… to the Moon, en SEE Chord#

To the moon, Alicia Leos! Meanwhile in Mexico, “las autodefensas” que tanto inspiraron a los co optados del Frente Amplio de Izquierda mexicana, y al “gran” corresponsal de radio france international, El Gran Raphaël Morán, cumplen 8 añotes de andar forjando MERMAS.

Orion goes here (Metallica)… because Zeppelin is for fags.

4 Billion Dollars (US) towards MARS, and the one thing that the WORLD needs to start assimilating right now, before the Planet decides to kill all carbon-based life forms, is that in SPACE 🌌, there won’t be any democracy, this is to say, that a day in MARS will make all of the Arabian Peninsula regimes look like a day at any-given Disney World.

KEY WORD —co optación institucionalizada.

And, GO’ill de Niza, it seems that Cerf-panthére is trying to move in on your Allegretto fo’Kids brand, I mean, can you believe that Cerf-gato (Pantera, mis huevos) is asking, “when is parents day?”… coincidentally, all the little black kids at underprivileged learning institutions in-and-around the French ghettos, are asking the very same question, “when is my parents day”, on account that those little fuckers parents are too busy raising the “Lazy Figaro’s” bobos children in France.

To The Moon, Alicia Leos. To The Motherfunky Moon!

I’m tellin’ Ewe!… To The Moon, GO’ill de Niza, to the Moon.

Twenty minutes is not an appropriate medium to relay my context, let alone this post. So, Juanito Guanabacoa, inform your pinches esquincles that this Blog is only a DRAFT, not a Maison de l’Amérique latine conférence for faggots.

… (Context goes here) And, Alicia Leos, ya tu’sabe que don LEOncio 🇨🇱 en la MAL27 no me dejaria mentir, “Caminante No Hay Camino”, y con todo el respeto que tú senora madre me merece, Saludos Hasta, Cuauhtémoc, ShyWaWa!


Pata de Perro aquí… Pied du cochon là

Haste Risk†

The most Wagnerian Batman that Eye Eva’ Saw…

Bobi…qué? Bobina makes speaker 🔊 sound… Bobino qué chingados hace?… Besides stopping half way on the ExClamAtion “improvisée » to Cinéma Mexique en France‼️‼️‼️


El Circo… brought to Ewe, by the 11th Hour

Si alguna vez haz³ estado al réves..

With musical guest ROCKdrIGOR Rodríguez. 🧏🏼

Ya se me olvidó el tema… any how, México para Chile y chile para Juanito Guanabacoa

Breaking Bat y Can

Seasoning: 4; Old EP: Ate

Ta’ Pelona… Have a seat, señor Gallina. 🦗🦗🦗🦗


Hoy, as promised, no hubo SoFy Velasco en rfpp… Los 🦗 Bitchos 🦗 de 🦗 Juárez 🦗 follows, 🤠 Yee-haw!

Mientras tanto ayer en el 3éme del Tercero y porqué no decirlo; del Tercer Milenio in The Blue 🔵 planet.

Peace Crown llegó en un caballo volador.


… Una de vaqueros contra GERONIMO en rfpp 106.3 de fm, de arranque ahorita en el 19⁰ de la rue Botzaris en rfpp, Juanito Guanavacoa va a “negrear” a un Negro, así son los Judiciales de Vicente Fox. Chocolate Jesus is the opening act.

¡Qué feo hablan!
Bananarama en la mano de Amandititita for size.



Breaking Bat y Can – Ya Encontré Mi Ojo de Venado

To the Moon

Producciones BARDO may lick my aguacates y No Hay chileno 🇨🇱 Que Aguante Un Cañonazo 🇪🇺 de 50,000 Vernissages.

15 de abril, i forgot the year🔥maybe 2024

Tonite on the Way to The Dark Side of The Moon

Issy, Flaco, lemme’ tell Ewe how it will be, Honoré is going to SHOW you cunts that Eye is blacker than Youse, Issy–Lagunero-Soy.

Corrupción Actualizada

El hermano de La Negra Tomasa


Avi Velshi, did you know that Erasmus was a fag? Erasmus in 2022 is the patron Saint of Vernissages à Paris, and Texas, —aussi.

Note to Santiago… de Chile 🇨🇱:

Full Disclosure: the staff of asegovia3.com is UNDER the impression that Chileneans from the 1970’s Generation en Viña del Mar no saben lo que ES la Diferencia entre FORGET and Érase³ que se ERA.

Just dropped in to see what condition, my condition WAS in.

³~. Borrar according to Sophie Velasco, en rfpp.

If You Can Erase this… you might be a NAZI

Ni perdón ni olvido… Narrated by Henry Kissinger.


… and Eye, quotes: like some Cat from Japan

Don’t stop on account of my LITHIUM status… Catch you on the Cunt-down.

… Let It Rain. If only the Paris Tourism Board had the Tickets to the Magic Bus.

Nordaka… it’s all Greek to Episcopalians at The Washington Post.


And, Cousin Joe… never mind the Missing ARROW en La Diana de La Colonia Roma†, en la CDMX, Eye borrowed it to STITCH the 8 on my patch.


~. https ://monoaureo .com /2022/08/28 /el-proceso-de-kafka/

of course, cualquier Monero puede enlazar a Kay… but mister, Calderón, can you triangulate the SPECTACLE en la maldita vecindad y darle la vuelta a La Glorieta de EDF en La Reforma de las Fuentes de la cazadora?

I can, and mister Calderon, we’re covering 2011, Aquarius is in full Swing y su tocayo de apellido acaba de boicotear a Florence Cassez y, por si sobrará más… Amandititititita’s dream of singing “El Mamón” para los Amigos de México en Francia valió, purititititito Ete 🌶️.


https ://www .losreporteros .mx /paco-calderon-el-clasista-monero-de-reforma-que-cobraba-mas-de-300-mil-pesos-por-hacer-guiones-durante-el-sexenio-de-felipe-caldero /?amp

Rocket Man and The Jets.

Yada, yada, Yoda 🤺

Context follows

Sombras nada mas. Sol Is y que te lleve La Corriente. Starring Georgina Moreno.


In the sunshine of your Flag.

Houston… Kurt is being an asshole with the Lithium dose, and the HOLE in his brain is Knot helping.

Serena morena… If fip can overlook the Virgule, doña Cata can overlook the apostrophe.