Previously on, Dear: Tiny Tiny Cat

note to editors:
some of “the cats” names have been changed in order to protect the big elephant of The Wise Men.

https ://www .bbc .com /news /world-africa-55522236

Anyhow, Ashley Chevalier, it is for the best. Trust Mí, holiday flings are not meant to last. I knew last Friday that MGMT was going to have none of IT!, period*!

Stranger things have happened, so it’s Knot a long stretch (a random length) and tie the time that Ari Melber’s long lost illegitimate nephew, pictured ⬆️ above without dentils would cover the latest developments of the Florence Cassez enlèvement syndicate in France.

Heck, even “The Elves” at « El Patron’s » siege changed the freq’s to the CNEwS Matin beat. It appears that the illegitimate step-sister of Ron Weasley  runs things over yonder (at CNEWS Matines, not at “El Patroni’s” siege), Sin Embargo [Ashley] Eye told you that this post was KNOT about you (punto y coma) it has always been about our effort to reach the Media-Part. And in the following block… [see what Eye did there] i am going to attempt to land this bitch on Mr. Laske’s firewall, which happens to be headquartered just across “La Adelita” on Passage Brulon (75012).

But FO’ist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¡¡¡ÓRALE!!!— Öüï interrupts the programming to bring Yasmin Vassoughian’s green robe a message from “The Seven Sisters” via “Messier 45”, please stand-by for Dolly.

My fellow Tennesseans, Big Benders, and off-course, the Volunteers, I am coming to you from The Pleiades to remind you that the month of January is the Universe Be Kind to Food Servers Month, especially if these food servers are volunteers... or What‽ Did you think that the TRAY Shape (plateau en Frog-speak) of Tennessee was put on the map just to hold those fuckers in Kentucky on The Plate, eh‽

note to programmers: my fellow earthlings please do not try to adjust your settings, Dolly Parton’s voice must be modulated by Melissa Villaseñor on account that hearing Dolly’s pure unadulterated signal from across our known —and established— universe would rip your precious  timps 👂🏼 to shreds.

The outer limits… starring Claire McCaskill’s  sweater. Senator McCaskill, in case you are wondering is the long–lost misplaced granddaughter of Calamity Jane, the patron Saint of Missouri, The Ozarks and, the greater Saint Louis metro area. The sweater is an old prop of the trade and it goes to show just how many squares you can fit on Claire’s frame.

AND WITT that in mind, Stephanie Rulhe, don’t think that Öüï didn’t get to see you in green earlier before Ms. Jackson’s Dark garb, which reminds u.s. that January is also the “Midnight Rambler Awareness Month” or, as they call these fuckers in El Ey: Richard Ramírez Observance mess… look it up, because it’s Trou!!!

We now return to a Closer and Clear and Present MESSIER N° 45, —danger by any other tolls— and for D.A.T., Nicole Wallace gets to stick around, and here’s why General Powell, because “the rest of the story” gets to be enunciated in the voice of Paul Harvey, as read by former Prime Frog Minister, Mr. Dominique de Villepin. In this section you don’t even have to know how to play checkers, you just need to be certified as an ISO “Just-in-time” black belt Venn Diagram handler. And Witt that in mind, let me first introduce myself

Hello, my name is Armando Segovia and you might remember Mí from Fall SEASONS classics such as “Octubre Tenía Que Ser” and “A funny thing got swept-up on the way to The Forum”.

* Sponsored by Vania Feminine Hygiene products

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