Being used — Rape me³

Broken News for Prime time in Hilo, Hawaii:

https ://www /world /middle-east /least-500-victims-israeli-air-strike-hospital-gaza-health-ministry-2023-10-17/

Sin título | Dessiner à l’infini, by El Primer Torero Porno… el próximo toro “MALRAUX³” de Domecq 🐂, le corresponde a Pablo Picasso.

³~. Bestia de 16 toneladas.

Mercury Rising at Saint-Merri (75003)

Mother’s seekers update from last sunday’s transmission informing about the cremation ovens discovered by a collective of women searching for their sons and daughters in COMALA

Pega°sus re°cortes con en°grudo del bueno.

… in LOMAS de SANTA MARÍA, JALISCO, the son of one of the mother’s that form the collective Mother’s Seekers (Madres Buscadoras) was kidnapped in front of his family when he stepped to the door after someone knocked (or rang, or called his name) at his family home.

They no longer search for JUSTICE nor TRUTH, only MERCY.

La Jornada


~. “A living hell on Earth,” not to be confused with “el Pueblo bueno” del estado que está a un LADO de Jalisco, allí en donde los Nazis en México se asentaron (en La 🦉 U. 🦉 A. de 🦉 G. 🦉.

In local News, Alexei Navalny is never getting out of jail, unless Ukraine crushes Russia into The Palestine age.

Over at FIP central, Denis Soula painted Marie, all black and if you don’t believe me visit the old C&A, now gutted corner near châtelet, you’ll see 🙈.

And, dear Marianne, for a country who brands itself herself* as a Hex with no resources, but big ideas, you sure have a lack of imagination. Now give those SAPOS full RSA and the fucking Legion of Honor to that Chechen fellow. That Islamist did nothing wrong, Manuel Valls did, though.


“Momo Mogouchkov had been followed by the DGSI « since the end of July », according to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, through wiretapping and physical surveillance measures.

France 24

*~. Sorry about that, Marianne, I keep forgetting that youse a cunt, despite the cock. Issy-major-Pasquet, I learned many, many—many Sandía moons ago (through a cat named Freddy de Montreuil-sous-bois) that one has to be French in order to go through this world “Sans Gravité.”

Now, you might think I’m Crazy, but Marianne I’ve done told you that you can Drive my car, but you may only go where I direct your fickle ass… .

Issy-Su-Sana Pubeda, “¡Ay, qué lio!”…

Lost in Translations… False Friends in interprétation; expirimir lo que sea necesario, or as needed if you are French.


https ://www .legifrance /jorf /id /JORFTEXT000045785228

Y simón que sí, Ministro FETET, you might think that an undocumented clochard like me has no business or, D À.R.E. Eye say, le droit! The right, Mr. Fetet, to lay these lines, but then a-gain, I calllee remind, Melle. Stephanie Menou, that it was her conflict-of-interest with the promexico crowd at the Cinéma Étoile de Lilas that put me here in the first place. So, yeah, I am well within my lane and on the broken white lines side of the road.

The right side of history, right?

Exprimir, as in:
Netanyahu EXPRIMIÓ a su pueblo de Israel, por ZIONISTA que él es.


To be continued… What did Netanyahu know, and when did he first learned of the ATTACK.

And just to piss-off Leonardo DiCaprio, La Kerschovas played Great White🔥

Over at the Five Continental Concepts…

Like Napoléon in Rag

My incompetence.
1~. Standard date format.

2~. Compared to la rue de Belleville or Menilmontant, the Saint-Michel Blvd. is rather flat, which is why prefer not to use the verbal expression: go back up.

3~. Since we are touching on FUNK, why not use the street vernacular to describe a place called home.

4~. This is what you get for using LATIN to describe SOMEONE.

5~. Direct translation for SDF seems tricky, I would have preferred “unsheltered”, however the adaptation of the French « SDF » would lose its flashy social-code.

6~. … I read the news today oh boy.

i~. Standard Associated Press quotation format, in this style, the COLONS become redundant next to a quote, except of course if the quotation gets shifted to a new and indented paragraph:

like so…

in this scenario the quotation marks become redundant.

— Oakies squat an abandoned villa en las faldas de Fréjus… Bobby DiNero is not a muse.

In local joints, Öüï now returns to our Translation in Interpretations and a small Adaptation of our colleague at The Place Where Évry Body Knows a “quidam – pro quo” .

And, Phat Basterd’, did your Phat-ass just got E-victed from Natalie’s place? Oh, the humanities… anyhow Marie-Ange Schiltz at the CNRS… “Con su permiso, dijo Monchito ».


Apparently, all of a sudden, Évry body wants a spiral, now… Oh, the lack of Imagination.

Eye knew La Pompadour, bitch owes Mí a Clef de Sol en la’Scale de G, man, de G, hombre de l’Ombre.


If only the Paris Tourism Board had the Palancas.


Leonardo Montagua has been vanished to the mound

Hee-haw re-cap, last week to they:

If la sociology is a combat sport, politics is the motherfucking art of GWAR.

Julieta was a HO, according to the Playbill on the P.J. Club… it used to be called “the morjo sho”, or something like that.


El hábito no hace al Shogun…
Pierre Bourdieu* en:
María de los Ángeles Schiltz’s-es
« La Jornada de un Quotidien… », a wetback’s Transliteration for the PEN 🪶 Club France
algo así con las manos libremente atadas.

Oldies but Goodies.


Ladies in Gemini, i honestly couldn’t tell you if Miami, or the rest of that land aberration for that matter, has any particular dish that those assholes (if and only if³) can claim for their neck of the ties. Except for alligator chitlins or swordfish in guano sauce i can’t think of anything, so I, Armando Segovia / Armando Serrano Prieto, am going to fix some Lenguiza de Iguanas Ranas en-sobacadas de Guanabacoas en Brisket de Cleveland, Texas.

³~. Like Sevilla does 💃🏻 according to El Duende that slayed Rodrigo y Gabriela on fip dot live earlier on the scroll of Daniela Pierre-Bravo on BFM’er TV..

Unbuckle your waistband and … 🛴 curb your patín del diablo 👮🏿‍♂️ ‘cus Öüï’s gonna need a bigger pot to melt the Schlitz for Schiltz, so grab your political compass 🧭 pol’que Vamo’ pues al Newseum-sur-Potomac.

Nevermind Venice… Hoy es el día del Niño. It’s trou 🕳️ Hoy es el Día del Niño, and Julieta Eye ho’ID, IT!, through the MorjoSho that The Globe (those motherfuckers) have Ewe and Dark 🕶️ Brandon sorry-ass re-hashing the PAC(t)S.


My scientific habitus*, which has essentially practiced on the side of quantitative sociology did not prepare me for this exercise. The practice of statistics is more less a succession of controlled losses of information: to eliminate dregs (scoria) to highlight “the” structure.

Introductory synopsis of  Schiltz’s opening Sesame into SKID ROW in Paris France… with a time-delayed perspective as seen from am American asshole in France.


It’s 16h time in Hilo, Hawaii, in April in Paris, France, it’s already the dawn of The Sunday Show before the May Sees Parade à La Bastille.

Page 177

Où en suis-je, à présent, avec les personnes à la rue ?

On the next segment, “Jane, you ignorant slut!” Mika talks shop at Know Your Value in Yellowstone.

>> You know the drill, little ol’ i don’t select the weekend recaps on the Morjo Empire, which is only one they away before landing a spot on the Sunday Show, —m’Watch out Jonathan Capehart. What Eye can relay, however, is that even after Mika’s Arabian Peninsula magick carpet ride last month, the rest of the féminas on that gig are wondering why Willie GEIST, Mike Barnicle and Donnie Deutsch make twice the salt that Sonny Carneiro saca de pura pachanga en-Sevillada.

https ://twitter .com /BFMTV /Jusqu’à 40°C attendus autour de SévilleJusqu’à 40°C attendus autour de Séville

Previously on the Nantucker Hillbillies… Cousin Joe was about to take his fancy shoes off.


Meanwhile in Nancy… It’s symbolic of course

And, Alex WaWa… Is that Joy I see or are you just happy to not Reid Mí?

🎶 Sí por mar en un buque de guerra…

After the break, It’s “La Cucaracha, la cucaracha… yada-yada ya Dah_da ».

But first, Öüï touch base with Alaska to follow up on how Adrianne ElRod is doing with that “Fruits de Mer” take-out order from Leo XIV:

https ://www .cbsnews .com /news /fishing-alaska-snow-crab-season-canceled-investigation-climate-change /#app

Évry one knew her as Nancy 🤠

Jump to page Tú (SOPE de Arepa)

Previously on, “La Muerte Chupa Faros”, Samantha Barzel was relocating to Vegas

The Timeline

Intermission with Phat Basterd, with musical guest, Rémi Panoshshian y su 3Cpo.


We interrupt today’s relay of The Mexican parallels with los cigarros Faros™ on the glove compartment of an 1969 El Camino CHEvy…

when all of a sudden Julia Roberts in the role of ‘my current girlfriend’, Nathalie Piolé, jumped the Fundación Televisa’s telenovela from 2001 and landed in today’s edition of the Mika is Over 50 Show. 

For the record, Öüï went ahead and contacted reached out to our contact in the TUCANA constellation for details on what in the fudge is going on with them “Three Musketeers” and sure ENOUGH, Leonardo DiCaprio sent them Across The Universe after Leo XIV discovered while on patrol that one of his dolphins on the Jersey Shore, the original Jersey, not the one from SKID ROW, had been kicked out from the Container Ship on account that it was nearing itsgaspillage alimentairedate.

It was beluga galore, the report showed… With many, many Ale’s.

Preliminary SITREPs from the Finns relay that a certain³:

Kangaroo lady with her bourbon in a pouch
Can’t afford the rental on a bamboo couch
Collecting back her favors ’cause her well is running dry
I know her act is terminal, but she ain’t gonna die, no… “

³~. NOTE from Discogs:
Two different versions (1991) were released: the original version, and the “clean” (censored) version. The clean version replaced the songGet the Fuck Outwith the less-offensiveBeggar’s Day“.

told the SOCIALTER on the n°54 issue of Oct/Nov 2022 that, “Science Fiction is the realism of our time”, of course don’t tell former Mexican Secretary of The Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, that because that redhead will chew you out like Carlos Castañeda’s last peyote stash in La Zona del Desierto entre Durango y Chihuahua.

[Édito N°54] Nouveaux fronts (

It’s Vegas, baby!

… The Tale of The Tape


… 🥊

She actually sucked 1599 suckers 🍭

Tengo orgullo de ser del Norte, —en De Quel Âge

And starring as Toña La Negra, Laura Buenrostro, with Juanito Guanavacoa in the role of “EL JUDICIAL Malacara », órale, hay que ser Juanito para meter la cuchara así en una canción.

Y por eso, Haz Patria, mata una Concha. ISSY, Pablo Neruda tenía el récord de matar conchas. Sí, Neruda, a parte de ser chileno y Extraño, le gustaba apuñalar los moluscos de la Caracola. 👹👺👹👺👹

I am a feminist, and women get mad about that, Women want a Macho-man like Juanito Guanavacoa, not a pussy-lover 😺 like Mí, so of course you get shit like this in La Florida. And VANIA, this is your Cue to CoMe iN.

La Regla Desantis

Previously on the Donjon de Vincennes, Leonardo DiCaprio was trying to sell Submarines to The Topo Chico Gendarmerie en Nuevo Lyon, “Take It Away”, Juanito Canales!

Sha, Cha—BOOM!
Bésame, bésame el culo…

CaraCola es BuenRostro en anatomía, así como BellaVista es igual a panochas.

Ahora resulta que La Huasteca, huerca Brasileira, es parte de Centro América… y Santa Qtarina en Persia, a lo mejor por eso lo de Sultana. Es un ballenato cumbia con ARREGLOS en polka y bossa nova, pues.

Orca submarine – You Hate Mí Eye loves Ewe.

Orca submarine – You Hate Mí Eye loves Ewe. Al regresar, en Ventaneando las lunas de Octubre, I told Y’all motherfuckers that It Was Going to be a Double-Header, following the Décalage session with Laura Buenrostro en rfpp, SoFy BelleAsco, that self-described “artist trafficker” kidnapped Buenrostro from Dé Quel Âge and Johnny Canales made her dance on the station’s pole Al ritmo de, 🎶 Mesa, mesa al que más aplauda 👏🏼👏🏼👏⛏️🐝🧭🎩👮🏻‍♀️😺🤠🌬️

Still to come, Juanito Guanavacoa y SoFy BelleAsco will SuperImpose “la caracola” de Lola, in Barry Manilow’s Copa Cabana en San Pedro Garza García, with Serrat’s Penelope en Cadereyta de Terán. 💃🏻

Ahora resulta que La Huasteca, huerca Brasileira, es parte de Centro América… y Santa Qtarina en Persia, a lo mejor por eso lo de Sultana.

After the break is El Beso Sucio del Barrio Antiguo en La Fundidora en Saint Opportune… El Beso Sucio, “you don’t have to drink our Apéritif-es-esos but if you don’t you can’t stay here.

Note to non—readers³, today’s edition of Laura en Décalage con Juanito Guanavacoa is of course, recorded, or as the Juánaticos de la Matrix relay: par téléphone, or as the Bostonian guest on rfpp yesterday said: PHONED IN…

En fin. Take Mí to 2012, here are the coordinates:

The Lord’s Resistance Army at the copa cabana… starring Juanito Guanavacoa as “the madrina de Zacatecas »… Based on a true psychological persecution at the Georges Impromptidou European Medial Center…

For the record, it is sad to see how people who ran from that time-period in Central Africa and Centro América, like El Perú… are the ones who get annoyed for my SPIEL on this Nido de Hipocresías called France.

Long-story short Sofi Velasco, decidí no ir a preguntar lo que la notificación del Procurador De La Prefectura quería decir cuando escribió, DOS PUTOS AÑOS Después,  “las cámaras no funcionaron y no pudimos distinguir a los chilangos”, o algo así, lo cierto SoFy Velasco es de que los franceses aún no han inventado las bitácoras (blotter reports), ∵ the perp was a cop nationale. And isn’t it ironic! The French invented Juanito Guanavacoa, y por eso, poeta que Juanito es, y en el aire 🌬️ las compones, yada, yada, yada… en la voz de SoFy of course.

Saturday morning Car Tunes — CRONOS is not what you think that it is

In Hilo, Hawaii, it’s Christmas Eve.
https ://www .rfi .fr /en /france /20210602 –france-weapons-exports-drop-41-percent-for-2020-saudis-still-biggest-buyers

And in France, the Sun never sets..

Los Indios de Guyana
https ://www .aljazeera .com /news/2021/12/25 /several-killed-as-saudi-arabia-and-yemen-rebels-exchange-fire
Topen eso, TOP-en-ESSO… Issy, that’s Thomas Jefferson’s great-great-great grandson Willie Gloude Sr., Professor Gloude Sr., is hosting next to Mika Brzezinski’$ long-lost ILLEGITIMATE doppelganger Maki Breeskin
Note to Thomas de Courbillon… D.A.R.E. is no such thing as “improvisation³“, man! Do you really think that ARIANNE just happened to launch into space with the “Webb” interstellar téléscopé in the same time-frame that NASA sent an “asteroid bustin'” mission, apparently because there was an extra rocket just layin’ around?
So, —yeah, let U.S. fuck up an asteroid, just for kicks, eh.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/12/25 /ciencia-y-tecnologia/lanzan-con-exito-al-espacio-el-telescopio-james-webb/

Tribute to Dr. Strangelove, or how Eye learned to stop worrying and learned to love Leonardo Dicaprio’$ taste for, “Yum yum Bumblebee—bumblebee tuna,

³.~ … [O]r “BRONTORACS” for that matter.

And, Cousin Joe, them rosie Chubby Checker cheeks…

Sing this like a BROADWAY Orphan:

https ://hongkongfp .com /2021/11/29/disney-appears-to-censor-episode-of-the-simpsons-in-hong-kong-referencing-tiananmen-massacre/

… Como siempre bóstezeandole al JARRÓN.

And in Global NEWS, Jack Dorsey quits @segoarma, @segoviaspixes and a host of other Twitter gestiones to embark on a JOURNEY FOR CIGARETTES à HONG KONG, the tech wizard according to sources close to FAKE NEWS and other assorted gestiones por los interwebs relay that Dorsey heard about a Mexican who quit everything and headed to Hong Kong to buy a pack of smokes.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/11/29 /economia /jack-dorsey-renuncia-como-director-general-de-twitter/

Photo chopped image of beard comes courtesy of La AP via la jornada.

Originally, the afore-mentioned Mexican was planning on going to Copenhagen, but sources close to el registro civil there, showed that once he left a town where he had married before, he never went back. So Hong Kong it was.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/11/28 /capital /desde-otras-ciudades-en-hong-kong-la-incomparable-pestanita-en-un-autobus-puede-prolongarse-toda-la-noche/

City Bus Tarifas, ese:
“El precio de los boletos oscila entre 99 y 399 dólares locales (12.73 y 51.25 dólares estadunidenses). Las plazas de la planta superior son las más caras,” according to OTRAS CIUDADES en La Jornada.

Bloomberg Knews reports that Dorsey (that motherfucker) is the main investor in a new enterprise that centers around letting people sleep inside the comfortable seats of Tourist Buses, an Idea stolen from the Parisian RATP and its clochard express  and plus the front cover of Jaime Lopez-es~ese 1999 release NORDAKA (en Japones).

But FO’ist, nostalgia intersects with Georgia in the form of Coca.
And if Madison Ave. was able to persuade The World without percussion to drink a Coke, why and how? Why in the fuck can’t Donnie Deutsch arrive to convince a el mundo de Le Monde to take the fucking vaccine?

People of France, please relay to the Élysée Tourism Board that all of those SILK covered armatures in the FORM of pre-historic life forms at Le Jardin des Plantes are illuminated with the HARVESTED ORGANS of Chinese peoples in Concentration Camps, which begs the QUESTION, MR. MACRON, don’t you fuckers hate Concentration Camps? Or, Mr. Présidente, is that just a sign on an Elementary School Wall?

Now Back to Cousin Joe’s Chubby Checker Cheeks.

“This is going to blow your mind.”

Better than Heritage USA or that stupid Jonah tale about the VAQUITA de MAR on Dicaprio’s X~Mas Menu.

Paul McCartney, on:
The Let It Be Anthology Channel
Live on Disney Canal See Plus

_and that rug that someone sold you at the Mens Warehouse sports coat section of the TJ MAX section of TARGET can only mean one thing, but Youse Gonna Have to Wait to fill up that TANK.

Right now, Öüï is enjoying the spread out scroll in planks at Le Grand Palais and CHINA’s light show at BUFFON’s octopussy’s garden… and COUSIN JOE, the HUMANITY!!! A Black Tie! Jesus Christ, Joe!

And, Mika… you wanna know what the secret to a Killer Turtle redneck is? Arracadas, hun.


MEAN, while CAPITALISM in SAN FRANCISCO is best-buying MASLOWS pyramyd of needs, Xi-Nah is illuminating France’s “strawberry fields” in front of that GRAND MOSQUE, and that’s just Geography on the urban scale plotting the map, not Mí. Mí is hung-over outside of Panthéon after the Thanksgiving re-layed show.

And Cousin Joe… is it just Mí, or was grampa Walt correct, it is a small JPEG after all, you decide.

It’s a small JPEG after all… and Witt D.A.T. in mind, doesn’t Disney hold the rights for Pooh Bear?

And Cousin Joe, just to leave Chi’s China alone, and move on, let Mí fill that tank up FO’Ewe, you son-of-a-bitch! You lost the bet, didn’t you? You lost the bet and now you have to wear, that “ridiculous thing” for Politico LeMire, didn’t ya’?

And New York Times, Mara, Eye Too is glad to see that Sharp Dressed Man in the form of an Honorary Mexican³ preacher in Brunswick, GA.

³.~ The Reverend Al Sharpton

Hey, Leonardo DiCaprio… ’member D.A.T. time when?

“Aún hay más”:

Hold on, Woman

Hold on, woman… aún hay más .:. ED965AB7-68C6-4104-BC54-9686916403EE .:. and if you are a Jacobo Zabludovski (intern), you know what Raul Velasco did to Cepillin’s “Kid”.

Deer, Cousin Joe, please stop getting in the way of Mika’s call for cease-fire. You have been warned… fire-for-effect follows:

The band played as the Ship went down

The band played as the Ship went down .:. DB21568F-FC00-48A5-A2CD-BA26D4B24B4D

Back to you Leonardo… and don’t worry, Sir, we ain’t gonna fuck with the Three Caballeros right now, we’ll just focus on the motherfucking iceberg ahead.

And in Washington:

Hydro treated

In Washington, after setting the economic moat around Melania’s rose garden, Stephen Miller went ahead and treated the The White House up-lift (manita de gato) with imported Javel —from SHYNA!— and then, Stephen Miller (that po’misguided Jewish aid) cured the processed paint with chemlights®️; why just look at them White House columns behind the AP man with the inception emOji of the volcano smacked right on target on his fOken fOrehead, the blue is scientific proof that Stephen Miller’s Hydroxicloroquine compound is fighting the invasion of the They, in this particular frame, the Stephen Miller reactionary bubbles are fighting the threads of his racists origins… Synopsis: “Mein Kampf”  meetsAMERICAN HISTORY X”… if Ed Norton was Stephen Miller, off-course.

By the way: please bee advised that Hoy No Hubo Jazz en La Maison de l’Amérique latine at Blvd. Saint Germaine-des-Pres.



¡Misión Cumplida! Tercera entrada — Maquinaciones.

19 de diciembre, 2017

From the Collection: The Street is My Gallery, featuring the craft of Ardif… 75005, Paris… Photo by staff.

Hola que tal, José Manuel, como portavoz que usted fue en el 2013/14 y 2015 de MORENA–FRANCIA, a lo mejor lo sigue siendo, yo quisiera preguntarle a usted su postura política (y si gusta, hasta la personal) sobre la alianza que Andrés Manuel López Obrador acaba de anunciar la semana pasada y que los junta a ustedes (Morenaje) con un partido político y Evangelista (por si faltara menos) de Extrema Derecha…   }–~~~\•> INTERRUMPIMOS ESTÁ PETICIÓN DE ENTREVISTA A UN Moreno del Morenaje de MORENA PARA TRAERLES UN BOLETÍN DE ÚLTIMO MINUTO::: El Mismísimo AMLO “INFILTRA” a un importante operador de Monsanto y para sorpresa de todos los Frentes Amplios de Hueso Colorado de Izquierda —y anexos— el “nominado” resultó ser pionero de las movidas del “AgriBusiness” en México; y también en el antiguo Distrito Federal. De remate, LÓPEZ OBRADOR añade también a su propuesta de gabinete a un empresario regiomontano con nexos a los Legionarios de Cristo, el Opus Dei, y El Think Tank Empresarial conocido como EL GRUPO MONTERREY.  Como CHERRY DEL GATEAU, El Peje también mete a una Ex Ministro “hippie” de la SUPREMA CORTE DE JUSTICIA DE LA NACIÓN con una trayectoria bien chingona para los avances progresistas del los derechos electivos de reproducción de las mujeres, pero, al mismo tiempo también fue responsable de fallar en favor de las medidas más neoLiberales de los últimos 25 años, desde que Carlos Salinas de Gortari asesinara con sus pinches putas manos las escuelas secundarias agropecuarias, porque a partir de la última década del Siglo de la Revolución más traicionada después de la Revolución Rusa, que osó gritar “Tierra y Libertad”, ese pelón traicionó a el agro mexicano, desarticulizando el Art. 27 de la Magna Carta en México, que se suponía guardaba las garantías del caudillo que prefería morir de pie, que vivir del erario… o algo así.

COMO EX Miembro del llamado movimiento de la CONTRA-CULTURA DEL FINAL DE LOS AÑOS 60’s, La ex Ministro Juris Doctor tiene también un lado PARALELO al del LEGADO DE LOS BABY-BOOMERS EN LOS EEUU, mismos que han venido echando el mundo a perder a un ritmo acelerado para todos los seres sensibles que habitan en la faz de la tierra, y de los seres humanos que ocupan del planeta también, el deterioro según el científico Al Gore, más o menos se viene multiplicando a partir de los años 90’s… y por eso resultaría incongruente que AMLO nominara a un Sicario del medio ambiente que cobra nomina de Monsanto y de la Función Pública mexicana a la vez; y también, ¡Faltara Menos!, a un Empresario millonario fanático de las Ordenes mas siniestras del seno De la Iglesia del Vaticano, aunque luego por eso a de ser lo del mote de don Andrés de “Mesías Tropical”.   •—_!_—• Uso justo de los Reporteros Sin Fronteras, de Henrí Cartier–Bresson, y por supesto: de todos los Magnums.

Desafortunadamente, queridos lectores que no visitan este blog, “aún hay más”, —noticias— que romper, y por eso mejor le recomendamos ver las caricaturas de El Chapulín Colorado®… o alguna final bananera de Futból.

¡Oh! ¿y ahora, quién podrá defendernos?*

La República Argentina estalla en protesta ciudadana por el comienzo de un debate para promulgar una reforma provisional impulsada (a los beneficios del retiro laboral) por los intereses que mueven al mandatario de aquella nación, el conservador Mauricio Macri… mientras tanto en México: en México sigue saliendo El Sol, porque en Mexico, —en México no pasa nada.

Breaking The News:


La ONU y otras 10 organizaciones INSTAN A PEÑA NIETO a que no firme La Ley de Seguridad.


Democracias del Mundo (excepto Austria**) observan como Peña Nieto quiere dejar el camino TENDIDO y ACOMODADO para instaurar un “DEMOCRADURA”, o algo así…

Fucking Nazis by any other Name… Sincerely: Capt. Germán “Oddball” Carlin. 3rd Special Cavalry Squadron USAEUR… foto captura cortesía de La Jornada en Francés.


… de don LEONARDO DICAPRIO – ni sus pinches luces— el Actor, contratado por el Aparato de Maquinación en Atlacomulco A.C., sigue de vacas en La Baja California… y por eso doña Florinda tendrá que lanzar sus lamentos al Sr. Armando Álvarez, quien todavía se encuentra en la casa de su chingado padre.

Foto por Staff—Rue du Cinéma; 75001

Las Fuentes… ¡Aguas¡ con el 2018,

Pensamiento en forma de lamento es cortesía de Libération en Espagnol. •—_!_—• Uso justo de todos los bebe leches.

*. Oh, y ahora quién podrá Defendernos:
vía “el bebeleche” y La Jornada por los Interwebs:

Pliego de papel en forma de una Maquinación representada por un Zorro, Fox o Renard es cortesía del Quinto distrito de París y Ardif Streetart… because Darling Dear: The Street is My Gallery. •—_!_—• Fair us of all media…