Oh, Mika… you know that half a circus is just a pantomime

Good afternoon, today is Monday before Tax Day in the U.S., and Robert de Niro just nailed some Focker, on “the” msnbc’s.

Anygüey, John Heilemann, what’s that other “Circus” guy’s name, if you need a replacement, “you know my name… pick up the number”.

I any case, Cousin Joe, we [the staff] have a really–really–really bad memory, and we didn’t seem to have a Mark on the diary, with regards to that other feller’s name, but don’t dismay Louis, the staff here is on the case.

TimeStamp: 12 hundred hours on Central NATO Time.

Yup, because the times, it seems that They’re Never Changing,  Mr. Rolling Nobel Stone Laureate. … here’s looking at Ewe, Bob…. regards, « The Sugarman » Rodriguez. ——— CopyLeft, segovispixes (2018).

Stratégie de Malmaison follows...

P.S… Mika, please don’t fault us [the staff] on the commas, the fact is that a veces no tenemos ni para comer—porque la prioridad es el Ron—… anygüey, as that James Comey friend said on your show, «  you have your faults », and we have ours, but the ONE COMMON FACTOR HERE, between « tall man » Comey and us, is that we always say the truth.

So remember, this is draft, and nothing but a draft, which is why we [the staff] brought in the big copy editing Guns of Fenster, and not that bum, his alter ego—Frankie Four Fingers, because that guy’s a degenerate.

TimeStamp: 16 hundred hours in Central NATO Time.

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