Page 3, « El Bote » / Dedicated to

Foreword to my favorite French Gendarme:
Louis de Funès

Fall Semester 2020

Fall Semester 2020 .::. B5BD6CD7-DC9F-4964-90EE-6BB0E8117C85 🐤 BRANDING 101 with: professor Tom Friedman… don’t bee late.

For the record, as stated on the « Fiche de Mise a Disposition » with a timestamp of May 25, 2010 at 16h10 in Central Europe Time, please be advised that i, Armando Segovia, (California, U.S.A.) never set foot on La Place de La Concorde; no Sir and/or Madame. The exact place where the gendarme from the 45th Regiment 7th Platoon handcuffed me was at the corner of The United States Embassy 2 rue Gabriel (75008).

Dear, Mr. Dorsey

Dear, Mr. Dorsey… fip called, they want their Logo back!

Technically, La Place de La Concord begins when one sets foot and/or wheels on the traffic circle which, AS EYE HAVE stated previously on this most non–consequential blog, was designed to MIRROR our Solar System in The Milky Way (ref. Scott Onstott) with the traffic mimicking the planets going around Louis XV. This little piece of annotated evidence is important (for the arrest record) given that my CALL TO ATTENTION TO the mocking that Donald John Trump made on Memorial Day weekend of All WHO Made The Ultimate Sacrifice in all of the different fields of battle, including the ones that might be forgotten, like the little SPANISH incident which inspired Mika Brzezinski to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, and Metallica to write FOR WHOM THE BELLS [A]TOLL, was made on AMERICAN SOIL and not on French grounds.

Dear, Jack Dorsey

Dear, Jack Dorsey… stop acting like HENRY FORD, your blind EYE towards Donald John Trump (the citizen) is analogous to Mr. Ford’s support of the Third Reich; and you give my favorite radio station a bad name, you Son of A BItch! Please place a burning piece of Iron where you tagged “fip” on your body and scar yo’self… motherfucker.


Must show Bright Side of Life section: