Öüï now returns to “Episode Three”, Helicopter icons

Now you’ve Dunn it, Steele! And Henry… honk, if you’re coucou for Honky Tonk. And, Alicia Menéndez, Eye told Hoodie not to blow the Phish and lo-and-behold, Hootie went Country.

Warning, helicopters are closer than you think and some are even saucer-shaped in profile. It’s the saucer-shaped ones that’ll git’Ewe with their #Crash as opposed to the annoying “thickness noise” of the bug-shape type.

And if Ewe understand the reference, Charlie’s got no Pride in that, first it was “Little Ramona” traded in her Doc’s for Tony’s Lamas in El Paso… but can she Tú-step Tow-tú-Toe in Arizona, or El Salvador? Fucker down there, in Mexicanos, El Salvador, just pulled a Karl Lagerfeld on Santa Ana and the wetbacks at El Alamo. I have to admit, he nailed the look for a Brave New World.

Evil Woman (Don’t play your games with me) … Black Sabbath (1970).


Holy Jesus mother of Christ! We, yes Évry body in L.A. you read that right because we is none other than Mí-Myself and, Eye, and Öüï has found the Mexican trove de Fontainebleu on the Third floor of the Beaubourg… and it’s Election Day in Mexico.

Strong poodle… they’re vicious.

To mark the occasion I, —yes, Alicia Melendez, that’s Eye with a latin y… we is going to six-degrees of Genaro García Luna on your weekend to New Jersey and a certain senator from that state who shares your name and has more gold under his mattress than California herself during the 49’ers gold rush.

Como quisiera decirte… unfortunately, Alicia Menendez, one has got to be a French tourist to do that, any how Alicia (la que sea) Here Comes Your Pixie.


And, ladies in Gemini, Susana Puveda can host her Cannes Film Festivities hangover, but in the next segment of Entourage, HoBO TV presents, “Episode 4” titled, Notre Dumb Ass, or as the French refer to that mystic, The Paranormal… Buddy Holly interprets Peso Pluma an the Narco politics of The Mexican Embassy in France.

Eat at Le Cochon Très Cher.

In case Alicia Menéndez wonders… this is Six Degrees of Fruit Loops on the Bacon.

Ladies in Gemini please be advised that the following presentation will pick up right after the last American movie 🍿 released before the events in Dallas, Texas, which put an end at to Camelot in the U.S. of A.

The main character on that script [Wheelers Dealers, 1963] ushers in everything that Donald Trump thinks that is, or was, depending solely on the outcome of the next American Election at la maison de la radio over at 117 avenue du Président Kennedy.

Boing… a look back. Hey, Frida Kahlo! Take a look at the fuselage on that woman!

— So, you speak Italian!
— No, not really it’s just a little Wetback Spanish.

The Days of Wine and Roses follows, featuring “The one and Only Billy Shears” eating the rich 🤑 and boasting to Lemmy “♠️” Kilmister that Paul had broken a glass and Ringo didn’t care knowing first hand that Faul slept on a mattress stuffed with dough.

Constipation theorists at work.


Suffice to say that by the time Susana Poveda records tomorrow’s Certain l’Aiment show, Jodi Foster will have turned off the Auroras and use both Bret Senior and Bret Junior to transpose Mel Gibson onto the Yucatán peninsula to bring you the latest instalment of Mad Max via La Argentina.

³~. Kitchen Patrol. Bus Boys in uniform.

Arts et Métiers — Line 3 They… Crab-a-Locker fishwife

2017 — Louis Michel via La Porte de Issy-les-Moulineaux …, “pornographic pristess³ ».

Note to Valérie Solanas: Eye shot Andy Warhol, but I did not shoot the nigger at « Shuttle Left » next to KTLA.

³~. The French Blond Begger Bastard confirmed that those Sista’s took siestas with The Ursulites de Loudon Town.

Now for context to the KTLA broad in Paris, The Ursulites were not the first order of Holy-ho’s that landed in the Brave New 🌎 World (ask Huxley, that guy adapted the book for the movie), and over at the Holy 🇻🇦 See they were know as “The Mobile Ones” on account that those bitches landed at Mardi Gras and introduced the Natives there to the Mendiants de la veladora perpétuel.

So what, What you gon’ Dew Now, Brown? How does this connect to Nuestra señora de los Ángeles?

Boobie, you have to speak to Sophie 🛼 Fofie at La Bagagrie because she’s the benevolent WFA (with fixed abode), or ADF as the 115 📞 land-line discriminates from the W/OFAs (Without Fixed Abode) that has the keys to them Olympic Rings… and how those CIRCLES relate to the rules of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

¿Quién me presta una escalera? — 1525 el culto de la muerte 🐩

It turns out, that the canine that guided Cuauhtémoc on his Four-year journey to the mythical Miticlán … Mictlán³ was not a Xoloitzcuintle, but a motherfucking French Poodle.

1525 – Aztec king Cuauhtémoc is executed on the order of a mercenary by the name of Hernán Cortés³.

And if Ewe coq suckers are just Lupin’ in, it’s time for the Understatement of the Year and a new Award Öüï likes to call:

God Save Texas — Like A Prayer… but seriously, as Willie Geist, so eloquently put it this morning to The New Yorker, “Why Should Texas be saved?”, period!

The Willie Geist Curve Yer’ Enthusiasm Award

it’s the Inverse of our favorite award, which of course is a direct link to The Treasure of The Sierra Madre, which was written by a German national and consequently inspired the, CAPTAIN Louie Renault Award.

Any how, Misha Vaylon, “¿Qué sé yo », de La Sorbonne? 🎸 I’m just a little wing of Texas, indeed ⛏️ from the border not from Austin.

1533Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher and author (d. 1592)³.

In Vatican News, I swear I did not draw that there tangent there, but what are the odds that on today’s edition Ewe motherfuckers would get The Two Popes for the Price of Freud (Anthony Hopkins) :

And now, the rest of the Popes, with Paul Harvey, “Good’Ey”

2009 – Paul Harvey, American radio host (b. 1918)

2013Pope Benedict XVI resigns as the pope of the Catholic Church, becoming the first pope to do so since Pope Gregory XII in 1415³.

Previously on my favorite Nazi Movie, Hitler inaugurates the NAZI Party 🍻

From the creators of Don’t Shoot The Motherfucking MESSENGER…

🎶 Ewe know that Öüï is living in a Meshugeneh World, y Oye Cómo Va, mi Ritmo 🪘.

Axl Foley stars in… Bad Jokes from Ewe. Featuring Anthony Hopkins in, “I’m having friends for dinner 🍽️.

Eye tells Ewe, he is funny… don’t procreate, 🫢 procrastinate masturbate. Let’s get Excited.

Alicia’s Steele Tempered Maths — 2 Jeers Baby Tú Years… in re-cap, it’s Two years of Vladimir Putin being a Nazi-lover… going on 3 in Siberia. 🙊

And, Alicia Menendez, breathe, take another breath 🫁 (that’s tú, breathes) now then, please be advised that this entry is in tandem 🚲—🚲 with Hilo, Hawaii’s, big Ol’coucou Clock.

Öüï now switch, IT!, over to Sesame Street where The Count is outside of the Rockefeller’s Rainbow Gin Joint in Manhattan, and next on the Matrix, it’s Alicia Menéndez who is wearing her Dominatrix leather skirt for the occasion, but only from the waist down, up top it’s the loose turtle neck in tan, and oh the humanity, Simone is dressed in black, Michael Steele remains a bald-headed Ho, but then again, isn’t that what a Black American is if s/he votes for the GOP?

Note to editors: no slouching when leather is worn, back straight missy.

It’s Thursday, January 25th of 2024

Hoy no hubo noticias, just hit rewind and the Venn Diagrams will self-adjust. Compensate for 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and adjust for Downs.

The return of the fake news kid

I am an anti Christ, it’s Trou 🕳️, but Jœ Scarborough is an early morning alki. Straight up bourbon sippin’ before Ana Cabrera even puts makeup on.

From the New Hamster monitor read in Kayleigh McEnany’s penthouse voice.

https ://www .concordmonitor .com /news-deserts-proliferate-across-the-country-and-in-New-Hampshire-too

After the break, it’s fexting with Bacon. Wine and Roses letter gazing follows.

Political Ads Racket, it pays for Joe Scarborough’s brand new lease on the Maserati and the Steely Dan box set for his luxury yatch in Nantucket.

Caught you looking RIGHT, Lemire!

Never mind firearms, it’s all about the border fentanyl flood fix.

And now, your moment of Sein, you anti dentite son of a bitch!



Friends… Deer, Lorde! It’s Six Degrees of unplugged at La Maison de Marjolaine

Previously on Kevin Bacon did French Toast with a side of Mika, and this is last Weak to They.

Ok, by the numbers:

1. Pretty woman.

Jack Nicholson, Susana Pubeda, even in his sendlitud Selenitud twilight remains a fast Caballito Galopante 🐴.

That’s self evident if youse a non reader of this most non-consequential blog, but just in case you think where the next Curve is going to, here’s a pretty horse… and in Paris, France, as Öüï speaks, mister Sara°Tú°$tras, Louis Pasteur just figured out how to tell a horse’s age just by looking at the Beast’s gum-Line.

Did you use JAVEL or Montsouris for that stop? The shirt gave Ewe, a Güey.

Heck, Eye reckons that… wait one, I’ve lost my RER B to Robinson train of thought.

I am an Antichrist and I am an Antidentite… any how, Javel is a cockroach enabling agent.

2. False advertisement

And, Susana Puveda, fuck Denis Soula, first and for—most, no Soula-ment une fois, but many, many, many times and here is, Y (why en Wall Street Anglais de Nice (06)).

Because, Deer 🦌, The Producers forgot the Butterfly 🦋 Effect and instead used a Flock Of Birds, flamingos de Camargue  🦩 of all places and Ewe knows that it is 🐂.

But that red 🚪hallway at the Thorne’s residence at least was little bit reminiscent of The Shining, sans the Twins and RedruM, off-course.

3. Let them eat cake, you French 🥖 Bastards. Thank you for the pastrami sandwiches… and all that Jazz.

But if Ewe join me on the Next post, it’s DENTISTS WITHOUT BORDERS… deer, Friends.

The Tulip 🌷 was here… Yippy Kay Yey, motherfuckers.

Previously on, Mika’s Ice Rink next to a housing development

It’s Six Degrees of ”Bâtiment 5” and « A Thousand And One », sponsored by François Hollande and “My Niggas In Paris”… got Bacon? That was only two degrees, and a joint on the wall, details at Nine.

Note to editors: please be aware that this here is authentic, because it’s a work in progress.

But first, way before there was an Adrien Brody playing the role of “Matador” there was Jackie Rohr turning into Kevin Bacon, a corrupt venerated pig on The Circus* former circuit: Showtime.

*~. The Circus was a show born out of the Trump era in Las Vegas, it was canned two wks ago, but that’s only because they catered to latte-liberals and U.S. “ex-pats” in some pretentious Parisian bistro, heck, a trip to the Google machine under “Wallmart people” was more real than a vision from Heileman.

I am not going to shoe Ewe the hole in the wall, but here’s, Juanito:

Naturalize my aguacates, mister Mélenchon

Pass the Bacon, Kevin…

Kevin Bacon Needs Six Degrees of Separation From Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
byu/_Frozen_Waffles_ inhotones

But first, Mediapart can lick my avocados, and here is why, because I tried to tell you so, back in Nov of 2019. But your IVORY editorial COLONNE wanted a fucking full peer-reviewed, Top-Secret declassified dossier before your reporters could verify (COTEJAR) MY WOUNDS from the night before, not to mention, a FULL CONFESSION from the police officer who assaulted me, ISSY, i asked for, HELP!… The Police de Police didn’t care either.

https ://www .mediapart .fr /journal /france /170622 /revelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perditionrevelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perdition? utm_source =global&utm _medium=social&utm _campaign =SharingApp&xtor=CS3-5

Content Warning, for those just joining the list of people who do not read this blog, please be advised that Öüï does knot, Öüï repeats, we do not select the news of the they, Öüï seulement joue les cards qui les Venn Diagrams drop on our plate … which happens to be the cue for our sponsors in El Paso, Texas, “los agradecidos del jabón del perro”… o algo así, and if you are in on the joke, this is:

La tradicional
Corrida de Juneteenth…
en Puebla.

Ladies in Gemeni con ustedes… El Kaliman

… Amelia de los Montes Mártires:

… context with the polish cowboys follows, in the mean time Fenster the Copywriter suggested a new segment called “los seis brincos del tocino de Kevin”, a game where the contestants try to find the pork in six or less oinks. And no, Sirens, there’s no need to play the White Album… keep it green at least until the 20 minutes mark.

[Voz de hombre
Diego Luna as a shape shifting host

Welcome, to our maiden voyage edition of “los seis brincos de Kevin Bacon*”. I am a shaped shifted projection of Enrique Cruz in the role of Diego Luna.

Now, in the same tenor as Derek Waters, “Drunk History” in Español, “los seis brincos de Kevin Bacon” is a crispy fried refrito of the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” the trivia game that pins the entire Hollywood industry to U.S.M.C. Capt. Jack Ross (in A Few Good Men).

Por ejemplo, Raquelito…

One Brinco to Rouge One. }-–—~~~\*> In my shaped shifted version of “Ray —sin apellido—” I play the role of a medical student in the Sci–Fi thriller, Flatliners, where (as Diego Luna) I co-star next to USMC 2nd Lt. Jonathan Kendrick who in this particular script in the trope of « let’s fuck with death drama »,  Keifer plays the role of Dr. Barry Wolfson (Sutherland).

Contestants, it’s that simple—easy—provided that you have an A.V.E.R.A.G.E. command of good ‘Ol–American imperialist film and music industry trivia.

And with that, I call on my main funda y batuta to introduce our first constentant, who I believe hails from the pits of hell via Guadalajara.

[Voz de hombre
maestro Rodrigo de Souza as Alejandro Trebeck]

… context follows, we [the staff] are going to pick up supplies and listen to Jimmi, while–en–route.

Julio Zapata shaped shifted from
Gael García Bernal’s character in a Pantelion films:

Thank you, Mr. Iturbide, and yes our first contestant hails from Guadalajara and and he’s an In–n–Out eating monster, his name is Guillermo del Toro, and he enjoys long walks on the beach in hopes of spotting a glimpse of Cthulhu… o en su defecto, a su señor padre: Pedro Páramo.

Tenoch Iturbide:

Interesting, tell us Julio how is that Mozart project going?

— Julio Zapata:

Oh, it wont get to see 2019, except on the streams over the interwebs as a ghost Series.

— Tenoch Iturbide:

… get better writers, next time I guess. Anygüey, Julio, who’s our next contestant?

— Julio:

Ah! Now this guy is a monster that can’t contstrain himself, he’s a regular losing Champion on my show, “Jeopardy, con Alejandro Trebek”. He’s the one and lonely, Armando Álvarez.

— Tenoch:

Great… let’s get the show on the road, get Los Bukis y el Sentimiento Maquilero ready because al regresar it’s “Seis brincos de Kevin Bacon”… sponsored by FUD… porque “tu chingada madre miente”, TAMBIÉN!

Let’s Go!

Viva Layla…

She’s a Voodoo Child—pero en francés…