In “principle” the first Nazi on Earth was JOSHUA

In principle and principalities, “kill Em#ALL”, and let the IdF settle in Cisjordanie. In Jesus name.

Cousin Joe, I can hear the control room cues to yer’ headset… replay the stream, TJ is a flag!FAG! Know I know how yer’ snowflakes roll… on a two minute delay, and Mika Brzezinski, GREY is not your color, you bring out the Michelin on my tyres

And now, By The Rivers of Babylon, Jesus know I KNOW that I know that CHUY started his trek in search for The Budd-ah, so it came natural for that nigger to head East until he reached Roma en China.

After the break… It’s Barack Obama meets TINA MODOTTI in Paris, François Hollande cameos as the nigger “On the Other Side of the Camera” at the Jue de Paume.


Esos evangelistas en Las Vegas, Nevada, son unos loquillos, Lindahermosa… ¡bom-bah!

It Checks Out — A jumping Jack 🇮🇱 flash 🇮🇱 impersonator in The U.K.

Pleased to meet you, here is the Quiet that your Prime Minister bought for HAMAS, madame 🇮🇱 Ambassador.

Satisfaction… entonces linda, Evangelista, I’ve seen that movie too, EPIGMENIO González told me that story (Bilbid, Filipinas, 1836).

This is why I hate celebrities and rock and roll artists giving their opinion in on Argentina 🇬🇧… Fuck The Ministry of Culture 🇦🇷 and the River Plate, viva Messi in Miami and fuck the rest, starting with Andrés 🦑 Calamaro 🦑. 🎶 Dar es dar. Thee-value that, Sandra Pettovello, which is Italian for “Sandi Prettyfarts”.

Meanwhile at the Southwest Wall, Los Caifanes and Café Tacvba are about to embark in a REMESAS appreciation Tour in the U.S., populismo institucionalizado cortesía del Instituto Mexicano de Camilo Lara y Los Amigos de México en El Extranjero.

April tú, Marathon They in Paris (not that one Serdán) in Réel Docs

Dearie Blossoms, Batman! I know what youse probably thinking, y’all think that I am making all of this these junctions up, but I am not.


For starters, it is a crime in France to make a false alarm on the Paris metro intercom system, almost as bad as pulling the emergency break handle for personal reasons or even for reasonable persons. The punishment is death by Guillotine™, in other words, licenciado Prieto, i would not dare stage a distress call over the net; private or otherwise. If anything, the record log of Metro stop Châtelet on the L1 at 09:15 in Central Europe Time will show that the fire department didn’t take more than 20 minutes to arrive, but then one must factor the fact, that above the collapsed fellow a marathon was passing by. The good Samaritan that made the distress call had a lot to do with the care of a homeless man… across the pond, in Guadalajara, Mexico, allá no ha pasado nada. It’s Guadalajara, —what’d you expect, a happy ending? Please refer to the Affaire de Cassez con Israel.

https ://mobile .twitter .com /SegoArma /status /1642778338694426624 ?s=20

I am telling you Susana Puveda, it’s like I was telling Mr. Prieto yesterday outside of Cinéma Hall 1 at the Georges Pompidou Center, ISSY Susana the same Carlos Prieto who just curated a few weeks ago in Mexicali, Bani Khoshnoudi’s, “El Chinero : A Phantom Hill”, anyhow, who would have thought that Mr. Prieto was into la Sonora electrónica, talk about striking the right scale on that range, considering that as predicted last week in the month of March, “Eye don’t think that Mr. Prieto selected the Daft Punk’s introduction for the promo clip” of Ms. Khoshnoudi’s take of the Xicali Chinese Tourism Board in the San Felipe Valley³, just below it’s its Imperial counterpart in Calexico.

Now with Corona de Cardenche.

³~. La Gaceta, UABC.

For the record, Katie Phangs… Imagine my amusement when lo and behold, which is Aramaic for ‘et voilà’, Mr. Prieto pops out of my left field as I prepared yesterday afternoon’s ‘por menores’ before entering the movie theater to witness what all the fuzz about Chinese people in Aztlán was.

To put it in perspective, for all of the Reverend Al Sharpton’s fans at the peacock coop, Katie Phangs, it’s as your heroine, Min Jin Lee (in just a few frames below) says:

Is it possible? Sony it ain’t so?

when was the last time that we had a Chinero on primetime special honoring and discussing the interests of Asian American women in América?


Previoulsy on Red Privada : ¿Quién Chingados Mató a Manuel Buendía? , Juanito Guanavacoa was picked-up to play the role of Mexican president nephew (Jean Raphaël Moro Ávila) and following una calentada was hired by the Gendarmerie de la préfecture de Paris in order to train the new MOTORcycle force in France. Notable among Juanito Guanavacoa learned SKILLS while working for the Mexican Federales is the doctrine of how to BEAT the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of syndicalistas de EYE-Mí-MINE.


Réel Docs is a collection of Venn Diagrams, tetrical triangulations, transactional tangents, rapid radiuses and of course the square roots of a bunch of Tetris cubes at the world famous “Late Pablo Fanque’s Circus Royal” at Cinéma One of Georgie’s Beaubourg.


Reseña de, Yesterday:

Siempre en Domingo, 2 avril 2023

Un juge californien ordonne la réouverture de l’affaire du meurtre de ‘Kiki’ Camarena

la historia de Buendía tiene tantos elementos tan peculiares que, si la escribes en ficción, no te la crees”.

Manuel Alcalá

Private Network: Who Killed Manuel Buendía


Exit through the underground Toledo at Cinéma One Beaubourg.

Ahora bien, SoFy Velasco, dile al niño ese del abaco que deje ya de joder con las bolitas. Mira SoFy, aquí adentro de mi Sac-a-Dos saco yo lo que en un árbol d’esos comunes y corrientes como tú ya sabes quién… fue una ramita que jugaba con soldaditos de jugete, más tarde, ese misma ramita inspiró a un tal Bizet a bautizar a esa ramita con el nombre de CARMEN.

Enfin, Licenciado Carlos Prieto Acevedo, no es que yo, Armando Serrano-Prieto, me ponga en la misma esfera del señor Alcalá, ni mucho menos, el señor Alcalá es periodista de abolengo, whereas me (or EYE if you are Katie Phang) let’s just say that journalism landed on I, in the same way that COLBERT’s  « code noir » landed on that Plymouth Rock, y por eso… Yo’s-toy más PRIETO que toi, but that’s only because Eye is char-broiled like a Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua “Santo” fan.


—Más Prieto que Pablo Fanque, Ms. Khoshnoudi, nomás su colega CARLOS P. de Cebada… or was it Acevedo? Ya se me olvidó… anyhow³:
““Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” provided a tantalising glimpse of the kind of sonic experimentation that could be done in a recording studio, if only we could get there.”


³~. Más Prieto que Pablo Fanque, más noble que El Puto de D’Artagnan (VF):  https ://www .sheffieldtribune .co .uk /p /the-life-of-pablo-fanque

In theaters now: The Basterd’ of Nazareth… “that nigga owes me Five Bucks! ».

Previously on, “y dice ansina, Natalia”

But first, the KNEWS

All Along Torreón, Coahuila… 🌬️🎶 No reason to get ex-Cited.


SoFy Velasco, all journalists, the good ones any how, are MOSCAS … ON THE WALL, baby!

Y como dijo Monterosso:

Más bolsera (ratera) nomas, Talía OLVERA, ya que Ella, a diferencia de los que se van a los E.E.U.U. se roba le prosélytisme de las manifestaciones soliDiArias de Paname, it’s TROU 🕳️ 🪰, TRUST ME, like I told Raphaël Morán’s boss at rfi⅓, “Unlike Juanito Guanabacoa (policía judicial) I am a fly on the wall, y siendo oriundo de Califas, Off-The-Wall, Aussie.

Concha, corcel, y carro… The Birth of Lafourcade… Trou 🕳️ South. Only at the Instituto del Sonido Chilango (InSoChi).


Inspired by El Hijo del Topo, —en París— the new album cover of Sony Music’s exclusive cantora, la fulgurante Lafourcade, is now available at la EfNac, and our intrepid copy editor, Fenster the friendly Narco Quintero, got an exclusive snoop from the source, Mr. Sony Music Foundation himself, el gran Camilo Lara.

Over at the RFPP scene, el colectivo colombiano Mariposas Amarillas andaba de gira Hartistica en la bendita Maison de l’Amérique La∴Tina. When all of a sudden…

Can you show Mí how to get to Destierro Street? O como dicen en la RAE: ostracismo
1. Gral. Apartamiento de cualquier responsabilidad o función política o social.
«El motivo, muy breve en su desarrollo, puede sintetizarse en su conclusión final de que “la Corporación Municipal con su actuar arbitrario y ajeno a todo procedimiento legal, no está decretando la disolución de una asociación, la está privando de los medios materiales para desarrollar su actividad y, por ende, la está condenando al ostracismo, conculcando de este modo dicho derecho fundamental”» (STS, 3.ª, 18-XII-1997, rec. 874/1995).

Los astros se ahlinearon at the Gift Shop of Amnesty International… “It’s TROU!” 🕳️ just like on yesterday’s show with don Osler y Fredo, it turns out that AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL functions just like las fundaciones colombianas en EL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO, c’est a dire: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A MEMBERSHIP CARD to get a refugee card.

En la Serie del Caribe, a eso le llamán ‘PLAYBOL, motherfucker!’

After the break, It’s Word of the They 🇪🇸: bibliópola, as in… The guest for the December 4th of 2022 edition of the Juanito Guanabacoa Show was a bibliópola from Amnesty International at Buttes–Chaumont.


Which, knot to polish 💅🏻 our own nails, but one of the first things that, I, Armando Segovia/Armando Serrano-Prieto, have been saying since we first met Georgina Moreno y sus personajes pintorescos de la Intelligentsia parisina, in France and in la LOUISIANA, one’s own story must be Written by the French bourgeois… o Algo así.

Spoiler Alert, Öüï now UNDERSTAND why AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL treated , like a vil colectivo colombiano en el Parlamento Europeo. Naturalmente, lo bueno d’este blog es de que Juanito Guanabacoa (alias “PEDRO“) no lo lee, because if he did, indeed read this blog, the first thing that Juanito Guanavacoa would do, would be to peg my experience on the “NOT SEE Klan” de Médecines Sans Frontiersand then call PEDRO to finish the job

WORD OF THE THEY 3 de marzo, 2016…
French bashin’ en 3ª di’mención  

https ://asegovia3 .com /2016/03/19 /quicksand-jesus-y-la-mano-de-diego/

In Hilo, Hawaii is Sunday night primetime 🌋.


¡Viejas Feas! The Whole Lot of You, en dónde estén junto con SoFy Velasco, por cierto SoFy, ¿a qué horas sales al PAN?

Rabo y Concha para La Argentina 🐂

Que no te haga bobo Jacobo y que no te cargue el Halcón…


Over at the Meseta (🇦🇷), The Meat Puppets, were covering Juantanamera en la rue Hidalgo, casi esquina con Wanitobacoa en Botzaris.

For those who arrived to France, after 2013 (practically Yesterday) 🕵🏻‍♂️ General Carrillo Olea, founded El CISEN, (Alejandro Poiré en Sciences Po) which was the home of PEGASUS in the golden years of CINÉMA MEXIQUE en la Porte des Lilas.

https ://military-history .fandom .com /wiki /Jorge_Carrillo_Olea

2013, by the way, was a GLORIOUS year for Mexican spooks (orejas del gobierno, pues) in France, not only did they began to take their masks off, but ideologies of both the left and the right joined together at galleries, cinémas, theater, at CHURCH (to celebrate the NIÑA BLANCA, no less) to line up with the WISHES of French President François Hollande and his boy wonder, Manuel Valls.

https ://www .liberation .fr /politique /elections /manuel-valls-condamne-a-verser-277-000-euros-pour-financement-irregulier-de-sa-campagne-a-barcelone-

Hilarity ensues when Maximiliano goes to Germany in search for better fellations. Maximilian chose a little ditty titled “Good Morning, America; Eye Am your favorite SON” but in French.


Meanwhile at the Lido, Camilo Lara (Sony Music / ISM) is covering Kurt Cobain’s rendition of 🌬️🎶 Who needs action when you got words 


La concha en el copete

Ladies in Gemini, the following is an AAR (after Action revista) of last night’s alternativa de novillero, –a matador.

And in Washington, fertilizer is up y los blanquillos estrellados

And, Sam Stein, you ugly Mexican…Step away from the Fed’s Wife, anyhow mr. Pol°It°Iko, it’s kind of cute how this fellow, made a comeback, TEQUILA!

La Faena de Reyes… 

I am Sirius and this fellow is not, he is however what the great Pétomane, the real one at El Molino de los Rojos (page 36³) not the fake one from Rock Ridge would call, “puro pedo »:

México Ra Ra Ra
SONY Music

³.~ Album Secret de Paris
(Blame, IT!, on Haussmann
knot the River)
by R. Gast y Memo Ratagua
Editions Ou-est France, or something like that
Bpi: 3 7504 10199132 9

Devil May Care, el chamuco on the other Page, might knot give a Flying Carp.

El pez tequila ya mueve su cola anaranjada por las aguas del Teuchitlán… hoy por pez, mañana por DINO… watch out for that BRONTORAC, Betty.

https ://elpais .com /mexico /2021-12-30 /el-pez-tequila-ya-mueve-su-cola-anaranjada-por-las-aguas-del-teuchitlan .html

Screenshot_2022–03-12-21… and Cousin Joe, i’d refer this Wall Street fellow to the apothecaire, you know, the one that was concocting better food for your tomatos, but that sure is an ugly tie.

European stocks soar as new year trading begins

Any how, The RATP cannot let Mí lie, a blind man ran into Eye, as Öüï was taking a snapshot of a Wabbit on the Wall. Issy, that escalator was on the FDR, Metro Line oNe, with a switch to N° 9 to the old Round about in Longchamp, today, la glorieta de México en París.

A doctor Walk(er…) into a Wall — FRANTIC, Roman Polanski captures La Faena from yesterday [directly] from the source, which brings U. S. To La Fontaine’s Milk ‘stach 〰️.

https ://fr .wikipedia .org /wiki /Place_de_Mexico #cite_note -JH-1

And Cousin Joe… she’ll like it too.

Over at Le Grand Palais, the demand for Milk grows, it’s the start of XIX and The French invent a new fad and according to « Mémoires lactées » called it “café au lait”.


Intermedio con Adrienne El Rod~riguez

in Hilo, Hawaii it’s 32 past the Hour (number 9 am/pm…knot a division an add the Parisian am to the hÎlian pm and you get 18; 1+ 8 = 9, it checks out; now multiply: 9 am x 9 pm= 81 ∴ 8 + 1 = 9 ✅ please.


After the They breaks, Öüï introduces Ana Anabitarte³ of El Universal de El País en La Jornada to Camilo Lara, of La Commission del Sonido Institucionalizado de CARLOS SLIM.

³.~ “¿Técnico en mantenimiento‽ ESSO no existe”

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2021/12/20/

In related SOPAS, Allende opened “Las grandes alamedas” en La Rayuela de La Jornada.

SANTIAGO_  Zbigniew Brzezinski was ratified by an empty Chamber of Congress (in Washington) as the next ambassador to Chile.
https ://www .aljazeera .com /news /2021/12/20 /gabriel-boric-wins-chiles-presidential-election

Polack go home!
… [I]n a reversal of status Brzezinski’s son, Mika’s brother, finally succumbs to the jeers of his peers at La Sorbonne and returns to Africa… no wait, Poland, Mika’s Brother returns to Poland.

https ://www .vox .com /2021/12/18 /22843610 /senate-confirmation-votes-ambassadors-judges-schumer-cruz-hawley

Hoy no hubo session, at Le Petit Bain. Those fuckers are wrapping up their 10th Year Anniversary and SONY MUSIC in “Collabo” with BMG Arista en Columbia Records is mixing all of “the hits”. And if YOUSE been to PARIS, you know that Ratatouille only knows how to prepare “ONION SOUP” and nothing else. Can’t really blame that poor rat, he got a scholarship to attend the College de Rats at the prestigious Left WING of Le Palais de La Découverte at Paris 8th, and Onion Soup is all that the “cadre” there teach.

Uso justo de La Jornada de Hernández hoy… Triumph of the Will’s, or Memo’s at Viña del Mar. In a related note, Dignity Colony will remain a remnant of a by-gone era, for now.

And Camilo Lara… que dice doña Josephine Baker³ que “el Blue Demon” no es como lo pintan…
this version, of “el Luchador” is 10 years old, just like

this snapshot of Ewe:
https ://i0 .wp .com /asegovia3 .com /wp-content /uploads /2016/03 /la-bancc83era-de-camilo-version-3.jpg?ssl=1

³.~ And, Camilo, i bet that the sycophants (lèche-bottes) in your Parisian entourage del CIRCO del 2011 think that this post is about you… “Hi!, you might remember Mí from, » the Latin American House à Saint Germain~des~Press, classic, “Ely Guerra told you so” and “Julieta Venegas Dropped a Bomb: Amandititita is not coming, y’all.

And over at Morning Mika’s Little House on the Baltic Shore :

Witt, D.A.T. in mind, Amb. BrzezinskiKURWA! It’s a post, knot a CHATEAU… AND don’t Ewe foget, It!

Conceƨiones Camilo Pantalión Belmont — camiƨetas y caƨhuchaƨ de La Vecindad

por: Armando Segovia

Más que nada, muchas gracias por la apertura blindada.

Savez-vous pourquoi?

Uso  justo  del  Año  de  México en Francia*  (2005/2011) y de las  Concesiones en los escenarios del PRI… Criticar y denunciar al gobierno mexicano no es cosa fácil, difícil tarea cuando se camina solo —sí. Pero no imposible —no. | Uso justo de los medios. | Vía: Bing punto com (la imagen del día).

* En la bóveda del cuadro:

Fondo: CÚPULA de una sala de lectura en Dublin, Irlanda. Vía Bing punto com: http ://www .bing .com /az /hprichbg /rb /NLIReadingRoom _FR-FR13259592233 _1920x1080 .jpg

Top-right frame: El coordinador [Gerardo Belmont] de toda la estructura de la cúpula de Camilo Lara (Hecho en La Maldita Vecindad de Duncan Bridgeman¹). Captura de imagen adentro del Lienzo Charro de Ciudad Juárez, por Armando Segovia | segoviaspixes  (2016) Creative Commons; applicable licenses and permits for non commercial use do apply, so COPY LEFT.

Middle frame: Ely Guerra y dos artesanos de un “potcast sobre música de pop [Latino americana] en la Maison de l’Amérique Latine, un evento patrocinado por El Gobierno del Distrito Federal bajo la dirección del entonces mejor alcalde del Mundo: Marcelo Ebrad. La velada contó con el Apoyo de el Instituto Cervantes [la “ñ“, la “ñ”]  y El Club de los Amigos por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad de Javier Sicilia, en París. |  Foto sin Photoshop  | Captura de La imagen por Armando Segovia | segoviaspixes  (2016) Creative Commons; applicable licenses and permits for non commercial use, once again Brontis, do apply. So just COPY LEFT. http: //www .tvnotas .com .mx /2011 /06 /16 /C-13283-julieta-venegas-y-ely-guerra-inician-gira-en-francia .php

Lower frame: Camilo Lara, director del Instituto del Sonido de México. El documental de Duncan Bridgeman —HECHO EN “MEXICO”— a lo mejor también hubiese incluido capturas desde el malecón de Austerlitz (Quai d’Austerlitz), pero luego a televisa se le ocurrió ponerle un “Cuatro”, o una TRAMPA al que aquí escribe. Algo así como lo que pasó en México con la detención de una ciudadana francesa. Excepto que yo no fui encarcelado, el gobierno francés simplemente revocó mi visa y me convirtió al instante en un “sin papeles” —en un indocumentado, pues.

TELEVISA PRESENTA: Unidad de los Dragoones.

Vía: Monoaureo punto como y La Jornada on line... Uso justo de los medios.

Vía: Monoaureo punto como y La Jornada on line… Uso justo de los medios.

Regreso [si nos dejan…] con el resto de los enlaces. Son las 8 y cacho de la mañana CET.


Camilo Lara en París. El documental de Duncan Bridgeman —HECHO EN MEXICO— a lo mejor hubiese también incluido capturas desde el malecón de Austerlitz (Quai d'Austerlitz).

La pequeña bañera de Camilo Lara en París (2011)  El documental de Duncan Bridgeman —HECHO EN MEXICO— a lo mejor hubiese también incluido capturas desde el malecón de Austerlitz (Quai d’Austerlitz). Sin embargo la Prefectura de París impidió² que el que aquí en el pie de foto escribe, continuara con su trabajo de reportero de-a-pie… por aquellos días: yo ni era pedo  yo ni siquiera caminaba seguido con un tal Baccus o Baco… la cosa es de que más que nada, Dionisio: ya no me acuerdo ni como se llama.