The Cult of Personality… In Living Colour… y 🕛 de pronto … 🕧 … 💥 Flash! La Chica del Bikini Azul.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2022/12/30 /⚽ /Murió el Mozart del futbol, pero su leyenda pervivirá

1936: en Alemania, Adolf Hitler implementa un nuevo vehículo, práctico y de bajo costo: el Escarabajo³, de la fábrica Volkswagen (‘vehículo del pueblo’). En México, pero por aquello del año del 2023, Andrés López invites “The Führer” to install his “VOCHO” factory in Puebla de Zaragoza.

³~. Quick programming note, according to the IMdB trivia sector, both Chiquinha  and Chaves   are BEETLE fans all the way to the break-up of esa Maldita Vecindad.

Last Week To They, reprise de Yesterday en RFPP 106.3 fm

Over at RFPP, JUANITO GUANABACOA has been cleared by the 🇨🇵 Ministère de Culture to FINALLY give his three-cents over the 📻 waves on the recently concluded trial of Genaro García Luna. The AUTO-censorship displayed by Juanito Guanavacoa during the ENTIRE month of January and part of February is 🎼 Pathetic, if not unfortunate but clearly Knot Ironic.

Öüï, the staff, can only begin to speculate as to what could have been the reasons why, “le regie” of l’émission hebdomadaire of Décalage Horaire would, pretty much, like Joe Scarborough on the Morning Mika Show, not touch the Genaro García Luna trial coverage with a 3145 km pole.

One thing is for certain, better safe than sorry. Why bring up something that might implicate any given French official in the García Luna’s Rolodex® before the judge delivered the findings from Genaro García Luna’s peers and quite possibly, Genaro García Luna’s customer base en la Ciudad de Nueva Yorky París, aussi.

Getting back to “Ordem e Progresso

1973 . Au Mexique , pour la première fois (after the ORIGINAL Pilot, which aired in 1971 on an independent station) un chapitre de CHAVES est publié en La Fundación Televisa.

1935Adolf Hitler orders the Luftwaffe to be re-formed, pasándose de esa manera a Led Zeppelin by his Rocky Mountain Oysters during The Paris International Pharm Expo, and thus violating the provisions of The Treaty of La Porte de Versailles.

Over at the ESCP*, Alma Mater⁸ of Mexican President Francisco I.Madero, The Echos of la profesora Florence Pinot-Girafales are sounding like a “patheticMozart tune, when she sentenced during an elDorado conference:


*~.« Apprendre à oser », The HEC (hautes études commerciales) is also part of the network of business schools (ESC) of the CCI Paris Île-de-France with ESSEC and ESCP Business School, forming the group of “three Parisians”. Like the ESCP Business School, the HEC Paris is a consular institution of higher education (EESC).

México is infiniment plus facile que le Brésil

Florence Pinot de Villechenon
Le Mexique, un elDorado Retrouve ?

https ://www .gemdev .org /infosgemdev /?p=6738
Jeudi, 7 novembre 2013
ESCP Europe (salle Europe)
75011 M-3 Saint-Maur


El Chavo, little Socorro —y el coco…

Anuncia Hollande el regreso de Año de México en Francia… Milenio diario; c. 2014.

Context and sources of mashup follows…

Context Follows…. TimeStamp: 23h55 07h00 …


ISSY.. pero sobre todas las cosas, haciendo referencia al ganador del Gran Premio de Humor Político para el 2017; allá en Los Altos del Sena —en les-Moulineux, casi esquina con el culo de Technicolor® (92130)— “Le Mec du 2015” is a Fair Use of “El Chavo del Ocho” and former French President, François Hollande.

Full disclousure

Our interpretation of the ear flapped hunters hat and the signature stripes t-shirt, —all decked— with a set of suspenders over his left shoulder is courtesy of Vanessa Arendt, at DiviantArt; while the mug of Mr. Holland, however, that sketch arrives courtesy of some guy –dit– Lascar, —and MediaPart.

Anygüeys, the combined rendition of Chespirito’s most memorable street urchin is a freehand mashup from the pen of SegoArma, our own nomad signwriter/painter, and well-rounded Rotulista Extraordinaire–at-large.

The context that makes SegoArma’s free-hand version of the “Holland/El Chavo del Ocho” mashup a Fair Use Of All Media, is a proposition that is loaded with the properties of Apophenia [or, the human ability to correlate both images and shapes, with data and/or information] in order to interpret or tie loose ends; and, in this particular case, as yet another reference to (a) Florence Cassez Affair, (b) the Peña Nieto [State Invitation] visit to La Place de La Concorde on Bastille Day 2015, (c) “The Year of Mexico in France,” which of course if you never read this blog, followed the next year in 2016 in the form of cultural events, which (d) celebrated the economic and strategic accords signed in 2013 between Los Pinos y El Eliseo… ceremonial circle jerks (e) at the National level of both countries [that’s our take] designed to whitewash the ever-growing numbers of murdered journalists, students, young brown skin women, and regular citizens that get in the way of a turf war for control and power, which we [the staff] would argue (F) that goes beyond the “Kate del Castillo” and “Sean Penn” Rolling Stone® Extravaganza…

Digresion for the sake of the Environment

Dear, non-reader: ask yourself, the following two questions: do I really need to have this last reference about doña Kate annotated at the end of this entry?”… Do I need to waste extra lines of typed fonts on a sheet of paper?

Fuck no, you don’t! You don’t need that reference noted once again because it would be a waste of ink and paper, and besides (Kid) that particular reference already exists in the form of a Next Generation Netflix telenovela, which —as everbody knows— caused the death of Mr. Eric del Castillo (pobre don Eric, como sufrió). Viva México.

… still to come: fritangas on the go, and the Michelin Guide; time to get new soles for them “Old Brown Shoes”.

Print Worthy Sources:

— Page 8/13 (France/Cinema) is courtesy of CNEWS Matin, via: http://kiosque.cnewsmatin.fr/Kiosque.aspx?edition=NEP&date=20171129





El apoyo ciego

— https://asegovia3.com/2014/11/22/22-de-nov/
