French C[o]unts agree on this one… Now get off of my guacamole 🥑

From The Farmers Almanac:

For the best buds of Junebug, your weed should be pollenized, NOW!

Support your local growers.

Dear, Denis Soula … FYI:

18:55 | 19:56
89 | 90
That’s Two Pairs right there… According to Hoyle

Please relay to your web dev’Monkees that the old ‘titres diffusĂ©e’ allowed for a Specific timeframe to search for JOSÉ ALFREDO JIMÉNEZ.

FIP . fr’s “updated playtracks*” SUCK!!!

Go ahead, check the sequence in THREE Days and tell, Mi, how much fun it was wasting those additional (50) scrolls to get to the bottom of The Black See!

Our pledge at asegovia3 is to bring you only FACT CHECKED information from “the experts” {and} Ă–ĂĽĂŻ begins in Los Angeles, California, because that is where this tripÂł (towards 2030) started.

Maldito JosĂ© Alfredo… ya me hiciste chillar.

Experts : les États-Unis pourraient chercher des avocats au-delà du Mexique

Âł. However unbeknowst to US, at the time…
https ://cryptofireside .com /welcome-to-2030you-will-own-nothing-have-no-privacy-and-life-has-never-been-crueler– 3ff87dc129c

https ://www .latimes .com /espanol /eeuu /articulo /2022-02-17 /expertos-eeuu-podria-buscar-aguacates-mas-alla-de-mexico 

WELCOME, to Breakfast in America.

{and} ZEPPELIN GOES HERE: Ten Jeers GoneKeep on rocking on la rue de San MEMO 75006 … in case anyone is wondering what the initials I.H.E.A.L. stand for, Eye tells Ewe, it is KNOT for “ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES” en FrancĂ©s, and Professor Leo Orellana at the LAtin AMerican House on Saint-Germain des Près will probably agree with little ‘ol me, Armando Segovia, when Eye tells Ewe that IHEAL stands for CUBANOS POSTIZOS {not} I heal… SANA SANA colita de ranaÂą.

Âą.~ It’s what the oligarchs in MEXICO tell their little princes and princesses when they (for whatever reason) get a boo-boo, which is what LOUISIANA natives say to their ‘chirrin’ when they scrape their knees or manage to injure themselves in a not-so harmful way. The Mexicans across the street from the IHEAL can explain this one to the Fifi BoBos at Jack Dorsey’s Parisian hang-out.

And, GO’ill de Niza, as you search for them huevos, please be advised that Ă–ĂĽĂŻ did warn that guy spinnin’ Jazz on your freq’s right between the hopelessly GĂĽannaBee punk rockers at RFPP (ParĂ­s) and the Fifi BoBos at Jazzafip, D.A.T. on this sábado de GLORIA, “les Pâques »… son de a KILO.

https ://www.marianne .net /societe /education /cetait-flippant-des-militants-dextreme-droite-interviennent-pour-lever-le-blocus-de-sciences-po-a-paris

Ladies in Gemini, the age Old question has been answered, Jesus Christ is a funky chicken, knot a ‘fuckin” chic(Ken) but a Funky Chicken 🍗.

From the Urban Dictionary pages:



Spanish for damn (used as an adjective. Not to just say “damn”). Can also be maldita for feminine nouns.

Si crees eso, eres un maldito idiota.
If you believe that, you’re a damn fool.

by PaQueSepas April 2, 2019

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