

El Espejo de tu corcholata.

This year’s edition of Whiteness in Paris is being brought to Ewe (in Hilo, Hawaii) in Primetime, —no less— by IKEA (Punto y coma).

Sí Se Puede.


A deal between La Mairie del HdV and the Swedish “Salinas y Rocha” a.k.a. IKEA™ was reached for an unlimited amount of what the French refer to as, “sommier métallique à lattes”,


what la colección Troncoso de Xavier LópezChabelo” simply catalogues as slatted bed bases.

Sleep Number Catalán 🇪🇸, in collaboration with Juanito Guanabacoa y Cinéma France-Mexi…¿qué‽


on account of the creepy snooping that the corrugated meatball maker giant orchestrated on its French subsidiaries « subjects ».

https ://www .mediapart .fr /en /journal /france /150621 /iikea-france-fined-1m-snooping-staff

Must Show WO’ik


‘member now before November bites you in the ass that… I was the one who told you about Fast and Furious before the NYT was allowed to baptize the mission.

Bring The Mash Up, leave the Ketch Up


… 💅🏻

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