Extra pineapple on that vinyl for Marjo

Breaking 💔 news, Marjolaine Kaltenback rejects piñas³ on her dough… minute 27 Witt 15 seconds is the exact time when Marjolaine Portier-Kaltenbach  stuck her slender fingers 🤌🏼 through my chest and she proceeded to rip my heart from an empty hole that my main pump was resting on. Pizza Lico°rice is what Da’Kaltenbach (which is Kraut for Cold-ass Creek) ordered, ‘LICORICE’ on a pizza, now that is just a slap on the anchovies next to the Marguerite 🍕.

³~. Mexican lies.

https ://www.radiofrance .fr /fip /podcasts /club-jazzafip /un-peu-de-sucre-dans-votre-jazz

We don’t need another dentist

In Paris, France, Louis Pasteur just got the vapors! Pasteur, an ananas lover would not comment but it was clear that there is not enough cheese in France to replace a single dice of pineapple on that pizza slice, man!

Across the Seine, —fuck, that is classified, For Yer’ Eyes Only.

It’s interesting, Bi’Bring, that… never mind, it’s beyond my pay-grade and far beyond Yer’handout.

Merry christ-Más… and don’t forget to brush your teeth even if you don’t know which pizza to order. Above all, remain an anti-dentite.

Ewe Slut Productions présents:

Radiohead… have a nice night, Ewe beautiful ones.