It’s 10 am in Hawaii — and in Sidney, Aussie, it’s already mañana

In Paris, France, it’s 22h and Louise Michel is at the plate, Louise hails from The Paris Commune and she has a 150 batting average. Madame Mayor, Anne Hidalgo is on the mound and it’s a God Damn Beautiful Day (globally) at the Pershing Memorial Baseball Complex in Vincennes.

Playball ⚾️ .:. 3B720710-12DD-4A1B-9C25-2FBD92FB40AF 📐

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Stade_Pershing

Jump to page 3 for context on the 150th Softball Commemorative Tournament of Communards between France’s Historical Characters mash-up and Today’s Elected Officials and Leaders of The Fifth Republic.

Witt that in M.I.N.D., please join Brigitte Bardot and The Sea Shepard in the singing of France (Gall’s) National Anthem: Aux Armes! Serge Gainsbourg is Third on The Batting Order and the official French National Anthem will not be played in this tournament on account that a Quartet of Rosbifs kidnapped La Marseillaise for a Satellite PPV* Transmission of All you need is…? anyone, Willie Geist, All you need is?

Page 33 ∴ or Something like that

This section is about Torture and, Human Rights in Paris and it should not be confused with a Pizza joint in Washington, D.C..

Of course, o como dicen los franceses, por supuesto, Señor gobernador… [R]ubén FIGUEROA FIGUEROA.

Musical Guest:
The Pretenders
Track List: Hate for sale

Context follows; 50 € per MERCEnary.

🔊🎵🎶💲 Page 379, HYMNE NATIONAL (HYPO; end of section §3.) Canto que simboliza a un país en ceremonias oficiales FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. KITE, most national anthems were written in the XIX Century and usually after a revolution period, BUT NOT ALWAYS, some himnos nacionales ARE THE PRODUCT OF A SPONSORED COMPETITION (PEROU 1821, HONGRIE 1842, o España 1870) Dictionnaire du musicien, by Honeeger, M., Larousse/VEUF. Premier impression Italy, 2002.

It’s One O’Clock in CET.

And in Paris, Spring made an early STAND, coincidentally, the day coincides with the Century (XXIst) and like i just told you, ONE day earlier than the 21st of next month, which of course TRANSLATES to? Anyone? Happy Gilmore? Anyone?… a fuck it: MARS!!! You circus animals.

But seriously, Madame Anne Hidalgo³, and i really-really, really-really mean vraiment seriously, however, because this blog has been since day one, a draft for a 10-year account of my permanence in France, i believe that it would sound a lot funnier if you read the following statement in a Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (Kindergarden Cop) voice, so with that in mind, i can’t trust the Paris Police and so i am sounding another alarm —with all due respect—directly to you via this post, and on Monday the 22nd through an official mailed-in registered letter:

I turned 50 years of age as a homeless man in the city that you run. As of last night i started sheltering at the annex of the 4th District; rue du Pont Louis Philippe.

And Madam Mayor, this is not about internet access, far from it.

Statement follows

Yada, yada, yada, the rest of the content is for whomever  might have the privilege of screening the mail that arrives to your official mailbox at the Hôtel de Ville… HOWEVER, if you should read this before that happens, Madam Mayor, you may ask the director of the establishment at 32 rue des Bourdonnais what this paragraph is in reference to.

Or, you can call the programmers at fip .fr, as they seem to be aware of what is going on with my situation, i reference this on account that they seem to be playing all of the Hits that could quite possibly qualify as the runners-up of the musical score/soundtrack competition of what i have been going through in the past two weeks.

In other news…

By the standards of the past three months, Jonah, or Jonas (en Castellano) must have been the only one in the picture that was not a fag, Eye says again, Jonah —or Jason— if the previous statement is Greek to you:

It’s Greek to me
byu/devler ineurope

Jonah must have been the only one in the picture
that was not a fag, period¹

https ://www .20minutes .fr /politique /2981243-20210219 -presidentielle -2022 –anne-hidalgo-tres-peur-issue-duel-entre-emmanuel-macron-marine-pen

Any HOW, in  Paris, Nancy, France, it’s Nine O’Clock on the a.m. dial of February 21; but in Hilo, Hawaii, it is still the 20th day of the Second month of 2021, so i reckon that this can only mean one thing, Madam Mayor, that in one short month, (28 days) Springtime will make it’s scheduled rotation, and based on your fears, which were expressed upon in a recent interview, let us hope that Hitler, is only a Mel Brooks dream.

The belly of the beast… step on down.


1. This period is of course, is being sponsored by Vania®️

In Local News… El Año de Hidalgo

Category: democracy

Did you catch that

Did you happen to catch NBC’s positioning for the next French Election? 🚦 1168F07C-E1E4-453E-9866-08E3B825DF63 🗺 Off-course ÖÜÏ have been telling you this since the day when Armando Serrano Prieto stood in front of the then president of México, Enrique de Jésus Peña Nieto, right before his SEDENA detail in PARIS entered through door nº 33 at the Hôtel de Ville. Eye however could not confirm if General Cienfuegos was in that specific State Visit entourage, or if the GOOD general was being debriefed on the laptop that was compromised at Invalides. —_!_— Jour et Nuit, Baby!

In the Mexican criminal system, “el año de Hidalgo” dictates that anyone WHO, in the exiting presidential administration, leaves a surplus to the incoming executive term, is of course?

[Armando Àlvarez beats John Bronco at the buzzer buzz]

— What is a fag! ❌

[John Bronco picks up the answer]

—  What is “un ‘ijo–eh Sue” ✅✅✅


On DEADLINE, Steve Kornacki relays a message to International Spy and Canadian baby seal slugger, Avi Velshi:

This is the return of the space cowboy

This is the return of the space cowboy… vaquero de rancho! —_•¡•_—  Charcoal art on la rue de l’Euchaudé (75006) is courtesy of Philippe from Bordeaux, now showing on the Right Bank of DOCUMENT 15 (sin nombre… it’s Twue! The Gallery does not have a name).

Sleep is for the Weak.


… a second look

Hola, hoy es lunes 28 de agosto, 2016.

El siguiente análisis, al igual que el socavón de Fukuoka [1] en Japón, no tiene nada que ver con el hoyo que se abrió en una autopista de cuota en el Estado de Cuernavaca, allá en el México de “los cuates” de Atlacomulco; excepto a lo mejor (lic. Brozo) como un Análisis Comparativo con la grilla en México, mismo que  pretendemos que pueda servir para fines educacionales en alguno de los ramos enmarcados del campo de la Comunicación. ~_~ Fair use of Le Figaro and its rather racist ramblings regarding the policies of the current Parisian mayor, Mme. Anne Hidalgo.

(Cabrones) for a bit more context
on other Anne Hidalgo teasers please scroll back to our
Debates and Watchtowers edition [2].

Mientras tanto, el asunto que aquí nos entromete es el Uno–Dos que, en diferentes escenarios, le conectaron este fin de semana a dos exponentes de la Izquierda; los ganchos a los zurdos fueron conectados por las plumas de dos gallos en la esquina de la Derecha, el más chusco de los golpes, por así decirlo, pasó revista a los procesos internos en la selección de una persona para “coordinar” al partido político de Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Morena) allá en La Ciudad de México, antiguo Distrito Federal, y Capital Universal de las muy infames, “quesadillas sin queso“.

… En fin; allá en México, las transas en la grilla van haciendo que las columnas se vayan alzando casí solas porque las ruinas de batallas electorales ya pasadas van dejando el material (llámese contenido) casi bien acomodado… ‘que si la Dra. Claudia Sheimbaum es otro caso del tal “juanito”, que si don Andrés metió manos en el asunto para que doña Claudia represente al morenaje en la próxima elección por la Ciudad de México… Puro Monkey Business. -_—  Fragmento dominical cortesía del Monoaureo [punto] com y El Reforma de  México.

… Al regresar:

El otro gancho iba con las gasas de amarre enyesadas y con el guante forrado en hierro. Golpe bajo digno de los discursos xenófobos de Donald Trump y del papá de Marine Le Pen… Context Follows. —_— Fair use of Twitter… and a Fragment of The Huffington Post en France, y los apuntes de Jade Toussay [3].

So…cavrones, aquí las aristas:

Las comparaciones por eso son odiosas… que culpa tiene la gente que solamente sigue lo que sus jefes les instruyen: es pecado vivir fuera del “”moche” y la corrupción.

1. Trujillo, V., “La Galería N°. 15: Los Socavrones”. Vía: El Mañanero Diario ↓↓↓

https ://m .youtube .com /watch?v= hx2y7TXNlAo

Captura cortesía de Televisa Nexos… ahhhh-no, se me olvido otra vez el detalle de que Victor Trujillo ya no maquila para don Bernardo Gómez, ahora dice que lo hace por sus propios webs… O algo así. —_— El recuadro en la pantalla de Brozo (the shady clown, por sus asegunes en Inglés) es para ilustrar el mal manejo de las instituciones de obras publicas TRASPASADAS al sector de la iniciativa privada, mismas que por cierto son muy mal manejadas por la Función Pública en el Sector de Comunicaciones y Transportes en el Sexenio de Enrique Peña Nieto, y sus cuates y parientes del feudo de Atlacomulco… Fair use of Media.


3. Toussay, Jade, “….” Via: http ://m .huffingtonpost .fr /2017 /08 /27 /pour-cet-adjoint-de-anne-hidalgo-le-dossier-du-figaro-mag-est-un-torchon-et-une-masse-dordures-racistes_a_23186908/?utm_hp_ref=fr-homepage

Domingo de damas zurdas…

En los dominicales de la derecha:

Uso justo de LJDD [punto] fr… “In other words,”  Fly me To the Moon.

Al regresar, en la sección de tendencias, Anne Sinclaire (del HuffPost francés) estrena columna en semanario de la derecha que perfila a la alcaldesa de París como presidenciable en el 2022; en las páginas de los moneros, “El Reformista“, don Calderón abre una lavandería para uso exclusivo de Morena y los partidarios de Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Fragmento de una lavandería… Fair Use of don Calderón en El Reforma de México. Link follows

Because politics don’t just spontaneously happen in a vacuum:

Porque nada —mucho menos la política—  sucede en el vacío… Ni siquiera el gas metano. —_– Fair use of Le Monde (de Louis Dreyfus) y del Huffington Post [punto] fr.

How do you say “misty moonshine” in Tagalog?

West Virginia votes today…
Suggested Happy-Hour cocktail, a John Denver’s inspired concoction:
Tear Drops With A Misty Taste Of Moonshine™.

10 y 11 de mayo, 2016
por: Staff.
para: Mika & “Mean Steve”.


[Timestamp 15h CET]…time now: minimal coverage —or rather a systematic suppression of foreign affairs coverage or Other Peoples Elections [O.P.E’s] on the American press. ||  It seems that the focus of every segment on the Disney-TimeWarner-Comcast et. al. crowd remains fixed on la bravuconería caciquil de un especulador —verdaderamente— consumado. |||  In other news… When it comes to O.P.E’s, the American media coverage of the results of each election is directly proportional to the expeditionary needs of Uncle Sam… regardless of the parallels with the wrong choice of candidate for President of the United States of America.

Coverage continues after a trip to Place de la Répulique… in the meantime if you must follow the Talking Heads, i urge you to mute the television box and crank up the volume of an ALL-TRANSISTOR RADIO:

In Every Dream Home A Heartache - For Your Pleasure [Roxi Music].

In Every Dream Home A Heartache – For Your Pleasure [Roxi Music].

[TimeStamp 19h 30m CET]

An update on
The Internet Election Results:


Uso justo de los medios para ver los resultados de unas elecciones. | Coincidió [según el cotidiano inglés The Guardian] que el actual presidente de los Estados Unidos [Americanos] les recordó a un grupo de activistas [en una universidad] que para lograr un cambio se “require más que [de] la ira justificada – require de cambio y requiere de un programa, y requiere de organización”. Frase vía: http ://www .theguardian .com /us-news /2016 /may /07 /barack-obama-howard-university-commencement-speech

… and now: back to the music on MagicTransistor.
Artist: Velvert Turner Group
Song: Strangely Neww
Album: The Fall Of Atlantis (1972).

[TimeStamp 19h]… in West Virginia.

Uso justo de los Webbie-Winners.

Did-you-hear-the-one-about_The_Conservative_Algorithm? | Uso justo de los Webbie-Winners.

Rolling along, have you heard about being careful for what you wish for?… after the Break:  Anne  Ann Coulter on MSNBC — in other words “a FOX NEWS version for the Democratic Party”… if you missed that segment don’t worry nothing of substance there, however the first projections are coming up after the polls in West Virginia come to a close at 7:30 p.m.

Nebraska poll closes in a little over an hour. | Uso justo de los resultados en los comicios preliminares de Virginia "Occidental".

Nebraska poll closes in a little over an hour. | Uso justo de los resultados en los comicios preliminares de Virginia “Occidental”.

[TimeStamp 02h CET… time now]…

No Brian Williams on the NBCNEWS “decision” DESK [over at Rockefeller Center].

… ♫♫♫ and like a good neighbor Anne Hidalgo* is there.

♫♫♫ and like a good neighbor Anne Hidalgo* is there.

No Nicole either, but as noted earlier in this log a FOX NEWS darling did make the Rockefeller Squares.


You Should Have Listened to the Hippies!!! ** |  Uso justo de la ortodoxia americana en la covertura de la Democracia. || [TimeStamp: 11h CET… time now].

 * Anne Hidalgo es la alcaldesa de París. Coincidió que en los comicios por la alcaldía de Londres ganó el candidato Sadiq Khan. Naturalmente para Hidalgo, siendo La Encargada y La Responsable de la ejecución de una estrategia de gobierno de una ciudad que también es Región, la alcaldesa visitó fue a visitar [en Londres] a su nuevo homólogo al otro lado del Canal. Allí, en una estación de tren, Hidalgo exprimió [o expresó enfáticamente] su preocupación por el fenómeno politiquero AKA: Donald Trump.

** You Should Have Listened to the Hippies!!! Vía: The Rachel Maddow Show… but only if you are a Premium Member—Because as you know_membership has its benefits. De cualquier manera las Exploraciones al norte de Alaska por la empresa Royal Dutch Shell [Oil] no se van a materializer… alternative [and randomly selected] source: The Alaska Dispatch News, http ://www .adn .com /article /20160510 /shell-isnt-only-oil-company-departing-alaskas-arctic

Uso justo de las noticias de Alaska. | Uso justo de los medios.

Uso justo de las noticias de Alaska. | Uso justo de los medios… [TimeStamp 13h CET on the 11th day of May… TimeNow SitRep: MSNBC feed went down—Repeat: MSNBC feed down…. This concludes our coverage of the West Virginia and Nebraska day at the races

The high and the low:

A Fox NEWS darling, vía: http ://www .mediaite .com /tv /ann-coulter-trump-doesnt-need-to-meet-with-paul-ryan-he-is-the-party/