John Mill Ackerman, ¿falso su Ph.D???

Por: Pedro Salmerón Sanguinés


Foreward to doña Elenita Poniatowska:

https ://monoaureo .com /2020/07/14/las-casillas-de-ackerman/

El Apalancado

El Apalancado de La Nomenklatura de morena–Francia .:. 113C1A7B-715D-463C-9619-91102BE5E64F 🥜 Ackerman, “no tiene licenciatura en México y que uno de sus títulos doctorales parece falsificado, que no es elegible para ser investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM por no ser abogado -pero logró la plaza por tráfico de influencias de su suegro, líder histórico del STUNAM…”, con recorte del monoaureo . com (a.k.a. Televisa en monitos).

Lo Cortés no quita lo bailado en La Sorbonne

A ver, a ver, doña Poni, ¿cómo re chingados estaba eso del “gran luchador social” que le presentó al “profesor” John Mill Ackerman?

R.I.P. ~ C.O.P.S. (1989-2020)

Season 33, Episode 1
Stolen Cars and Firearms… CANCELLED
The Televisa Foundation however, picks up the reality show in a new LATIN US TV titled:

Autos Chocolate on the Fast & Furious Track.

Dear, Adrienne ElRod

Dear, Adrienne Elrod, please inform The Lincoln’s Project, Steve Schmitt, that we [the staff] don’t mind him using our lingo to bash on Corrupt cops, have at it… nice touch on the pineapples by the sink, say D.A.R.E. Mr. Schmitty, are you a Sponge Bob fan or are you just happy to take a cue from Mí.

🎶 Bad cops bad cops
Whatcha’gonna do
whatcha’gonna do
when they come for you
Bad cops bad cops…

How About YOU, MSNBC,
will you be reconsidering your weekend LOCK-UP programming BARR? Or, will you, Phil Griffith* move your Reality Answer To C.O.P.S. on FOX, to your new Peacock on-demand… AND on DeadLINE.

* La Hache, Seth Meyers… es muda
We'll always have Tillicum, WA

We’ll always have Tillicum, WA .:. 1EA5847F-C533-4D60-B348-7BE252AC7558 👮🏻‍♂️

And for the record, Mr. L.L. McKelvey, if you follow the T.R.A.I.L. of tears, perhaps you will discover that the REPUBLICAN STRATEGY to counter the democratic side of the aisle with regards to a police reform bill following the death of Brother Floyd, is a dude by the name of Tim Scott (R–S.C.), Eye is wondering, Mr. Tha God, if that motherfucker is Black, charred or just toasted–on–top, since you seem to be the authority on this matter.

https ://www .npr .org /2020/06/09 /873356229 /led-by-tim-scott-senate-republicans-begin-drafting-their-own-police-reform-plan?t=1591784921356

Time now for The Last Word before the Oh Five Hundred hours in Central Nato Times. Happening right now, Eddie Gloude Jr., is framing a new book which explains why Cristòfor Colom‘s statues in the United States ended up charred, headless and, submerged in lakes. Según, el profe Eduardo Gloude Junior, la historia hasta este preciso punto en la tierra anglosajona que por ser excepcional decidió acaparar todo territorio hasta llegar a HAWAII, ha sido una mentira, which brings us to our staple Public Service Announcement:

https ://www .washingtonpost .com /opinions /five-myths-about-christopher-columbus /2015/10/08 /3e80f358-6d23-11e5-b31c-d80d62b53e28 _story .html

Coming up in the programming

Coming up in the programming .:. 92065F8F-8CC1-4DC9-995D-321C4D4FDCB0 🍍 Michael Moore joins the anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics, known as Furries, at the Seth Meyers attic… perverts. • Deer, Keyleigh McEnany, wanna crash an orgie? Eye know a place and you can “undergirth” all you want à volonté.

… so, Mr. Meyer, squirrels in the attic, eh‽ Is D.A.T. what you are calling your Sexual Speakeasy? Check it out Sethy Boy, Eye knows “Three Cool Cat’s”:

Well up came that first cool cat,
He said: man look at that.
Man do you see what I see?
Well I want that middle chick,
I want that little chick.
Hey man, save one chick for me.

Over, at The DeadLine after hours Saloon, The Wallace is rendering the Sheik of Araby with the aid if Incubus… and for some unexplainable reason Peter Baker from The New York Times is not amused.

Mantequilla's delirium

Mantequilla’s Delirium .::. 1C373F36-E2B6-4ADB-B3BD-90150234297E 🏄🏽‍♂️ 🌋 Dear, Steve Schmitt; don’t look now but the totem Stitch behind you just found a place on a pundit’s neck.

Weekend Update — plotting the context

Hola, Alicia! Please relay to Rachel to please not shoot at the black mirror, because öüï happen to know that when the Primetime Pundit is not angling, she is most definitely packing.

Listen up, Killa Mike

Listen up, Killa Mike .::. 9200D48A-0D77-4758-A269-46D19758C22C ⚱️I’m gonna need you to make a lateral pass to Leslie Jones (punto y coma) because the next down is on her.


… and D.A.R.E. you have it Jacob! Want Mí to draw you a picture of D.A.T. D.A.R.E. car protest? Eye promise to not tell Professor John Mill Ackerman, that motherfucker is against “the cars”. (For those out of the loop, you had to catch that interaction in Real Time… I Love L.A.).

Any güey, Alicia, last week on the Seth Meyers Show, Leslie Jones brought the heat to Mr. Meyers’ culo, I particularly liked what she said about getting out to vote, pero mas chingón todavía, her call to engage after the vote, which in Praxedis, Chihuahua, translates into “getting to know your System,” or something like that.

https ://www .elmundo .es /america /2011/03/04 /mexico /1299252256.html… Lamujer más valiente de Méxicodeja la Policía y pide asilo en EEUU

Now, Alicia, Joshua Johnson will probably accuse me of being cynical about it because here i am going to make a loop to the reason why i am writing this most non-consequential blog, which contrary to our non-readers belief, IT IS NOT MEANT TO MAKE a difference. It is meant, Alicia Menendez, to be a written draft of the aftermath of someone who knocked at many, many, many doors in order to tell what was happening with THE SYSTEM in real time.

Which is why the next time–delay screen-grab of one of the communicators who inspired me to follow this path like an idiot is funny to me, mostly because the climax of this particular segment came (no pun intended) when Rachel Maddow threw a tantrum on account of the people who hold a reddit account… or who might be sports educators, or something like that.

Check the transcript

Check the transcript .:. 7F45E18D-DEC2-4CC7-AAAD-337DBF36CF9A 🇺🇸 …
>> When other countries do this…
in other overseas –ummm, uhmm…
invasionsthat they don’t wanna call invasions, we call theselittle green men*”… that’s cute.

* Ummm, uhmmm… sweetheart, the only country that is notoriously famous for “doing this”, claims to  be a nation under God, with Liberty, and Justice for all.

… [A]nd, Oh my Lucky Stars, Nicolle Wallace got a tan and she’s got the mid-night hour shift in Central Nato Time (day 13th of the “I Can’t Breath” Spring Time affair). And there she is, all she needed was a little Sun, “send that pundit to detention” she  just used the the compound “S” word! Man, the peacocks are restless today, must be that 13th on the count.

It was about THYME! Brother, Brian!

Fire and crackers, Seattle Edition.

https ://old .reddit .com /r /Seattle /comments /gv0ru3 /this_is_the_moment_it_all_happened/

AirLand Battle change 3
Eminence FRONT

Eminence FRONT .::. E315F474-DF5D-4F82-BCDF-4931F4E2CC11 🥋It’s a Put ON! —_”¡”_— WHO is on FOist? AirLand Battle on the HomeLand Streets, that’s W.H.O.

It was Twenty Years ago today, when Dr. Cornell West showed his face. Now if Chomsky is allowed on the stage, then we will know that The Nation will be spared… shoes are optional, according to Old Flat Top.

Over at the Seth Meyers set, Michael Che is making a movie… for the Playboy Channel.

Meanwhile over at burner N°2:

Chocolate wheels - Cuéntale las muelas a Cantinflas

Chocolate wheelsCuéntale Las Muelas a Cantinflas .::. 15BFA88A-DA28-4F27-BCC3-82D3549898FD 🚘 Dear, John Mill Ackerman it’s too bad you don’t have Keyleigh McEnany’s cute sexy ass, Eye means… you sure are one fuckable propagandists 🚙 “Luxury vehicles” mis pelotas, —John Mill Ackerman— more like Salvaged vehicles a.k.a., NAFTA’s vehicular consolation prize for the extinct Mexican middle class”.

¡Oiga usted, mi profesor! no me levante la voz, because aquí y en China (Nuevo León), “I’m Your Huckleberry”, Chato.

https ://www .elsiglodetorreon .com .mx /noticia /1474662 .onappafa-se-une-a-morena .html

TimeStamp: 11h45 in Central NATO Times

Here's your visual

Mr. president… here’s your Visual, ya’CUNT! .::. C59892DC-45D4-433F-9C3B-327E3ECF41E7 🖕🏾 For the visually impaired, Donald John Trump has a throat tumor in the shape of a mini donald john trump bending over and spreading his cheeks, quite noticeable is a dangling mushroom-shaped penis and a pair of tiny Chinchilla nuts.

Deer, John Meacham, is D.A.T. a Gulf of Cortéz map? Or are you just happy 2–SEA–MÍ‽

Thing ONE: Dear, Early Jaz… wanna know when it Ends? Wait For thing Three, and please stop crossing your ARMS, you make feel like a pervert, Eye likes porn but not the kind that you think.

Anyhow, Professor West, the good thing about this most non-consequential blog is that your colleagues at The Nation and, especially Professor John Mill Ackerman and all of his “beautiful” in–laws working for the federal Mexican government, —from the beautiful Sea of Cortéz (La Rumorosa) to el hermoso Istmo de Tehuantepec (Gulf of México, casi esquina con « el 🚂-tren•e•cito » de La Riviera Maya) is that Katrina Vanden Huevel won’t read, IT! And neither will you… But the Administrative Tribunal in Paris, Home to the Picpus “square” where @therealLafayette lays, probably will, because in due-time The President of that Court will get a BING translated copy of this riff. It’s part of the process… K?