And Emma Peters… What if Eye was Romeo in Black Jeans

 2004 / 14 / 06 \ 14 \ 2024
It’s a festevus miracle!  

The Pope walks into a bar, hilarity ensued back at the ranch in Pierre when the Nazis from Natchez strolled onto the Capitol of a puppy-killing—goat-sacrificing Governess in the lower of the Tú, —Dakota’s.

In local news, not to be outdone by John Mulaney in L.A., the Pope in Rome (that motherfucker!) will have Whoopie, and Évry motherfucking stand-up comedian-nes is in Rome. In ROME, Perrine, in Rome… now that, that’s Amor, eh! The event will end centuries of INCELS at the Vatican once Bergoglio has Whoopi with Goldberg.

In honor of Francisco getting down with Goldberg, the Lorde, herself, will grant Catholics (those motherfuckers) a funny bone with some elbow grease and a pound of Humérus from one of Eve’s baby back ribs.

Still to come, where in the world is Ferguson, today? Probably speculating about Joe Biden being a terrible Mussolini supporter in Saint-Vincent (Aosta Valley, Italy).

What a difference six months makes, on the university TENURED track…

Sources close to 2014, following the demise of Los Angeles and Big Trouble in Little China Town relay that Alanis Morisette finally grew tired of Francisco’s prayers and goD herself put some humor on the Dogma, at the event, Cardinal Glick was front row with the drummer of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers in the blistering sun…

And, Perrine Stormed³, the Jean Doctor has left The Valley, Issy, he’s got a Mavericks sticker on his Cadillac, and he could care less about young Americans trying to be pimps with 50¢ in their Jeans, génie 🧑‍🎤, period.

³~. Please be advised that in honor of the greatest military feat since Independence Day in 1996, Perrine’s nomENclature has been fortified to Nato specs.

Ah, yes… The C.A.F. — Nice, you people remind Mí of Ol’Dirty Bastard

Is that a red nose, deer… or are you just lit’up 🦌 again.

Por 30 monedas…


Orly Fans… 🛫 only, it’s a Festevus thing, Ewe and Jerry would not UnderStand.

… and, Abraham, Ewe force-KIN CUTTER Jew, have a Happy Knew Jeer.

The Most Wonderful Thyme of the Jeer. Jo, Jo, — Ho.

The Jeer in review follows.


Extra pineapple on that vinyl for Marjo

Breaking 💔 news, Marjolaine Kaltenback rejects piñas³ on her dough… minute 27 Witt 15 seconds is the exact time when Marjolaine Portier-Kaltenbach  stuck her slender fingers 🤌🏼 through my chest and she proceeded to rip my heart from an empty hole that my main pump was resting on. Pizza Lico°rice is what Da’Kaltenbach (which is Kraut for Cold-ass Creek) ordered, ‘LICORICE’ on a pizza, now that is just a slap on the anchovies next to the Marguerite 🍕.

³~. Mexican lies.

https ://www.radiofrance .fr /fip /podcasts /club-jazzafip /un-peu-de-sucre-dans-votre-jazz

We don’t need another dentist

In Paris, France, Louis Pasteur just got the vapors! Pasteur, an ananas lover would not comment but it was clear that there is not enough cheese in France to replace a single dice of pineapple on that pizza slice, man!

Across the Seine, —fuck, that is classified, For Yer’ Eyes Only.

It’s interesting, Bi’Bring, that… never mind, it’s beyond my pay-grade and far beyond Yer’handout.

Merry christ-Más… and don’t forget to brush your teeth even if you don’t know which pizza to order. Above all, remain an anti-dentite.

Ewe Slut Productions présents:

Radiohead… have a nice night, Ewe beautiful ones.

Eye saved Willie Geist — And Mika Don’t Care

Over at The Rainbow Lounge, Está FANIA Rhules, she just invented a new alphabet and the letter AITCH just got promoted to number Eleven.

🌬️ 5 d’Enero 2023…

I’ve Seen That Movie, AUSSIE… En París, FRANCIA, ya es el Día de La Rosca, pero en HILO, HAWAII, allá en Hilo, sigue siendo el CREPÚSCULO del 6 d’Enero, SIN ALOHA, and Alex WaWa… Please relay to Ali Vitali that the 9th letter in CASTELLANO, es decir, la ache, is always MUDA, unless the THIRD-letter (SEE) precedes, it!, Period



A fellow member at The place Where Évry body knows your name had this thought a few, Theys, ago:

Can’t We All Just Get a Bike?… with a bag of bazooka 🌬️ bubble 💨 gum in the 🧺.

User 1:

1781American Revolutionary War: Richmond, Virginia, is burned by British naval forces led by former American general 🇺🇸 Benedict Arnold 🇬🇧.

— An intelligent person is someone who surrounds himself with stupid people who will do the work and he will be the one who takes the credit, the gifts or the money.

1822 – The government of Central America (🍌 ANCHURIA 🍌) votes for total annexation to the First Mexican Empire.

~. In this particular user’s universe women don’t have or deserve a place in the hierarchical structure.

El intel y, gente. — AND in WASHINGTON, D.C. today is NATIONAL BIRD THEY, and to celebrate, an opportunist WARhol, helps a black bird help Campbell’s 🥫 Soup stock. Profitez, motherfuckers, profitez.

User 2:
—What you are describing, my friend, is an ‘opportunist’, and not necessarily an intelligent person.


This is Why Eye, hates the ‘Sixties’ and Eric Clapton, but especially Campbell’s 🥫 Soup.

HEIL Hydro 🧬 genes 🧬!!!

LoREM ipSUM Groundhog They


MARA 📰 GAY: anybody can bring up SONNY BONO, but Eye keeps reminding you bums at the Babylon II Times, show your connections to THE BACON, “Babe”.

By the time The Sun Comes Up, dhu, dhu, dhu 🌬️🍌 Shequi Tita.

Do your homework, bitches:

—1994 – Tip O’Neill, American lawyer and politician, 55th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (b. 1912)

A¹, B², C³, CH, D⁵, E⁶, F⁷, G, H⁹ 

~. Eye ⛷️ Got 🌲 Ewe 💀, Cher.

—1998 – Sonny Bono, American singer-songwriter, producer, actor, and politician (b. 1935)

And, Alicia Menéndez… Eye is SIRIUS and Ewe, of all calle (🙊) ocho Marielitas (🦇) de La House that Bacardi built knows that en 🇪🇸 Castellano 🇪🇸, the letter 💃🏻 aitch 💃🏻  is number NINE, number NINE, number nine ♾️


It’s 10 a.m. in Central Auschwitz Times*

* Ask Mika, she can confirm with the New York City Mayor.

Opportunist fucker that Larry David is, he (that motherfucker) wasted no time in warppin’ Jason in the Form of Alexandre (Georgie Constanza) to take over the dearly dePart.Ed, Alexandre Desourmont. It’s all part of the literary summit at Château Vincennes, via La Quai d’Orleans (Paris, Centre; Mystère Productions and a grant from Donnie Deutsch)