The one after number 9, number 9, number 9,…


In this section, Alicia will show up in places where even the White Rabbit dare not go, which is to say, Rocky Point is just a shot away from Haiti.

La Rumorosa, B.C., Camp Alaska (México)_ https ://www .rfi .fr /fr /Amériques /20230324-l-immigration-et-Haïti-au-cœur-des-discussion-entre-Joe-Biden-et-Justin-Trudeau

United Miners of North America.


Say what you want, but if your name is Karl, at a media enterprise in front of La Adelita on la rue de Crozatier, just behind the APHP messhall with the pornographic orgy scene fresco at Saint-Antoine, then you might be?


Survey/Enquête says:

A. Judas
B. on the Side of Editorial Darwinism
C. A fellow from CAºBORºCA

Answer: … para la eternidad, Judas, para la eternidad.

The Ville is Real, the clown names have been exchanged for credit at some pretentious Canadian University in Ontario.

And here’s why, J.R. (el hartista que’s-que puso los “ojos” en Tecate™, eyeEye!), because if you, sir… believe los comensales de l’adelita en Saint-Antoine, then by all means don’t follow the yella’Belly road to Médecines du Monde because all that youse gonna find is a motherfucking ReVolving door ushering you to Amnesty International à Belleville, which coincidentally is just a shot away from BOTZARIS and la Fréquence Paris Plurielle, but far from being in-pitch with la fréquence 110 hZ.

Two U’s (pronounced: Tú Ewe’s)

Jump to mañana.

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