Week 33º — page tú, Fo’ Nein!

In local news, Hip-hop is moo’vin owN Up!

Later on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron will address the French on the failed Police/Security Training of the Afghans by the Eisenhower Farewell Address contracting crowd… cualquier parecido con La Gendarmería de su antecesor, François Hollande (en YuCANtan) is a figment of my imagination.

Over at “Les Figaro Weekend
N°23 944 Première édition
samedi 14 – dimanche 15
The very French think that The Taliban « étudiants en religion », are defying “l’Amérique”…
—and Eye is nothing more than spitballing here Sirene Claire—
because what the Very French seem to disregard like [you know], Buffon disregarded that motherfucking fly-on-the wall…
[A]gain, Sirene, i’m just brainstorming here, eh, so don’t shoot the editorialist²

Over at The Rainbow Room Lounge on top of the peacock coop, Andrea Mitchell (Oct. 30, ♏️’46) is killing all of THE HITS of Mary J. Blige’s 1992 debut album , “What’s the 411?” —_*!*_— ² “Aux portes de Kaboul, les talibans défient l’Amérique »key word here to focus on is the Frenchdéfientuse of the 3rd person plural del presente. You know, as in: the taliban did not wait for the future (el mañana o el fin de las 72 horas para la evacuación de las embajadas con mujeres promiscuas, por decir) to paint-over any form of advertisement that depicts their property, —you know— woman, in a WESTERNLY fashion. In other words, Mr. Adrien Jaulmes (page 6 and 7 of the International section of the above mentioned Figaro del fin de semana de L’Assomption de Marie, 2021) to them, to those « students in religion », Ewe and Eye are the same, regardless of how many advancements in the past 20 years The Taliban has made in the field of diplomacy; they are not visiting Paris because they are already talking to Qtar. Would you like Mí to circle them tangents FO’ youse?

Following the fifth consecutive anti-vax manifestations [some of which are moonlighting as unofficial French Presidential SOAP BOXES¹] the Paris Tourism and Music, and Arts and Culture, and all that Jazz committee is taking over La Plaza de los Dos Teatros del Pueblo en Châtelet. The event celebrates the Assumption of Mary—Maryquite Contrary.

¹ https ://www .bfmtv .com /societe /extension-du-pass-sanitaire-la-manifestation-organisee-par-florian-philippot-a-paris-s-apprete-a-partir _VN-202108140122.html

Unbeknownst or, as French people say, “en cachette” for the average player, the 411 around the block is that today’s “ASSUMPTION” will be one filled with AFGHAN-Grade mélancolie after the Règie de les Plages de Paris learned that Mary J. Blige (CAPRICORN ♑️ 1971) would not be part of the inductees invited to THE ASSUMPTION into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

And knot to ruffle any feathers, but the U.S. Census 2021 confirms what Liz Ricketts (ibid.) was relaying just a few Theys ago [when Rachel Maddow moved the lines] that indeed, Dead White Peoples clothes are rising in thrift shops across the U.S. The decline of Whitey is prompting crazy Okies from Santa Barbara California to hop on the crazy train.

••• gonna go get some tacos… bee right back.

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