Commission française de l’électricité, presenta:

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you’re Slim at heart 🎶

¡Si se puede! The time is now, and if you get to live to a hundred and nine, you too could have your own Mexican Revolution, heck you already have a trailer [here] and an official poster [Octubre tenía que ser].

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2021/02/02 /politica /reforma-de-amlo-pone-por-delante-produccion-de-cfe/

As that develops, let u.s. not forget what this section is about (punto y coma) it’s about triangulating the positioning of Perrine and Teeny Tiny Cat, in Technicolor vía el Equinox de la Porte de Versailles. Semolina Pilchard reports from La Nacional de Mitterrand.

Anyhow, Perrine, the year was 2017. The month was, lemme see, Let—Mí_ see, déjame Ver por dónde quedaron todos esos Castillos de Sand(ra) en la Catedral. And this is where MEDIAPART WAS SUPPOSED to syncopate the timbal with my Drums, but something got in the way and it took 4 years to CATCH the 705 on the CFE line… and so como dice la canción, “Here i am, Baby.”

I told you so, and in so many words, AMOR en ROMA this is how the Death of French, or any less insignificant (by VERY French standards) Culture begins to unravel, and this is the CUE to tell you that Rachel With Glasses looks like Buddy Holly.

Still to come, Police Squad à la mode de Caen… 🎶🤾🏽‍♂️🗣 ¿Qué de dónde, amigo vengo?

Georges Méliès is your template to what follows if you don’t listen to the great-great—Great French grandson of Thomas A. Edison. Do you, my little FROGGIES know where your greatest film maker ended up at? Inside the Old Gare de Montparnasse… COPYRIGHT—mis güevos.

Of course, when that happens (take place, pues) all of your Goncourts, your Césars, your Comédie française will be handled by “people who know”… the Cousin of the Compadre of the Beau-père de la mademoiselle:

So… did you really, really think that the Thrill be gone? Knot when i’m around.

 🎶🎹 “C’est la vie“, say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell…

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