I want my 🎤 Eye want my 🎶 R.S.A. — And, Mehdi Hasan³ >

BRANDING Donnie Deutsch with a livestock iron.

What if it were your fucking Paris champignons?… and Cathy Corazón de Yellow… fuck you and your Güander 🧱 🤠.


Note to editors:

It’s like a quesadilla sin champignon.
Lo anterior, interpretado por cierto desde un Borderplex⁸ a partir de Oasis, es un recorte adaptado en directo y con un periodo de tiempo de demora de 36 horas efectivas desde alguna calle de París; now normally, the staff of this most non-consequential blog stays within the freaqs’ of any-given arrondissement of France Musique, however, following the growing trend of layoffs in the past couple of years (four or five) Öüï has wondered over to other public broadcasters to cover what used to be (in the days of Jack Patrick Dorsey³) a self-indulgent “sacrosanct” daily dose of American music, now it’s just another tape of sessions from the past.

³~. Current sponsor of the politics of Robert F. Kennedy Junior in France³

³~.  https:// www .vanityfair .com /news /2023/06 /robert-f-kennedy-jr-his-anti-vax-conspiracies-found-home-twitter

📻 killed the 📺 star ✨ with D.J. AMLO y los hijos de la chingada… SOBRE LAS OLAS.

And Zeppelin Goes Here

Sr. Julio Guereje… por favor no culpe Al mensajero por echar a perder l’Electrik Q… helecho 🪴 que usted a muy duras penas le llegue El flash informativo no implica la colaboración de Grabiel 🎺.

11 de la mañana en Samalayuca-sous-Dunas, not donas.

³~. Who, Mehdi, who in the world “warms” popcorn up?

https ://www .forbe$ .com .mx /the-us-plans-to-intensify-the-complaint-that-mexico-violates-the-tmec-by-banning-transgenic-corn

— Bums, Mehdi, bums. And here is why  Medhi Hassan:

🌽 Because that is how Öüï get it up. Heck, Medhi Hasan, you don’t have to quote Donnie Deutsch, you may ask Hurracaine Hilary on the Pacific, pobre BARTOLA what with only esos “dos pesos” que Pepe “el toro” Infante le dejo, ~ and that, Medhi Hasan, is probably why BARTOLA followed la letra d’esa canción to the tee, and then BARTOLA pro°ceded to changed her populist “vision” for a real conservative coat.

Ask, Víctor Manuel Quintana Silverado, he knows, how to 🙊 Gorillaz’ in Paris… por no decir —niggas!

https ://cnnespanol .cnn .com /2023/08/17 /hilary-huracan-mexico-eeuu-lluvias-trax/ 

Mira Bartola… hay que ser francés para poder navegar en clase première canot de sauvetage, o como dice Jorge Sal°daña: un voyage Fluctuate nec mergitur, à la mode de Molino.


Note to Jon SALE in the role of Cantinflas²:

La BARTOLA est une valse “chilango” composée par Chava Flores.

https ://www .cancioneros .com /letras /cancion /956689 /la-bartola-chava-flores

Cette valse “capitalino” fait partie des classiques, au point qu’elle est souvent confondue avec une valse viennoise, et a été faussement attribuée à Johann Strauss Junior.

²~. Johnny Depp ignored the role so, there was only one thing that The Producers could do, The Producers  got a dumb plumber’s buster.

Innovative thinkers : Solution Providers, Watergate busters, dedicated pharmers.

French C[o]unts agree on this one… Now get off of my guacamole 🥑

From The Farmers Almanac:

For the best buds of Junebug, your weed should be pollenized, NOW!

Support your local growers.

Dear, Denis Soula … FYI:

18:55 | 19:56
89 | 90
That’s Two Pairs right there… According to Hoyle

Please relay to your web dev’Monkees that the old ‘titres diffusée’ allowed for a Specific timeframe to search for JOSÉ ALFREDO JIMÉNEZ.

FIP . fr’s “updated playtracks*” SUCK!!!

Go ahead, check the sequence in THREE Days and tell, Mi, how much fun it was wasting those additional (50) scrolls to get to the bottom of The Black See!

Our pledge at asegovia3 is to bring you only FACT CHECKED information from “the experts” {and} Öüï begins in Los Angeles, California, because that is where this trip³ (towards 2030) started.

Maldito José Alfredo… ya me hiciste chillar.

Experts : les États-Unis pourraient chercher des avocats au-delà du Mexique

³. However unbeknowst to US, at the time…
https ://cryptofireside .com /welcome-to-2030you-will-own-nothing-have-no-privacy-and-life-has-never-been-crueler– 3ff87dc129c

https ://www .latimes .com /espanol /eeuu /articulo /2022-02-17 /expertos-eeuu-podria-buscar-aguacates-mas-alla-de-mexico 

WELCOME, to Breakfast in America.

{and} ZEPPELIN GOES HERE: Ten Jeers GoneKeep on rocking on la rue de San MEMO 75006 … in case anyone is wondering what the initials I.H.E.A.L. stand for, Eye tells Ewe, it is KNOT for “ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES” en Francés, and Professor Leo Orellana at the LAtin AMerican House on Saint-Germain des Près will probably agree with little ‘ol me, Armando Segovia, when Eye tells Ewe that IHEAL stands for CUBANOS POSTIZOS {not} I heal… SANA SANA colita de rana¹.

¹.~ It’s what the oligarchs in MEXICO tell their little princes and princesses when they (for whatever reason) get a boo-boo, which is what LOUISIANA natives say to their ‘chirrin’ when they scrape their knees or manage to injure themselves in a not-so harmful way. The Mexicans across the street from the IHEAL can explain this one to the Fifi BoBos at Jack Dorsey’s Parisian hang-out.

And, GO’ill de Niza, as you search for them huevos, please be advised that Öüï did warn that guy spinnin’ Jazz on your freq’s right between the hopelessly GüannaBee punk rockers at RFPP (París) and the Fifi BoBos at Jazzafip, D.A.T. on this sábado de GLORIA, “les Pâques »… son de a KILO.

https ://www.marianne .net /societe /education /cetait-flippant-des-militants-dextreme-droite-interviennent-pour-lever-le-blocus-de-sciences-po-a-paris

Ladies in Gemini, the age Old question has been answered, Jesus Christ is a funky chicken, knot a ‘fuckin” chic(Ken) but a Funky Chicken 🍗.

From the Urban Dictionary pages:


Spanish for damn (used as an adjective. Not to just say “damn”). Can also be maldita for feminine nouns.

Si crees eso, eres un maldito idiota.
If you believe that, you’re a damn fool.

by PaQueSepas April 2, 2019

And, Cousin Joe, them rosie Chubby Checker cheeks…

Sing this like a BROADWAY Orphan:

https ://hongkongfp .com /2021/11/29/disney-appears-to-censor-episode-of-the-simpsons-in-hong-kong-referencing-tiananmen-massacre/

… Como siempre bóstezeandole al JARRÓN.

And in Global NEWS, Jack Dorsey quits @segoarma, @segoviaspixes and a host of other Twitter gestiones to embark on a JOURNEY FOR CIGARETTES à HONG KONG, the tech wizard according to sources close to FAKE NEWS and other assorted gestiones por los interwebs relay that Dorsey heard about a Mexican who quit everything and headed to Hong Kong to buy a pack of smokes.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/11/29 /economia /jack-dorsey-renuncia-como-director-general-de-twitter/

Photo chopped image of beard comes courtesy of La AP via la jornada.

Originally, the afore-mentioned Mexican was planning on going to Copenhagen, but sources close to el registro civil there, showed that once he left a town where he had married before, he never went back. So Hong Kong it was.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/11/28 /capital /desde-otras-ciudades-en-hong-kong-la-incomparable-pestanita-en-un-autobus-puede-prolongarse-toda-la-noche/

City Bus Tarifas, ese:
“El precio de los boletos oscila entre 99 y 399 dólares locales (12.73 y 51.25 dólares estadunidenses). Las plazas de la planta superior son las más caras,” according to OTRAS CIUDADES en La Jornada.

Bloomberg Knews reports that Dorsey (that motherfucker) is the main investor in a new enterprise that centers around letting people sleep inside the comfortable seats of Tourist Buses, an Idea stolen from the Parisian RATP and its clochard express  and plus the front cover of Jaime Lopez-es~ese 1999 release NORDAKA (en Japones).

But FO’ist, nostalgia intersects with Georgia in the form of Coca.
And if Madison Ave. was able to persuade The World without percussion to drink a Coke, why and how? Why in the fuck can’t Donnie Deutsch arrive to convince a el mundo de Le Monde to take the fucking vaccine?

People of France, please relay to the Élysée Tourism Board that all of those SILK covered armatures in the FORM of pre-historic life forms at Le Jardin des Plantes are illuminated with the HARVESTED ORGANS of Chinese peoples in Concentration Camps, which begs the QUESTION, MR. MACRON, don’t you fuckers hate Concentration Camps? Or, Mr. Présidente, is that just a sign on an Elementary School Wall?

Now Back to Cousin Joe’s Chubby Checker Cheeks.

“This is going to blow your mind.”

Better than Heritage USA or that stupid Jonah tale about the VAQUITA de MAR on Dicaprio’s X~Mas Menu.

Paul McCartney, on:
The Let It Be Anthology Channel
Live on Disney Canal See Plus

_and that rug that someone sold you at the Mens Warehouse sports coat section of the TJ MAX section of TARGET can only mean one thing, but Youse Gonna Have to Wait to fill up that TANK.

Right now, Öüï is enjoying the spread out scroll in planks at Le Grand Palais and CHINA’s light show at BUFFON’s octopussy’s garden… and COUSIN JOE, the HUMANITY!!! A Black Tie! Jesus Christ, Joe!

And, Mika… you wanna know what the secret to a Killer Turtle redneck is? Arracadas, hun.


MEAN, while CAPITALISM in SAN FRANCISCO is best-buying MASLOWS pyramyd of needs, Xi-Nah is illuminating France’s “strawberry fields” in front of that GRAND MOSQUE, and that’s just Geography on the urban scale plotting the map, not Mí. Mí is hung-over outside of Panthéon after the Thanksgiving re-layed show.

And Cousin Joe… is it just Mí, or was grampa Walt correct, it is a small JPEG after all, you decide.

It’s a small JPEG after all… and Witt D.A.T. in mind, doesn’t Disney hold the rights for Pooh Bear?

And Cousin Joe, just to leave Chi’s China alone, and move on, let Mí fill that tank up FO’Ewe, you son-of-a-bitch! You lost the bet, didn’t you? You lost the bet and now you have to wear, that “ridiculous thing” for Politico LeMire, didn’t ya’?


And New York Times, Mara, Eye Too is glad to see that Sharp Dressed Man in the form of an Honorary Mexican³ preacher in Brunswick, GA.

³.~ The Reverend Al Sharpton

Deer, Tiffany Cross… hoy no hubo noticias

Witt that in M.I.N.D., this is last week To They, again.

Michael Eric Dyson (Ph.D) stars as:
Dr. Benjamin Hawkeye Pierce

Listen up, Mr. Biden, President [One-Each]… never mind Tijuana, Öüï needs some Chinos de Mexicali on that Dang-on Administration of Kamala Harris, eh! .:. ############# 🥢🥡 Why from Xicali? Ask anybody from The Imperial Valley who is not a white supremacist there, Mexicali has the best Egg Rolls south of The Frisco Bay—Maaaan! That’s Why, Mr. President.

Attention, C.A.M.P., the following section must be read in a Corporal “Radar” O’Rilley’s voice (punto y coma) for those not in the know… let Mí, explain before you send in the doggs.

M.A.S.H. was a television show depicting a very particular view on the Korean War (punto y coma) part of the FICTIONAL characters include a black American Football player. The writer of that script—again—the writer of that STORY calls that black CHARACTER, “Spearchucker Jones”. So please spare me the indignation if you are not going to “string” the context.


De re vote (punto y coma) that means a rebound 🛎 F113F106-0DAE-48F1-8B7C-0F896A379597 🌬 And because Eye is Live, and not re-hashed: Deer, Jason “Doc’ta” Johnson… youse a bit muffled on the Cross…get it? And Dr. Johnson, that ray of light on your nose, that’s Mí in the corner.

https ://www .rfi .fr /en /france /20210325 –french-trial-opens-over-anti-asian-covid-tweets-paris-racism

In local news, we post it, it, and Oh [with a capital, O] France responded in-step, coincidence? You-betcha! I’m just a stringer of known news with no talent whatsoever, just an itsy bitsy teenie knack to improvise the events of the next few Theys, that’s all. If i knew what the term “projection” meant, i would probably string a sentence or maybe, Cerf-panthère, maybe Tú.

Dear, Tiffany Cross, now that You have established that Dr. Michael Eric Dyson is not, Eye repeats, KNOT!— dropping Dangling Participles on the “Cross Connections”, have a SANGRIA SUNRISE on Mí… jump to Sunday, March 22nd 2021.


Antoine (BFM TV) Forrestiere, meet Joy Anne (msnbc) Reed

Breaking the new news… You are welcome Stephanie Rulhe, but please don’t blame Hallie Jackson for moving in on your territory, it was not her decision to make. WITT that in mind and on the SAME CONSULTING TRACK check this out:

Señor, Macron, Presidente de la República Francesa

The French Mistake .:. With all due respect i don’t select the news, i just shuffle’em, and Sir, perhaps you’ve heard of Eddie Gloude Jr.? I ask the question to the most-informed cop in La France on account that your statement directed to your friends and allies in the United States of America (punto y coma) in particular that there section or paragraph of your prepared speech where you claim that what happened at Capitol Hill on January the 6th of 2021 was not a representation of what America is. I have News for you Sir, it is. That is the representation of America. The one that has dominated the land for most of it’s 244 red hot minutes on the pages of History… yeah, Buddy!

With the above ⤴️ in mind it does not please me to quote Steely Dan to your Executive Ass, but “only a fool would say that”, and if you ever heard of a Banana Republic called “Parador” then you’ll KNOW that them racist-white supremacists-Holocaust denying–RED—BLOODED americans are in fact, as Professor Eddie Gloude Junior, states, “they are our uncles, our fathers, our friends,” and yes, MARIANNE, “our children and our brothers”, because That Is What the Story of Them United States of America has been, a story of racist snowflakes who still have a lot of influence with the strong-side of the law.

So, Monsieur le Président de La République Française (así con mayusculas)  🎶🗣 Don’t–don’t–don’t don’t Believe “The Pledge of allegiance—in God We Trust” hype, because as el monoaureo will show you on another entry, when tyranny and fascism arrives it arrives wrapped in a flag and quoting “la biblia”.

Furthermore, Mr. Macron, only in America, the saying goes: is where Hitler’s youth would be welcomed with (relatively) open arms to STORME (no pun intended Filomena) the halls where THE LAW is Made.

Anyhow, having stated that, think about that MARIANNE, the next time you invite another despot like Donald John Trump to your 14 July Celebration like your predecessor did with a Enrique Peña Nieto, who may or may not be a racist, but he sure is surrounded by classists motherfuckers, which is just a notch to the side of racism.


In BFM’er Update news:

Not only did they correct for the opening ads upon u.s. KNOCKING on their virtual doors, but AUSSIE, check this out:

With All Due Respect .:. 7AC7AF71-7CEC-451D-90F7-FAFC3D07DF40 🌍 Your producers need to get new b-roll from your “children” abroad, repeating last week’s images from “the backyard” is like phoning it in. In  oder  other words, reporting on The Situation as if youse were Throwing Your Hands Up in The Air, And Swinging these like you just don’t care.

Not to be outdone by France Info 105.5 FM, BFM TV starts simultaneous transmission of it’s WEEKEND content [🎶Oh, oh oh—oh oh, On The Radio]… go ahead, i dare you, “say anything”.

— Anything? Asked la yegua blanca de Napoleón, named “Storme”.

— In•Deed, güerita, you can say anything you want, responds “Siete Leguas”.


La güerita goes on to say 🗣

… [A]nd someone please give that poor weather man in MADRID a beanie cap… YeeZu.s. Christ, Monsieur EtcheBerry!!!  You fuckers at RTL* are mean! Mean Eye tell you. In Context, please refer to the treatment that the reporter on “Thank You for Smoking” got after the STORME passed, or rather, when IT!, arrived.

*  Mr. EtcheBerry, please be advised that some of the Radio Stations nomenclatures have been Scrambled to protect the Freq's on La Seine. STOP WINEing.


Anyhow Mr. Forrestiere, as Eye was breaking IT!, down for Joy Anne Reed, mare named after the legendary journalist WHO rode with along the the Eastern skirts of La Sierra Madre Occidental with EL GENERAL ARROYO under the callsign Old Gringo » during the Mexican Revolution… yeah, Buddy, it’s TROU!

It would be the “type” of credentials that would allow a President Marine Le Pen the opportunity to award Elaine Chao the highest accessory on the French Touch arsenal.

Rocket man was a fag… sincerely Starman; and fuck you too, Tommy ⚡️rod… pronounced Thomas Alva “white” Lightning Rod motherfucking Edison, according to Sacramento Bee: the one and only, TESLA.

Salvation for dummies

En contexto, Neil Katyal, earlier in the programming BFM TV casually informed their morning show viewers about the Trump administration’s ministers abandoning their LEGACY (or quitting) one paycheck before Trump presses the Nuke Button.

I note this, Rachel Maddow, on account of giving Jack Dorsey a pat  in  on the back, an atta’Boy for the soul because that Sonovabitch finally decided to shut Trump’s account, would be like praising the “We Only Did as We Were Told” crowd for denouncing their messiah or chosen one two weeks before Russia (USSR) put an end to the Great Big (knot the longest) War before Vietnam. Now, to be fair, the almighty Dollar is not a Godwin reference to Hitler, but then the CULT of Dorsey is money-money-money.

But hey, at least Dorsey has a fip . fr tattoo inked on his beautiful skin. Eye only have a letter arriving from RENNES… fuck it, it’s Weekend Edition, i’ll open the envelope on Monday on account that just like nobody Walks in El Ey, Evrybody gets off on the Weekend… but speaking of Canadians, Joy Anne Reid:

“Nothing is off the table” on The Rachel Maddow Show .:. F77D8225-7B13-4EDC-A03A-3DA136FFF522 .:. Happening right now, on the SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS, BFM’er TV plays Ketch-up with TRMS sewage news and how the WASTE WAWA Güeys are excellent fortune tellers for the COVID–fighters.

has anybody noticed if the Mexican President ever got to condemn the assault on The Hill, like his partner-in-Trade and Workforce Conditions, Justin Trudeau has?


Is Mr. López gloating like Comrade Putin is doing in Turkey right now, via Zoom®️.

Page 3, « El Bote » / Dedicated to FIP.fr

Foreword to my favorite French Gendarme:
Louis de Funès

Fall Semester 2020

Fall Semester 2020 .::. B5BD6CD7-DC9F-4964-90EE-6BB0E8117C85 🐤 BRANDING 101 with: professor Tom Friedman… don’t bee late.

For the record, as stated on the « Fiche de Mise a Disposition » with a timestamp of May 25, 2010 at 16h10 in Central Europe Time, please be advised that i, Armando Segovia, (California, U.S.A.) never set foot on La Place de La Concorde; no Sir and/or Madame. The exact place where the gendarme from the 45th Regiment 7th Platoon handcuffed me was at the corner of The United States Embassy 2 rue Gabriel (75008).

Dear, Mr. Dorsey

Dear, Mr. Dorsey… fip called, they want their Logo back!

Technically, La Place de La Concord begins when one sets foot and/or wheels on the traffic circle which, AS EYE HAVE stated previously on this most non–consequential blog, was designed to MIRROR our Solar System in The Milky Way (ref. Scott Onstott) with the traffic mimicking the planets going around Louis XV. This little piece of annotated evidence is important (for the arrest record) given that my CALL TO ATTENTION TO the mocking that Donald John Trump made on Memorial Day weekend of All WHO Made The Ultimate Sacrifice in all of the different fields of battle, including the ones that might be forgotten, like the little SPANISH incident which inspired Mika Brzezinski to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, and Metallica to write FOR WHOM THE BELLS [A]TOLL, was made on AMERICAN SOIL and not on French grounds.

Dear, Jack Dorsey

Dear, Jack Dorsey… stop acting like HENRY FORD, your blind EYE towards Donald John Trump (the citizen) is analogous to Mr. Ford’s support of the Third Reich; and you give my favorite radio station a bad name, you Son of A BItch! Please place a burning piece of Iron where you tagged “fip” on your body and scar yo’self… motherfucker.


Must show Bright Side of Life section:

Hey, Lenard… what’s up nigga!

So, A.M. Joy suits you all up an makes you look all dapper looking and all of a sudden you got a point to motherfucking make!

If Eye was a Pimp

If Eye was a nigga … wait for it, WAIT.

Nigga, it better be a recollection. Eye is going to take a nap now, wake up–then masturbate (to clear the pipes) and Eye Will Be Listening to your rap, nigga. So, sleep tight (motherfucker), because it’s just Nine o’Clock in New York, New York… at the Paris underground (Sir) it’s 3 in Tha Mow’r–ning.

It’s Two o’Clock, in Central Europe Time.

First, the News.

As the United States quickly approaches another milestone, the 100,000 deaths from the COVID–19 pandemic, Donald John Trump, the 45th President of The United States spent part of Saturday playing golf in Virginia, while the “merchants of doubt*” begin to cue the MAGA cult about fake Coronavirus deaths… or something like that.

In-house Advertorial.

Oh, hey Jack Dorsey, you French bobo-looking sonofavitch! Happy Memorial Day Weekend. You know what the good thing about this most non–consequential blog is? Of course you don’t, —motherfucker— because the fip Sirens don’t read this blog,

[hey Suzy, my heart still belongs to you even if you went ahead and cut MONTY Alexander on the third copla of Bob Marley’s “Stir it up” last night before the start of Club Jazzàfip… way to Scratch D.A.T. Up! mi negra]

anygüey, Mr. Dorsey (Sir, S.V.P.) Eye was thinking that a most excellent way to spend the Spare Change that Twitter™️ makes from every motherfucking Donald John Trump it, would be by purchasing THE ENTIRE SECTION “A” of the national newspaper of your choice and print THE Entire “First 100,000” victims of the COVID–19 pandemic and dedicate it to The Entire STAFF (not the workers, but the sycophantic Staff) at The White House.

COME ON, nigga! Think About, IT!… it will be like an “indelible tattoo” for the Administration’s worst FAILURE.

We now return to our regular programming…