Over at the National Council of Negro Wimmin’ on msnbc it’s: La Vache

It’s good for your stomach and your vientre won’t notice… but seriously, Katty Phangs, “where are all the Yello’ heifers at?”.

Metal Works

Milk… it does a body good.

Sponsored by Thomas El Corbillon’s Heavy Metal jazz lounge.

Livin’ La Puta Vida Loca … got milk?

Where’s the beef?

And, Alicia Menendez, never mind Ricky Martin, Ike Pappas is the only lactose intolerant in Parador City and that’s why he used Rum to moisten his corn flakes with South American bananas, and then he properly snorted his Coke®️

El proceso de una metamorfosis en Francia… Y que chingue a su madre Raphaël Moran y rfi

It’s back to National Sports They, starring “La Rentrée y La Polaka”.


And, David French, fuck you and Donnie Deutsch, —también, and here is why:

“I’ll have the Avocado Roll Anguille with kimchi jjigae on the side, extra spicy, por favor.

Well… Öüï now knows who gave koalas thier syphilitic signature, eh! It was Éléonore’s escapades to the Pacific “Chinese” Theater in Hollywood’s China Town.


— Who, who actually listens to The Sounds of White Noise other than Anthrax junkies? Who Donnie Deutsch? Who?

Heck, Donnie Deutsch, you son of a bitch! If you had listened to Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, you’d known that Louis Pasteur obliterated a.m. static noise, all those years ago. You son of a bitch!

https ://www .imdb .com /title /howard-johnson /characters

God Damned Sushi is a Cult money maker for the Moonies! You eat sushi and you support a CULT, Donnie Deutsch§… you can’t subparagraph the CULTS on the Morning Mika Show, you BASTERD!!!

https ://www .theknowledge .com /2021/11/19 /the-moonies-made-america-love-sushi/

And one more paragraph, Donnie Deutsch, you motherfucker!!! When you eat sushi you also support the 2nd Ammendment freaks on the Fly Fishing Tournament of Rednecks §§§

Call Me “JUSTIN” mister TRUMP

https ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Kook-jin_Moon

Tattoo That on your EWE, and on Eleanor Roosevelt’s Bulldyke’s forearm!


A fresh WASHINGTON TIMES logo on that stupid billboard that your mirror-image identifies as a forehead, —you son of a bitch!


Any how, David French from the NYT, now that mister Madisonian Avenue Deutsch is out of the guey, here is why you and the promoters of Jim Caviezel’s latest conspiracy fiction (The NYT movie review) can go fuck yourselves:

but mostly because you look like a Smurf™️, David French. Are you sure that your headphones are not from the Republic of Brussels! Van Damme, It!.

When Newton throws you an apple, you produce The Beatles, silly.


* Sorry if I misspelt your name Rafael, el más puto de Los Ángeles junto con su apóstol Pablo 🍀.

But first, Local News 📰

Thanks For Going ARMY


Aussie, thanks, Obamas. The both of Ewes.

Armando Segovia à Monsieur le Président du Tribunal Administratif de Paris — nº 2

nº1: ISSY, c’est une continuation de réponse au préfet de la police à propos de ma situation en France, p.2 de la correspondance de 31 du octobre, 2019.

Shubi–du Bee

Shubi–du Bee Deux bee, hit Mí.:.56D4647F-AB7E-40C6-A780-2B8E806611A5 :|: Profile in chorizo.

« Monsieur Armando SEGOVIA ne justifie pas le caractère indispensable de sa présence en France », Le chief of the Paris Police.

Reply: because of a conflict of interest, which placed Mí. armando segovia, in the middle of the bloodiest body–count in Mexican territory since the 1970’s (guerra sucia) and you (préfecture) though that i was CONACYT lambiscón.

[From the start, it was made quite clear that if i was to wash dishes for a “SnootY” wanna bee frenchie, i would have [tossed salad at U.c.L.A.] instead of the Streets of le 6ème.

Monsieur le Chef de la Rédaction au 6ème bureau

Monsieur le Chef de la Rédaction au 6ème bureau.:.3B73B7CE-5437-4F22-92F1-A5F9B65E764F •|• “Algerian cock” for the fishes follows. Eye is your Gallo Pinto: pura vida 2009; actual snapshot in this particular frame is 6/11/2019.

The Yannick files… only on

BITCH, i am a gift… look it up, said Eye. But seriously, monsieur Le Préfecto de la Polizo, you make Mme. Hidalgo and the Entire cadre of Parisian lawyers look bad; as in not gOOd, let the InterWebs translator for la Loi Toubon explain:

The make–up artist

La redacción de la Sexta sección de la Prefectura de París es un maquillista de DATOS. ISSY (motherfucker) context for the fishes follows.