And, Reverend Al… You doin’ anything today?

Over at the Prince-es Park:

https ://www .vice .com /fr /article /wxd9e9 /de-vastes-territoires-tombent-sous-lemprise-de-violents-rebelles-en-rdc

And, Elise Jordan, are you auditioning for The David French Saloon? Nice Sh’oit you got there, needs a cowboy hat… and Donnie Dutsch, did you lose them cuffs or is that habit³ getting expensive?

³.~ Donnie’s habit is code for “it fits on Johnny Depp’s cocaine box”.

Sponsored by Masterpiece Cakes in collaboration with Layers Cake. Courtesy of The Guardian (U.K.).

https ://www .france24 .com /en /africa /20220422- france-says-mercenaries-from-russia-s-wagner-group-staged-french-atrocity-in-mali

Le Journal de 18H par Dutilh VIGNEAU — SANTUARIO del CRISTO ROTO

Deer, Open Noticias de Jazz, sorry if Mr. Bourdain misspelt your nomenclature.

Pedro Pablo Ruben’s à la belge.

Saturation, really? That’s how France Musique is going to Close tonight’s “Chord of The Weak?”… Open Sesame seeds, pues—PUAS🥊👊🏽:

Fruits of a feather are like Fruits de Mer. Ask y’er mère.

Goya’s Ghost Song in San José de GRACIA, Michoacán… casi esquina with FREDDY CATS in Montreuil-sous-les-jupes de La Embajada de Ebrard.

Future Stride? En ReM‽ Take over ZIMMERMAN {and} let Jimi sweep-up D.A.T. Yello’Brick Rhode Island. Key of F, Jimi, the most optimist of them Chords.

And, Smith’s at the Bpi, don’t get Mí, started with Symétries, especially the strange ones.

And, Geoffrey Pleyers… FUCK YOU TOO, in the KEY of EF on PSALM 150 with Luc FREJUS.

https ://puedjs .unam .mx /quienes-somos/

proméxico revisited 22/06/2017 “cero a la izquierda”

En contexto, hace apenas unas horas tuve la oportunidad de establecer contacto con uno de los representantes en París, Francia (knot Texas) de Zapantera Rosa, el colectivo que une a los Black Panthers y a Los Zapatistas en —valga la estrofa— un lienzo.

“¡Me castigaron por decir la verdad!”, el « Glison »

https ://asegovia3 .com /2017/06/27 /los-ang-eh-les-nineteen-eighty-four/

From the collection Eye Saved Andy Warhol and the producers of why I hate the Sixties 🇬🇧 comes the story of “El Campeón”, Track One of “*Urbanistoriasla hache was stolen « por una marca de cerveza »”.

Alessandro… you like Jazz?
_*!*_ Cuahtémoc, Chihuahua got the He! That year (2012) en Los Filtros… luego en el 2021 en Sonora contra el PUEBLO YAQUÍ son los agro-narcos los que se roban el agua… en el 2010, al GRUPO CARSO le regalarón el sub suelo acuífero de CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Chihuahua… aguas—you betcha, bitch!

Any how, Dr. Valenzuela, news from our conversation made our news radar after my brief conversation WITH the people that your political acolytes hate (Heine en francés del bueno) I mention this tidbit on account that after presenting my credentials to Mr. Zapantera à Paris he asked me how i, armando segovia, ended up in the homeless brigade of Paris.

Narrated by space junkie and physicist, Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

Here’s a starting point, Alessandro: PEGASUS report, an Israeli company hired by the Mexican government to spy on all of who the then president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa considered his enemies… El diario LA JORNADA WANTS TO PEG THIS ON Enrique Peña Nieto, but it really belongs to ALEJANDRO Poiré Romero, ex-Secretary of the Interior (Gobernación) whom we happened to have covered at SCIENCES PO and The Mexico House at Cité International (75014) Universitaire de Paris back in 2012.


Al otro lado de La Mancha URBANA de Baltimore, Maryland:

DEAR, Eddie Gloude Jr., There is NOTHING — Nothing “Quijotesco” about Annie Karni!… Wait! Knot Karni, i meant to write Sancho Panza! And to picture the picture for Dr. Jason Johnson*… here’s the steal: 🏀

* Dr. Jason Johnson plays a Medical Pundit on the Dulcinea Wallace show.

1. First, because there is NOTHING — Nothing crazy about Annie Karni… FUCK!!! I meant to write Donald’s Panza ⛹🏽‍♂️

This is the picture of a Windmill, and unless you have talked to George Clooney about it, or read Umberto Eco’s “How To Spot a fascist, in six Bacons or less”, don’t you go comparing this synecdoche to El Ingenioso Hidalgo (not to be confused with Annie’s Torpes Tourism Tropes).

2. Secondly… Jonathan LeMire (AP Le Mire) should not get ahead of the graphics with his new toy, ‘the teleprompter’… It’s way too Early, to bring in Brian Williams long lost illegitimate nephew.

pg. 31 Recognizing fascism, by Umberto Eco (para freseados):

There was only one kind of nazism, and the phalangism hypercatholique of Franco cannot be labeled nazism because nazism is fundamentally pagan, polytheistic and, anti christian (“I Am An Antichrist,” but I am not a fucking nazi, Umberto) otherwise (says Mr. Eco) it is not nazism.

Oh, hey Malcolm Nance, now don’t go denying that you have been in on this joke (punto y coma) if only Chris Matthews was still around the peacock coop, i mean, he did have access to the NBC Video Vault. It’s on deadline, your comment about having ears and eyes on our phone is on Deadline with Dulcinea Wallace, and paraphrasing that exasperated trademark warning of yours, “we can hear you and we can see you”. I knew that since like the THEYS of “Operation Fast and Furious” from Columbus, New Mexico to Casas Grandes, Chihuahua.

3. Turn to page Tú, Besos 💋

And but for the fact, aussi… [T]hat Brian Williams was sent to Paraguay

Oh, the HuManEeety!!!

Knot to be outshined by The MSNBC in The Tulsa Masacre in Oklahoma, La France actually goes to Rwanda and  does the same zouave routine, which is a good routine so don’t you let me be misunderstood… here’s a mnemonic: it’s Rwanda, not kurwa… for f.a.q.’s sake.

Upon hearing the news, the Mexican envoy to the First 150th Anniversary of La Commune de Paris walks out of the Sherman MEMORIAL Baseball Compound at Vincennes in the middle of a Pitch. At the moment it remains a mystery to u.s. if the Mexican envoy still holds a grudge por aquellos pasteles que nunca se pagaron.

https ://edition .cnn .com /2021/05/27 /africa/rwanda-france-genocide-macron-forgiveness-intl/index .html

It’s Memorial They Weakend, y’all .:. 18684BC2-500E-42F9-8FB9-9B06630AC690 .:. Across La Mancha the Aussies refer to Them as “The Others »… o algo así.

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Zouave

🎱 🗺 ⏳

[Cutline placeholder: Knot hyperbole, Mr. Mehdi, —but hypotenuse (punto y coma) ask your 6 year-old what’s on the opposite side of a RIGHT ANGLE, de Un CODO, or a plain ol’90° Engle.]

Let Mí transliterate that to Chinese… y dice así:

Es qué? es que… es que: Total, “si te va a tocar, aunque te quites; si no te va a tocar, aunque te pongas ». Alarcón en El Heraldo, via el monoaureo . com

TOTAL, speak of a CHARismatic leader, the following afore placed frame is a humble acknowledgement that i can see your point, because i’ve wrestled with d.a.t., and other assorted “particular theories” and of course, mas que nada on account D.A.T.  Eye told you so

Phil warned about, It!, but The BriWi was out and the bridges down, “think twice” that chippy Brit said, adding “’cus it’s another They for Ewe and Mí, [and Mí] Chris Haynes, —in Paradise.”

Previously on layers cake…

Risotto recipe for “the girl who told Mí how the World Ends” and, Little Nicole Club pitch-person Nicole Perlorth, —•!•— follows… bring Claire McCaskill recipe for Carrot Cake. 🐭

Great moments in: Eye was Shocked that would Happen!

LIVE from the Oklahoma Governor’s Mansion, but FOist! Dear, Edward LUCE, don’t be a bitch, don’t pussyfoot around the issue, Sir: fuck the Gâteau, Let Them Eat Frijoles!!!

Layer CAKE

From the Archives:
It’s what some, at the Latin-American Higher Learning Institute (IHEAL for it’s French initiates) at Saint Germain-des-Prés (75007) might call, a “flashback” .:. 2B23CDD5-8979-453C-A4C2-F1FC100E0E09 🌬

… [A]nd dearest, Mika: don’t run throught D.A.T., but rather, Run With D.A.T..

And Zeppelin goes here

And Zeppelin goes here .::. 9B7AD594-41B5-45AC-BA03-8A859A6791F3 🎂 The Layers CAKE effect.

Here’s your snapshot, Willie Geist… enjoy!

Them POLES are talking

Deer, AP LeMire, glad you’ve got your LeAudio back, listen up dick weed, please forward the following warning to Monsieur Le Président du Tribunal Administrative à Paris:

Televisa Presenta

Televisa Presenta .:. 59F3B803-CFEE-447F-A097-0DAB1D1A7931 💨 a Pantelion Films production from Santa Monica, California. — Music arreglos  by: Ry Cooder.

NOW that you grammar nazis figured out D.A.T. the U.S. President’s son–in–law is running the 2020 Republican Presidential Campaign, please let The Nation on the other side of The Atlantic know that “la mano de BERNARDO GÓMEZ” is not far sous les jupes de Ivanka Trump… and nevermind D.A.T. image on your LeBrain because John Donald The First said D.A.T. it WAS FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! Yeah, buddy.

https  ://www .lapoliticaonline .com .mx /nota /124795 –exclusivo-los-acuerdos-de-bernardo-gomez-con-la-4t-que-detonaron-la-salida-de-loret-de-televisa/

After the break, it’s Dangling Participles at The Rachel Maddow Show.

Deer, Cousin Joe: Eye really hopes that your sniffles are rescinding by now and, that you are not one of the Blind Alabama Choir Boys who sent bit coins to the Russians; but, if you are –indeed– one of them kind-hearted sucker souls don’t you forget Cousin Joe, that öüï are still awaiting D.A.T. iPhone 11… —motherfucker.

« It is knot dying »

« It is knot dyeing — It is Knot Dyeing ” .:. It’s just “the Color of Change,” Bay-bee.

It’s “Two of U.S.” in Central NATO Times
and in Washington
son las Ocho del Mañana
on Do, IT! Again, —Jack.

🎶 Sweet Masked ALABAMA
Where the COVIDs are Real
Sweet Masked Alabama
Lord The Hindenburg goes HERE.