Gamsahamnida… Lucha de Imagenes con Mickey Mouse

… desde La Samaritaine à Pont Neuf 75001.

TimeStamp:15h00 CET

History and advertisement… where have you’ve gone Dennis Rodman (91), Kim Jung wishes that you’d talk some sense to the little man who is currently leasing the White House.

Ewe can do it, SMILE!

Mean while à Macrolandia, Mickey traded in his shorts and suspenders for a bow tie and a God Damned cigar.

Oh mickey Ewe so Fine, etc., etc., etcetera.




Fuck a Peach. — oh Hey, Mr. Meach… check out the Spirit of this Georgia soul

For the record*, Mr. Rogers for the History Channel on PBS, the following is what we [the staff] are talking about… no chill—none whatsoever!


Drivers From Other Nations

“Georgia recognizes unexpired driver’s licenses issued to and held by residents of other countries as long as the foreign license is unexpired. Generally, you may drive in Georgia for up to one year on an unexpired foreign license. Please note that in the case of a driver license issued by the driver’s licensing authority of a foreign country, a law officer may consult such person’s passport or visa to verify the validity of such license, if available¹.”

You, Cousin Joe, said it best… hold that thought, eh! —but “in the words of the great philosopher, Gladys Knight, of The Peeps fame”… “Fuck a peach, yes indeed—YES INDEED! Fuck a peach in the form of a no chill and without tact Georgia Cop. Go‘head, Dr. Get Paid, That’s the Soul of the American Jury system, eh. }—~~~\*> Earlier in the programming, at 06 hundred hours in I-75 Standard Time to be exact, the only thing that got between the two fellows inside the msnbc box was an « H »… and Ewe’all know what “they” say about the ‘aitch’, eh? It’s the victors who decide where the eight letter of the alphabet is going to be mutted or where the story is going to get a “His” sound… any güey the only thing separating the two talking heads in the frame above is that ‘History Jon’ doesn’t use the ‘aitch’ that Circus John uses as a nose.

“You do not need to apply for a Georgia license unless you become a resident of Georgia. If you become a resident, you must meet the following requirements for Identity, Citizenship and Residency. (ibid).

… and of course all media involved must understand that all of the screen grabs included in this entry represent a fair use of all media, however, the good thing about this blog is that neither CBC News nor the MSNBC’s follow the serial topics, the intermissions, nor the cross media tangents that complement a point that we [the staff] are trying to make. In this particular case, Mr. Meachum, how the Soul of America has no chill.  }—-~~~\*>Miles Davis, John Heilemman —and the late Ol’ Dirty Bastard knew that, just ask the Wu–Tang Clan, eh! … in any case, God Bless this mess, called The U.S. of A., amen. 👮‍♀️

1. Georgia “driving services”, via: /r/news:

TimeStamp: 22 hundred hours in C.E.T.

Presque Le Canada… let’s get it On! — pura serendipia musical, eh! Eso es todo y nada más, porque lo bueno d’este blog es de que las Sirenas no siguen este blog y menos las inconsecuencias in my life.

Colonel Chris Matthews said it best on The Night Before the Aftermath of the no–show Don and the Cousin Huckabee Roast… (i did not know that the she-Wolf wolud follow the Cousin Joe MorJo show, eh) any güey, Mr. Meach, Mr Hardball said it best while sitting on the Washington Journal Party–line program:

Americans should stick to the LAWS THAT THEY WRITE,or something like that, of course he was saying it in the context of immigration reform, but Mika, darling, Interstate driving laws should also apply, it’s as if the French Republic, and the Republic of Texas would draw a Treaty regarding vehicular import for long term residents and then, a “milleuriste” at the Prefecture de Police, or a sycophant at the Department of Motor Vehicles would deny the registration permit because the local lobby of import/export shops worry about loosing money from the privately owned vehicles docking in… know what we [the staff] mean, Mr. Meach? That twisting of the law is part of the Spirt of each individual agency in charge, sadly, that type of selective restriction —on an individual basis— is what collectivelly feeds the system that it’s supposed to collectivelly regulate the Soul of a nation.

El balcón oportuno.

Oye, “The” Police… “Tráeme la noche” y de paso say hello to los Outlandos d’America y a Gordo [Sullivan], para el archivo, son las 23 horas del día 7 de mayo de la semana de la mudanza a Jerusalem.


1040 — Intermission…

The 1%* of the Capital Gang need not bother with common peoples trifles, carpe diem and sip on mimosas on your yatchs. You’ve earned it! it’s not easy making of the common folks a cast of conformists consumers.

Anygüey, John Heilemann…

With All Due Respect… hey, Mhaaaayn! Bill Maher called, he wants his square-patterned sport’s coat back. -_• Fair use of Cousin Joe’s clear blue sky and the one and only, John Heilemann… this is a time-delayed screen-grab from the Monday, April 16th edition of the MoreJo Show.

* In the American motorcycle enclaves (or setting—call it an outlaw environment) the One per-center’s are the “bad hombres” that give “good bikers” a bad name. Folklore  in that universe states that of the whole, only 1% of ‘em are what the Shepards call ‘black sheeps’… ewe, know.

TimeStamp: The 11 hundred hours in Central Nato Time.

Ladies in Gemeni… welcome to the greatest reality spectacle west of Atlantic City, and fhe failed Trump Casino and Resorts

My fellow American, this is James Brown, and Ewe’all are Living in the greatest reality show in the known universe… of America! — USA—USA— USA!!!

Mientras tanto en Paris (75013) à Tolbiac to be precise, Mika, the syllabus includes à seminar in Sex, a workshop in Drugs, and a MASTER’s 2 in  Rock-and-Roll.

TimeStamp, 18 hundred hours in Central NATO Time.

…. when we return the staff is back at it with the Kubrick angle and the Greatest Movie Never Made, but first: The back page of today’s trascendental news, in the EU.

“Little Brothers” in the EU are a little more emancipated than their FCC regulated counterparts on the dot–com Silicon Valley/SINGULARITY UNIVERSITY/DARPA Campus counterparts. Today, April, 17th of 2018, the mayor newspapers ceatured a full–page notice explaining what’s about to take place with the ability of facefuck with the ability of  would-be cyberspace emperors like Zuckerberg and his world personal data farm house. }-—-~~~\*> Newsstand snapshot by armando segovia / segoviaspixes 2018—CopyLeft.

… correction, the staff just mistated the fact that all major newspapers in France published a full-page notice —apparently paid for and approved (¡a huevo! que sí) by Mark Zuckenberg. Fenster the copy editor, however, noticed that El Mundo de Le Monde featured no such public notice, which Mark Zuckenberg wants to pass as an advertorial for his evil empire; interestingly enough, every Tuesday at Libération  is The NYT Tuesday, today them folks collaborated with a reportage about going cold turkey from Clover Green to Deep Blue. The piece is about Depression Drugs withdrawals.

Coincidentally, at 19h10, the students at Tolbiac continue to jazz things up with the Frog’s version of “Fuck Gordon Sullivan, David Summers*   Andy SUMMERS, and that other guy Copeland”.

Source: page 28 of this link:

Correction… Fenster just noticed that the staff got their “Wires Crossed” and mixed “David” Summers from the “G-Men”, with “Andy” SUMMERS from “The Police”… must have been all them FBI wires from the Three Ring Circus in a Federal Court (of Law).

Meanwhile in Cuba, there’s a new sheriff in town, the end of the Castro’s Era has come to a peaceful end, dicho de otra manera, Fidel no fue derrotado, ni tampoco lo asesinaron, ni tampoco lo acusaron de ser un pillo, ni tampoco vendió cacahuates de paz en Laos, no sufrió oportunamente de Alzahimers para no tener que responder por “los contras”, ni tampoco nutrió a dictadores en el Mesopotamia  para luego derrocarlos —a lo mejor, sus pasantes que estudiaban medicina si le chuparon el pene— pero ciertamente no invadió al enemigo equivocado porqué Saddam Hussein quisó matar a su señor papa Bush… Castro no suministró a Narcos En México con armas de grueso calibre, y ya en su plena juventud octogenaria le tocó ver “El Circo” y la implosión del Imperio con el idiota que lleva el control del botón más peligroso del mundo.

“Tell it to me slowly… “

TimeStamp: “Funky–Zombies” time under a Skinny Bottom Moon, in Central Europe Time, on the clock the mark is 21 hundred  hours with 40 and some change.

“Watch me as i navigate, ha, ja, ha, ja—HA!”… Feel Good, Inc. —_•  Uso justo de todos los gorillaz y de la soul on three burners going at the same time—all the Time… Work in progress by segoviaspixes 2018—CopyLeft_ timestamp: 23 hundred hours in Central Europe Time.

Now before we [the staff] sign out for the night, we’d like to remind the future princess-to-be, THAT YOUR QUEEN  IS A LIZARD, and that Mike was the real prince, who cares if he didn’t actually go to Harvard Law, the boy can Tango with the best.

Next port… Puerto Peñasco en el Mar de Cortéz! –_•. Uso justo de todos los pointy kioskos!… et ça va, bien, thank you very mucho. }—-~~~\*>  One for the eternal road, you « lonesome bad boy »,  you.

Oh, Mika… you know that half a circus is just a pantomime

Good afternoon, today is Monday before Tax Day in the U.S., and Robert de Niro just nailed some Focker, on “the” msnbc’s.

Anygüey, John Heilemann, what’s that other “Circus” guy’s name, if you need a replacement, “you know my name… pick up the number”.

I any case, Cousin Joe, we [the staff] have a really–really–really bad memory, and we didn’t seem to have a Mark on the diary, with regards to that other feller’s name, but don’t dismay Louis, the staff here is on the case.

TimeStamp: 12 hundred hours on Central NATO Time.

Yup, because the times, it seems that They’re Never Changing,  Mr. Rolling Nobel Stone Laureate. … here’s looking at Ewe, Bob…. regards, « The Sugarman » Rodriguez. ——— CopyLeft, segovispixes (2018).

Stratégie de Malmaison follows...

P.S… Mika, please don’t fault us [the staff] on the commas, the fact is that a veces no tenemos ni para comer—porque la prioridad es el Ron—… anygüey, as that James Comey friend said on your show, «  you have your faults », and we have ours, but the ONE COMMON FACTOR HERE, between « tall man » Comey and us, is that we always say the truth.

So remember, this is draft, and nothing but a draft, which is why we [the staff] brought in the big copy editing Guns of Fenster, and not that bum, his alter ego—Frankie Four Fingers, because that guy’s a degenerate.

TimeStamp: 16 hundred hours in Central NATO Time.