Last Week To They — Full-circle on the Andalusians at rfpp . net

De las lunas, las de octubre.

And Zeppelin, my dear Comte Pâris, goes here:

— 1916: en La Franche ―over the stage at The Globe, German Zeppelins bomb the shit out of Paris.

https ://today-in-wwi .tumblr .com /post /138319852493 /zeppelin-raid-on-paris-injures-30-kills-24


Hola guapa… I have news for your battle strategy, for starters, I come from a land where sadly, las lechuzas are censored like the fans of the Velsho Banned Book Club, it’s trou. North of the Zacatecas region, las lechuzas are worth less than a chilango, and Eye is not going to repeat what Öüï already relayed without caviardage, I must add, what happens to chilangos cuando pasan por la patria. So, with that in mind, today’s strategy will be to turn your Chouette into a blackbird, ready? Seth—G’eau!

— 1845 – “The Raven” is published in The Evening Mirror in New York, the first publication with the name of the author, Edgar Allan Poe.

Lorem ipsum seremus sumeres music merol…


En fin, let Mí drink my breakfast and I’ll get back to Anda Lucía, love Tú Times en version flamenca con un Duende al’Ao 🦉🪶… in the meantime have some CROW with your Blackbird, love fool:

— 1595: London, Leonardo DiCaprio and a Claire Danes are selected by Shakes Pirito to play the roles of Romeo y Julieta, Leonardo of course plays Julieta.

Répétition, répétition, and of course, répétition, — 🇪🇸Motherfuckers!

Y para cerrar, los invitados de hoy no llegaron [domingo 29 de enero], al parecer a FRANCIA, como la invitada de la semana pasada a la cabina de Botzaris, gracias a una boda, o quinceañera o algo así.

Lo cierto PENNY LEY en Futuro Media, es de que no todos los inmigrantes chilenos, de Chile, salieron de su país, por culpa de Pinochet; por mucho que Juanito Guanavacoa los empuje a decir que sí [domingo 22 de enero]. And it’s all right. Boda or not.

Entonces, ni modo de pintar el mismo cuadro, ya no se puede. El compromiso de Juanito Guanabacoa con el fotógrafo del ’68 en la sala de invitados, o algo así; ya no es igual, y no lo llamen “JUAN”, es Juanito y es puro teatro. And here is why:

not only did Juanito shifted his PsyNoptic analysis from Israel Vallarta and other assorted CERESinos³ in Mexico to some fucking piano bar at Metro Stop LEMOINE.

³~. Mexican jailbirds.

No! Not only did Juanito got his cake, he also picked up the pace that Osler Amaro, his old captain, dropped, now Juanito is analysing ‘El Azar‘ de Castillo en El Perú.

2020COVID-19 pandemic: The Trump administration establishes the White House Coronavirus Task Force under Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar.

In the meantime, NOTHING! Nothing about the Genaro García Luna trial or its implications to that so-called “Mexique-Ranch” that Juanito so much denounced before he got … cut-off of his ‘lado del Sur’. But isn’t that the way this things go? You play the guitar on the rfpp and you jam at gigs for pago-en-especie.

Arrose les fleurs una vez por semana.

Anyhow mister ‘RG’ this concludes my coverage of The Juanito Guanavacoa Show, now I am going to occupy myself on watering plants or agriculture, or something like that, como mi tocayo Lenin².


²~. Salgado.

Athena, is that an arm youse missing, or are you just happy to see my Battle plan?

And, Katie Thang, i missed your show today but I liked that green dress that you wore on set.

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