Intermedio con Adrienne El Rod~riguez

in Hilo, Hawaii it’s 32 past the Hour (number 9 am/pm…knot a division an add the Parisian am to the hÎlian pm and you get 18; 1+ 8 = 9, it checks out; now multiply: 9 am x 9 pm= 81 ∴ 8 + 1 = 9 ✅ please.


After the They breaks, Öüï introduces Ana Anabitarte³ of El Universal de El País en La Jornada to Camilo Lara, of La Commission del Sonido Institucionalizado de CARLOS SLIM.

³.~ “¿Técnico en mantenimiento‽ ESSO no existe”

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /2021/12/20/

In related SOPAS, Allende opened “Las grandes alamedas” en La Rayuela de La Jornada.

SANTIAGO_  Zbigniew Brzezinski was ratified by an empty Chamber of Congress (in Washington) as the next ambassador to Chile.
https ://www .aljazeera .com /news /2021/12/20 /gabriel-boric-wins-chiles-presidential-election

Polack go home!
… [I]n a reversal of status Brzezinski’s son, Mika’s brother, finally succumbs to the jeers of his peers at La Sorbonne and returns to Africa… no wait, Poland, Mika’s Brother returns to Poland.

https ://www .vox .com /2021/12/18 /22843610 /senate-confirmation-votes-ambassadors-judges-schumer-cruz-hawley

Hoy no hubo session, at Le Petit Bain. Those fuckers are wrapping up their 10th Year Anniversary and SONY MUSIC in “Collabo” with BMG Arista en Columbia Records is mixing all of “the hits”. And if YOUSE been to PARIS, you know that Ratatouille only knows how to prepare “ONION SOUP” and nothing else. Can’t really blame that poor rat, he got a scholarship to attend the College de Rats at the prestigious Left WING of Le Palais de La Découverte at Paris 8th, and Onion Soup is all that the “cadre” there teach.

Uso justo de La Jornada de Hernández hoy… Triumph of the Will’s, or Memo’s at Viña del Mar. In a related note, Dignity Colony will remain a remnant of a by-gone era, for now.

And Camilo Lara… que dice doña Josephine Baker³ que “el Blue Demon” no es como lo pintan…
this version, of “el Luchador” is 10 years old, just like

this snapshot of Ewe:
https ://i0 .wp .com /asegovia3 .com /wp-content /uploads /2016/03 /la-bancc83era-de-camilo-version-3.jpg?ssl=1

³.~ And, Camilo, i bet that the sycophants (lèche-bottes) in your Parisian entourage del CIRCO del 2011 think that this post is about you… “Hi!, you might remember Mí from, » the Latin American House à Saint Germain~des~Press, classic, “Ely Guerra told you so” and “Julieta Venegas Dropped a Bomb: Amandititita is not coming, y’all.

And over at Morning Mika’s Little House on the Baltic Shore :

Witt, D.A.T. in mind, Amb. BrzezinskiKURWA! It’s a post, knot a CHATEAU… AND don’t Ewe foget, It!

Carta Abierta a mi amiga Ana Anabitarte en El Universal

…por aquello de los Black wabbit Holes en El País de El Mundo de los tlaxcaltecas en Madrid; ISSY niño Luc, el siguiente sainete, va dedicado a La Comadre Suzi, va por toí  de un lado pa’l otro por el mismísimo Sepulveda Blvd.

Lo bueno d’este pinchurriento blog es de que ni mi tocayo* Armando “el gerundio” Tejeda, ni la mismísima Ana Anabitarte lo van a leer.

“Churchill in drag”,  follows.

—— more ———-

1 de marzo*, 2019 — Who’s on Third?

*29 de febrero del 2019

All in on Chrissy Hayes:D1D7C6D1-AB68-487C-BA8D-20D43CA8046C —•_!_•—

Ana Anabitarte en El Universal de México —en Madrid— no me puede dejar mentir:

Bee careful for what You, Alicia Leos, wish for, because el mexicano más buscado en el mundo entero, just might get it.

In other news, masked midgets** storm the North Korean Embassy in España. Early preliminary assumptions suggest that the little fuckers were on the hunt for red october Vodka receipts from the Dutchman’s liquour delivery route.

Mean, while a Brave new ward awaits

PARIS EST à NOUS:43B36D6F-D1BF-4585-841B-199C494346DA •!• … o cómo dicen los muy franceses EN madame Figaro: CYNIQUE et JUBILATOIRE.

Still to come on:
Political Purgatory. Season in the Abyss; Pilot Episode.


Upon arriving to internal processing, Zbigniew gets assigned to KP duty. Léon is the chef [played by Bradley Cooper] and he instructs Zbigniew that he must serve HAMBURGERS, —IN PARADISE— to the Stalin delegation who are on their way to visit the Trump wormhole.

Anygüey: it is now Önë o’Clock in CET.


In Search of Diderot episode X: part deux; Madame de Pompadour.

Eh, what’s up Doc?

Eh, lets see, how did i end up in Barcelona?… San Bernardino, Las Vegas… Paris. Mhmmm, “guess I shoulda taken that Left Toin,” Timbuktu to by-pass Algeciras and Istambul in order to get fair–passage to “Albukoikee.” —_—. Fair use of ‘the’ Warner Bros.

Good afternoon, today is Friday, October 19th 20th (thank you, Mika) of 2017 and the following must be read [and this is VERY IMPORTANT] with a wise-ass Brooklyn style Bugs Bunny “self-assured” accent, and not [we repeat] not with the lyonnais insouciant French Bugsy dubbed voicehoir’d — on both banks of the Rhône, et le Val–d’Oise… additionally, we [the staff] also suggest that you certainly not [we repeat, Raquelito] certainly not reproduce Bugsy’s voz —con su doblaje— en Español, because “of course you know, that this (would) mean War”.

Raquelito, quiero que sepas de que ni tus primos lejanos, Les Buzzfeeds de France, ni ANA ANABITARTE, de El Universal de México (en Madrid), ni Víctor Quintana Silveyra allá en la oficina del Gobernador de Chihuahuita, pues, nos dejarían mentir porque ya para enero del 2013, our own intrepid reporter and maintenance technician extraordinaire, Armando Serrano Prieto (q.e.p.d.) ya había atadó uno que otro cabo en el transcurso de más de tres años, y en relación, con la política exterior de Manuelito Valls… por decir, anygüey; la cosa Rachel, es de que doña Anabitarte medio-escribió sobre La Cortina De Humo que trataba de ofuscar con la pompa y circunstancia de aquél glorioso retorno de Florence Cassez, —al CDG. Y ni modo que doña Anabitarte no se vaya a acordar de aquella voz de ‘soldadera revolucionaria’ que Janela Gosain (Q.E.P.D.) tenía cuando ella todavía en vida y al lado de doña Alicia Leos denunciarón la liberación de Florence Cassez de un penal de máxima seguridad mexicano, como estrategía del entonces presidente francés, François Hollande, para ofuscar con esa CORTINA DE HUMO, esos ‘los‘ ojazos abiertamente cerrados del pueblo francés. ¿Y con qué fin? Pues, para ofuscar la opinión pública de los lectores del cotidiano Libération mientras esos helicópteros de observación de AirBus patrullaban por el espacio aéreo del norte de Mali.

Be with you in a minute, folks!” Gonna look for doña Anabitarte’s article on the paywall of El Universal de México…
TimeStamp: 1200 hours in CET.

Dear, Senator Stewart Smiley (D-WI), please be advised that without the funds, we [the staff] lacked the ability to link up to the Lexis Nexos Nexis dataBase, and retrieve Ana Anabitarte’s field reporting in order to better argue the point about how the news of Florence Cassez, in 2013, was the perfect fluff-feature segment for the French media to compliment the news of the French military 2013 intervention into Mali, after religious extremists attempted to install a caliphate in Timbuktu.

Chad is not a rich country, they’ve got OIL –they got a little bit of money– but they also got a DicTator that Takes Care of That“, dice Rachel Maddow. —¡—. Photo is courtesy of President Idriss Déby, and the good folks at the Patriotic Salvation Movement.

Fine and peachy, if an extremist Islamist army, previous to the election of Donald Trump was moving in on the Republics of Chile or Honduras, i reckon that former Secretary of State John Kerry would respond in the same fashion as France did in Mali in 2013 —in full force— simply because like with the French with Mali, Chile and Honduras hold a strategic interest for U.S. Economic and/or National Security. Oligarchs and corrupt dictators are fine and peachy for both the U.S. Ministry of State and France’s Department of Interior, because as Mr. Alain Rouquié says: they know how to govern; in Spanish that statement roughly translates to: they Know How To Play Ball.

Dear, Rachel: the glowing asterisk on the upper right hand corner of your frame, denotes that “2 second” airtime  snapshot, of Chad’s dictator on last night’s edition of TRMS, wait for it, wait… Context follows… To me personally, es una oportunidad sincréticamente hablando, de reconocer que aún siendo ateo, algo de escencia hay en el universo como para recordarnos que la memoria de los que ya se nos adelantaron sigue viva, y por eso:recibe un saludo Jane… For you gringos, the pronounciation Jane is: HA-ne; y para los que mastican el Espagnol… La hache en Anglais no es muda. ¡SALUD!

Anygüey, Senator Smiley, because of the lack of availability of El Universal archives, due to its paywall, the good folks at “la hermana República del Yucatán” were kind forward thinkers and served as a kind of Wayback Machine to one of Ana Anabitarte’s reporting pieces about the release of Florence Cassez from a Mexican prison, and the heroine’s welcome she received from former President François Hollande; for a minute there, i thought that she would be in line to receive the French Legion of Honor, or something like that, in any case here’s the link to the “smoke screen” report:


TimeStamp: 2100 hrs.
It’s good timing that right now it’s time for Weekend Edition, because Laughter’s mom’s is about to follow with a special Tribute to Nimrod… but first, Heeeeere’s Barry:

…i hate to say it, but it took Donald Trump, perhaps the inverted mirror reflection and the  epitome of what Stalin was to Socialism, to finally give Capitalism a very scary face next to the entry: FREE ENTERPRISE… in dictionaries all over the world… i hate to really say it, but with ‘the’ donald in control, them god-damned Chickens Have Come Home To Roost.  Thank you, REX TILLERSON.


Context follows… Goooooo, Dodgers!

“Eh, what’s up Doc?”

1. Citizens! True Romance: here we are now… https :// youtube .com /watch?v= IZLg497 _uhge