Track 1, Free Fallin’ : Synopsis de “aquí somos aquí estamos », cont’d from Sunday

In local news, in an unprecedented first, the Olympic Torch will not be lit in a ceremonial rite 🔥 to Helios 🌞 in Athens 🇬🇷  because for the first time in their long list of failures and snafus-es, the Paris Tourism Board did something right.

⁶Repetition en rfpp. net… Get It While You Can!
(Context en el siguiente cuadro para los andaluzes de Guanabacoa).

Page 65 revisited :

I was lucky (after working in radio) … I received the support from Miguel Alemán —W fm boss— to create a CORPORATE image of a HUGE TV corporation.


Alejandro G. Iñárritu
in, Wood, J. ibid

According to sources close to the Royal Spanish Charters, a tourism firm, the nat sounds that can be heard next to the reconstruction chante de la catedral de Nuestra Señora de París, is the sound of “el derrame de donaciones” that almost immediately began to pour for the reconstruction of the structure’s spire.

With variations, but certainly with repetition⁶ the conspiracists jingle is delivered to to the traveling group, “from this place, ladies and gentlemen from the jury,” says the tour guide in full stand-up comedy mode:

… the future olympic flame 🔥 for the 2024 Games will be lit by another flame, which Öüï been told, will be lit with the tizón (ember) of a cigarette end which is currently (as Ewe reads) kept lit by a Chain of smoking foo’s and who been sucking at, It! Since April 25th of 2019.

Preliminary disqualification for all occasions, indeed. It’s like backwards-planning for pessimists who think “that all work and no play make Jacques a dull boy ».


“What I wanna know is who gave this Chunky Basterd’ a Double-Double🍔”.

Sean Penn at the Golden Avocados.

Breaking the news

On Erdoğan’s ULTIMATUM to an OTAN partner.
On Duterte’s INSULT to a Pacific Command ambassador.

But first: we are All-in and ready to Get-it-on!!!

Wishful thinking from a former CBS guidon.

Setting up your morning news… Oh_Say-can-You-see??? Morning Joe, 'sweethearting' the despot next-door* news… Gooooo Mika!!!

Setting up  the  conversation  for your morning news… Oh_Say-can-You-see??? Morning Joe, ‘sweethearting’ the despot next-door* spin… Gooooo, Mika!!! | Fair use of funneled hosts on CNN.

After the break: yesterday’s news

To paraphrase one of my three [anonymous] readers: … a tu salud [Steve] … a tu salud.

CHRIS CHRISTIE LIED!!!!!!!!! And now, to paraphrase one of my three [anonymous] readers: … a tu salud [Steve] … a tu salud. | …y antes de que se me olvide: Uso Justo de Todos los Medios.

TimeStamp: TimeNow CET

Kornaki summons Mr. Crowley at 10h 45m CET

At 10h 45m CET, Steve Kornacki summons Mr. Crowley. [Context follows]…

Breaking source from across the Atlantic:

Extra! Extra!!!

  1. Kelly, N., “Chris Christie can’t escape Bridgegate.” Via: The Atlantic. http ://www .theatlantic .com /politics /archive /2016 /08 /christie-bridgegate-trump /495278/

… and then he went ahead, and ate a doughnut.

…'approaching a time that is drastic...'

…’approaching a time that is drastic…’ | Uso justo de un Politico llamado M. Crowley.