… [A]nd in France, Mr. De Wilde, do you know WHO else celebrates a Birthday? ?

NOTE to La Bibliotèque publique d’infomercials (formally d’information) Centre Pompidou:

If youse gonna do the Astros and don’t feature Jodorowski, A., next to Crowley A., than you are nothing but cheating your audience, but then that is the whole point of these Elements.

Now, about that fucking birthday…

And Zeppelin goes here.

Me, and again after The Red Moon. And here’s the kicker, knot a punchline, i don’t even have an alter ego, o como dice Jorge Saldaña (en Banderilla, Veracruz) un « autre moi », ASP turns 11 years old this coming 18th of January and to celebrate the Bpi is doing a SATURN is NOT what The AQUA VELVA think that it is, o como dicen en el CNES: Les arts divinatoires, narrated of course by the great CARL SAGAN… note to the Peoples of the Pale Blue Dot, don’t take the latin Eye too serious on the Bpi section of the Georges Pompidou, for example, the youtube® video below cannot be rewiewed on the Bp “i“, nor can you check a tweet, or visit a facebook account in order to complement a review of the Pléiades or any of its  Crabby nebula sisters.

https ://www .youtube .com /watch?v =Iunr4B4wfDA

Across The Universe… indeed, Cerf-panthère (20 minutes france) if what the Bpi says on its “Les arts divinatoires : Une mode chez les jeunes ?” exposition is true, that in 2020 la Fondation Jean-Jaurès found that FOUR, (Eye say FOUR!!!) out of every 10 French motherfuckers in France actually believes in, and Eye quotes, “l’astrologie », then it follows that with the lack of a TELEVISA-deportes to entertain its genteemmerdada“, or Miserables if you are into kinky shit, have no other choice but to swallow Alejandro Jodorowski’s crab cakes.

INFOMERCIAL from the Smiths at Beaubourg
sponsored by: VANIA
https ://www .lanuevarepublica .org /2022/01/06 /profeco-vigilara-precios-de-productos-de-gestion-menstrual/
For the record, Alejandro Jodorowski’s crab cakes are know to cure all variants and/or strains of the Corona® crudas…

Simon, eh…  Cerf-panthère, ” Funkier than a MOUSTIQUE Tigre »… 🦟🐅

Little black letters disclaimHER: Alejandro Jodorowski’s crab cakes can’t do nothing for your “gestionmenstrual other than to tell you what fucking Constellation is rising during your fucking period, period!

So, sticking with bull, Taurus-es bull let’s… review:

Following the first lockdown of 2020 la Biblioteca pública de “informercials³” en Paris (Beaubourg) opened its doors, at first by appointment and/or registration and then The Smiths there decided that they would open back to pre-pandemic glory with the sole exception of wearing a mask inside (and no smoking marihuana in the terrace)… Aussie², (LAT 34.1 S ; LONG 117.2 E) youtube® is blacklisted and RADIO LA NUEVA REPUBLICA, a propaganda machine from TACHIRA, Venezuela, operating out of Monterrey, Nuevo León and Banderilla, Veracruz (home of the Foreign Legion Borrégos brigade) became a PORNOGRAPHIC site.

².~ Somewhere near Perth, Australia… access denied; Djoko.

And, Michael Steele, fuck you, Eye is no fortunate Sun… as Eye types, IT!, has to switch between the node at the library and the phone on Mí’s left hand, SO PARDON our “horrores ortográficos“, but the technology is only as good as its updates and protocols, you know, JUST LIKE HEAVEN… good thing that there is always times to CHANGE the Road that you are on, according to Jimmy Page. And Siren, this blog is all about the pages.

Over at a known record peddler in le quartier des Ternes, David Bowie is celebrating his birthday, for the occasion former band members and collaborators (minus The Spyders from Mars, pour des raisons évidentes) are going to be jamming next to Valérie Pécresse-ces-ese presidential campaign headquarters. “If the house is a Rockin” that’s probably because SRV is going to riff “Let’s Dance” for all the alley cats.

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