A.I.? … that platform owes Mí an essay — Ketch-up

I think I’m Turning Japanese… i really think so.

https ://www .rollingstone .com /culture /culture-features /texas-amchatgpt-ai-rodeo-clown-instructor-flunks-students-false-claims

Issy, Alex Wagner … Le Guizamo’ un güevo es el próximo Francis Bacon 🌡️for Taco Tus Theys en Hilo, Hawaii… where it is Primetime on the Eve of the Feast of the Ascension in Maui… “Tú da’Moon, Alicia, tú da’Moon ».

Let me (Armando Segovia / Armando Serrano-Prieto) first remind mister Rob Courdet (of Made in France, fame… the sound~Cloud) that what his dumb-ass is about to ignore is a draft of an officially censored investigative report about The Year of Mexico in France and The Institute of Mexicans Abroad, at least that was the track until The Ministry of The Interior 🇲🇫 under Manuel Valls and the Secretaría de Gobernación 🇲🇽 of Alejandro Poiré and Osorio Chong labeled me as a persona nada grata, Greta.

With that in mind Rob at fip .fr, what might seem to your Ojos de Perro Azul as a diatribe, is in fact a bibliography in real time, and unlike Artificial Intelligence, which takes it’s cues from data readily available on the interwebs, my entries are usually ahead of the news cycle. Take your First Lady for example, mister Rob, I began my monologue about her well in advance before the (alleged) Hitler youths beat the living chocolate out of her grand-nephew.

https ://rmc .bfmtv .com /actualites/police-justice /violences-contre-le-petit-neveu-de-brigitte-macron-des-agresseurs-presumes-temoignent-sur-rmc _AV-202305170057 .html

For the record, if you continue to ignore my “diatribes,” then I will have no other option but to include [later in the programming] a cutline on under a snapshot there-by closing the circle with Bruno and Sophie Menou reading from a menu at La Fourmi Allée on a late-Septembre afternoon.


Meanwhile in ISRAEL 🇮🇱… Le président mexicaine, Andrés M. López O., rappelle au gouvernement israélien l’extradition imminente de l’ancien responsable [et fugitif Tomás Zerón] lié à l’achat du logiciel espion Pegasus et l’affaire Ayotzinapa.

https ://www .jornada .com .mx /notas /2023/05/17 /mundo /memo-lasso-dissolves-National Assembly-ends-impeachment-against-him

… while that takes place, I (Armando Segovia / Armando Serrano-Prieto) would first like to apologize to Professor at Princeton University, Eddie Gloude Jr., mostly for as he puts it, “annoying” the former Senator from The Great State of Misery in Saint Louis, Missouri, Claire McCaskill, while she celebrated the Victory over the Boston Red Sox yesterday night on the Deadline Washing~Thon Show with little Nicole Wallace.

Notwithstanding, o como dicen los muy franceses, nonobstant  Senator McCaskill, nevermind FLORIDA, or COLORADO, or Texas, and here is why Professor Gloude, the next time that you give that “context” to your students at Princeton U., as Claire suggests (and I am sure that you do, too) that “the closing of American minds” as you so eloquently put it last night is the mold to which I have been put through ever since I CALLED-OUT a former presidential candidate from that West Texas Town in El Paso, for the conflict-of-interest between his wife and a powerful group of bi-national elites from Chihuahua, Texas and New Mexico; not to mention that “gun-walking” program dubbed “Fast and Furious”, or even the coverage of that “Venezuelan wetback wannabe³” Luis Posada Carriles; and of course, most recently, THE PEGASUS affaire which, like the gun-walking program, I had figured out long before la bendita AFP/ AP/ EFE/ and even NPR had a clue of what was happening under their significant other noses, I just didn’t have the official nomenclature of the LAYERS 🇮🇱 in 🇮🇱 that  🇮🇱 CAKE, yet…

Cus’, this is Thriller! Now go get yer’ fucking shoe-shine box. ATLANTIS ✍️ follows.


Sin Embargo! Raquelito, I did have them donkey’s hair on my hand (yo tenía los pelos de LA BURRA en mano)…

³~. An illegal-immigrant charge was less severe than the TERRORIST charges that the anti-Castro militant would have had to face if the son of his former boss, George Herbert Bush (CIA) had not appointed the “SON of A Wetback” to clear Luis Posada Carriles name for the sake of National Security.


A funny thing happened on the way to Japan…


Where were we wüera?

Ah, sí… with Claire McCass, give it up Claire, and bring your twin sister along with that Amy from Minnie-Sota.

“Blind, deaf and dumb”… Act i (Recycle Facilities)

… way out on the other side of the spectrum, beyond Space and where no Star shines, the only sensible identifier is, of all digital things, a constant modem screeching sound mixed with white noise on a Short Wave frequency—if the Black Hole to get there doesn’t turn your spirit inside out, this god forsaken sound will definitely split your soul into smithereens.

[The beings
… inside of the Recycling Facility they float like dried up dandelion flower heads fancifully wafting away in fields buzzing with pollenating bees and setting the scene while prompting a depletion of antihistamine supplies at the village‘s pharmacy. In this dimension, however, these beings have no senses whatsoever, they are blind, deaf and dumb, they lack the capacity to appreciate how sublime they manifest themselves to a carbon based monkey with 20/20 hindsight, because like Siri, they are the product of another carbon based civilization that thought that artificial intelligence was “good for business”, a win–Win innovation for anyone with a significant amount of quids to invest in that most innovative of technologies.


”Sowing the seeds… time to eat all your words, swallow your pride, open your Eyes

30-07 (desoxyribonucleiquiando ácido… un día como hoy)

La personalidad de acuerdo a un ente artificial


Fair Use of an artificial psychologist found in the Mexican Media | Uso justo de una máquina que te lee los dedos por las teclas que tú oprimes. Watson, un sistema de inteligencia artificial dice que me conoce mejor que tú, y que Morena.

Es inevitable, si lo tuyo es mantenerte atento a los acontecimientos que van marcando la historia de México, —desde el extranjero— a lo mejor a ti también te será casi imposible el que no se te atraviese algún titular, de algún ex jugador de la liga del antiguo fútbol mexicano.

Es así, como el pinche “piojo” entra a mi blog, fiel a su apodo, hace que —¡otra vez!?— yo me vuelva a rascar la cabeza.

Según dice Andrés Manuel López Obrador, al pobre cabrón también le hicieron complo’ —al “piojo Herrera”— no al señor de Macuspana. Ahorita yo no estoy tratando de pensar en don Andrés, esos ya son otros pedos, y a parte, —por si fuera poco— son unos pedos bien delicados. Continue reading