O’kbras, Carlos Salinas de O’Kbras

uh-ah uh ah ah uh ah ah

uh-ah uh ah ah uh ah ah… You’ve been THUNDER STRUCK ⚡

In Local pubs, it’s FAKE in-dignation and champagne to drown las apariencias

Oblah Odin o’Valhalles de Normandy, —Batman!

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2023/03/17 /opinion /macron-affront-antidémocratique

Vilma Fuentes goes in-cognito en La Jornada, but Évry body can see her COL-ONIA Con-Desa péjorativisms criticizing the technocrats* that are about to install (or so it seems) France’s SIXTH REPUBLIC.

Previously on VOSTB ( Version Original sous-titres In Between).

Now then, as JUANITO GUANABACOA prepares his Sunday Show, and Sophie Velasco narrates her little fucking “cuentos”… now again, Eye tells Ewe that if you think that the ONLY thing! or, that the only tangent that a little ol’country called the Mexican United States has with ol’éIRE are the GLEASONS and that batallion that fought the ol’gringos en CHURUBUSCO, then you clearly have never heard about a man that was once as “un-mentionable” as St. Nic at a White House Easter Egg hunt.

*~. It doesn’t matter if these so-called “camarillas” are, as this week’s opinion column without the by-line at La Jornada, an affront en contra de CARLOS SALINAS de GORTARI¹, because you may trace doña Vilma’s indignation all the way back to the Mexican President that gave proceso magazine’s correspondent in France, Anne-Marie Mergier, her first break in the 1950’s, or maybe it was them “Indignez-vous” Sixties, which as I have mentioned a time or two before, I HAPPEN TO HATE, starting with those fucking TAX-Evading RUTLES!

North – South corridor of Renard… and Cousin Joe, are foxes Irish?


It was part of the curse that The Saint Patrick Battalion en el estado de Cuernavaca brought durante el Segundo Imperio Francés. Some say that on this particular weekend, the French Foreign Legion forces deployed on the outskirts of Tecate, CALIFORNIA (hey, it’s 1847 and califas remains part of Santa Anna and check this out) got a leprechaun to fuck a goat and thus, El Chupacabras was spawned from the belly of an banshee on holiday, drunk on Carta Blancas en Calexico.

There Ewe Go Again… JOE. You know, the Poles are talking.

Baby Blue’s out – Green Psaki gets a pass on at the peacock bar

… Over at the Ari Melver Show… It’s the men show





El Espejo de tu corcholata.

This year’s edition of Whiteness in Paris is being brought to Ewe (in Hilo, Hawaii) in Primetime, —no less— by IKEA (Punto y coma).

Sí Se Puede.


A deal between La Mairie del HdV and the Swedish “Salinas y Rocha” a.k.a. IKEA™ was reached for an unlimited amount of what the French refer to as, “sommier métallique à lattes”,


what la colección Troncoso de Xavier LópezChabelo” simply catalogues as slatted bed bases.

Sleep Number Catalán 🇪🇸, in collaboration with Juanito Guanabacoa y Cinéma France-Mexi…¿qué‽


on account of the creepy snooping that the corrugated meatball maker giant orchestrated on its French subsidiaries « subjects ».

https ://www .mediapart .fr /en /journal /france /150621 /iikea-france-fined-1m-snooping-staff

Must Show WO’ik


‘member now before November bites you in the ass that… I was the one who told you about Fast and Furious before the NYT was allowed to baptize the mission.

Bring The Mash Up, leave the Ketch Up


… 💅🏻

1 de octubre, 2022 — Yes, Öüï Khan, break da’ Rhules.

Previously on, “Pare de Surfear”, God continues to reign as the most important sponsor of war 🪖, in this edition of The Church of Pare de Sufrir (🇧🇷), The Russian Orthodox’s Church (🇷🇺) Patriarch Kirill the First, just promised Russian conscripts 72 virgins to rape, upon arriving to Russian heaven when they become Dead as Stalin, in Ukraine.

Jihad in Cyrillic… “Russian soldiers who die in the Ukraine war are committing a ‘sacrifice’ that ‘washes away all the sins’”, said the Patriarch of Saint-Sulpice, Paris 6éme.

En fin, God and Country… over at RFPP 106.3 fm, Osler (🇵🇪) anda revisando “La Carta de Madrid” en Segovia, España, con Toussaint y un tal 🇪🇸 Pepé Mejía 🇪🇸. It’s a repeat 🔁 from last week’s show.

Our coverage at ASEGOVIA3 is not a repeat, but an UPDATE for the “good people at Media Part », coincidentally, last week’s Edition of the Juanito Guanavacoa Show touched on something along this alley, context on the cutline of the frame below:

https ://www .youtube .com /watch?v=R5u5Iyafk-k 


No Habrá Final Feliz… long story short a jailed Mexican solider explains to the BBC (yes, that BBC) why he could not reveal the corruption surrounding him in the years when FLORENCE CASSEZ was the Mexican President’s guest of honor in a Chilango Jail. Synopsis: the main fish, Genaro García Luna, and other high-ranking Mexican Officials had not been apprehended yet³. Hilarity ENSUES when a JUANITO GUANABACOA recorded laughter track is backmasked to the interview of former Infantry Captain Vladimir Ilich Malagón.

³~. Context follows, but it is right up the alley of the Stephanie Menous’s files at the Préfecture de Police, in the sense that in 2013, when Bruno, her boss, asked of me to give him an organigram, or a chart of what I was supposed to find out, my response, I am not a fortune teller, I don’t have a crystal ball, I am a reporter and I have certain leads which I cannot furnish you with. And this is when mister Bruno dropped the name of PABLO GLEASON in the docket.

Juanito’s Mexique Big Ranch, don’t drink the Kool-Aid™️, and don’t eat the Tacos, Juanito makes Em# from Sheltered Dogs and rescues.

At the HdV en Paris Centre el colectivo CUBO just recreated the scene en Las Canarias. La escenografía se pinta Zola, Emilio.

La Pundita appears courtesy of Greenwich Mean Time and the River Thames, the passing of the Queen is another reminder before September 2022 ‘Bites The Dust‘ that Las Malvinas 🇬🇧 no es América 🇦🇷.

ToMorrEAU never knEaus.