¡Dios mio!!! La Bestia pide LA Alternativa

DIEZ de el mañana en Biarritz, Francia.

Oreja y rabo

¿Será limón, será sandía (LABS) será el traje de luces de un mexicano feo‽ Dear, Lorde!!! Sam Stein is uglier than Silverio Pérez.

Issy, Siverio no cobraba su sueldo, y lo único que El Faraón pidió cuando el “re malo” de la Ciudad de México le preguntó lo que Silverio deseaba del compadre del dueño de la CTM fue, “un güisquito”.

Wake mí up when el llamado “mes de la patria” en Balard, —ends.

It’s 2046 and Bernardo Jared Gómez Azcárraga es el par de Donald Trump Junior en la Cumbre de Las Colinas de Colima, en dónde los jefes de gobierno DISCUTEN el reparto de minerales y recursos no renovables. la cumbre se lleva acabo en tiempo Real (de 14) en la sala de “fiestas” Alejandro G. Ignaratú.

La antesala

La antesala de Miss May–ehem.

Deer, Emily Larson (AP) never mind The Moto KaKas

They go together with The Toledos. Ask Gustavo what WHY the “JIRIBILLA” en el discurso de Donald Trump, in which that motherfucker winks-winks at his brethren White Supremacists is part of his subconscious short-circuits, and What it  means.

incubation charts

Incubation charts follow. China regulates gestation.

Aussi, Australia is the Enemy and never mind the MISS–iLes from our best FRIEND, little North Korea.

Coming Up on KILL BILL:

Quentin Tarantino laughs at Bruce Lee’s saltamontes.

Viva The McKelligon Canyon Amph's

Viva The McKelligon Canyon Amph’s… Now in its 41st Season. Only on KLAQ 95.5 fm

And Deeeeeeer Lorde!!!

The Steins are multiplying!!! Samuel is spreading it’s its CONTAGION through Stanton St. and Los Montes de i–10 and Geronimo.

Meanwhile, at the Bridge of the Americas, Andrés Manuel López Obrador issues out a MEMO, whereas, by the Power given to the El Paso City Manager, Mexico City will receive 100 percent of the Trolls under that bridge, as opposed to the 99% of the TOLLS that the Mexican Federal Government collects from all of the OTHER BRIDGES THAT “chihuahuitas“, who shop at Sunland Park’s Mall, have pay in order to cross to El Chuco.

Vehicles with FRONTCHI license plates report a 5 to 6 hour wait time at all the fucking bridges leading up to the El Paso CHECKPOINT, and a ZERO-second wait time on the Mexican side when BRIBING HI–Tariffed everyday Contraband  and Military Grade Arsenal for the NarcoBusiness from both Washington D.C. and “el Antiguo Distrito Federal” ; either way, the Mexican Federal SIXTY–Year Aduanero system makes a killing every day, and it makes it WILLIE GEIST, on the backs of ALL of the BCP/BCC* card holders who remain invisible as they clean, serve, construct, produce, and SPEND little’ol Mexican Pesos (en Ingles) at Walmart.

*Border crossing permits, it’s like a French Récépissé for EXTRAGNOS en Estados Unidos.

“…[L]ooked so good, Jack couldn’t let it go.” — Love in an elevator, followed

Señor, Carlos Slim,

News of the Day

News of the Day.

… [L]o bueno d’este tan intrascendente blog es de que su piche LADA no aplica, pas.

“Cuando veo caer la totalidad de la hermosísima flecha, decido regresar a casa. Su desplome fue sobre el altar principal. Llamo a La Jornada. En la televisión mexicana pasan las imágenes del incendio. Se trata de un atentado contra la civilización.”

Lada sin costo

lada sin costo… para Salinas de Gortari.

« ¡llámele! »

Vilma Fuentes
La Jornada


TimeStamp… o cómo dicen los muy regios en La Sultana de Juan Pablo II: cuando cae el Veinte.

Now, you might bee asking why this matters?

It’s the Behavior, and Heilemann gets a cookie. Sam Stein on the other hand gets a cracker, because he’s ugly. Ugly like a Mexican on a Spaghetti Western ; and y’all know what follows: FASCISM!… which in American English in OHIO translates to Banana Style Corruption, —Florida style ; sponsored by Huawei.


Dear, PFC (promotable) Stein…

Paris—Pont de Sully
… 75004

Sammy, My Boy!

Text Follows… TimeStamp: 1200hrs. CET —_— Fair use of CWO-2 Williams, and MSNBC.

Congratulations on your recent promotion to Private First Class and for your recent PCS* move. Be advised that we [the staff] saw your most recent interaction with CWO–2* Williams during his Staff Duty Segment at the 2300 hrs. post where Cpl.* Barcelonnetto noted that you also had a chance to conduct a SitRep on the “Jekyll & Hydeiness” of our current Commander-in-Chief who, far from being worthy of one single fake tooth from General George [our first Commander-in-Chief] Washington chompers, instead we reckon that our current N° 45 is more kin to all of the madness of King George… Our first excuse to go to war.

We [the staff] learned that you transferred from that paper pushing cushy S1 unit at HuffPost HHQ* and that you’ve moved to an S3 training depôt. Hu-Ahhhh.


Coming this Christmas: DONALD JOHN TRUMP: the movie… Uso justo de las noticias en los archivos de las películas por los Interwebs.


Field Manual courtesy of Uncle Sam expeditions.

Support Operations; source FM 6-0 and a personal “Ticket for an ETS“.

S1: Unit dedicated for handling the administrative needs and issues of troops (personnel), pretty much manila folder handlers trained to use a an M-16/M-203 and experts at setting up inert (for training purposes only) Claymore mines. Tactical exercises usually include setting up a field tent in front of Brigade Headquarters (especially if it’s raining) or practicing how to wear a Nuclear Biological and Chemical war-suit while conducting some stressful activity such as having a bowling competition or playing baseball, in some cushy units they even incorporate a round of golf and sip ‘mimosas’ to account for the Field Task: conduct a “how to” drink from a standard issue 1-quart military canteen, trainining session.

S3: Unit dedicated for scheduling the training exercises for all line units at the battalion or brigade level, responsible among other important duties, such as, providing (live) target practice devices to line companies, and making sure that the S1 units have their ‘pretend’ Claymore mines training kit. Quite possibly, the most chilled and independent (no micro managing) post an ETS* soldier can hope for.

CWO-2: Chief Warrant Officer (pay grade level 2… Usually just referred to as ‘Chief’. Like waters swirling in Estuaries, these cats flow to and fro, and usually to the beat of their own beat. In the U.S. Army, chief warrant officers are not really Officers, in the same sense that a Lieutenant would climb thru the pay-grades or, in the same set of experiences that an Enlisted recruit would go thru on his or her way to becoming a Sergeant Major. Nope, Chief Warrant Officers are a mix of salty and fresh water environments; like Estuaries, can you dig it? CWO-5 Dan Rather, comes to mind, if you at TRMS know what we mean… CWO-2 Williams was a CWO-3 and was on his way to being promoted to a CWO-4 post, but after a helicopter incident, he was demoted to his current position, notwithstanding, and following the 2016 General Election in the United States “of” America, CWO-2 Williams earned a promotable status with the help of Staff Sergeant Nicole Wallace, who put in a good word to the Brass at MSNBC to stretch Chief Williams 1/2 hr. show to the whole 60 minutes mark.

CPL.: Corporal Rank, basically the same as a Spec-4 (specialist rank) difference being, that the CPL is one step closer to becoming a Sergeant. Corporals usually earn their stripes in the Field -or as the French say, en bivouac, while the SPC uses his book knowledge in Garrison to get out of guard duty, kitchen duty, and other entry level rite of passages in the Game of War, aka the military.

SITREP: A situation report.

PCS: Permanent CHange of Station.w

ETS: The 12 month period that precedes The End of a soldier’s time in the Regular Army… per Army regulations, this stage in anyone’s military career [EXCEPT YOUR DONALD J. TRUMP, commander-in-chief DOES NOT COUNT] is referred to as the End Term of Service.