“Americana” that was paraphrased, as a protest.

Hey, Negrita!

Nevermind the chihuahuese under THAT bridge… he is a César DUARTE operative (Ruta México 2010).

Warning: if you are easily offended, Öüï not only recommends that you curb your WHITE GUILT on the spot, but that you also [kindly] get off of your high and might horse.


🎶 Shame on a nigga who try to RUN game on a nigga.


if you happen to be a HOUSE NIGGER like the one named  Clarence Thomas at the Supreme Court of The United States of America, then your lovely r/HOT WIFE knows exactly why THE WORD “nigger” resuscitated on the Third THEY¹, went up to heaven², down to hell³, —over to the purgatory and most certainly to that other joint called LIMBO, and told all you MEXICAN motherfuckers at the OCDE, to go fuck each other at the 15ème Division de Montparnasse. Serge Gainsbourg is waiting for you sons of bitches with Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.


The Niggers are out but The Woman can stay… Go ahead, say it! Say that I am the racist for telling you how things went down at the Country 🏌️ Club as the National Rifle Association “MASTERS ⛳ Cup” was on the streams 🎻.

https ://en .as .com /other_sports /2023-masters-at-augusta-national-day-1-recap-n/

¿Y su agüita de limón de qué sabor se la damos, güerita?

Dear, Jonathan Capa-corazao’ … Be happy that the two black expelled Tennesseans didn’t get charged with RAPE!

In local news, following the raid by The Police at the roof of the Falafel House during the 9th Edition of National Sports They, a radical nigger who went by the name Jesus of Nazareth, a known basterd’ in the “garde à vue” bistro circuit was placed under a rest, yes Ewe read correctly, Jesus was placed under a rest, and then the nigger was CRUCIFIED at [I shit you not] MOUNT BALDY, which is CALVA if youse latin, or GOLGOTHA Hills if you follow the Aramaic section of El Ey…

Gospel-singing divas at the site relay that at around the Sunset, and for the first time since that incident with the Elders in Egypt, the Superstar had not felt betrayed by the PSG.

PSG is a great club and a great family, but it is certainly not Kylian Saint-Germain.”

Kylian Mbappe.

https ://www .reuters .com /lifestyle /sports /mbappe-distances-himself-psg-promotional-video-2023-04-06/


…Amen, my nigga! Amén.

Over in Finland, a tale of Tati-bag-tottin


La coincidencia entre la visita del presidente francés a China y la de SU PAR de Taiwán a Estados Unidos hace más difícil que Emmanuel Macron escape a la “lógica de bloques” entre Pekín y Washington. Beijing denuncia una “provocación” estadounidense y promete represalias. 

³… ToºTéºMíºCAToºTéºMíºCA!!!


Cuentos Chinos en Tennessee, vía “Poderoso Victoria”. And Live from San José de Las Panochas, it’s “Atando Cabos”.

Tennessee… this is how Freedom dies. And now the Death of American exceptionalism and the Re-birth of A Nation.

https ://www .facinghistory .org /resource-library /outlawingopposition


Tuesday’s Gone, Happy Gilmore… tus they’s, —gone.

Classified liners.


For the record, let the Florida Federation of French Francophiles know that our correlations are KNOT necessarily designed to imply causation. With that in mind, keep on crapping on a Golden Toilet and flush the seat-paper liner with your load.

Aussi, I don’t select the news cycle, I only see the preliminaries ahead of the drop³, such is the case of that American Relic from the other THEY at that Réel 2023 film compétition at the Georges Pompidou Center… 🚽 📹 🎸.

https ://www .cnews .fr /videos /france /2023-04-06 /reforme-des-retraites-THE NEW GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE CGT SOPHIE BINET REFUSES TO ANSWER CNEWS

³~. Or as the old Chinese proverb DICTATES:
Before the shit hits the fans…

There’s Something About Dom, she’s probably just Moonstruck over that “average little devil ».


We find La Kerschovas whipping the Fin’s Special Forces into shape, not that the Fin’s Spec Op’s éléments need to be whipped into shape, but Denisa just got wind of the competition at The New School of The Americas en Churubusco, and Denisa is not about to let the Fin’s Special Forces be outdone by “los mamones tostados” de John Leguizamo en la pa’lte latina de América en Chapultepec.

https ://www .radiofrance .fr /franceinter /podcasts /geopolitique /geopolitique-du-jeudi-06-avril-2023

That’s Bull, frog!

Now, if miste’l L’esidente from Pue’lto Rrrrico is knot reading this, then he should know that Benny Blanco from the Bronx is the one who snitch your Tigres del Norte moonlight act.

With that in mind mister Lengüizamo, allow Mí  to be the first to relay to Ewe lo que dice Pedro Navajas:

 [L]adies in Gemini, la version dominicana de MAC THE KNIFE 🔪 just boarded “la lancha”… Chanoc is already grilling a ‘los tiburones’ y en especial a TINTORERA 🦈.

https ://www .imdb .com /title /Pedro Navajas/ Acapulco Eternal Siesta / cut

Cigarros de Hong Kong.

… Get Back to the top of ToTéMic’s abstract at the top of the page and jump to OJUELA 🛤️🌉🧱🧱🧱🌉

Entonces…all roads lead to Farm Road 2169

Anyhow, Madame Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Socialist-Fr., the following is a LEADING QUESTION:

Do you, Madame Mayor, support RAPE, or any other sort of micro-agressions, especially when these involve retribution for Politically Charged DIALOGUE?

Because if you don’t, Madame Mayor, then perhaps you should grant me, armando segovia, an audience, before things really-really derail and then BFM TV wonders how “the situation room” at Emmaüs got so out of control.

It should go without having to mention, IT!, but unless you [the non-reader of this blog] are in on the joke, like Willie Geist’s ophthalmologist is, then the fact that don Pablo Bartolomé was a Segovian by birth¹, should precipitate what follows in the next segment of my exclusive coverage of a lienzo that Öüï likes to call:

And in the role of Laura d’América, el tipo este: Antonio Banderas.

Entretien avec un vampire… no! Wait—scratch that…

https ://www .animalpolitico .com /2021/07 /loret-de-mola-comparece-caso-cassez-vallarta/

And you know, Roger, I too sketch the portraits of French presidents, the difference is that you and I do different things, por ejemplo, Mr. Pérez, this portrait is that of President François Holland, with the added CONTEXT of his then Minister of The Economy and current General Manger of the Paris All-Star at Vincennes’ First 150 Anniversary of La Commune. 🗣 93D326FC-8449-459D-BB32-1E161E3FEC29 🎨 From what i gathered from our exchanges over the past 4-years, 2 since i began to notice your portfolio of faces from the homeless, and the down-and-out on the street (two separate castes in the French system) is that you, “paint people from the street, as well as the portraits of the Presidents of La France”, my response is —so What?
—What is the context?
Are you romanticizing the misery on the streets?

Armand, at le Thèâtre de Vampires, already registered that coven (punto y coma) so let’s transliterate the subject to the following:

¹.-)~ Or so he [don Pablo Bartolomé] told me when he first read my name on the list of SDF’s accredited to enter a very exclusive place in the heart of Châtelet where it should go without mentioning, Evry body knows your name.

Hoy no hubo Jazz. And, it should go without mention, that “I feel fine”, period

Key word here is “foreign legions”, not local why-no’s.

The Revolution Will Not Be Brought To Ewe by The American Priest at Saint–Estauche!


https ://arstechnica .com /science /2021/07 /tennessee-has-gone-anti-vaccine-state-vaccine-chief-says-after-being-fired/?amp=1

and You must remember this, i did mention 4 days ago that THAT ship was approaching; i’d draw you a picture of “the 1690’s projects”, Joy-Anne Reid, but i am too damn tired and besides, true-to-form the street wasted no time in letting me know that MADAME HIDALGO is happy to look the other way… let’s see what happens in another 4 days, Pablito.

1971… Öüï don’t needs know stinkin’ badges, like the Détente (C’mon Tennessee 💉🦠🧫, support National Vaccine[s] Day!).

Intermedio entre Independencias y Revoluciones

Chapter Tree… The Sun also rises on Reiser

And Alicia Menendez… a llegado la hora cuchi cuchi….  Di MARÍA; 22′ GOOOOOOOOOL, ¡y de sombrerito! Una bonita jugada para Galeano, a huevo que sí. — Fin de la primera mitad score is: Good PSG 1 – 0 Bad PSG //// Loss of Signal for this time-delayed update for Saturday, July 10 (Hilo Hawaii) is in effect.

Synopsis: let Mí think about, IT! But “Never gonna let you down” is next on the DJ track-blacklist straight from La Place discoteca and brasserie

And Baby Blue, in Yello’ to They, KAZPR [won’t let Mí lie], or some Graf Frog doing his thing right now on my wall (it’s mine… i am taking it home) The Supremes [🎼 Ewe can’t Hairy, Love]are discussing your Porno [BongBum🎶] on the Capitol Hill sketch.

And Prof. NIKOLE Hannah-Bee–Jones, you know one alone can’t write this up. TENNESSEE is passing by (18h46 CET), followed by The North Star, check the log.

con jugo de Lima de limón,

“Yo te prefiero, fuera de foco… NOW EYE KNOWS that the world is coming to an END. Check it out, Madame Hidalgo, your Plagues Régie thinks that he has an imagination, but he doesn’t. Allow Mí, to explain, IT!, for you. Now, Madame Hidalgo, Eye knows that your tourism board has seen Forrest Gump. Even the good people of the Pôle-Emploi à Evry have seen Forrest Gump. Any-hoot, Madame Mayor, your communication director might remember that scene (and your Armée de Terre might collaborate) where rain falls on Forrest from all directions, —even from the bottom-up, like The Good Reverend Al Sharpton explained to Nº 46 at the Top House. KNOT THE case in Paris! Every-body from Antony knows that rain in Paris must fit the cookie-cut straight down pour, especially on all poor sons-ov-Bichat, but not today, today the rain fell with a West-leaning slash; picture the Red Baron approaching nose FO’ist from La Dèfense hacía El Arco del Triunfo. I, armando segovia, TROUly bee-lieve that this is the Fault of Freddy Krugger… you are knot foolin’ anyone Dizaster 156! You think that dyeing your red strip Indigo Bleu is going to hide your spray?

In•deed Lindsey, IN-deed… Eye knows that there is a time difference between the ticker-tape’s over there and the river-tags across the street, but Mr. Velshi, what am Eye, an Android? Tomorrow means tomorrow, now pass that color Yellow and and let’s look at les IDÉES del Mundo de Le Monde, it’s part of the Shhhhhhh! Be vegui-vegui-Quiet and keep your mouth on shutdown mode, especially if the year is 39, on pages 28/29.

But nevermind the Pios, or as the French say, “C’est Si Bon”, « les archives du Vatican et les silences de Pie XII—frente al nazismo ».

Brian May is relaying to the “Motherlode¹” Bob the Plant, that Italy needs to go down just like Brazil should (later tomorrow) en La Copa América… ISSY, never mind Las Malvinas.

¹-.) A “lode” was originally a stream of water, but by analogy it became a vein of metal ore. Ask Webster, or that other French fellow, little Robert, Eye believes that that is what the ‘natives’ here call that wordsmith.