Pata de Perro aquí… Pied du cochon là

Haste Risk†

The most Wagnerian Batman that Eye Eva’ Saw…

Bobi…qué? Bobina makes speaker 🔊 sound… Bobino qué chingados hace?… Besides stopping half way on the ExClamAtion “improvisée » to Cinéma Mexique en France‼️‼️‼️


El Circo… brought to Ewe, by the 11th Hour

Si alguna vez haz³ estado al réves..

With musical guest ROCKdrIGOR Rodríguez. 🧏🏼

Still to come… It’s always sunny at the Voto Latino Siege

When we return:


El Sol Sale Para Todos

Y luego, en aproximadamente 8 horas (de las buenas) “Los Ricos También Lloran”… veremos, pero mientras eso pasa, we are going to try and catch some Zzzz’s.

9th Dream in an Elevator, hosted by Mr. Schmidty
with Musical Guest:
Hey, hey we’re The Monkees

Objects in rear-view mirror

Objects in rear-view mirror are closer to Circuses Animals 🐘 A044BF33-54D1-4782-ACA0-CBDA0F931EF0 🙈 … [T]hen they appear.

And… still to come, it’s way too Early in Kalifornia, but don’t be late Witt Brad Lee Pitt… a cousin of the Coopers in Georgia. In WaWa land is the 3 am on the Little hand on the (Shut Yo’Mouth) Dial.

C'mon, Cousin Joe

C’mon, Cousin Joe! ⏳0AF94173-818E-4D42-B0C4-D6ED7CFFA9F1 ⌛️ Get your little minute marker ready, it’s Eazy–E, the one “nigger” WHO didn’t get burned by ICE, but he cheated ’cause D.A.T. “Nigga” D.A.R.E. he got a bunch of different A.I.D.S. — FUCK THE POLICE if they don’t protect the Voters, period in plain Black and White… y en “negritas” S.V.P.!

“I’m Talking ’bout SHAFT! ».


Check this shit out — BITCH EYE am A BÜS!!!

Thank you Jésus!

Vu Au FIESTA GRÁFICA:FE494260-917F-479F-960A-7D9940CACCFC •|•  “Made the bus in seconds flat. »… Amigo Francisco, yo, tu amigo armando segovia, sé que tú (licenciado) te róbaste la moto de la doctora. Sé tambíen que tu conecte COLOMBIANO, en la AFP, inundó el baño de la susodicha para prevenir que yo, tu amigo  armando segovia, asistiera a la Ceremonía del 14 de julio del Año de ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO en La Bastilla. Gracias por tu “interés”, amigo.

Swgbe and Pako take a bus ride. Pako is driving and all the lights are green.


La misericordía de La Jungla y lo absurdo de La Guerra.

Hola Siren News, guess what?

Line 72 à Pte de Saint–Cloud
pushed a LITTLE
right in front of
The Obelisk à Concordía,
this happened last night.
Today it becomes a
“NIGHT BEFORE” anecdote.

The War at the Korean Peninsula is no longer an EXERCISE, right now it’s full-on and on a diferent field. It’s a war theater called the Putin Consciouness Assault on The Globe.

Anyway FIP, thanks for reading our post before we post’em.

Keep ignoring MÍ:4D7A9083-5A47-4284-AE41-190E93A4FE75 •|• and give my regards to RAPHAËL at RFI

… and oh, by-the-way, Donald Trump, we [the staff always knew and] can now know and show that you, motherfucker, used our blog as a template for your “off-script” pandering of the American Idiots.

We also know that in your reference to PARIS and SAN BERNARDINO you —silver spoon fed son of a entitled WHORE— were actually referring to my blog. It’s a damn shame that Buzzfeed and Morning Joe took it upon themselves to create a PARALLEL source of the absurd, and the political show that was BREWING and that John Heilemann called, “The Circus”. 

Keep looking at the “little bird”, Cousin Joe. Don’t pay any attention to the next level warfare, which is already in progress. Quick note for yo’Dumb Country Lawyer ass, can you now see how the word progress can be sketched to mean the advancement of destruction, as in THE DESTRUCTION OF the Western World?

¿O Quieres que María Teresa te guise un pinche Huevo, Joe?

It is now Sunday, February 31st of 2019 and the time now is 10.20 in Central NATO TIMES and it is now the final day of Black History month on MY MOTHERFUNKING BLOG.


Gamsahamnida… Lucha de Imagenes con Mickey Mouse

… desde La Samaritaine à Pont Neuf 75001.

TimeStamp:15h00 CET

History and advertisement… where have you’ve gone Dennis Rodman (91), Kim Jung wishes that you’d talk some sense to the little man who is currently leasing the White House.

Ewe can do it, SMILE!

Mean while à Macrolandia, Mickey traded in his shorts and suspenders for a bow tie and a God Damned cigar.

Oh mickey Ewe so Fine, etc., etc., etcetera.




Oh, Mika… you know that half a circus is just a pantomime

Good afternoon, today is Monday before Tax Day in the U.S., and Robert de Niro just nailed some Focker, on “the” msnbc’s.

Anygüey, John Heilemann, what’s that other “Circus” guy’s name, if you need a replacement, “you know my name… pick up the number”.

I any case, Cousin Joe, we [the staff] have a really–really–really bad memory, and we didn’t seem to have a Mark on the diary, with regards to that other feller’s name, but don’t dismay Louis, the staff here is on the case.

TimeStamp: 12 hundred hours on Central NATO Time.

Yup, because the times, it seems that They’re Never Changing,  Mr. Rolling Nobel Stone Laureate. … here’s looking at Ewe, Bob…. regards, « The Sugarman » Rodriguez. ——— CopyLeft, segovispixes (2018).

Stratégie de Malmaison follows...

P.S… Mika, please don’t fault us [the staff] on the commas, the fact is that a veces no tenemos ni para comer—porque la prioridad es el Ron—… anygüey, as that James Comey friend said on your show, «  you have your faults », and we have ours, but the ONE COMMON FACTOR HERE, between « tall man » Comey and us, is that we always say the truth.

So remember, this is draft, and nothing but a draft, which is why we [the staff] brought in the big copy editing Guns of Fenster, and not that bum, his alter ego—Frankie Four Fingers, because that guy’s a degenerate.

TimeStamp: 16 hundred hours in Central NATO Time.

It’s Spirits Day today… y mañana Día de los Muertos

1 de noviembre, 2017

El Espectro… foto de archivo. Originally published on Oct. 31st, 2015 under the headlîe: Tigerlilly y la ley anti-Armando. —_~ Rue de Chevaleret, altura con la estación Bibliothèque F. Mitterand

Did you know that it was the French… who invented “El Pan de Muerto” and the “Day of The Dead” [1]. And that it was the British who perfected that celebration by “shaking it” with Craig, —Daniel Craig.

Hold that thought, Colonel Matthews… because when we return: Let’s Play Hardball!… but first, “with all due respect” it’s time for Breaking The News. —_—.  John Heilemann, a long-time sticker fanatic of an urban colective who call themselves “The Wu-Tang Clan,” suffered a heart attack late Friday night (last week) after learning that his ‘wingman’ Mark Halperin, let Mika and Cousin Joe down… Hold That Thought, we’ll be right back with let’s play hardball with Colonel Chris Matthews…. GOOOOOO, DODGERS!

The good thing about this nonconsequential blog is that los Espíritus nunca vienen a visitar este espectro protocolario de los Interwebs.


Motivation vs. Hate… [3]
Let’s play hardball
with Col. Chris Matthews

Legacy politics and opposing viewpoints: an American Original Story.  •—_—•  Hey there, Cousin Joe, please relay to Colonel Matthews that the next segment is nothing personal, as a matter of fact, there was a time that we,[the staff] would leave the Internet Streaming Machine on during his show. Our favorite part of his schtick would of course be the opening line, the fast interrogation style that he uses when addressing his guests, and the final thought. I will never forget that time during the first presidential debate of 2016, when he said: it’s too late, they are already in—they have stormed the castle!… or something like that, if i had access to Mr. Peacock’s archives, that would be the first “talking meme” that i would upload on this unconsecuential blog… ANYGÜEY, Cousin Joe, the Carmen Aristegui segment regarding a Salvatore “Mooney” “Sam” “Capo de Tutti” Giancana files with RFK, —follows.

1968… to put the following analysis into context let me first tell you, Colonel Matthews, how i feel about the loss of Robert F. Kennedy by a guy with a redundant name like say, José José, Polo Polo,  Django Django, or Los Dug Dug (all of ’em artistic names) except for the one that made of the Bonaventure’s kitchen a landmark name: Sirhan Sirhan.

Anygüey, Colonel Matthews, i shead a tear; and i wasn’t even born yet! Just like that time that i shead another tear —a few weeks later on October the 2nd, three months later (give or take) after “Bobby” Kennedy’s hit… and again, Colonel Matthews, i wasn’t even born yet but still, i shead a tear.

MINUTO 3, con 54 SEGUNDOS: “El interés de matar a Fidel, contra el odio de Robert F. Kennedy hacía la mafia…” palabras más o palabras menos, Cousin Joe, RFK, might have been in your own words, “a though Son of a Bitch”, but in his dealings with the mob to get rid of Castro, he was a bit of hypocritical bitch too! Don’t you think? Think about it, Cousin Joe, a historical parallel to that Machiavellian recourse of the means in an equation is the same algorithm that gave US the Taliban and ISIS… intel on that last statement follows.


Coincidentemente, cuentán los que llorarón aquél día allí, de que uno de los primeros McDonald’s que abrieron sus puertas en Francia fue precisamente en frente del sitio de Cluny… La próxima vez que divisemos a doña Vilma confirmaremmos esa Fuente … Por mientras sólo hay que apuntar de que así, pues, son los sincretismos culturales, o mismo los “Clunilnarios“.

1. “En Cluny tenía que ser“. Dato sobre los orígenes del Dia de Los Muertos llega por cortesía del Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Historia; VÍA /r/mexico.

Las tres etapas… foto de archivo originalmente publicada el 1 de noviembre del 2015, en “Efeméride Actualizada”. —_—. Rue de Chevaleret, altura con la estación Bibliothèque F. Mitterand. Foto capturada por armando segovia / segoviaspixes 2015 (CreativeCommons Intl. Lic. 4.0 /By/NC/SA).

2. …

3. Aristegui, C.Esto revelán los archivos de JFK sobre políticos mexicanos“. Entrevista con Raymundo Riva Palacio; 27/10/2017. Vía: youtube; https ://youtube .com /watch?v=jZ9t92jGdPk


Narco de narcos

http ://excelsior .com .mx /nacional /2017 /10/31/1198216

Just–In–Time coincidental tangent

…Context follows. TimeStamp: the Bottom of the First on the Cousin Joe morning show… In French that means that it is 11h00 CET.