Dear Katty Kay, those are the most beautiful ugly shoes

Anyhow, Katty Kay, do you giggle every time that Cousin Joe claims that “America” is the greatest country in the world?

In local news, Julian Assange now has the right to tell a New York, Washington or, god save U.S., a Boston court, to go fuck their worthless robes.

Across the Delaware, General George Washington regrets not taking the title of King, after word got back to him that one of the branches of government pretty much became an untouchable actor on We The People, and you know what “they” say about The Untouchables, eh Katty Kay?

Answer: They (the ⚖️ untouchables 🧮) get an inalienable Second Amendment RIGHT to shoot niggers in Florida.


Terrible art… Will you do the fandango? Oh mamma Mia mamma Mia.

⚖️ +/-🧮 = £iving on a 🙏🏼

Checks  on the balance, the est is politics. Heck, ¢avemen (during their time on planet Earth) had more transparency, urgency and, expediency, in those goddamn caves than the news coming out of one of those “xceptional” New ¥ork court$.

https: //www .cnn .com /2024/05/21 /politics /trump-cohen-costello-drama-analysis/

After the break, it’s “Entre las Kalten~Porterbachs.”

EFEmérides: A They That Will Live in Infamy

Man of the Year: CHARLIE CHAPLIN and the Eye RAN GO’ills.

The News according to Snake Eyes 👀. The Candyman NetWO’ik.


Attention camp, tonight’s feature will be narrated by the GO’ill that never gets enough Aus!

Au relié: More Au!… it’s like COWBELL,
Cookie 🍪 Monsters.

She just doesn’t know, IT!, —Jet!


Meanwhile at the 18th District of Paname, it’s just like 1984 in Los Angeles, California… Crack in School, and it is not the fútbol kind, read all about, IT!, on Tú Theys edition of, this ain’t South Central nor the Coliseum, baby. It’s Saint–Denis.

https ://www .bfmtv .com /paris /paris-des-enfants-escortes-par-la-police-pour-se-rendre-a-l-ecole-en-raison-de-la-presence-de-toxicomanes _AV-202212070369.html

It’s Like That, and that’s the way it is, uh! 🎤 🥶 … unless off-Course, you happen to be Juanito Guanavacoa at A.I. à Belleville.


7 de diciembre 1941… HILO, HAWAII

Over in Germany, it’s Just Like Starting Over, and Paul just broke a glass in Hamburg, it’s all part of the New Nazies trying their dang d’EST! to play Punk music, but fascists can neither play nor enjoy extreme Jazz.

“Among the 25 detained (🚂nazies) was a minor aristocrat called Heinrich XIII,” according to the BBC.

https ://www .bbc .com /news /world-europe– 63885028

El Band o El León de Kerchovas? Assange is a fag, period!

POST — To A.S. Ties.


On a They like Tú They, John Belushi learned to play L’ACCORD ION.


To quote MIKA B.:

The People Have Spoken. Boom!


… It!, don’t Stop, period!

Over at Abbey Road Studios, John Lennon just won the GWAR! And then Hawaii, made a Slight Return… to the Dakota, of all places.

Dear, Mary… Zed’s Dead, and Eye do believe that the AlphaBeth Soup is on the Sesame drawer, not on the Muppets Show.


jump to GLASS ONION and po’Peeples Justice, with The Supremes.

Previously on, Real Lies: El Año de Francia en La France

With all due respect, I don’t select the casualties.

La Niña Blanche’s Blues

Just the fact’s ma’am… this “Francia” that youse yappin’ about, might she be the one being celebrated at La Muette this coming weekend? In case you missed it, Colombia is next on the Fiesta Nacional watch. So now Öüï knows what RFPP is going to talk about this weekend.

You’d be forgiven if you missed the Banda Municipal de Paris tribute to proméxico’s Mexico City Texcoco Airport, the aerial view of that x-shaped formation was indeed something to behold, especially if you are keeping count of the past 11 Bastille They parades.

Your Lying Eyes… Literal translation of F.R.A.N.C.E… and still to come, in just a few hour’s flight, President Joe Biden will have the opportunity to SHOW his MEXICAN counterpart, el licenciado Andrés Manuel López Obrador, how to bring up a BIG ELEPHANT in the MORAL ISSUES and human rights for Julian Khashoggi Jamal Assange.

~. Arabian American Oil Company. Following his “breakfast tacosLos Presidentes Hermanos” summit before flying to ISRAEL, POTUS 46’s talking points writing monkees suggested to mister Biden to follow “LA FORMA” of the FIRESIDE CHATS brought up by El SUPREMO Andrés OBRADOR during their televised talking points exchange and, use the oil discovery of 1938 in Saudi Arabia and then! Tie in the US-controlled PRODUCTION that followed, as “EL FONDO” for that “living room” presser.

https ://www .midilibre .fr /2022/07/14 /14-juillet-revivez-france-lemouvante-chanson-de-candice-parise-interpretee-lors-du-defile-10435389 .php

$a¥ Ch€€s€!

Click to access segundo-informe-avances-desarrollo-aeropuerto-internacional-mexico.pdf

…jump to page tú


Naturalize my aguacates, mister Mélenchon

Pass the Bacon, Kevin…

Kevin Bacon Needs Six Degrees of Separation From Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
byu/_Frozen_Waffles_ inhotones

But first, Mediapart can lick my avocados, and here is why, because I tried to tell you so, back in Nov of 2019. But your IVORY editorial COLONNE wanted a fucking full peer-reviewed, Top-Secret declassified dossier before your reporters could verify (COTEJAR) MY WOUNDS from the night before, not to mention, a FULL CONFESSION from the police officer who assaulted me, ISSY, i asked for, HELP!… The Police de Police didn’t care either.

https ://www .mediapart .fr /journal /france /170622 /revelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perditionrevelations-sur-la-clique-qui-conduit-la-prefecture-de-police-sa-perdition? utm_source =global&utm _medium=social&utm _campaign =SharingApp&xtor=CS3-5

Content Warning, for those just joining the list of people who do not read this blog, please be advised that Öüï does knot, Öüï repeats, we do not select the news of the they, Öüï seulement joue les cards qui les Venn Diagrams drop on our plate … which happens to be the cue for our sponsors in El Paso, Texas, “los agradecidos del jabón del perro”… o algo así, and if you are in on the joke, this is:

La tradicional
Corrida de Juneteenth…
en Puebla.

‘member now Junior, “it’s just a game… pass the curry, Bird »

Church’s Chicken on FIP dot fr

Couldn’t you ROSBIffs cock suckers sent him instead to RWANDA!

In local news, and to celebrate the FIASCO of the 45TH term of “Liberty of the Press” in Them UNITED STATES OF AL SHARPTON… a ROME lover sent a guy who TOLD YOU SO to the PENN.

It’s a WORD opera in the LAND of OPRAH LA noir.

It’s Another Festevus Miracle…
Liz CHeney and Mike PEnce get a free lunch card
and some guy named Julian in London…
gets the
Nigger of The World Award

Happy Juneteenth 2022, Reverend Al Sharpton.

Yo también me olvide de vivir.

You get a KAR
You get a KAR
You get a KAR
You get a KAR
You get a KAR

and you sir, and/or madam
you two, also get a a KAR.
It’s a Mini just like the one your MOTHER had, ISSY, it’s better than the POLO from VANIA®.

https ://www .lemonde .fr /pixels /article /2022 /06 /17 /londres-approuve-l-extradition-de-julian-assange-aux-etats-unis _6130794 _4408996 .html

da’fuck happened to my bucket of chicken…
Question Mark, that motherfucker!
In SPAIN that cock sucker is the fellow MARCOS…
always framing something or someone.

Any how, America…

You Give Macron a bad name. And Zilinski, fuck NATO, go to the NRA and tell those cock suckers that Ukraine wants to shoot a church… In time.

.And, without further to do, ladies in Gemini: ELVIS Presley

After the break, Our Patron Saint, —El Buen Patrón— la référence, some might say in less than Six Degrees of “Hot Chilli Peppers in the Blistering sun”, mister Kevin Bacon.

And Eye, quotes:

No Nena TuTe’quívocaz
nunca te KoNoSí en La Playa-ya-ya!

Naturalize mis AguaKates, mister avocat

Yo No Me Llamo Javier by Los Toreros Muertos de Chile.



It’s the French thing to do… del árbol caído todos sacan leche

Previously on the Magnum_Media Part_LC-BFM’er-I experience on the Agencia de Noticias EFE…

TimeStamp{s}: 11h50 in CET outside of the Brancusi… 08°C, many ales followed; it’s the “Basse” de la bière … ale, manymany ale.

Check the Times Please.

19h27 in fip Central Time
Sweet Sixteen… by, JR Wells (1995).
Évry body is gettin’ some
it’s what the Gestapo would do.
And it was the Very French who invented La GESTAPO…
would you like Mí, to show you the plaque, Sirènes?

Which brings me, armando segovia, to the following, Mr. Patrick Zachmann, if that is even your reel-name!

Never mind the French Intelligence Services, Paris is a city of spies and snitches… would you like Mí to direct you to the Magazine at the Kiosko that sourced that comment?, because here Comes Xi Jinping China’s and their WEATHER ALTERING TECHNOLOGY; they just fucked the Quad-state area of John Cougar Mellencamp’s R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A… and ain’t that { the truth} America sin acento?

At the Place Saint-Opportune the big Elephant in the room is Melody Gardot and that is all that I am going to tell Kyle Eastwood.