Open Letter to Angela ✊🏾 Davis — A huevo que SY.

Women’s Studies
Winter/Spring Semester 2022/2023
The Importance of Being Freeda de Beaubourg
(3 Cr.Hrs.)
Inquire at the Casting Couch 🛋️ of the European Hospital Georges Pompidou for details, but only if Ewe don’t know what that inscription en La Academia de Salamanca means.
PRE-req: lo que Natura otorgó

La Cágaste Burt Lancaster

Here’s what RAF Sanchez, that Sephardic prick, won’t tell EWE about in the story about the reconstruction of Notre Dame de ParISIS and, the donation pot 💰 🍯 pot, which according to the Spanish tourists tours around Paris-Centre (1,2,3,4!) amounts to about the round-about EQUIVALENT OF THREE (🐰 3 🐰eye 🐰 tells Ewe!!!) POWERBALL LOTTERY Jackpots in Hoboken,New Jersey 🐇… Narrated by The Paris Chamber of Commerce and its twin sister, The Paris Tourism Board… a subsidiary of Denis Soula, —that motherfucker!.

Have I told y’all what the color of LED and Asbestos looks like over the Seine, flowing (West) in the direction Maison de La Radio? IT IS RIGHT ALONG KENNEDY AVENUE in Front of El Campo de Marte 🪖. Ask David Ignatius at The Washington Post, because on the very They when Le Coq Violet fell, that motherfucker (Ignatius not mister Violet) borrowed my line. It’s somewhere along the MAGNUM 📸 archives of this 📜 ScRoll 📜 baby.


Píntame Angelitos Crespos…

A Closer Look at a crippled republican soul from Paris, Texas. It takes a special Christ-loving Texan to celebrate the Season of “Joy”.

Now, according to Cardinal Flick’s “doGma”, Jesus healed the crippled, however, The Messiah herself could not fix Texas 🇨🇱 republican governor Gregg August Pinochet.


Professor Davis, please be advised that this is the Second draft 🌬️ to an Open Letter addressed to your CHAIR at Room 430 of the Feminist Studies Department in Hippieville, California, also known in Salamanca de Andalucía 🏄🏽 as SANTA CRUZ de Los Sandoval-Ballesteros Ackerman… like Eye mentioned on the previous draft, this is not my first political-driven rodeo in this neck of the Woulds, called Paris, France.

Relevant for this 2nd edition draft of a letter addressed to your CHAIR (think Carmel By The Sea mayor, here) is a fragment of one of your Afro-american student’s anecdotes, and who as the luck Would have it, was the guest speaker on this past weekend’s edition of the Juanito Guanabacoa Show (Aquí somos, aquí estamos) on the Fréquence Paris Plurielle net (106.7).

Escaparate de Leroy Merlin®️…
Leroy Merlin®️ is a home improvement retail corporation that sells tools, construction products, appliances, and services, but Évrybody shops at BRICOMAN®️.

Right now, for this 2nd draft, Eye will not be able to provide Ewe with the name of your student on the Juanito Guanavacoa Show, on account that LA Fréquence Paris Plurielle works under the French Bazar system, in-so-far that the content of the grill de “LA Programmation” at 106.3 fm is the sole responsibility of each individual producer of the shows featured en la BARRA de programación, and so for This Moment in Time Eye CAN only provide you the FO’ist name of your student-in-question.

His name is Miguel Ángel, and according to Juanito Guanabacoa (formally Francisco Belmont, of La Policía Judicial de Tequila Sunrise 🌄), M.A. used to pimp Mexican immigrants outside of Home°Depot in SAN JOSE, Califas.

But, FO’ist, we KETCH-UP with Circus 🎪 ProducerBuddy Bizarre (from Blazing 🤠 Saddles) in the role of a notoriously conspicuous White Wu~TANG fan, John Heileman. 

In human terms, the War of Independence was Israel’s costliest war with over 6,000 Israelis killed and, —15,000 wounded. The war consisted of 39 separate operations fought from the borders of Lebanon to the Sinai Peninsula and Eilat… according to Wikipedia.



El gran campeón mexicano {es} gato de Slim… pero sí: CMB, AMB, OMB y FIB,

But really, how broke is too low and how high is too po‘… Let’s ask, LEO. And FYI, hoy no hubo jazz.

https ://mxpolitico .com /nacional /cada-vez-se-parece-mas-al-pri-john-ackerman-critica-a-mario-delgado-y-morena/

Así, o más, “te lo dije ALICIA LEOS“,
no por nada pero se me hace que Ackerman y su señora Doctora esposa (la de SANTA CRUZ UC) ya no los van a “desPRIstegiar” aqui en Saint-Germain-des-Belleville.

Ahora cuéntame una of your brother-in-law, —cuñado. Next thing you know, John Mill Ackerman is going to be a CANELO fan.

Con el permiso de sus mercedes allá en LA JORNADA this ‘stropha hooks like so and swings from the Top Down, en LILAS², (knot LILLE).

Diego Luna stars as a prop for Televisa Deportes in this section, and nothing more.

— ¿Cómo que a, Ay!¹, se le escapó la pelea del CAN°E.L.O. contra Plant? … pues que no se supone que Ay! debe estar al tanto de todo lo que pasa en México y su conexión con El Año de México en LILLE… puta madre!

And Eye responde in the voice of Fenster The Copy Editor…

Sorry, yo no LEO*, yo Armando, Diego.

* For non-AQUARIANS, armando is a gerund… Di es “decir” plus ego.

Dedicated to Nicaragua en La Jornada…
Ondulated dentils en forma de TEJAS

¹.~Pronounced like EYE at {the} Paris in {Las} Vegas.

El “Canelo” is in the dentils (punto y coma) no bandwagon here. In French this translates as taking care of the home work, not to be confused with homework… Moore on that after the break, right now it’s time for another edition of, Sorry Eye Missed That. This week’s edition features one of only two combat sports that Öüï follows, the other (off-course) being Boxing.

Gennady — Canelo… and Sun worshiping in Paris on a cloudy day

So… “motherfucker”, eh!, “concha tu madre” diría a lo mejor el gran Messi desde la banca³

Canelo, Canelo, ra, ra, ra. (Wakala… sabe a Slim{e}, but it had to be done) Canelo is on top. The fucker is a G.O.A.T. [in his class].
I have to pay… here is my TACO de SAPO de LA SORBONA como castigo:

“Cada vez se parece más al PRI”: John Ackerman critica a Mario Delgado y Morena 

https ://www .football-espana .net /2021/11/04 /lionel-messi-barcelona-madrid-injury

³.~ Shape-shifting term that can either mean a financial institution, like say a bank, or the bench from where Leonel is cashing in ‘cus he’s a broke dick.

And Messi (30), sorry if Eye made a Mess {see} of your NOM [Norma d’Origen Mexicano]

Meanwhile, in Central Nato times… Sarah Palin can see Russians from her backyard

🎶 Nah, D.A.T. ain’t working
D.A.T.s the way you do it
Money for nothing
and your Chicks From Loué

When FOX News Charmed DW

When FOX News Charmed DW T.V…

Up next: John Wayne stars in The St. Petersburgo Green Berets. Synopsis, Colonel Mike Kirby feels that the U.S. is becoming way too big of an empire, SO JOHN WAYNE COLUDES WITH RUSSIA in order to put Washington in-check.

On The Real World Channel: America is under attack, de Algeciras a Estambul, off–course, after first behaving like a little bitch who got mad and took his “PROFESSIONAL Toy Soldiers” home from the European theater of operations. A fleet of B-52’s was bitch-slapped by Russian fighter jets and all that Mike Pompeo could say was:

Paid for by...

that’s it, that’s the spot, knead that knot D.A.R.E. sweetie, press on it, use your elbow 

for context, the U.S. Secretary of State was busy getting a massage followed off–course by a happy ending from an unidentified slave sex worker in the U.A.E..

En Once TV

En Once TV… “Comediante ! Tragediante ! », pláticas con John Mill Ackerman .:. E87218DB-F17D-414B-A1BD-500391637E6A ⚒🛠⚒🛠⚒ Season 1, PILOT EPISODE; Los Cuentos de Pio “el obrador”.

Entonces, Rusia:
Dr. Ackerman, if your boss is going to use his office to censor the critics of his nation-building project, by way of meddling into what amount to scholarships or research proposal grants, then maybe you and your spouse should return all of the foundation grants that you have received, didn’t you used to get funds from George Soros, mr. professor? Or was that just a bullet on your memoire?

Rusia y RT T.V.:
and then of course there’s Larry King, you know Dr. Mill, i never docked you a They’s Pay for getting a paycheck from RT T.V., heck Dr. Ackerman, i reckoned that if Leni Riefenstahl could be allowed to move-on, so should you, just don’t call yourself a journalist, Sir, because you are more of a propagandist who proselytizes within the academic lecture circuit precisely with the same kind of monies (foundations and scholarship funds) that your spouse is sanctioning, now that you two are living la vida en Rosa.

Rusia y RT T.V., y John M. Ackerman:
“Et Tu, Brutus”, ¿en qué tamaño vas a querer tu «marca REGIstrada»?
https ://www .infobae .com /america /mexico /2020/08/27 /amlo-marca-registrada-el-presidente-de-mexico-y-su-esposa-buscan-reservar-el-copyright-de-sus-nombres/


https ://elpais .com /mexico/2020-08-21 /el-gobierno-de-mexico-sanciona-a-la-revista-nexos-por-un-supuesto-documento-falso-en-un-contrato-celebrado-en-2018 .html

https ://www .jornada /ultimas/politica/2020/06/28 /cndh-critica-dichos-de-ackerman-contra-periodistas-687 .html

https ://www .eluniversal .com .mx /nacion

The Best People — Genie Jeannie out of the bottle

… [B]ueno, to be fair, the bottle was more of an Egyptian flower vase, the catch–when–rubbing the side of dicho florero, a French femme named Florence and, in the role of “My Favorite Jeannie”, Lætitia Casta.

Well would you look at D.A.T.

Well would you look at D.A.T. .::. 1A39C695-04B5-4183-934A-4FFDB5E6C8A3 🇫🇷⚖️🇲🇽 Now, S.I.R.E.N.E., if you wish to reference Bubble I and Bubble II, you will have to cross reference the entries for El Instituto Cervantes and Eli Guerra/Julieta Venegas at La Maison de la Amérique latine, and El País de Ana Anabitarte, respectably on the “tags” of this most non–consequential blog.

Now if you are wondering what the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador (assigned on 9 December 2016) Lætitia Casta is doing on this week’s edition of:

Well, Frank*, Ain’t D.A.T. a motherfucking coincidence D.A.R.E. on that gate? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t!

https ://asegovia3 .com /2014 /10 /03 /octubre-tenia-que-ser/

One thing that we [the staff] can promise you is that back in October of 2014, and then again at a later date at the gate below the fémina fronting the old Justice Palace —at Cité— was your pretty client’s mug, you may check paragraph 3, which archives that particular instant in REAL TIME, also Aussie at Axios, please relay to Chris Hayes and The Nation that further down that rabbit TRAIL not a rabbit Hole, from paragraphs 22 to 29 they may also reference the arrival of the two lovebirds on don Calderon’s “Johnny Chistos” stinker-toon, which i, armando segovia, chronicled a year later aussi, —fuckers. You are welcome.

https ://asegovia3 .com /2015 /09 /29 /29-de-septiembre-segundo-acto/

* Frank BRETON, Attorney for Mme. Cassez.

https ://www .animalpolitico .com /2014 /10 / florence-cassez-presenta-una-demanda-contra-los-autores-de-su-detencion/


Ponte al día

Ponte al día… at the time, in the summer of 2008 i, armando segovia, skipped a meal with the publisher and the rest of the U.T.E.P. summer internship program at a weekly that catered to the Latin American community of Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, —you know— the kind that are readily available where people gather, like say, a metro station, a nightclub or at a shopping center, anyway, Frank*, the Unicef Goodwill ambassador on the gate above was, at the time [probably] celebrating the very story that I was about to cover. At that particular time I was on my way back to the office, before i left the shack at the International University dorms, i happened to notice on the screen that Ingrid Betancourt had just been released from her captivity in Colombia 🇪🇨 Now, hear me out Frank*, because with the aid of a 1600 cc Kawasaki parked next door, at a hotel’s parking lot, it was quicker for me to hit the Northside, snap a few photos and get a few quotes from the Colombian diaspora regarding the release of Ingrid and be back next to City Hall before anybody noticed that i was in–and-out of the building, you know, because “that’s what reporting is all about” however, Frank*, at that particular time as i was getting off of the highway, i notced that i had missed call coming from the cell phone of the office boss; five minutes later i was informed that Hernán, the publisher, was taking the interns for a snack…or something like D.A.T. .::. 93123D20-4613-4A10-844D-69D76A8A7686 🧮 to be continued.

you will have to tune in to find out.

In the meanwhile, hoy no hubo Deadline, puras piñas, de cualquier manera here’s don Calderon’s comprehensive sketch:

Los ricos también hieden

So, Mr. Meyer… Eye sees that you are going to Go Your Own Güey, eh

Well, at least you went WEST!

Fake Faquir

Fake Faquir… youse not foolin’ anyone Set .::. 4423D4E0-1A6A-4C77-BD42-633BC12D42B8 ➿ Sincerely, OSIRIS.

But Speaking of going, Eye think that the Windage in that dare clip was set a little Forte, must be from Kentucky because Eye could smell it! —all the way to second base, any whiff, Mr. Meyer, please relay to that “big” band you patched there in one clip, that they need MORE COWBELL!!! MORE COWBELL, Mr. Meyer; how can you head over to KALIFORNIA without a single fucking COWBELL being struck. Just who da’fuck is warming that there “big” band drum set, Mr. Meyer? Eye certainly hope that it is not a Californian, D.A.T’s For S.U.R.E.

—- and now, to keep up with the California theme, and to complement our continuing coverage of First World Academia “nurturing” banana republics with nepotistic graduates, let’s take a trip to UC Santa Cruz, we [the staff of this most non–consequential blog] hope that the “news center” at that institution does not read this segment in the middle of a very, very, Very–Very very Late Night:

https ://news /2018/12 /sandoval.html

Of course, the following must be read, “in this planet, or any other planet,” in a Brian Williams voice.

— “Is there such thing as a “slight case of Covid?

https ://www .eluniversal .com .mx /nacion /politica /sancionaran-quien-filtro-informacion-sobre-contagio-de-titular-de-la-sfp

Answer, indeed, with a capital “latin Eye”, and especially if the REGIME where that “slight case of Covid” is handled in the very same fashion that the Wuhan State Police handled the “bugle players” of the Covid-19 in China.

Alma Mater

Alma Mater — Santa Cruz

Take for instance, Santa Barbara’s favorite son, John Mill Ackerman’s wife, Irma Sandoval, W.H.O. holds the current civil servant watch-bitch* minister post in Mexico. Ms. Sandoval was just outed with having tested positive with COVID–19, and no sooner than a French cock sings, the Mexican government has vowed to punish whoever took it upon themselves in releasing the news of doña Ackerman’s medical status.

* If “watch-dog is acceptable for a male holding that same civil servant post, then watch-bitch should not be a problem in style nor taste; lest you forget, that the longest running Republic [ROMA], was practically nurtured by a she–wolf.

— Jump to El Día del Niño en Mexico.