Naturalize my aguacates, mister Mélenchon

Pass the Bacon, Kevin…

Kevin Bacon Needs Six Degrees of Separation From Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
byu/_Frozen_Waffles_ inhotones

But first, Mediapart can lick my avocados, and here is why, because I tried to tell you so, back in Nov of 2019. But your IVORY editorial COLONNE wanted a fucking full peer-reviewed, Top-Secret declassified dossier before your reporters could verify (COTEJAR) MY WOUNDS from the night before, not to mention, a FULL CONFESSION from the police officer who assaulted me, ISSY, i asked for, HELP!… The Police de Police didn’t care either.

https ://www .mediapart .fr /journal /france /170622 /revelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perditionrevelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perdition? utm_source =global&utm _medium=social&utm _campaign =SharingApp&xtor=CS3-5

Content Warning, for those just joining the list of people who do not read this blog, please be advised that Öüï does knot, Öüï repeats, we do not select the news of the they, Öüï seulement joue les cards qui les Venn Diagrams drop on our plate … which happens to be the cue for our sponsors in El Paso, Texas, “los agradecidos del jabón del perro”… o algo así, and if you are in on the joke, this is:

La tradicional
Corrida de Juneteenth…
en Puebla.

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