How do you say “misty moonshine” in Tagalog?

West Virginia votes today…
Suggested Happy-Hour cocktail, a John Denver’s inspired concoction:
Tear Drops With A Misty Taste Of Moonshine™.

10 y 11 de mayo, 2016
por: Staff.
para: Mika & “Mean Steve”.


[Timestamp 15h CET]…time now: minimal coverage —or rather a systematic suppression of foreign affairs coverage or Other Peoples Elections [O.P.E’s] on the American press. ||  It seems that the focus of every segment on the Disney-TimeWarner-Comcast et. al. crowd remains fixed on la bravuconería caciquil de un especulador —verdaderamente— consumado. |||  In other news… When it comes to O.P.E’s, the American media coverage of the results of each election is directly proportional to the expeditionary needs of Uncle Sam… regardless of the parallels with the wrong choice of candidate for President of the United States of America.

Coverage continues after a trip to Place de la Répulique… in the meantime if you must follow the Talking Heads, i urge you to mute the television box and crank up the volume of an ALL-TRANSISTOR RADIO:

In Every Dream Home A Heartache - For Your Pleasure [Roxi Music].

In Every Dream Home A Heartache – For Your Pleasure [Roxi Music].

[TimeStamp 19h 30m CET]

An update on
The Internet Election Results:


Uso justo de los medios para ver los resultados de unas elecciones. | Coincidió [según el cotidiano inglés The Guardian] que el actual presidente de los Estados Unidos [Americanos] les recordó a un grupo de activistas [en una universidad] que para lograr un cambio se “require más que [de] la ira justificada – require de cambio y requiere de un programa, y requiere de organización”. Frase vía: http ://www .theguardian .com /us-news /2016 /may /07 /barack-obama-howard-university-commencement-speech

… and now: back to the music on MagicTransistor.
Artist: Velvert Turner Group
Song: Strangely Neww
Album: The Fall Of Atlantis (1972).

[TimeStamp 19h]… in West Virginia.

Uso justo de los Webbie-Winners.

Did-you-hear-the-one-about_The_Conservative_Algorithm? | Uso justo de los Webbie-Winners.

Rolling along, have you heard about being careful for what you wish for?… after the Break:  Anne  Ann Coulter on MSNBC — in other words “a FOX NEWS version for the Democratic Party”… if you missed that segment don’t worry nothing of substance there, however the first projections are coming up after the polls in West Virginia come to a close at 7:30 p.m.

Nebraska poll closes in a little over an hour. | Uso justo de los resultados en los comicios preliminares de Virginia "Occidental".

Nebraska poll closes in a little over an hour. | Uso justo de los resultados en los comicios preliminares de Virginia “Occidental”.

[TimeStamp 02h CET… time now]…

No Brian Williams on the NBCNEWS “decision” DESK [over at Rockefeller Center].

… ♫♫♫ and like a good neighbor Anne Hidalgo* is there.

♫♫♫ and like a good neighbor Anne Hidalgo* is there.

No Nicole either, but as noted earlier in this log a FOX NEWS darling did make the Rockefeller Squares.


You Should Have Listened to the Hippies!!! ** |  Uso justo de la ortodoxia americana en la covertura de la Democracia. || [TimeStamp: 11h CET… time now].

 * Anne Hidalgo es la alcaldesa de París. Coincidió que en los comicios por la alcaldía de Londres ganó el candidato Sadiq Khan. Naturalmente para Hidalgo, siendo La Encargada y La Responsable de la ejecución de una estrategia de gobierno de una ciudad que también es Región, la alcaldesa visitó fue a visitar [en Londres] a su nuevo homólogo al otro lado del Canal. Allí, en una estación de tren, Hidalgo exprimió [o expresó enfáticamente] su preocupación por el fenómeno politiquero AKA: Donald Trump.

** You Should Have Listened to the Hippies!!! Vía: The Rachel Maddow Show… but only if you are a Premium Member—Because as you know_membership has its benefits. De cualquier manera las Exploraciones al norte de Alaska por la empresa Royal Dutch Shell [Oil] no se van a materializer… alternative [and randomly selected] source: The Alaska Dispatch News, http ://www .adn .com /article /20160510 /shell-isnt-only-oil-company-departing-alaskas-arctic

Uso justo de las noticias de Alaska. | Uso justo de los medios.

Uso justo de las noticias de Alaska. | Uso justo de los medios… [TimeStamp 13h CET on the 11th day of May… TimeNow SitRep: MSNBC feed went down—Repeat: MSNBC feed down…. This concludes our coverage of the West Virginia and Nebraska day at the races

The high and the low:

A Fox NEWS darling, vía: http ://www .mediaite .com /tv /ann-coulter-trump-doesnt-need-to-meet-with-paul-ryan-he-is-the-party/

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