Lennon on sale is so cheap, Joe Scarborough started the Morning Mika Show with Money³

³~. It turned Chief Danvers In Ennis, Alaska, into a raging bitch, but that’s just because Jodi Foster hates The Beatles, after the Break, it’s “Birthday” by The Fab Four x Seven is 28.

Los Amigos de México en Francia presents:

All Those Jeers, A Go… motherfuckers, period!


Meanwhile at the Yoko Ono Adult Drive-In Cinéma at Grand Central Park, Jorge Ramos is remaking Taboo. Musical score for Scorsese: Sex With Their Parents by Lou Reed and The Velvet Revolver of Rocky Raccoon.

But First!!! It’s another edition track of, Across The Universe:

Sonification of Arp 140 via The Beatles


Nothing’s gonna change my 6-year investigation, not Gleason, not Ávalos, not Moreno, and certainly not Harmodio, you all suck. Say hello to Juanito “PGR” Guanabacoa.

Sgt Pepper told the Arellano Felix to play

Let’s not talk about the fuscas, bring in the Love Bugs en un bocho.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexicans.

Meanwhile in Tijuana… it was Thirty Years-ago in MARCH, Sgt. Pepper told the Arellano Félix to play, opening act, El CISEN featuring JUANITO  Guanabacoa y las madrinas de Miguel Nazar Haro en Mesa d’Otay.

And, Sophie Fofie de Velasco en rfpp . net, this is where I catch-up to Florence Cassez at Lomas Taurinas in Tijuana, via Genaro García Luna, Jaime Bonilla, morena-francia y, por supuesto, Saltillo, Coahuila, by way of Armenia’s capital EREVAN, where a toro de lidia escaped from a fútbol stadium there.

Over at the Jen Palmieri conspiracy music facts segment, it turns out that the “bocho³” parked if front of Abby Road Studios would be 28 if… J’en had not broken a glass 🍷.

³~. It’s what the Brazilians call a FUSCA, and los gringos a “Bug”. Trou 🕳️ Fact, in the Original Script, Iris Steensma was supposed to ride with Travis Buckle in a VW BEETLE.

Later in the show, Jen Palmieri’s Starbucks paper cup tells the MSNBC ceramic mug… nice jugs you got there.

🎶🗣 Un laurel para ti de Victoria, etcetera, etcétera, et Set era

Across The Atlantic, Willy Geist is leading The Manhattan Street Band, and if you are just tuning in to the silent symphony of this blog, then the only thing that you need to know is that, 🎶🌬 We’ve taken care of Evry thing • The words you read • The songs you sing • The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes • It’s one for all and all for one… because Willie Geist is more human than human.

Alright now, stay with me because ahora en tiempo Real y « à l’ocassion de l’exposition RougeArt et utopie au pays des Soviets continuamos con el cuadro dedicado al señor arquitecto Leoncio Orellana, semi propietario de la MAL 217 en la calle Saint Germain-des-Près.

And just so you don’t have to scroll down to ketch-up with the question posed to the good architect at the Latin-american Chante*  here’s a replay in the voice of Eva Longoria ⚡️ in the role of little Dora’s mom:

Say D.A.R.E. don Leo, can you tell Mí how to get to Lucien’s Street?

… and the imaginary voice (en tiempo Real) of el buen coordinador de toda cosa q’entra y sale del Chante* mas mestizo en París replies:

1. Just head on down Lille street until you pass the Chante* de la Legion d’honor, (2) from there pay attention to all of the Rucas** that la legión capturó, they are all autochthonous (punto y coma) once you pass thee, just a few steps ahead you will see a different woman…

(3) this particular fémina is cut from a different stock (stalk) and she sports a Sword (punto y coma) let’s call her SOTA and she happens to be flanked by a caveman wearing a big cat like a big hooded cloak, the caveman also sports a knobby cudgel, just to strike-a-pose…

Caballero de bastos.

(4) once you see these two—pivot right on rue Poitiers until you hit la rue Verneuil, pivot Left and head on straight until you spot what could pass as your average unoccupied building turned into a squat, and there you will find Lucien’s place. If you miss it, just look for Number 3.

* chante = house
** ruca = woman, in this context young women, not old lady.

It’s funny how things line up de La Noche a La Mañana (Jour et Nuit), but one thing is for sure, every motherfucking thing begins with a draft (🌬) o un borrador, for lack of a better take. And Siren, the timestamp is either a ¼ after Nine or 9:16, da’fuck is “a quarter past Nine plus one (little) minute”, but hey, WHO am i to argue with the makers of Four Twenties plus Ten to arrive to the motherfucking 90’s, eh!?

59 antes del 10

Witt That in Mind, Jean-Pierre Melville, can one man be an island? —And Mr. Melville reaches over across Mr. François Truffaut book-section and replies:

— Listen, cabrón, I don’t know about a man, but Charlote most definitely is.

Now then, mis damas con alas (Classic Siren) the Valencian duo, PichiAvo, or their entourage will and cannot let me tell a lie here because, the first rótulo with the presentation of their work of Art arrived from the printshop with some gobbledygook in the opening adverb “Dans le cadre…” and at the end of that introductory paragraph (punto y coma) i know, because that early Sunday morning Three Weeks ago i removed the “chicanada***” used to hastily cover the typo 🤝… C’mon GROUPRAMA, you had one job!!! 👨🏼‍🎨

*** ask a Mexican del Borderplex (915) or from Tijuana (lada sin costo).

“Since i’ve been Loving You” … dear, Tatiana Clouthier

TimeStamp: Cinco antes de las Siete, p.m. en Morena–Francia Time, hola John, hola Sergio — Hola James, acabando la merienda, les meto el contexto, eh…


Las Fuentes de doña Vilma… doña Tati, me entretuve mucho repasando su manual de cómo contra restar las críticas a Morena… o algo así. Ahorita nomás que den las 23h en Tijuana, le comparto la tangente de los insurgentes en el aparato cultural mexicano en Paris, Francia c. 2011–2016, eh. Por cierto y con todo el respeto que usted me merece, ¡qué chula está! Neta que sí.

Berenice, ¡amiga! —mi Kelley Deal de la grilla mexicana, no sé si tu estampa siga en Francia, o en Morena de cualquier manera, pero ¿qué crees?:

… en Tijuana todavía es viernes, y como nosotros en el staff no sabemos por donde empezar, pues gracias al gran hijo de la chingada, Brozo y a su orquesta de chilaquiles vivos (o sea de chilangos) voy a comenzar la tangente de doña Tatiana por Insurgentes, parada del Metro por dónde la Procuraduría General de la República, o sea, el Mexican C.S.I. se va a mudar a una nueva torre para almacenar a los 43 de Iguala y a otras cientos de docenas de millares de personas extorsionadas, secuestradas, sexualmente torturadas, mutiladas, desaparecidas, acribilladas y/o asesinadas, enterradas, pozoleadas, y pues ya nada más falta que algún emprendedor o emprendedora encuentre la manera de hacer de todas esas víctimas un by-product de “las evidencias” para exprimirle más ganancias a la tragedia nacional, haber si un día menos pensado a algún taquero no se le ocurre vender tacos exóticos de chango cuernavaquense parlante sin cola.

Anygüey, de entrada pariente ese saltillo de La PGR (saludos, Juanito Guanavacoa) a el nuevo edificio en Insurgentes le va a dar en la torre al erario mexicano al Tono de 12 Millones de Pesos, mexicanos… al mes, pinche Francisco, para pagar la renta de la nueva guarida de la PGR. ¡Viva México! Y que chinguen a su madre los desplazados que siguen en La Bendita Calle siendo víctimas del temblor de Aniversario de 1985 ocurrido el pasado mes de septiembre del 2017; porque primero es lo primero—primero es la Función y luego los que como François Hollande (ex homologo en Francia de Enrique Peña Nieto) no tienen dientes (sans dents) ni mucho menos, amiga Berenice, tienen para tragar—PRIMERO LA FUNCIÓN PÚBLICA, ¡chihuahua!, y luego los agremiados, y si sobra algo Carolay si sobra algo Karola… y si sobra feria BARTOLA, que sea para comprar con la LEY CHAYOTE a mi propia “Katie Tur,”… o ya de perdis a la Zabludovski de Buzzfeed en espagnol, oh Yeah!