Hello, Mediapart — Meat The Monkees

Hello, Mr. K.L.Mediapart.

The reverb

The reverb–eration effect.:. 4472BF79-13CF-400E-9043-39FAB31FB71B .:. Off-course, if Eye told you, Mr. K.L.Mediapart, that Eye felt the Monoprix version of the rent-a-cop assault on a paying customer here in the Parisian “Downtown” before France 24 got out of bed on Friday morning, you would probably guess my name.

Please disregard the second part of today’ headers, the title, like Daron Noir is a play-on-words. The Brits, Meet The Beatles is the equivalent of your Baron Noir.

Anyhow, Mr. K.L.M., we, [the staff of this most non-consequential blog] stopped by your office earlier in the day and were given instructions at the door, on how to reach you, additionally, pay no attention to the snapshot below, the receptionist at the aforementioned door informed us that your contact protocols are operating on France’s 3rd Republic protocols, as in, “looking more towards 1914, than onwards to 1940, a paraphrase of course, —from 1973.

https ://fr .m .wikipedia .org /wiki /Le_Monde_en_guerre

Personally, and Eye means this with the utmost respect, we found it amusing that before we could even be allowed anywhere near your media company’s reception area, your Daronne at the door (see what we did D.A.R.E.?) would ask for original documents of all of the evidence of whatever information our envoy, Armando Segovia, was there to deliver before you or any media representative would consider granting us the time of day… interesting STONEWALL, very Thomas Edison of Mediapart, considering the flip-side of that particular request when your information gathering teams (journalists) go out and request an audience from the plebs on the streets. Fair enough, we will try to comply, just give u.s. a minute before noon in Hilo, Hawaii, in order to complete our 36 hour “OPEN SKIES” shift… in case you fuckers follow NATO news.

https ://dw .com /en /us-officially-withdraws-from-open-skies-transparency-pact /a-55691315

Indeed, Mr. K.L.Mediapart, we expected “shade” but we didn’t think that you operated under Parisian restaurants, bistros, and cafés window-seating access standards*.

But of course, all of the above sounds better when spoken in French, so have-at-it, Sir:

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