In “principle” the first Nazi on Earth was JOSHUA

In principle and principalities, “kill Em#ALL”, and let the IdF settle in Cisjordanie. In Jesus name.

Cousin Joe, I can hear the control room cues to yer’ headset… replay the stream, TJ is a flag!FAG! Know I know how yer’ snowflakes roll… on a two minute delay, and Mika Brzezinski, GREY is not your color, you bring out the Michelin on my tyres

And now, By The Rivers of Babylon, Jesus know I KNOW that I know that CHUY started his trek in search for The Budd-ah, so it came natural for that nigger to head East until he reached Roma en China.

After the break… It’s Barack Obama meets TINA MODOTTI in Paris, François Hollande cameos as the nigger “On the Other Side of the Camera” at the Jue de Paume.


Esos evangelistas en Las Vegas, Nevada, son unos loquillos, Lindahermosa… ¡bom-bah!

Previously on, “y dice ansina, Natalia”

But first, the KNEWS

All Along Torreón, Coahuila… 🌬️🎶 No reason to get ex-Cited.


SoFy Velasco, all journalists, the good ones any how, are MOSCAS … ON THE WALL, baby!

Y como dijo Monterosso:

Más bolsera (ratera) nomas, Talía OLVERA, ya que Ella, a diferencia de los que se van a los E.E.U.U. se roba le prosélytisme de las manifestaciones soliDiArias de Paname, it’s TROU 🕳️ 🪰, TRUST ME, like I told Raphaël Morán’s boss at rfi⅓, “Unlike Juanito Guanabacoa (policía judicial) I am a fly on the wall, y siendo oriundo de Califas, Off-The-Wall, Aussie.

Concha, corcel, y carro… The Birth of Lafourcade… Trou 🕳️ South. Only at the Instituto del Sonido Chilango (InSoChi).


Inspired by El Hijo del Topo, —en París— the new album cover of Sony Music’s exclusive cantora, la fulgurante Lafourcade, is now available at la EfNac, and our intrepid copy editor, Fenster the friendly Narco Quintero, got an exclusive snoop from the source, Mr. Sony Music Foundation himself, el gran Camilo Lara.

Over at the RFPP scene, el colectivo colombiano Mariposas Amarillas andaba de gira Hartistica en la bendita Maison de l’Amérique La∴Tina. When all of a sudden…

Can you show Mí how to get to Destierro Street? O como dicen en la RAE: ostracismo
1. Gral. Apartamiento de cualquier responsabilidad o función política o social.
«El motivo, muy breve en su desarrollo, puede sintetizarse en su conclusión final de que “la Corporación Municipal con su actuar arbitrario y ajeno a todo procedimiento legal, no está decretando la disolución de una asociación, la está privando de los medios materiales para desarrollar su actividad y, por ende, la está condenando al ostracismo, conculcando de este modo dicho derecho fundamental”» (STS, 3.ª, 18-XII-1997, rec. 874/1995).

Los astros se ahlinearon at the Gift Shop of Amnesty International… “It’s TROU!” 🕳️ just like on yesterday’s show with don Osler y Fredo, it turns out that AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL functions just like las fundaciones colombianas en EL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO, c’est a dire: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A MEMBERSHIP CARD to get a refugee card.

En la Serie del Caribe, a eso le llamán ‘PLAYBOL, motherfucker!’

After the break, It’s Word of the They 🇪🇸: bibliópola, as in… The guest for the December 4th of 2022 edition of the Juanito Guanabacoa Show was a bibliópola from Amnesty International at Buttes–Chaumont.


Which, knot to polish 💅🏻 our own nails, but one of the first things that, I, Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto, have been saying since we first met Georgina Moreno y sus personajes pintorescos de la Intelligentsia parisina, in France and in la LOUISIANA, one’s own story must be Written by the French bourgeois… o Algo así.

Spoiler Alert, Öüï now UNDERSTAND why AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL treated , like a vil colectivo colombiano en el Parlamento Europeo. Naturalmente, lo bueno d’este blog es de que Juanito Guanabacoa (alias “PEDRO“) no lo lee, because if he did, indeed read this blog, the first thing that Juanito Guanavacoa would do, would be to peg my experience on the “NOT SEE Klan” de Médecines Sans Frontiersand then call PEDRO to finish the job

WORD OF THE THEY 3 de marzo, 2016…
French bashin’ en 3ª di’mención  

https ://asegovia3 .com /2016/03/19 /quicksand-jesus-y-la-mano-de-diego/

In Hilo, Hawaii is Sunday night primetime 🌋.


¡Viejas Feas! The Whole Lot of You, en dónde estén junto con SoFy Velasco, por cierto SoFy, ¿a qué horas sales al PAN?

Parental Advisory for Franco-phonies in Quebec

In context for ULTRA Phans and North Africans in Paname or Marseille:

I want my USB

I, Armando Segovia, had my French VISA snatched from my hands at the Cité Préfecture in Paris, France,—literally, not figuratively, period.

I contend that the reason for that bureaucratic « arrête » was for criticizing the Ties or, the accomodation of Mexican corruption in France such as this one³ in Brasil; so before you North African Phellows, do like the FRENCH Legion of Juanito Guanavacoa  🇲🇽  and Osler Amaro  🇵🇪  at rfpp (106.3) do, I ask:

³~. https ://www .rfi .fr /en /international /20221130 –french-banks-accused-of-massively-fuelling-amazon-deforestation-bnp

Selma Likum Salma


what HAVE you done, BESIDES MAKING FUN OF EGYPTIAN mummies and Sarkozy, to highlight the corrupt leaders of your fútbol team, BECAUSE is that not what Soccer ⚽ is about, —a game of Tribes?

and if this is to hard to unravel, then just keep on watching “the cup”, in the same way that Mexicans consume (and Export) telenovelas.

Fake Cinnamon Spice


You fuckers are AS guilty as Petin and The Red Cross at The Grand Ol’Palace… but then again, you would not get the reference  🇲🇦.

This is not a political commentary, this is fútbol with a USB port.


En contexto, if your brain only has room for CONFORMITY and an RSA paycheck and Pôle- Emploi à volonté, please be advised that this comment is not political at all, this is the map of the Quarter Latino de Vilma Fuentes at Polly Maggoo… and if you know what “remittences” are, and IF-and-ONLY ewe (🐑) know where the State of Jalisco is, then maybe, just maybe you might get my Vision of Muhammad Ali, and The Greatest  🇦🇷  (next to Ronaldo 🇵🇹)… before, not after the MATCH, —like the French Media does*.



M’ember now… before you run to the door

Petite Ceinture de Paris

… previously on “El General” de Natalia Almada:

Originaire de Tampamolon Corona, San Luis Potosí, Gonzalo N. Santos (1896-1979) -célèbre cacique de la Huasteca Potosina- était un membre fondateur du parti officiel. Comme beaucoup d’autres hommes qui ont assisté à la fondation du Parti national révolutionnaire à Querétaro en 1929, Santos avait les “” qualités “” nécessaires que le nouveau parti exigeait : des origines révolutionnaires, un jacobinisme manifeste, mais surtout, une volonté d’utiliser “” Chicanas “” et “” marrullerías “” dans la politique nationale. (Auto-Translation provided by Grupo CARSO).

La Moral también sirve para una CHINGADA.

LOS HILOS de QUÉRETARO en horario de Hilo, Hawaii. ICI C’EST MADRID.


Originally from Tampamolon Corona, San Luis Potosí, Gonzalo N. Santos (1896-1979) -famous cacique of the Huasteca Potosina- was a founding member of the official party. Like many other men who attended the founding of the National Revolutionary Party in Querétaro in 1929, Santos had the necessary “”qualities”” that the new party demanded: revolutionary origins, manifest Jacobinism, but above all, a willingness to use “”Chicanas“” and “”marrullerías“” in national politics.

Over at la rue Vivianne (in London TOWN), SOLD!!! To the gentleman with the funny mustache.

https ://www .theguardian .com /uk-news /2022 /mar /09 /russia-oligarchs-uk-art-market-legal-loopholes

While the company announced it was donating the full net proceeds of the auction – £5.8m – to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society it continues to be challenged.”

Victoria… is a fickle cunt. Like a Gold Digger, nigga. And those tanks lined up like Ducks in-a-row, EYE is tellin’ EWE, Chuck Todd, if the freezing cold don’t snap them Russian dicks right off, that MEXICAN tree (La Moral) will.

Zelenskyy addresses the Russian military:
You can still save yourselves. Go home

https ://www .pravda .com .ua /eng /news /2022/03/9 /7329721/

But hey, both Napo and Adolf are having a nice warm LATTE at a McDo in the Twilight Zone.

A they in the 13éme

“Glen Grant, a senior defence expert at the Baltic Security Foundation, said a tank ‘is just a fridge {freezer not fridge} at night if you are not running the engine’ something the Russians simply cannot afford to do given the fuel scarcity.”

https ://www .dailymail .co .uk /news /article-10592463 /Stranded-Russian-troops-face-dying-tanks-40-ton-iron-freezers-20C-cold-snap .html


MeeSur y, pronounced like MissIsIpPi, but with acento en la Sur-ah.