April 🐠 in Paris 👼 — Poisson des Innocents


STILL TO COME, “Kerschovas” 9th Dream en el patín del diablo of The Dark Horse³… It’s a FESTEVUS Cunt-Auch and a Ghinni TestaRossa FOURTH THEY of CHRISTmás miracle on la rue des 🔔 Bourdonnais 🔔.

For context, Kerschovas dreamt of “Home Sweet Home” on yesterday’s “Allegretto-de–Aujourd’hui”, which is a normal 12-step episode for coping with a recent life-changing experience, such as homelessness.

https ://www .radiofrance .fr /francemusique /podcasts /allegretto /home-sweet-home -3516369

On This They today.

However, o, COMO LO PLAGIAN en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma JOHN MILL ACKERMAN de México†, Kerschovas awoke in a Roman Circus and discovered the skeletons 🩻 of last week’s Allegretto Junior Show in the Lion’s THEN… of all places,  ISSY, Denis Soula had them “hard pipe-hittin’ niggas » killed. Denis Soula has no SOUL.

†~. https ://www .elfinanciero .com .mx /nacional /2022/12/26 /plagio-de-tesis-de-ministra-yasmin-esquivel-amlo-asegura-que-respaldara-veredicto-de-la-unam/

https ://www .radiofrance .fr /francemusique /podcasts /allegretto /en-route-pour-le-cirque -1546684

Yup, that Dere is a Hitchcock Silhouette 🗣️… SILENZIO… Must Be THIS 🍼 TALL 🍼 to Ride 🛝🎠🛴 🎪.

³~. The Quiet Beatle.

Of course, as with Évry thing, the VF don’t recognize King Putin’sKing Herod’s order to MO’ider all children under two, born in Belén. As the Very French tradition dictates, El Día de Los Inocentes is observed on the FO’ist THEY of April, when baby Jesus fed the 🔔 clochards 🔔 of la rue des Bourdonnais, un boîte de PILCHARDS to the Hungarianmasses.

†~. 1941World War II: 🎡 Operation 🕸️ Anthropoid 🕸️, the plot to assassinate high-ranking Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich, commences 

El Circo de Kerschovas… Boulevard de Rochechouart 75000—CEDEX… 🤸🤹🏻‍♀️🤸🫵

And in Paris, Öüï now Ketchesup with a SuperStar Student on The Juanito Guanabacoa JUNIOR in 🇨🇦 CANADA 🇨🇦, 🎶 Oh, Canada SHOW :

🏎️ Copy-Pasta, ENZO 🏎️ … 🚜 COPY-Pasta 🚜, that’s the way Ewe do it, 🎶 you Play The Guitar on the RFPP¹the little faggot with the Earring and the MakeUp, —yeah, Buddy! That’s his own Radio Show.

Oh, Canada.

¹~. Money for Winos… Dire Streets.

~. Pronounced with a Greek, not Latin “i” accent, as in… Wynton, Wings, and Wine .

🌬️… based on a TROU 🕳️ radio 📻 show en AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL… sponsored by STARBUCKS and the Home DEPOT en Los Santos de Mythos-sur-Leroy Merlin 🛠️⚒️🛠️⚒️🛠️⚒️🪚⛏️🧰📏📐🪣🥽…🩻

Eweish peoples are the WO’ist, especially the Ewes from AMERICA.

La Coalition juive républicaine dénonce Santos pour des mensonges sur ses références

https ://www .politico .com /news /2022/12/27 /republican-jewish-coalition-denounces-santos-for-lies-about-his-credentials -00075625


Juanito Junior (en CANADA)…


Youse gonna’ copy my DRAFTS, Eye asks, motherfucker, TO KNOT BE LIKE THE FRENCH CHILDREN WHO HAVE SEX WITH THEIR PARENTS, and please RESPECT the CREATIVE COMMONS 🎅🏽CLAUSE that says the following:

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

~. Like RFPP does with Juanito Guanabacoa Sr., In-so-far as allowing the use of the RFPP facilities for the production of “Aquí somos, aquí estamos” show, but not taking on the responsibility of loading up a podcast version, of Francisco Belmont’s program on the RFPP (dot) NET site.

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Happy Birthday, Lemmy!

Un homme incarcéré à Toulouse pour avoir violé sa fille et filmé les faits

Un homme incarcéré à Toulouse pour avoir violé sa fille et filmé les faits (20minutes.fr)

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for Non-Commercial purposes.

CALIFORNIA y la cónsul peyorativa

Don’t FO’get, HARRY CONNNICT junior
to RELAY to La Comadre Letty que:

NO INSISTAS fip SIREN; mi corazón  es de SUZí

Now we [the staff]
switch it over to

Previously, on the Opinel files

Previously on: The Opinel files.:.26693DC2-283B-4569-B57D-089E70AA1E29 •|• Don’t shoot The Alien, he is a Messenger, monsieur Brontis, and nevermind “the” Gleason, P nor, “the” Morán, R. •|• This is a Thyme-delayed photo–me, actual Today is Sunday morning in Paris, just beefour Saturday Night Live in New York.

any–Güey Bertrand, fuck you,
and personne, nevermind
the chicanos

…[W]hich reminds U.S.
öüï must send a THYME–delayed signal hasta El Ajusco:

Hola, General, y de Paso… BROZO: chingas a tu madre and for the record, YES,
if you co’me on 2 Mí

4 rent

then, and only then,
Eye will come–on 2 Ewe

Dear, doña Lemus:

Knock, knock

Knock, knock…

Carlos knocks on my door
Evry other Knight —
— [E]ye ignores that FAG

2 de abril


Un día como ayer, pero en 1829, México invistió a su primer presidente.

Ayer tambien, pero en los Estados Unidos de América, se celebró el Día de los inocentes… All Fools’ Day dicen los gringos. En Francia, a los tontos le dan su Poisson d’Avril, o “pez de abril”.

Pero hablando del Fool on the hill… Si alguna vez fuiste seguidor de Los Beatles, The Winged Beatle, de los estudios de iamaphoney, resulta ser un buen documental de ficción realista para perder —en el ocio— algunos 120 minutos de tu vida. El Escarabajo Alado (con sub titulos en Castellano), cabe mencionar que se puede disfrutar mejor, —a lo mejor— con un buen churro:

el beetle alado