Ringo… You are not going to believe where Lucie got her Diamonds from?

But first, the news, a pet beluga escaped from a Russian oligarch’s private Sea World in Le Havre. At a breakfast meeting with a pair of honeymooners down by the Seine, Amnesty International was not available for comment.

Sources close to the Bolivian receptionist at the Paris Siège en La Villette relay that Amnesty International are all–hands–on–deck at Parentis-en-Born dans les Landes, looking out for the espontáneos charged by the Bull ♉ between Venus and The Beaubourg.

https ://www .lemonde .fr /planete /article /2022/08/06 /le-beluga-repere-dans-la-seine-va-recevoir-des-vitamines _6137383_3244 .html

Previously on Colonial solidarity at The Bpi

Well… You’ve ho’ID about the Sunday mornings radio program, “Breakfast With The Beatles”.

It’s Knot One of Dos.

Saturn 🪐 is Knot 🪢 what you think, and today he turned little Neptune into a fish that looks like a mammal.

Dear, mister Xavier Rey, please be advised that the following is a reference point of the coordinates used in the methodology FOR WHICH APPARENTLY, I was banned FOR LIFE from your biblioteca, —according to the security detail there.



Mr. Rey, I remind you that I am Sirius and you are not. With that in mind, if you, or your Monkees at the Bpi could please focus your jeepers on the little Yellow dot below Alnath, KNOW THAT IN REAL TIME, last night a Bright Red Dot was directly at 180° of Venus. Said red dot on top of The Center that you run was… wait for it, and prepare to Present Arms, because it is a Military astro.

Context follows, but Señor Rey, if you please could review your security camera feed, perhaps you could guess what I was trying to line up, it was not Mars, nor that Gas Giant, Emmanuel Macron.

… [A]nd in France, Mr. De Wilde, do you know WHO else celebrates a Birthday? ?

NOTE to La Bibliotèque publique d’infomercials (formally d’information) Centre Pompidou:

If youse gonna do the Astros and don’t feature Jodorowski, A., next to Crowley A., than you are nothing but cheating your audience, but then that is the whole point of these Elements.

Now, about that fucking birthday…

And Zeppelin goes here.

Me, and again after The Red Moon. And here’s the kicker, knot a punchline, i don’t even have an alter ego, o como dice Jorge Saldaña (en Banderilla, Veracruz) un « autre moi », ASP turns 11 years old this coming 18th of January and to celebrate the Bpi is doing a SATURN is NOT what The AQUA VELVA think that it is, o como dicen en el CNES: Les arts divinatoires, narrated of course by the great CARL SAGAN… note to the Peoples of the Pale Blue Dot, don’t take the latin Eye too serious on the Bpi section of the Georges Pompidou, for example, the youtube® video below cannot be rewiewed on the Bp “i“, nor can you check a tweet, or visit a facebook account in order to complement a review of the Pléiades or any of its  Crabby nebula sisters.

https ://www .youtube .com /watch?v =Iunr4B4wfDA

Across The Universe… indeed, Cerf-panthère (20 minutes france) if what the Bpi says on its “Les arts divinatoires : Une mode chez les jeunes ?” exposition is true, that in 2020 la Fondation Jean-Jaurès found that FOUR, (Eye say FOUR!!!) out of every 10 French motherfuckers in France actually believes in, and Eye quotes, “l’astrologie », then it follows that with the lack of a TELEVISA-deportes to entertain its genteemmerdada“, or Miserables if you are into kinky shit, have no other choice but to swallow Alejandro Jodorowski’s crab cakes.

INFOMERCIAL from the Smiths at Beaubourg
sponsored by: VANIA
https ://www .lanuevarepublica .org /2022/01/06 /profeco-vigilara-precios-de-productos-de-gestion-menstrual/
For the record, Alejandro Jodorowski’s crab cakes are know to cure all variants and/or strains of the Corona® crudas…

Simon, eh…  Cerf-panthère, ” Funkier than a MOUSTIQUE Tigre »… 🦟🐅

Little black letters disclaimHER: Alejandro Jodorowski’s crab cakes can’t do nothing for your “gestionmenstrual other than to tell you what fucking Constellation is rising during your fucking period, period!

So, sticking with bull, Taurus-es bull let’s… review:

Following the first lockdown of 2020 la Biblioteca pública de “informercials³” en Paris (Beaubourg) opened its doors, at first by appointment and/or registration and then The Smiths there decided that they would open back to pre-pandemic glory with the sole exception of wearing a mask inside (and no smoking marihuana in the terrace)… Aussie², (LAT 34.1 S ; LONG 117.2 E) youtube® is blacklisted and RADIO LA NUEVA REPUBLICA, a propaganda machine from TACHIRA, Venezuela, operating out of Monterrey, Nuevo León and Banderilla, Veracruz (home of the Foreign Legion Borrégos brigade) became a PORNOGRAPHIC site.

².~ Somewhere near Perth, Australia… access denied; Djoko.

And, Michael Steele, fuck you, Eye is no fortunate Sun… as Eye types, IT!, has to switch between the node at the library and the phone on Mí’s left hand, SO PARDON our “horrores ortográficos“, but the technology is only as good as its updates and protocols, you know, JUST LIKE HEAVEN… good thing that there is always times to CHANGE the Road that you are on, according to Jimmy Page. And Siren, this blog is all about the pages.

Over at a known record peddler in le quartier des Ternes, David Bowie is celebrating his birthday, for the occasion former band members and collaborators (minus The Spyders from Mars, pour des raisons évidentes) are going to be jamming next to Valérie Pécresse-ces-ese presidential campaign headquarters. “If the house is a Rockin” that’s probably because SRV is going to riff “Let’s Dance” for all the alley cats.

— Jump to page 2

Hey, Jude… meet Los Bitles — Eye waited all year to say this³

It’s curtains for you, martes³ in Paris, because in Hi-Lo Hi-Wey it’s the 9th Hour, and Brian, los martes no hay emBARQUES. Our next loop is with Ana Lilia / Monalisa en La Nueva República ().

“Look around GRAS is high”, from the creators of Walk Like an Egyptian, comes the story of Thomas Courbillon at la plaza de Herodes “El Oportunista” de Lavandiers, en Châtelet de Medici et Hayek.

Jump from page tú.


And, Katty Kay, sorry for triangulating your toi’tle neck, again!—but please relay to Cousin Joe that your “Jude” was named after these Jaywalkers, who just arrived from playing a gig in Hong Kong.

And, Jude:

Maharishi Patel’s pastels on the Morning Mika Show.

Have Eye, got—a little story to tell … yada, yada—etcetera— what you thought was your daddy, Was Nothing but a Walrus from the motel 6, knot the Holiday Inn ».

 But before Öüï gets into that, please note that Öüï, has nothing to do with the headlines, but for some strange reason, it lines up like Stardust on a dooms they comet.

³.~ Tuesday’s Gone (Bring On The GRAS), but worry Knot because We Are Doing a Benjamin Button version of When I am 64… 63 days until Mardi Gras, y’all: MARS oNe.

Mercury is Rising and with it, so is the Desmond Tutu Walrus Team Nine, GWAR MACHINE y’all!


Meanwhile at the Centre d’Accueil de la Presse Etrangère Grand Palais…

Return to Sender 📨… Postales Milagrosas de Sicilia a Peña vía OBRA d’or.


Wake up… get up — El Santo no es como lo pin•tán

And, Alicia Menendez, the following is a transliterated transcription of Karins Cat-5e Copper Compliant patch sketch. Our promise to Ewe is that our PoE’s are industry compliant and that Copper Clad Aluminium will not be used in the making of this sketch… ⇑ up ah•Bob ⇓

Bitch — Catch

Santa Mónica y Júpiter (si no te mueves no te cuerna)

In local news the body of a woman was discovered in one of Jupiter’s moons, the one called EUROPA read the report.
The discovery was made after a group of explorers digging for WaWa on that moon… you dig? … found the frozen remains of La Femina one foot below under an ICY DUNE.

https ://www .space .com /jupiter-moon-europa-alien-life-dig-deep

“Retenez votre langue, votre mari retiendra son bras ; et vous ne serez jamais battue.» Ainsi Monique conseille-t-elle une de ses amies qui lui
raconte que son mari la bat.” 🥖 N°2601 The Last Sunday of a month called Ahhhhhhhh—OUT 2021 CNEWS matinée.

… ‘Cus love, it’s a bitch!

“Yeah, you got to mix it child
You got to fix it must be love
It’s a bitch, yeah
You got to mix it child
You got to fix it but love
It’s a bitch, alright »

En fin… out of that ∪nion came an Onion and his name was Agustin, but Every body knew him as TIN… Trou story, ask Felipe at CNEWS, he used to run a Bull Ring called Something, o algo asi.

Now, because Jupiter just could not run around mere humans in his true form, Jupiter (that motherfucker!) turned himself into a “a man of wealth and taste” and his name was PATRICIO… and white collar crime followed him wherever he went.

And, Rev. Al, Io no está para contarla… and D.J. Kronos (Saturn, according to Romans) there was heard saying A•Men!

En esta IDA, pues, Reverend Al, and since Io is going to recount the rest of the story anyhow, operators are encouraged to make use of twisted cable as opposed to circular Venn diagrams.

The following patch is Cat5e compliant. Keep your Telephony shielded from the noise of the tele phonies.

And Medhi Hassan, just like Saturn had issues with Gaia, Agustin too had issues with Mónica.

So… doigt d’honneur (the Ladi Byrd) or the plumber’s furet?

You fuckn’ Sirene!

For those just tuning in, el staff d’este pinchurriento blog está en ProCeSo de exprimir* una parodia of the upcoming Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2021 induction ceremony. Right now it’s time to bring in The Foo Fighters… 🚀🚀🚀 those motherfuckers!!!! 🛸🛸🛸


Note to programming thinkerers:
Please pay no attention to Mr. Roarke de Montealban on our last segment, and here is why, Mr. Villechaize de Montauban
Mr. Roarke was just reminding Johnny Lamira that if he still doubts that, IT!, “started out with an earthquake“, well then the Next time that Mika is in Paris just have her pretty little shoes exit through the Mediterranean Restaurant’s exit of Mr. Buffon’s Jardin des Plantes [on Rue Cuvier] in order to position herself on the Philippine section of Johnny Cash’s 7.1 on the “Ring of Fire” scale quake of LAST WEEK TO THEY!.

https ://www .theguardian .com /world /2021 /aug /11 /earthquake-philippines-triggers-tsunami-warning

Ewe ever heard of Johnny Cash? Eye can put in a good word for you.

https ://www .google .com /maps /place/Institut+de+Physique+du+Globe+de+Parisyada, yada, hypertext and all that jazz/

Now, Io no está para contarla… ni Europa para escucharla and, as Willie Geist knows, with David Icke’s “SATURN is not what you think it is” censorship, and the TALIBAN welcoming the French Oppressed (true fake story) it kind of leaves us with a big ol’Existential cruda because NO FUCKING HOLLYWOOD script can make this shit up:


Anyhow, Mike Barnicle, Eye agrees with your input this morning on The MorJo segment:
Trump is not What you Think… and yes, please stop consuming the Trump Brand (punto y coma) instead, and to complement “today’s classic mainstream science [magazines³]” might Öüï suggest the Universal Construct* of David Ike’s Cymatics… UnCut!

 🎵 🥁 Don’t wanna’ 🐝 no 🐒 🔧

Issy–les-NIRvARNAS are a French Grunge band and unlike Johnny Hallyday who could never make it in El Ey, The NIRvARNAS  re-invented themselves in Seattle, and the rest is as THEY SAY, es un molino in The Sky… no WAIT, it’s KNOT A WINDMILL, it’s a fucking Foo!!! Shoot IT—Shoot IT to Villejuif!!! (94800)

Eye is 100.1% sure, for certain, that if Johnny would have moved to Arizona and changed his name to Jon HOLIDAY, Johnny would have been like the Grandfather of bad rock and roll, A.K.A. Country music from New ⚜️ Orleans.

³ https ://www .space .com /jupiter-moon-io-radio-signal-juno-spacecraft


“They want to tarnish us” Bolivar’s sword in Paris (2da parte)

In Hawaii, it’s just bee-four Mid’Night.

...[A]nd in Paris

[A]nd in Paris, it is the FOist of two, —11th Houstons … of two, Eleventh HOURS.

What’s the Frequency, ?
—and Saturn goes:

3rd General Order

3rd General Order.:.042A830A-C22A-43B6-9076-D657475D19BB •|• “I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief.” -_- Captain Pompeo forgot how the chain of command works.

It is not a Freq.

—what is it then, Chronos?
Asked “el principito”

It is a Page.
Noted the child eater.

Time after TIME

EN MÉXICO Y EN EL MUNDO, Time after TIME.:.996667BF-7363-43EC-BD61-9F2360F83A85 |•| Justice only SERVES THOSE WITH GOLD AND POWER, is Eye wrong, Mason Vincent?

This is part two of:

Entre aura sabanera y pterodáctilo

Entre aura sabanera y pterodáctilo.:.1AF8A421-5E75-4E3A-8E81-AC7BEFA89F05

tanto pedo durante la campaña presidencial del 2012 (de Morena en México) y mira el mojón que pusieron al cargo de los Derechos Humanos… ¡Alerta, alerta! la espada de Boliviar [Simón que oui, of coursecon demagogia y palancas se [a]mella.

But FOist…

PAGE 778¹ (signability)

Eye Gknew IT!!!!!!
The Astros cheat,
Mercury was in fact,
receiving SIGNALS from Saturn*

sign stealing:
A tactic by which a team spots and deciphers its opponent’s signs.

Por ejemplo, Comadre Letty, check the dark side of the Ancient Aliens history files it goes like this:

1. The Sound Creates the Frequency
2. The Frequency Creates The Symbol
3. The Symbol [then] Represents Both
The Sound and, The Motherfucking

*The Evil planet, according to David Icke.

The dark lorde saturn~DAY NIGHT~LIVE

In other knew news, the departing MoJoe set coordinator has just spilled the Beans; Cousin Joe’s big head (and it’s strong starr–sucking gravitational field) is in fact a repeater node front for Saturn.

Elise Jordan’s Friday Night Red Lights Knew Show has all of the details… [W]ith Musical guest:
The Louisiana Goat Milk Suckers, featuring Kanye West and Republican Senator, Joe Kneely K…

Mercury is the god of COMMUNICATION

Mercury is the god of COMMUNICATION .:. 1748A75F-C6E4-4263-9D73-968534A437BF •|• SATURN is the god of CORPORATIONS… and Republican Senator from the Mormon STATE, Mitt Romney goes, “corporations, my friend, are PEOPLE too.”

Check local listings for programming. Only on The Fountain Network [msnbc’s premium service OnDemand].


¹ The Dickson Baseball Dictionary, Third [motherfucking] Edition.
   Featuring, Skip McAfee. An W.W. Norton & Company production.