Hey, Cafecito Carbello… are You not a muse?

The Josephine Prize à la maison de le Papillon 🦋 monarca.


Sketch my ass… said, Mike Barnicle on the Brooks Show.

Work at, IT!, a little more.

By golly miss Mole, Eye has no insperpiration.

Are We Back to “The Nuremberg Defense” on the the “Cuarta Transformación” del Seguro Social mexicano en Dinamarca?

Look it up, Mike Barnicle (you son of a bitch!), now send that $W€€T U$AID to El GOLFO de Andrés en Tehuantepec, who off-Course (of course) inhabits la Región más allá de La Quinta « la chingada ».

https ://www .infobae .com /mexico /2023/09/26 /ce-sera-mieux-que-le-danemark-_»_: _amlo-reporte-le-démarrage-de-le-imss-wellbeing


Creative Commons International Licence — Share Alike… no sea culo y fume mota con sus verduras, consulte a su chingada madre, y luego al médico.


Across The Atlantic, it’s The Circus 🎪… are Ewe Knot amused?

Live from Canyon Colorado on the streams of GOOOOOD MORNING, Black Spy!!!!!

It’s Wall Street In–glish*

*~. Only on Cho-thyme.

It’s just another COTEJADO …

Capitalismo efímero en décalage

Roadhouse Trucking… shithouse is at the end of the River, under a bridge 🌉.

The fuck you faggots know about Change?

Hocus what?

Vilma Fuentes, La Jornada, 10 julio, 2022:

Let’s check the numbers on that date, that 10/07/2022 must be from the new « epístolas » of Vilma Fuentes, that Waterloo episode sounds like an Old Regime entry in, “Nosotros ya no somos los mismos”, Pacheco.


https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2022/10/02 /politica /mar-de-historias-nieve-en-primavera/

https :// youtube .com/watch?v=52_3VCnKI8Y

And here is why, anybody can pick up the 1968 flag, particularly the Mexican edition of that year; I present as documented evidence, Dr. John Mill Ackerman and his nepotistic wife, generational social justice racketeers who in on October 02, 2014, tore their robes off to denounce La Matanza de Tlatelolco to a Parisian university audience, long story short, when López Obrador became president of The Mexican United States, Mrs. Ackerman was positioned in a cabinet position. The first thing that she did was to exonerate the “top federal cop”, currently in charge of the COAL INDUSTRY in Mexico, for his involvement in the torture and death of a Drug Enforcement Administration spook in Jalisco.

In Technicolor

And then of course, doña Eréndira Sandoval proceeded to appoint extended members of the SANDOVAL clan from Veracruz, to key positions in the Obrador regime.

https ://mexico .as .com /mexico /2021/06/21 /actualidad /1624304249_900211 .html


Sin embargo: this is a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT, the store is hiring. La “suspención de garantias” no aplicán en Pôle Emploi, ask Florence Cassez, she took an ElBow Grease job with The Zodiacos in The México of Fox 🇲🇽, and she still got RSA en Puerto Vallarta when she was Johanna Gallo, en Cuernavaca de San Ángel.

Any how, HERE is the low-down on today’s programming during The Juanito Guanabacoa Show, but before that Spiel arrives, Öüï urges the good people in México, to go ahead and KILL A CHILANGO, I am Sirius, kill a fucking Chilango y haz patria, hijo de la chingada.

Long story short, the assassination of Mexican students in 1968, and as Johnny Guanavacoa mentioned on the Juanito Canales Show, in 1971 that tragedy would not have turned into a Palmolive™️ soap opera if those “little mexicans” would not have tried to be French in the first place.

As doña Vilma Fuentes, so fucking solemnly states: Only the French are allowed to have Liberty and happiness, developing Shithole countries should just be grateful for Tú Dollar/Euro/Yen discount stores. Note to editors, in recent weeks, the Sterling Pound has gone the way of Acapulco. In other words, The U.K. is about to start World War III once the owner of the Manchester United 👹 realizes that his precious Premier League ⚽ is about to have the same purchasing power as Los Gallo’s Blancos 🤌🏽 de Puebla (Querétaro, pues).





El Espejo de tu corcholata.

This year’s edition of Whiteness in Paris is being brought to Ewe (in Hilo, Hawaii) in Primetime, —no less— by IKEA (Punto y coma).

Sí Se Puede.


A deal between La Mairie del HdV and the Swedish “Salinas y Rocha” a.k.a. IKEA™ was reached for an unlimited amount of what the French refer to as, “sommier métallique à lattes”,


what la colección Troncoso de Xavier LópezChabelo” simply catalogues as slatted bed bases.

Sleep Number Catalán 🇪🇸, in collaboration with Juanito Guanabacoa y Cinéma France-Mexi…¿qué‽


on account of the creepy snooping that the corrugated meatball maker giant orchestrated on its French subsidiaries « subjects ».

https ://www .mediapart .fr /en /journal /france /150621 /iikea-france-fined-1m-snooping-staff

Must Show WO’ik


‘member now before November bites you in the ass that… I was the one who told you about Fast and Furious before the NYT was allowed to baptize the mission.

Bring The Mash Up, leave the Ketch Up


… 💅🏻

El Cluny en los huevos rancheros de EAST L.A.

What’s good for FOX is good for Arkansas

Well since my baby left Mí—

La Cía de Jesús
M&M Enterprises

But FO’ist! It’s another Public Service Announcement, dedicated to SFR at Le Jardin De Anne, Franck!

SFR might be hep at la rue Jean Lantier, but their G5’s don’t FLY OVER THIS GARDEN:

Signal problems?
You need to learn Ebonics and throw a little Caló in that guacamole mix.

It’s Age Appropriate

³~. https ://fr .wikipedia .org /wiki /Rue_Jean-Lantier


It’s ah Hell~Leer, Leer está historia
In the voice of José Díaz-BalArt.



Évry body at the OCDE (México) à Paris knows that it was Milo‘s idea, it went a little something like this:


A secret that nail salons don’t want you to learn. Mis aguacates are integral part for your Huevos Rancheros. Ask Vilma Fuentes, she knows the ‘good’ people at the Anahuacalli en La Maub and at the place where La Mairie de Paris buried The RBG… rue de Cinéma y rue du Jour à Les Halles de heller.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Milo_Minderbinder

Merry Melodies from Mí to Ewe.

Inter💋medio con La MABM (Nº2.71)

Grrrrr… 👄 Dear, Debbie “bacardi”… It is you, former Rep. who is wrong on the EMBARGO, and it is HER, the Current U.S. Representative from Queens (N.Y.) who is on the correct side of Humanitarian History, more on that after the Olympic Moment with Tiffany -time delayed- Cross town traffic.

Microcuento #271 ©by mabm

Sexiest man alive… Fuck You George Clooney!

In local news, never mind the anti-covid protests at LA GARE de Saint LAZARE, Metro Line 14 (the purple line) that’s just the RIGHT WING of the frogs being idiots, pay close attention however to the following INFRASTRUCTURE Public Service Announcement regarding the aforementioned line; M14 will be closed from TODAY, July 25th all the way until AUGUST 8th but it only involves the stops from the GARE de LYON to OLYMPIADES (same goes for the RER Cthe Yellow Lead Better line) as this line, M-14 (∴my favorite line∴) is currently being connected to the ORLY International Airport. The delay is really not that bad considering the options available to move around this Olympic Villa.

Em#botella—miento… Contexte pour Cousin Joe via AVI VELSHI en IRAN, con ESCALA en La Havana* (l‘amour est dans l’AIR) — Fuck The Olympics (punto y coma) The Guardian*: “The quixotic notion that the Olympics could be a champion of human rights – and that staging the Games would open up authoritarian hosts to international norms and scrutinywas completely undermined by Beijing 2008, then rendered risible by the Sochi Winter Games in 2014… 

Je ne parle pas Espagnol … Lingua Franca es InglÉs, SVP

* Dear, President Joe Biden:

https ://www .reuters .com /world /americas /mexico-preparing-shipment-food-medicine-cuba-mexican-official- 2021-07-22/

Your counterpart in México is making you look like a Ur-fascist¹, or as George Clooney would call you at an Italian get together, an ETERNAL PRIMITIVE (primate). In Texas, Mr. President, you look like a TWO-faced Ronald Reagan.

¹ ibid… https ://www .openculture .com /2016/11 /umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism .html

2 de Octubre, 1968: “Salió el sol” according to Mexican nightly news and, the International Olympic Committee president, “was at the ballet”. The GUARDIAN* goes on to highlight that, << He then reacted to the greatest ever display of athlete activism at the games – the black power salutes – by destroying the careers of Tommie Smith and John Carlos. The IOC’s history is one of genuflecting before power and violence, and bullying the athletes it claims to revere >>.

Thank you for THE CHARITY; but JUSTICE is a better Deal, señor(es) Presidente. Call me… or KNOT.

“Come on strong girl…” this is a misheard lyrics inter•mission

In Lutetia it is High–Noon and in Connect•i•cut it’s Six in the Mo’ning…

Swan Song productions presents

Swan Song productions presents.:.48597040-3F66-4BEB-BCBB-08BD266663C6 •|• A Roman Polanski saga: Hang on to Yo’self… we’ve got Five Years. _•^!^•_ Eye saved Andy Warhol.

… and love is ≠ Lovin’

Mientras tanto allá en rancho de Versailles, la comadre Letty mandaba mensajitos apalomados. Issy, Cou Cou Ru CouCou, no insistas, mi corazón es de Suzi que Li’ase que su GÜARIDA este en huelga.

Hey, boludo… no cometas el mismo error de los mexicanos con MIGUEL NAZAR HARO y LUIS ECHEVERRÍA ÁLVAREZ. te lo dice un hermano… la TERMINOLOGÍA en los tribunales funciona en favor de las “tremendas cortes”:


Luis Echeverría cumplió un arraigo domiciliario en el año 2006, el cual parece no haber terminado con la resolución de un tribunal de exonerarlo de los cargos de genocidio por los hechos referidos al 2 de octubre en Tlatelolco.

… pero siendo los más “lindos” y “europeos” de América, nadie les puede decir nada.


Lupita te prometio un Tercer MILagro y éste (de arriba) va por tus mamacitas de mayo porque como dice Calamaro en la voz de un Cadillac… “Soy el comandante de tu barca de madera, la que siempre va adelante”, o algo así. These are my Credentials:

El chavo del ocho

El Chavo turns into Robin, you hood. •|• Hey, boludo, en México los criminales de guerras sucias gozan de pensiones federales VITALICIAS porque en sus juicios los “motes” con los que los identificaron fueron “grandiosos” para ” LA CAUSA” pero insignificantes ante la Suprema Corte… pero como no soy “bello y argentino”, ni tengo el acento “oficial” de las milongas, lo que te escribo no cuenta, ¿eh, Matador

And Vicentico, if you are still living in 1979, please get off that G-5 en el que en esta vida, tú y tus “gallos rojos” no quieren (bajar) para volver a sufrir… o algo así.

… remember The Alamo in Today’s context follows, para todos los que no saben la razón por la que Tejas, gained an “X”… in today’s Trumpian currency they call it “diplomacy Sig Sigma Manufacturing plus”.

Viva Ozzy Osburne for pissing on that goddamned site, called “the alamo”.

Good morning New York it’s 03h20 in Central Europe Time

… and in the End [Díaz Ordaz] did it for the Rock and Roll.

En realidad “el quién” sale sobrando, la pregunta importante del ‘68 en Tlatelolco gira sobre 45 revoluciones (en singular) o en 33 1/3 de vueltas (en colectivo) que llegaron con el “Verano del Amor” y “La British Invasion”. ISSY, mucho se ha tocado [ya] el disco rayado de las olimpiadas de ese mismo año en Ciudad Universitaria, pero —y es un GRAN PERO— para un AGENTE DE LA C.I.A., disfrazado de Presidente de Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en 1968 el peor enemigo para “Gustavito” Díaz  (o sea, el hijo del Comandante del Supremo Gobierno mexicano) era el Rock and Roll.

… y Vilma Fuentes*️⃣, en la voz de Chris Rea
no nos puede dejar mentir:
This is no upwardly freeway
oh, no
This is the Road to Hell

O como dijo Echeverría Álvarez:
“Because I Said So”2️⃣.

Ladies in Gemeni
It was 50 Years Ago (today)
Professor Zovek trained the Hawk Brigade to kill,
and You know they’d be “Out–of-Style”,
so he gave’em all a White Glove to wear.

La Masacre en La Plaza de Las Tres Culturas Follows.

… cuenta doña Vilma:

Lo vi levantarse bruscamente de su silla y caminar de un lado a otro de la pieza, mudo, agitado. Busqué con la mirada con qué defenderme viendo el grosor, la fuerza, de sus manos. Después de unos minutos eternos, volvió a su silla y dio un puñetazo en la mesa…

‘‘Sentiste miedo, ¿eh?
[contesta Echeverría]
Mira, durante los 12 años que trabajé bajo las órdenes de Díaz Ordaz, como subsecretario y secretario de Gobernación, yo viví ese miedo”. ibid.

Las fuentes de doña Vilma:

1️⃣. ¿Quién ordenó la matanza del 2 de octubre?http://www.jornada.com.mx/2018/09/26/opinion/a04a1cul

2️⃣. Digresión:

TimeStamp: 06 hundred hours… Breakfast with The Beatles. Versions, White and Blue Albums.

1 de octubre, 2018
Paris, 75001

In Search of Diderot – Dead Kennedys; part ii

28 de octubre, (Día de San Judas Tádeo) de 1968—LITEMPO

… but when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.
By definition?
Exactly!                                                                                                                                … Dear Sarah, we [the staff] really, really, really! Love The United States of America; we really do. We [the staff] also really, really, really! Enjoy Rob Reiner’s work; like that one time when he directed Col. Chris Matthews in Philadelphia (2016) into calling someone’s “bullshit” over the air. Truth be told Sarah, we [the staff] can’t wait to see the Lyndon B. Johnson’s new film about the historical portayal of President Woody Harrelson. We [the staff] wonder if Good-Ol’ “Bunghole Baines” is going to reference in that film any of the LITEMPO files.

Context follows TimeStamp: 1600 hours in CET

Traición a la Patria
Con Singular Alegría

Harold does not approve!… the image capture is courtesy of The Michigan School of Public Policy; via Cousin Joe’s public forum—over the msnbc’s.

From “the wires

1. Petrich B. Arreola G., “La Enviada y El Corresponsal”; ARCHIVO de La Jornada del año 2004 SOBRE << LITEMPO del 1 al 14 >>. http ://www .jornada .unam .mx/2004/07/18/003n1pol.php?printver=1&fly=

Ciudadana Carmen Aristegui,
CÑÑ… y otros medios.


La presente es una “palomita” Blanca “insertada” con el único fin de citar correctamente cuál LITEMPO era cuál.

Sin ir tan lejos, esto “es cosa del otro jueves” cuando su invitado del Eje Central, Raymundo Riva Palacio, dijo que “entre iguales” (véase referencia a arrobajuarez . com) las claves de los LITEMPOS nº 2 y nº 3 correspondían a el Presidente Gustavo Díaz Ordaz y al entonces Secretario de Gobernación —y después por concepto del “Dedazo“, el Presidente— Luis Echeverría Álvarez.

Cortesía de CÑÑ... Uso justo de todos los medios.

Blanche Petrich y Gerardo Arreola, (en un archivo de La Jornada del 2014) identifican a esos hijos de la chingada…. ¡a caray!. Va de nuez:

Blanche Petrich y Gerardo Arreola, (en un archivo de La Jornada del 2014) identifican a esos PRESIDENTES, hijos de la GRAN chingada, como los LITEMPOs nº 8 y nº 14.

En fin, doña Carmen (qué bonito nombre tiene usted, por cierto) ¿cuál LITEMPO es cuál?

El “bilan” de los verdaderos delitos de los presidentes: traición a la patria

Aprovecho, señora Aristegui, para meter mi cuchara por esos sus youtube’s y “exprimir” con una meneada dos cosas que nos llamaron la atención de entre esos 2800 registros, (según informa el amigo de Elena Garro) que fueron  destapados por virtud del “Open Records Act”; nº 1: de que ahora sí, el señor Donald Trump podra confirmar si el padre del Senador Ted Cruz (R-TX) mató o no, al POTUS #35.

And “THING TWO” on this list of open secrets as it perteins to “Lo Chido” de México (since at least 2004) is that Raymundo Riva Palacio’s reporting of the KENNEDY files (again as it pertains to MEXICO) is that the STATE of TAMAULIPAS seems to have been “LA PUERTA ABIERTA” para que la Agencia Central de Investigación (CIA) pudiera hacer todas sus operaciones clandestinas, like say, the assassination attempts on Fidel Castro; and the legal defense alibi of “BAMBI“… remember “BAMBI”? his alias is Luis Posada Carriles, and it was through LA PORTE DE TAMAULIPAS that that particular son of a bitch, claimed to Border Patrol agents that he was an “undocumented immigrant”, when he got caught (2005) trying to plan, yet again, another attack on Fidel Castro.

… Context follows.

In conclusion, i’d like to shoot two Dead Kennedys and, the BREAKING NEWS OF THE DAY, with one Petrich:

is it not, Cousin Joe, very “American Curious” how the U.S. secret or covert agenda of some of its most celebrated Attorney Generals revolved on a willingness to pact with the MAFIA (1960’s) in order to kill or attempt to assassinate its ideological enemies (Allende and Castro) or more recently (hold that thought) with the “Gun Walking Program” of the U.S. Justice Department?

Not to be a downer ON THE MEDIA FRENZY and those indignation segment blocks ON YOUR MORNING SHOW, Cousin Joe, and remember, you must always remember that i type this observation— on a rather outdated iPhone— with nothing but love for the United States of America in our hearts— but when it comes to interfering with the sovereignty of other nations, i think that something fitting for the tale-of-the-tape would be to borrow from the arsenal already in stock; eh… wadda-ya say we paraphrase a sketch, Doc, with a quote from the 37th President of The United States:

From the “Deep Throat” files, to the “Dead Kennedys” docket, if El WaPo. Doesn’t write it first, is not news.

Elmer Fudd: When The [U.S.] does it, then it is not high treason.

Bugs Bunny: Is that a fact, Doc?

Elmer Fudd: (uses his signature stutter laugh and says) Indweed, Mr. Wabbit! That’s why we [the CIA] call TAMAUWLIUPAWS (Elmer does his signature stutter laugh again, and says in a Richard Nixon voice) “el portón” de “nuestro backyard”

2. Aristegui, C., vía: CÑÑ por youtube: https ://m .youtube .com/watch?v=jZ9t92jGdPk


Pinche TAMAULIPAS, a lo mejor por eso tus límites en el mapa con forma de un “cuerno de la abundancía” (with its own “souped up” BUMP–STOCK device in the Baja Peninsula) tiene la forma de un elefantito (blanco) sentado, y con su trompita, acariciando el territorio también conocido como el de la “última letra”.


La Habana 17 de julio, 2004
Mr. Philip Agee (C.I.A.)

“We will not begin to feel the weight, once again, if in this 2-week CIRCUS all of the blood bath was worth it and if MEXICO lost more prestige by assasinating protestors, than what it won by (organizing) the games.” Source follows.


A orillas del Río Bravo…” al regresar, música mix. Música Mix mezcla tus canciones favoritas de “Siempre en Domingo”.

3. LA GOTERA de Arroba Juarez punto com, vía: http ://www .arrobajuarez .com /notas .php?IDNOTA =49417 &IDSECCION=Portada&IDREPORTERO=De%20la%20Redacci%F3n:

Aquí estuvo el Capitán Garfio… y otras fantasías del recuento de historias que usted ve a traves de los medios de información”, it’s kind of typical that on the same week when the “JFK assassination files,” get a somewhat VoBo (Visto Bueno of approval) from The White House, Armando Cábada, the Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, mayor, gives a speech on a ladmark anniversary of “some patch” of land returned from The United States of America to it’s southern neighbor Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos… rather silly to think that the “diplomatc gesture” of good will was behind on the Chamizal give-back, ESPECIALLY knowing what agent Agee told us, about the LITEMPO CODE NAMES, starting of course, with JFK’s contemporary, the Mexican President, Adolfo López Mateos, we now, Cousin Joe, that for that “give back” to take effect, Mexico gave Tamaulipas to the CIA.

Toda La Vida (Emmanuel)

Toda la vida… Descubriendo puertas a escondidas y tú al final —la más querida_ay–ay-ay— Toda La Vida.

…Always; https ://m .youtube .com/watch?v=4b50OhcnuSc Cousin Joe, please be advised that this is not “Franco’s” version of “Toda La Vida” or “Always” en Inglés, Cousin Joe, this is “STRINGS ATTACHED” mime version of that tune, by Emmanuel.