Previously on, “y dice ansina, Natalia”

But first, the KNEWS

All Along Torreón, Coahuila… 🌬️🎶 No reason to get ex-Cited.


SoFy Velasco, all journalists, the good ones any how, are MOSCAS … ON THE WALL, baby!

Y como dijo Monterosso:

Más bolsera (ratera) nomas, Talía OLVERA, ya que Ella, a diferencia de los que se van a los E.E.U.U. se roba le prosélytisme de las manifestaciones soliDiArias de Paname, it’s TROU 🕳️ 🪰, TRUST ME, like I told Raphaël Morán’s boss at rfi⅓, “Unlike Juanito Guanabacoa (policía judicial) I am a fly on the wall, y siendo oriundo de Califas, Off-The-Wall, Aussie.

Concha, corcel, y carro… The Birth of Lafourcade… Trou 🕳️ South. Only at the Instituto del Sonido Chilango (InSoChi).


Inspired by El Hijo del Topo, —en París— the new album cover of Sony Music’s exclusive cantora, la fulgurante Lafourcade, is now available at la EfNac, and our intrepid copy editor, Fenster the friendly Narco Quintero, got an exclusive snoop from the source, Mr. Sony Music Foundation himself, el gran Camilo Lara.

Over at the RFPP scene, el colectivo colombiano Mariposas Amarillas andaba de gira Hartistica en la bendita Maison de l’Amérique La∴Tina. When all of a sudden…

Can you show Mí how to get to Destierro Street? O como dicen en la RAE: ostracismo
1. Gral. Apartamiento de cualquier responsabilidad o función política o social.
«El motivo, muy breve en su desarrollo, puede sintetizarse en su conclusión final de que “la Corporación Municipal con su actuar arbitrario y ajeno a todo procedimiento legal, no está decretando la disolución de una asociación, la está privando de los medios materiales para desarrollar su actividad y, por ende, la está condenando al ostracismo, conculcando de este modo dicho derecho fundamental”» (STS, 3.ª, 18-XII-1997, rec. 874/1995).

Los astros se ahlinearon at the Gift Shop of Amnesty International… “It’s TROU!” 🕳️ just like on yesterday’s show with don Osler y Fredo, it turns out that AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL functions just like las fundaciones colombianas en EL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO, c’est a dire: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A MEMBERSHIP CARD to get a refugee card.

En la Serie del Caribe, a eso le llamán ‘PLAYBOL, motherfucker!’

After the break, It’s Word of the They 🇪🇸: bibliópola, as in… The guest for the December 4th of 2022 edition of the Juanito Guanabacoa Show was a bibliópola from Amnesty International at Buttes–Chaumont.


Which, knot to polish 💅🏻 our own nails, but one of the first things that, I, Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto, have been saying since we first met Georgina Moreno y sus personajes pintorescos de la Intelligentsia parisina, in France and in la LOUISIANA, one’s own story must be Written by the French bourgeois… o Algo así.

Spoiler Alert, Öüï now UNDERSTAND why AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL treated , like a vil colectivo colombiano en el Parlamento Europeo. Naturalmente, lo bueno d’este blog es de que Juanito Guanabacoa (alias “PEDRO“) no lo lee, because if he did, indeed read this blog, the first thing that Juanito Guanavacoa would do, would be to peg my experience on the “NOT SEE Klan” de Médecines Sans Frontiersand then call PEDRO to finish the job

WORD OF THE THEY 3 de marzo, 2016…
French bashin’ en 3ª di’mención  

https ://asegovia3 .com /2016/03/19 /quicksand-jesus-y-la-mano-de-diego/

In Hilo, Hawaii is Sunday night primetime 🌋.


¡Viejas Feas! The Whole Lot of You, en dónde estén junto con SoFy Velasco, por cierto SoFy, ¿a qué horas sales al PAN?

Issy, an “apple” à They, keeps the doctor a güey.

🌬️🎶 And Eye Ran 🇮🇷, I Ran Is Going back Home.


This post is not political ATOL… Öüï is only here to ZOMBIE-OUT with the SPIC-tackles. In local news, The Filthy French remain an obstacle.

God bless the group leader.


Goooooo, Shepples.

¡En la madre! », over at the Elena Poniatowska channel at La Jornada, GEORGINA MORENO, portavoz de morenafrancia is:

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2022/11/28 /cultura /a08n1cul

Yup! That Dere is a Carrousel, Joan Manuel, y Trae todos los tordillos de vuestras estrofas.


https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2022/11/28 /opinion /024a2pol

“There are at least five antidotes against the communication manias of individualism and mercantilism infiltrated in some of the “left”, or progressivism”:

Fernando Buen Abad.

Strawberry remittances for Eva.


1. ¿Nuestra más grande debilidad?
Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez*

Lasso ➰ this, Wonder Wimen’.

2. Notre plus gros point faible ?
Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez*


3. From five US states, 60% of remittances; California is in the lead
Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez*.

*~. Talía OLVERA. “Los mexicanos que se van a los EEUU no son como los mexicanos que se vienen en La Francia.

Rabo y Concha para La Argentina 🐂

Que no te haga bobo Jacobo y que no te cargue el Halcón…


Over at the Meseta (🇦🇷), The Meat Puppets, were covering Juantanamera en la rue Hidalgo, casi esquina con Wanitobacoa en Botzaris.

For those who arrived to France, after 2013 (practically Yesterday) 🕵🏻‍♂️ General Carrillo Olea, founded El CISEN, (Alejandro Poiré en Sciences Po) which was the home of PEGASUS in the golden years of CINÉMA MEXIQUE en la Porte des Lilas.

https ://military-history .fandom .com /wiki /Jorge_Carrillo_Olea

2013, by the way, was a GLORIOUS year for Mexican spooks (orejas del gobierno, pues) in France, not only did they began to take their masks off, but ideologies of both the left and the right joined together at galleries, cinémas, theater, at CHURCH (to celebrate the NIÑA BLANCA, no less) to line up with the WISHES of French President François Hollande and his boy wonder, Manuel Valls.

https ://www .liberation .fr /politique /elections /manuel-valls-condamne-a-verser-277-000-euros-pour-financement-irregulier-de-sa-campagne-a-barcelone-

Hilarity ensues when Maximiliano goes to Germany in search for better fellations. Maximilian chose a little ditty titled “Good Morning, America; Eye Am your favorite SON” but in French.


Meanwhile at the Lido, Camilo Lara (Sony Music / ISM) is covering Kurt Cobain’s rendition of 🌬️🎶 Who needs action when you got words 


La concha en el copete

Ladies in Gemini, the following is an AAR (after Action revista) of last night’s alternativa de novillero, –a matador.

Previously on, “The Spaniards and their conspiration ‘tories”

SoFy Belascoarán is belly dancing in Guanatos, the DJ (David Shalynillo Guetta) selected the Mambo Nº 9; long lost, now resurfaced in an Iraki looted convoy. El mambo número nueve was formally known at PALACIO NACIONAL (1936) as “El mambo de la shiquilla iraquí”. El mambo Nº 9 is interpreted by ROCO PACHUCOTE y los Leones Negros de Juanito Guanabacoa.

https ://disclose .ngo /en /article /ikea-subcontractors-resort-forced-labour-in-belarus-prisons

Tank and Popek… and that’s no Bull, SoFy Velasco, that’s what a REVOLUCIÓN INSTITUCIONALIZADA looks like, igual, never mind the bear, it’s from Ikea.


For what is worth, i don’t select the props, i only point 👉🏻 and shot … 🧸🚽

Öüï, last left our hero, Joan Manuel Serrat, at the Albóndigas de Granaditas where El Cervantino was ringside, at El Cabaret del Furo, when all of a sudden, a pair of old leonenses from Lyon, France, not from Santa Qtarina, en MonteCeMeX bring news from Them Springses un cuento ‘Colorado‘🩸💀.

The Why on The Bull 🐂

Hilarity ensues when “El Primer Torero Porno” replaces the centurion that Juanito Guanavacoa killed in a gentrified vecindad de la Colonia Roma, en Polanco.

For the record, the third episode of Belascoarán, lleva un crisantemo de Serrat in the form of a verbena for la maldita Vecindad, en Siempre en Domingo… Música Guerrera comisionada por el CEO de SonyMusic x-change. It’s what hot air sounds like when Duncan Bridgeman screams, “Viva Mecxico”… hoy se celebra el día de La Revolución.

Siete Leguas en las estrellas, Siete Leguas, el caballo que Villa, —mas estimaba. Pegasus just couldn’t hang… and that’s no Bull 🐂.


Música Guerrera y El CIRCO de La Maldita Vecindad y los hijos de Elton Tierra y Libertad.

Arrest made in attack on couple in Dodger Stadium parking lot after Elton John concert

https ://www .dailynews .com /2022/11/20/

³~. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la América Latina, Cátedra AR, con Víctor M. Quintana (2013).


https ://diario .uach .cl /francia-incentiva-a-docentes-a-realizar-ctedras-como-profesores-invitados/

Jump to page, tú, where mister Belmont (CDMX; antes de “Juaritos”) knows, exactly! —what Duncan Bridgeman was talking about: México, México, Ra Ra Ra.

Música Guerrera, un film de Duncan Bridgeman y Bernardo Gómez… echó en México.

Da’ Photography en radio France

Bunch of Faggots!

Tank and Popek

Tank and Popek at Le Socle (the bedrock) follows, but yes, indeed mister Tank, I reckon that dere Upsilon has SEVEN stars, and that’s no Bull! Mister Popek.

“Today I feel Qatari. Today I feel Arab. Today I feel African. Today I feel gay. Today I feel disabled. Today I feel (like) a vagrant. Today I feel (like) a migrant worker,” Fifa president, Gianni Infantino.

https ://www .reuters .com /lifestyle /sports /i-feel-gay-fifa-chief-attempts-empathise-with-marginalised2022-11-19/

Don’t Ewe Knows… Batman is a FAG, and Robin, well let’s knot talk about Robin …. that’s what French people do… Those motherfuckers

Fuck You, Poquelin

The Gall de France

Gonna’ get some tacos now, after the break, it’s Molière, THAT motherfucker.

For the record, chin⚜️ue a su madre, Colbert.


… You Basterd!

Entre esos tipos y yo hay algo de Serrat


Ese tal Tarres 💃🏻


🎶 Come up, sir.Cheer up.Hang the skin on the sidewalk.Geton the wooden dapple.Forgetwhat it was and how.Jump intothe magic of moving on from it all.Get, — on El  Carrusel del Furo,hop onTwo tickets for a duro 🇪🇸.

Live from, El Cabaret del Furo, it’s the “after antro” from the Serrat recital at the Albóndigas de Granaditas.

Our first act brings the story

Primer verso:
Como árbol carnal,
Mis brazos y mis manos…
Doy a los cirujanos!
Para la libertad 🧑🏻‍🎓

Algo Personal
Song by Joan Manuel Serrat

Segunda estrofa…

And, señora de Scarborough, you get a Flauta if you guess the name of Camarena’s widow… in LaLa Land her last name was Peña and she drowned Kiki’s murder in a bottle 🍾.


Context follows, but if the “leader of the free world” can so-matter-of-factly piss Samuel Adams on journalism, what is happening on ABC?

— “The Wild World of Sports” sponsored by Budweiser™️, said Slim Pickens 🤠.

Jackie Ale Many reports:

Öüï now returns to, “the Spaniards and their conspiration ‘tories”

Ladies in Gemini, the bitch is now in orbit to the Dark Side of the Moon, the trip, however, has resulted in our heroine, Denisa Kerschova, to conspirate a constipation.

El País Vasko no es Espelette 🏴󠁥󠁳󠁰󠁶󠁿


Landru enters the Stage.

At this point in the draft, Cousin Joe, Ewe gots to have a STAKE! And, Öüï knows that the Chord is not a 550 Parachute Lace.

The Bourne Eye D’entité 🦷

Which is why They (those motherfuckers) are laughing their way to a PAC… and Eye just ate at Olympiades, Eye’ve bean been eating beans at the Mountain Top! And it’s all Greek to Mí.

One thing fo’Sure, and I am sure of this, in 2011 the Very French (Vf) had yet to discover El Mambo and the best thing that them cock suckers had going for ThEM#, was an ignorant Sirène 🧜🏻‍♀️ playing Quantic with some slutty Colombian from the U. K. 💅🏻

Más noble que una lechuga ☔

And, Phat Basterd’, that’s KNOT even the half of, IT!… but this WordPress Blog (propiedad de Armando Segovia) is not appropriate enough to fit a el Instituto Mexicano de SONYdo (IMS) ni la desfachatez de los Belmont. So you get this, and it is Ewe, it is Ewe, it is Ewe!

Of Course IT Is, you ignorant sleuths… It’s “The SS in Uruguay 🇺🇾.